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It's been weeks since I saw Pedro. The look on his face from that day hurts me, but I'm doing it because I care for him and I want to protect him.

But if he wasn't so stubborn I wouldn't have to do what I did those few weeks ago... we wouldn't have been in that situation.

Of course I didn't tell him what Damon said because that would just piss him off more. I mean he barely listens to me anyways. So really what's the point in telling him.

One part of me regrets it everyday because I miss him, his humor, his laugh, his sweetness... his love. I miss everything, but another part of me thinks it for the best. If that keeps him safe that makes me happy.

As long as he's safe.

• • •


I'm laying in bed and I haven't got out the house since y/n broke up with me.

I was just protecting her. Showing her that if anyone fucks with her I'm gonna be there to fuck 'em up and that I don't care if it ruins me... only if your safe, protected and loved like you should be, that's all I care about.

There's something she wasn't telling me though. Why she wanted to protect me? Did she just want to leave me because of Damons toxins that fucks up his mentality? Or she was tired of my shit and just let me go?

I have so many questions... I've called her, messaged her. I even went to her house a couple of times. I know I said I haven't been out the house since that day but still... I haven't really been out.

But anyways she doesn't answer. She ignores me and it kills me knowing that she hears me but isn't listening.

Only if she understood why I did it. She thinks I don't care about her feelings when I truly do. Why doesn't she understand.

I miss her. I miss her smile, her scent, her energy... her love. I miss everything

I want her back. I'm gonna get her back...

• • •


I'm with tess but I'm at her house. She yelling at me about my decision that day and honestly I'm not even listening. I just can't get that look of pedro off my mind.

The way he looked so heartbroken. Like I broke his heart. I've never meant to I was just trying to help him.

Why doesn't he see that.

Before I could think any further tess snaps her fingers in my face to snap out of my thoughts.

"Hellooo? Earth to y/n?" Tess say completely annoyed.

"Hm?" I say not looking at her when I finally get out of thought.

"So your not listening? Wooow y/n. You know your really fucking annoying me."She's says getting up clearly done with the conversation.

I finally look at her when she walks off to the kitchen.

I sigh and I get up following her.

"I'm sorry tess, it's just I can't process right now I feel like I fucked up."

She laugh sarcastically holding her cup of coffee.

"Clearly you did, only if you understood why he did it." She says taking a sip of her coffee.

I scoff.

"Okay then tell me." I say furrowing my eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"Because he fucking loves you. If someone didn't do what he did, they don't truly love you. You know he would ruin his whole life for you. One day he told me that. He said he would do anything for you... even if it ruins him. It gives him peace knowing that he protected you and cared for you everyday and not having one thought about his decision. He makes it and he stands by it, that's all.

I sit there in shock. That sounds so much like pedro that it's scary. We've only been with each other for a month and he's already making life changing decisions.

"I didn't know that..." I say looking at feet.

"If you would've listen to him y/n, pedro has reasons to everything he does."

After hearing what Tess said I couldn't breathe. I just let someone go who truly doesn't care what happens as long as I'm okay. That's real love.

I know I've known Pedro for only a month but I felt like I knew him forever.

I started to hyperventilate and my heart started racing. I felt like bursting into tears, why didn't I just listen to him? Why did I let my anger take over.

I fall to my knees crying. Tess runs to me getting to my level hugging me tight.

I hug back and speak through my cries.

"I love him tess and I can't believe I did that. He looked so heart broken when I told him." I say crying into her shoulders.

"I know, I know." She says rubbing my back.

I let go of tess wiping my tears.

"I have something to tell you."

Tess looks at me with worry.

• • •

"We have to stop him y/n we have to." Tess say getting up off the couch.

"I know Tess, I just don't know what to do. Damon is a ceo of a law firm, he can literally ruin me and pedro."

"Well, we can find something against him. I know Damon isn't a good person and he's very toxic. So we can most definitely find something. But we need pedro."

I sigh hearing his name.

"You wanna do this or no." Shes asks

I respond.

"Let's do this."

• • •

A/N: I know this one is short, but I had some time to make a quick one. I'm gonna make more I promise. I'm just working now so I'm busy. But im gonna make more, IM GONNA DO MY BEST. Love ya muahhh😘

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