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I drove to the police station just thinking as rain hits my car windshield and the windshield wipers are wiping the rain droplets off. It's raining pretty hard.

Why is Pedro so damn stubborn? Why doesn't he just listen to me? Why doesn't he just hear me...

Damon is a damn ceo of a fucking law firm, he can literally ruin Pedro's life. If he would have just listen to me, he wouldn't be in jail. We wouldn't be in the situation.

My phone starts ringing... I see it's Damon's number... his job number.

I grab the phone off the passenger seat and I answer, I put it on speaker then i put it back on my passenger seat.

"Hello?" I say pretending like I don't know who it is.

"You know I can ruin your little boyfriends life right?" Damon says calmly but I know he's pissed. I can feel him smiling over the phone.

"Dammit damon can you give us a break please."

He scoff and "innocently" laughs. "No baby I can't do that, he came to my job and tried to kill me why would I do that."

I roll my eyes. "What do you want from me? Don't you think you've done enough to me."

I say really over it and over the conversation.

"Break up with him... and I won't ruin him..." he says seriously.

I scoff and laugh sarcastically. "Your joking right?"

"No, I'm serious."

"Damon that's so fucking immature, are you that desperate. I mean I wasn't the one who cheated. Let's remember that." I say

"I miss you baby, I promise I'll make it up to you." He says seductively over the phone.

I laugh in disbelief and disgust.

"Awww baby that's sooo hard to believe. Your so desperate for me. It's over between us let it go." I say teasingly but also kinda raising my voice getting upset.

"I'm never letting you go." He says firmly but seriously then hangs up the phone.

What the fuck...!?!

• • •

I make it to the police station and I find a parking spot putting my car in park. I get out my car walking into the station making my way to the front desk.

I tell the officer I'm here to bail Pedro out, the hand me a clipboard to sign some paperwork and then I can bail him out.

I sit down in the wait room writing down all the paperwork.

I'm gonna kill pedro once he's bailed out I promise you.

• • •


One of the officers walks up to my cell and unlocks it looking directly at me not speaking but a few seconds later he finally speaks.

"You just made bail buddy, the front desk will give you your things." He says chewing gum then he opens the cell door letting me out.

I walk out the cell and he closes it locking it behind him guiding me to the front desk where the waiting room is. Once I make it there my eyes land right on y/n who sitting in the waiting room... she doesn't look happy.

I kept my eyes on her and I gave her a small smirk.

She just kept a straight face staring into my soul. She usually smiles at me when I give her a smirk... she's really pissed.

Once the officers finally gives me my things. Y/n gets up and storms out of the station.

I follow behind her but in a walking pace. Once I make it out y/n is already in her car. I walk up to her car and go to the passenger side and get in the car.

I shut the car door putting on my seat belt. I look at y/n and she doesn't even look at me. Like at all, I need to break this silence it's making me uncomfortable.

"Y/n can you just speak to me, yell at me, punch me. Do something you know I hate the silence treatment." I say looking at her. She still doesn't say anything.

She puts on her seat belt and starts the car pulling out the police station parking lot and driving off.

"Your so fucking stubborn..." she says look at the road.

"What." I say a little relieved that she finally said something.

"You fucking heard me pedro." She raises her voice a little. We made it at a red light. She finally looks at me.

"Why are you so damn stubborn huh? Why didn't you just listen to me." She says really pissed waiting for an answer.

"He talked bad about you he treats you b-" she cuts me off.

"FUCK PEDRO!" She yells.

The light turns green, she looks back at the road.

"You never fucking listen to me... you wouldn't be in fucking jail if you just listened to me. I DONT CARE ABOUT HIM ANYMORE JUST FUCKING SEE THAT!!"


She's laughs in aggravation.

I scoff.

"Are you really fucking laughing right now." She looks at me.

"You know pedro if you really cared about me. You would listen to me and listen to my feelings instead of doing your own thing and Damon could fucking ruin you."

"I... DONT... GIVE... A... SHIT..." I say the words one by one.

She huff biting the inside of her jaw.

"I guess I have to do what's best for you, to protect you from all this..." she says softly as voice cracks.

I start to get worried.

"What, what the fuck are you talking about y/n."

A tear falls down her cheek but she doesn't answer me.

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY!!" I say raising my voice making her jump.

She says it... the words I never thought I'd hear.

"We're done, you give me no choice."

"W-What?" I say as my voice shakes from screaming.

"I'm only doing this to help you and protect you okay. I don't want this but it's for the best."

I look at her and I don't take my eyes off her. She doesn't even look at me.

• • •

I stare at her the whole ride and we finally make it to my place. She pulls into my driveway then puts her car in park. She doesn't even look at me, she just waits for me to get out.

I break the silence again. "Don't do this y/n please." I say putting my hand on her thigh.

She pushes my hand off.

"It's done pedro it's to late, now please just get out."

"But-." I try to say but she cuts me off again.


I clench my jaw and I get out slamming her car door behind me walking straight into my house.


• • •

A/n: damn... that's just happened huh!! How do you guys feel?? Do you think she's doing it to protect him? Or do you think she didn't have to break up with him. STAY TUNED FOR MORE!!!!

The Man At The Bar  •Pedro Pascal•Where stories live. Discover now