You Make Sure I Always See th...

By Music_Geneva38

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A Coffee Shop AU about Ranboo, a new student to the city and university, stumbling across The Crows Roost Caf... More

You Make Sure I Always See The Daylight
We Will Always Live Forever if We Don't Look Back
Have Faith That You're Not Alone
You Saved My Life, Make It All Alright

Into The Wild Again To Face The Great Unknown

19 0 1
By Music_Geneva38

The next few weeks go by in a blur to the young man, he is so caught up in adjusting to a new routine he had been thrown into that time passing barely occurs to Ranboo until the rent notice came. Staying up late into the night studying had taken its toll on his sleeping schedule, not that he had much of one to begin with, so he had taken to stopping by the cafe each morning for a tea to compensate.

Phil and a beautiful raven haired woman worked the early shifts, she quickly introduced herself as Kristin and both would prepare his tea perfectly. Usually it was waiting for him to pick up the moment he walked in once they knew his routine. Sometimes the orders were even waived, if either of them saw him down about something they would tell him it was covered with kind smiles. They certainly didn't have too, he couldn't imagine the amount of others who received the same treatment and what a loss it ran. But they both seemed so happy, they radiated joy and put a grin on his own face with just how damn welcoming they were.

He couldn't deny the cafe was quickly becoming a safe space, he found himself more often considering staying late one night to study. He hadn't dared to come back after the last time when his laptop broke, his mind constantly telling him he should only rely on himself, why break out of what he knew to be safe. Ranboo wasn't experienced with having friends, his tales the only thing he needed for comfort.

The one draw of going was Tommy refused to leave him alone and kept insisting he should come back to hang out, saying he shouldn't overwork himself and actually have fun for once. Tommy, Tubbo and himself had taken to having lunch together when they were all at school, finding a quiet spot outside on the property to eat lunch while laughing loudly. The pair had grown close to Ranboo in a very short amount of time, he found his thoughts wandering how they were doing more often than not.

It had even become routine for them to text everyday; Tubbo offering sweet good mornings while Tommy's messages came across ringing with his personality, filled with promises and threats if they didn't hang out besides during school. Ranboo truly wasn't sure how to deal with the aggressive affection they freely gave, offering tentative kindness back while they slowly broke down his walls.

It was the last Monday of the month and his mail had just been delivered, he had about an hour before his first class of the day. The letter opened in front of him had sent his heart racing, turns out no matter how much he planned unexpected expenses were draining the savings faster than he would like. He didn't have a true grasp at the cost of providing for oneself after moving out and was now considering looking into a part time job, just the weekends, to at least provide his grocery money. He still had enough saved to cover the rest of the lease, but having some income would relieve his other anxieties.

Finding a thumb tack he pins it to the corkboard by the door, giving it one last long look before leaving through his front door after gathering his backpack. Jiggling the metal knob twice after locking it, his brain telling him to just make sure it's secured, Ranboo then takes long strides to the elevator to leave for university.

The sun is shining bright as he exits, plugging in his headphones he slips them over his ears. Today he had brushed his two toned hair into a low ponytail, planning to stop by the Crows Roost Cafe for his cinnamon vanilla tea. He passed the same bookshop he went past everyday, realising the plus side of getting a job meant he could finally go in there without guilt. The well loved covers displayed in the windows called to be leafed through, finding a new world to fall in love with. Some series truly felt like homes to him, stories created comfort for the boy and once he got regular income maybe he could get a new one to reread many times.

The sign for the Crows Roost Cafe was a happy beacon to the tall boy, ducking in the glass door as the chimes of bells greet him merrily. Kristin is bustling behind the counter alone this morning, still busy but not crazy like sometimes it was. As Ranboo glances over the chalkboard like he isn't going to order the same thing he always does, he sees a new sign taped to the side of the menu.

A now hiring sign catches his attention, offering weekend shifts with flexible hours surrounding exams and above minimum pay. His mood lifted, he hypes himself up to casually inquire to the lovely woman serving peoples coffee with enchanting laughs and greetings. Working her magic on all that enters, each person leaves with a handcrafted drink and a better attitude. She is dressed in a black shirt and navy jeans under her forest green apron. Emerald earrings dangled from her ears, light makeup highlighting her natural beauty and her silky night-shade hair in a high ponytail with a few streaks of white like falling stars.

Soon, it's Ranboo's turn at the till with the bright yellow daffodil beside the register, brilliant and colourful like the pastries on display. The blooms had become fewer over the time he started coming, the remaining buds still as cheery as the sun outside. The ethereal woman gives him a dazzling grin, turning to grab a hot cup and paper bag.

"Good morning, Ranboo! One cinnamon vanilla tea and an apple fritter, your usual!" Kristen gave him a cup with a smiley face drawn on the side and neatly folded pastry bag before winking. "My son told me he is now paying for your breakfast and the only way to stop him is to come by after classes to hang out here."

"Dammit Tommy." Ranboo mutters, smirking. "I take it this deal is something I can only discuss with him in person."

Her dark eyes twinkle as she gives the same mischievous look her son perfected, clearly a family trait, nodding. "He insists that your hang out happens this weekend because some of his friends are going to be gathering here playing Minecraft and he wants you to join."

"I'll send him a text that I will accept his invitation." Ranboo takes a deep breath and checks to make sure he isn't holding anyone else up, seeing no one behind him in line he turns to Kristin once more, pointing to the hiring sign. "I don't have my resume on me right now, but I would love to come by tonight and drop it off if the position is still available."

Her eyes widened a bit before she gave a thoughtful look with her lips curved up, holding up a finger before disappearing into the kitchen. Ranboo fidgets, taking a sip of his tea while awaiting her return, tucking the pastry safely in his backpack. A few more stressful moments pass before she returns with Phil, who looks very pleased to see him. His blonde hair is tied back today, beard trimmed neatly close to his skin. One emerald earring hung from his right ear, wrapped in gold, matching the pair his wife wears.

"Hiya mate! I heard you were looking at the job posting?" Phil's accent was a calming balm on his nerves as he tried his best to look eager. "Done, you are hired, I'll take it down in a moment."

Ranboo's mouth dropped open, stuttering a bit. "Just like that? You don't want my resume?"

Phil waves it off, looking at his wife with the most lovey-dovey eyes before returning to the tall man's gaze. "We were hoping one of the kids we knew would apply. You seem like a good one Ranboo, I would love to bring you on."

"How many hours are you looking for?" Kristin had pulled out a notebook, holding a pen overtop a clean sheet.

"Just the weekend, I need the weekdays for studying." Ranboo mentioned, watching as she wrote it down. "I can start this Saturday, if that works for you?"

"Sounds great, that's when I was going to offer your first shift, we can discuss pay and all the intricate details later." Phil reached across the counter offering his weathered hand to shake, which Ranboo wraps his thin hand around his, going through the motion. "Welcome to the team Ranboo, now I know you have class soon so if you are okay with it; we can grab your number from Tommy and I will text you our contact information."

Ranboo glanced at the clock on the wall and it startled him, now only having half an hour to get to the school. "Works for me, I didn't realise how much time has passed, shoot."

Phil and Kristin offer waves as he rushes for the door, profusely thanking the couple. Things had taken a turn for the better, though he was running later than he planned to class, for the first time he looked forward to training for his new job. It had worked out much better than he thought, he would be forever grateful to the lovely people who had taken an immediate liking to him. The city felt more and more like home each day, a completely new feeling to Ranboo. It was really nice knowing there were people who wanted him around.

The rest of the week passed quickly before Ranboo woke up early for his first shift, deciding to braid his coal and cloud hair as he prepared. Packing his laptop into his backpack for the plans after the day, he had confirmed with Tommy the gathering to play Minecraft in the evening with the others. Tommy had promised to bring a few friends together, some names he recognised from the excitable blonde talking about them besides Tubbo, who also promised to join. Fundy and Sam had also expressed interest, they were going to come by with a few others too. Ranboo was nervous about meeting all these new people but he also was looking forward to it, expanding those he spoke with might be a good step.

One Hundred Years by Five for Fighting was the soundtrack of choice today, feeling reflective. The walk to the coffee shop was only time for one song usually, today he spent the time absorbing the idea of finally letting those who had wanted to spend time with him in. He had spent so long without it, perhaps it was time to move on and try to make friends beyond Tommy and Tubbo.

As he entered he realised he was still half an hour early and two new faces at the counter threw him more off, his sense of time was never the best. A curly haired brunette with liquid chocolate eyes met him through big gold rimmed round glasses, offering a cheerful smile. The man was nearly the same height as Ranboo, which is a very rare case, his face very similar to the other shorter boy behind the counter.

Both were full of angles but the pink-haired man's were more harsh, his gaze more closed off than the brunettes. His hair was pulled back in a long braid down his back, ears full of multiple golden piercings. Dark, almost mahogany, brown eyes stared down Ranboo, both were wearing the staple forest green aprons over tshirts and jeans. The lily-haired man returned to reading the old book he held, occasionally still looking at the lanky boy.

"Hey! You are the new guy right?" The brunette called out to him with a deep sonorous voice moving round the counter with an open stance, holding his hand out. "It's great to meet you, it's surprising our paths haven't crossed sooner. My name is Wilbur and the smouldering bastard is Techno, don't worry, once he gets used to you he will stop the intimidation act."

"It's not an intimidation act." His rumbling voice echoed tones of Wilbur's, though he had much less of an English accent. "Just assessing."

Wilbur rolled his eyes before returning to Ranboo, who reached out to shake his hand. He remembered from conversations with Kristin and Phil these were their oldest twin sons, both had spent time with one parent in different parts of the world which explained the difference in accent. The family used to travel a lot separately with the jobs they had before, one parent and one son living in far apart countries from the other pair. When Tommy was born the family decided to live in one spot for a while, they settled here to open the cafe and have been staying here ever since.

"Tommy has spoken about you a lot, I am glad you are the one who applied for the position! We are going to take turns training you today, but you are early so do you want a drink first? If you are an employee you eat and drink here free, our parents insist."

Ranboo was consistently surprised in the best way by the couple, dropping their grasp and nodding. "Cinnamon vanilla tea please? I am just going to sit at the table and work on a project until it's time to start."

"Sure, no problem!" Wilbur moved back to the counter while Ranboo went to the same booth he spent that first night in.

Settling down he pulls out his laptop and the book he had chosen for his report, one of his English classes had it due soon. There were only a few minor finishing touches and edits, he figured he could complete it before the working hours started. Choosing an old favourite of his that he knew front to back, the assignment was easy to complete. Placing the worn edition he had of Treasure Island beside his beat-up computer, he starts editing while occasionally daydreaming staring at the cover of pirate adventures.

This book was one of the first he remembers reading, which kicked off a lifelong love of the tales of those who roamed the sea stealing and treasure hunting. Some of his very amateur writing as a kid was him setting off on a similar journey, giving up land for the rolling waves beneath a weathered boat with wind tugging at his hair. Fantasy was his favourite genre, exploring the worlds of others' creations was a nice escape from everyday life.

"Good book." Techno's rumbling voice surprises him from his imagination, jumping at the man who had suddenly appeared at his side. He lets out a small chuckle at the reaction, placing a mug down on the table with an apple fritter on a plate. "I have been told I move too quietly, my apologies."

"No, no, it's okay. I am just a jittery person, especially when I am lost in my own thoughts." Ranboo replied. "Stories are just so much better than reality sometimes."

"That I can agree with. We will have to discuss this more when you start between customers, not many people walk in here with physical books anymore." Techno gave a tentative warm look, before music started blasting through the cafe speakers and his face soured. "You will have to forgive Wil, when there are no customers he takes the suggested volume levels as a taunt."

The song that rang through the speakers was not one Ranboo recognised but he did enjoy it immensely. "That's okay, I usually work better when listening to music."

"Be happy you are here when it's just Wil, the only thing louder is Tommy when he is also here arguing about what to play next." Techno said this all with a dry tone, but affection shone in his eyes speaking of his brothers. "Anyways I will leave you to your assignment, enjoy the breakfast. Tommy told us your favourite pastry if you are wondering about the fritter."

Ranboo's heart felt cosy at the thought behind Tommy frantically texting his brothers to bring him the baked goods, though he was sharp it hid just how considerate the loud blonde was. He dug into the warm food and drink, finishing the project quickly. There wasn't too much left and he finished with five minutes to spare, packing away his things before gulping down the last of the tea, placing the mug on the plate and picking it up after slinging his backpack across his shoulder.

Walking over to the counter now it is only Wilbur there, who takes the dishes from him while gesturing to the apron folded on the counter. "Alright, get that on, I will show you where to put your things and record your time in and out."

Ranboo pulls the apron strap over his head, making quick work of the buckles so it hangs well, pulling his braid from under the string to lay flat against his spine.

Wilbur leads him in the kitchen where Techno is preparing portions of food for lunches, showing him the break room that held five lockers. Going through the motions of showing him where everything is, Wilbur makes the tour fun cracking small jokes and singing along to the music as it comes on. He shows him the door that leads up to Tubbo and Tommy's apartment and the back exit most employees used to enter, though it didn't matter which he used.

The same band played that Ranboo didn't recognize when they moved to the front of the cafe. Wilbur was deciding what to show him next the boy decided to ask. "Who's the band you have playing, or song name rather? I really like their style."

"This is Do I Wanna Know by the Arctic Monkeys, if you want any music suggestions I have a ton!"

"Sure, sounds good. I like many different genres but am always excited to hear more."

"What's something you have on repeat right now?" Wilbur looked curious, both of them had gone wildly off track but no one was at the counter where they stood.

"Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears right now, on my way here I was also looping Sign of The Times by Harry Styles and Dancing In The Moonlight by King Harvest."

Wilbur nodded approvingly, picking up a cup while he walked over to one of the drink machines. "You and I are going to get along very well, my new friend, great tunes I also like!"

The brunette pours himself a coffee, gesturing him over to come learn how the appliance worked. The rest of the morning passes quickly, Ranboo shadows Wilbur as he serves customers while Techno makes the food orders. The man was unbelievably friendly, similar to his mother, but had a brash tone that rang of his father. Both brothers had the same dry sarcasm Ranboo had heard often from Phil, the couple times he had to go into the kitchen Techno even cracked a few jokes while making servings.

Overall the beginning half of his shift went very well, even if he made a mistake it was a gentle correction to show him the right way. Wilbur shooed him off for lunch, a potato and garlic soup made by Techno warming his palms as he stared once again at his laptop. He had decided to sit in the main part of the cafe for his lunch, the break room was nice but he enjoyed the fresh atmosphere of his booth surrounded by flowers and greenery.

Some places he had worked in the past were a stickler for making the employees eat in one place, this job had already blown his expectations out of the water in many ways, another being they let them sit anywhere. He was initially nervous about meeting their oldest sons but both had embraced him with such sweetness, it was clear the whole family were gifted with making complete strangers feel welcome.

The soup was wonderfully seasoned with garlic and chives, he devoured it quickly while staring at the next assignment he had on his list. The wording of it confused him, he had left it towards the bottom of the pile to antagonise over later, but unfortunately that later was now since he had finished the rest and he still had no idea what it actually wanted.

His face pinched while he reread it for the fifth time as Hayloft by Mother Mother beat against his eardrums, letting out a low growl of frustration. Sliding the bowl out of the way he placed his forehead on the cool table top, dreading starting this. Since it was the weekend his teachers probably wouldn't answer an inquiry email, so he could work on this all the way through Monday before realising he missed the concept entirely. He pulled the headphones back to hang round his neck, not wanting them to fall off when he straightened up.

"Ranboo, you good?" Wilbur asks from the counter, to which he sits back up and throws his hands up dramatically.

"These teachers write for a living but these instructions are about as clear as if they were in another language." Ranboo pointed at his screen and Wilbur shakes his head, laughing.

"Oh I know, some of the professors are just not coherent about anything." Wilbur comes to his table, glancing to make sure no one was coming to the door before looking at his computer. "Oh god, I remember this assignment when my brother was doing it, English Lit right? I'll grab Techno, maybe he can offer insight."

"It's alright, if he is busy I don't want to bug him!"

"Ranboo, he is probably back there absorbed into a book, it's fine I promise. Let us help, yeah?" Wilbur finished before going to the kitchen.

Looking at the confusing project, he relented. Ranboo just hoped it really wasn't an annoyance to Techno. Soon the twins joined him once more, Techno sliding into the other side of the booth and placing a brown volume down. Wilbur was right, he was just reading in the downtime between customers. A few had come in but mainly wanting drinks, Wilbur told him on weekends their busiest time was morning and late afternoon so now they could be a bit more laid back.

"If there's anyone I can take care of them, you prepared all the ingredients for dinner already right?" Wilbur asked Techno who nodded, dragging the computer over to his side to peer at the assignment.

"Oh, this one." Techno huffed, before scrolling down to read over it and explaining as he went. His eloquent words made much more sense than how the teacher had phrased it, giving pauses for questions which he answered carefully.

Ranboo's lunch went by taking notes of what the young man with the long pink braid said, resolving now that he understood it better to finish it tomorrow. It was more complicated than he thought but hearing how Techno interpreted it helped a lot. Soon he was closing the lid of the computer, offering a thankful nod to the man across the table.

"I appreciate the time Techno, thanks. That makes a lot more sense now."

"No problem, kid." He says, giving a small smirk as he stands. "Now, it's time for you to learn the kitchen tasks so follow me."

Wilbur had taken to singing loudly along to the tunes while he wiped the counters of the front area. Techno gave him a level stare with a small upturn to the left corner of his mouth before they went to the kitchen area, Ranboo disappearing to put his stuff away in his locker before joining the man. He was a patient instructor, making sure the lanky boy felt confident with what was expected before moving on. Thorough and serious but no less enjoyable, Techno's quiet humour came across in the best moments with his dry sarcasm.

There was a steady amount of orders over the afternoon but Ranboo never felt the pressure, Techno insisted the man could take his time to make sure it was good and the customer could wait. Quality was better than quantity, with Wilbur showing all the charisma cards there were little complaints.

The sun began to fall and the time grew since the last customer entered, Ranboo was nearing the end of his shift with one hour to go. All three workers had gathered behind the counter, Techno and Ranboo enjoying tea while Wilbur sipped on coffee with an obnoxious amount of whipped cream. Techno surprised them both by being the first to speak since they arrived to relax here, glancing at Ranboo.

"So tell me what your favourite book is, kid."

Oh that was easy. "Treasure Island."

Techno seemed to approve the answer, motioning with his hand for Ranboo to elaborate.

"The idea of being off on your own adventure with no responsibilities besides the clothes on your back, sailing into the deep blue sea. Things that are impossible in this world are so fun to dream through any media; songs, novels, movies, any way people choose to share the craft of lore telling." Ranboo excitedly explains, both twins intently listening. "The reality of this being our day to day life, it's less depressing to sink into created fantasies where anything is possible."

"Exactly!" Techno says enthusiastically, before drawing back a bit and clearing his throat, cheeks pink. "I mean, I prefer a made-up reality to the current one."

Wilbur looked between the pair before giving a soft chuckle. "You two are way more alike than I thought, you will fit right in here Ranboo."

"Thanks." Ranboo rubbed the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed by his excited explanation.

Wilbur's phone buzzed where it lay on the counter, he swiped it open before placing his mug down, typing out a message with both hands. "Seems the child wants to come hang out and asks if the cafe is empty enough to do so."

"Tell him it's so busy he will only be walking into getting dragged onto shift on his day off." Techno answers quickly and Wilbur rolls his eyes, before the pink haired man lets out a chuckle. "Alright, tell the gremlin to come on down, I'll go grab my laptop."

Wilbur nods, tapping it out quickly before meeting Ranboo's odd eyes. "You brought your computer, right? I'll let you off early this once but don't worry, I'll make sure you are paid for the full shift, I know a guy."

Ranboo offered his own giggle to that, following Techno to the break room where the other man pulled out his own messenger bag. They walk back to the seating area to see three faces Ranboo knows and two he doesn't. Tommy towers above the group besides another darker haired blonde, Tubbo at his side coming up to his shoulder. The two people Ranboo doesn't recognize turn to meet his gaze, the long-haired brunette offering a wide smile where the tall blonde gives him a once over.

The small brunette is wearing a blue and white striped sweater with a bright red beanie, skinny jeans. They barely came up to Ranboo's sternum. The other tall blonde beside Tommy is in a violet hoodie with a ufo on it and jeans, headphones looped around his neck.

The one with the red beanie sticks out their tiny hand, Welsh accent ringing in their voice. "Hello Rainbow, I am Aimsey!"

"Tommy told you my name was Rainbow didn't he." Ranboo said, narrowing his eyes at the blonde who gave a wicked look. "It's not actually, it's Ranboo, but whatever you prefer."

"Oh sorry, Ranboo! Somehow that doesn't surprise me that I was informed wrong. Our quiet friend here is Purpled, I hear we are here to play some games?" They held up a laptop nearly as big as their torso with an excited look.

"Hey Boo!" Tubbo greeted him happily before turning to Aimsey. "Yea, it's been since last semester that none of us have played on the same server so we figured we could include Ranboo on the new launch. Fundy and Sam said they would come by later, perhaps with Niki, Eret and Foolish too."

The group moved some tables to be pressing against each other, creating one huge flat space for them all to sit down at. Each pulled out different models of computers, setting up for a night of fun. Ranboo felt a bit guilty that he wouldn't be doing any schoolwork tonight, but he promised Tommy he would participate. He really looked forward to getting to know the people here more and those still yet to arrive.

Many different stickers surrounded him, various bands or games he had seen in passing coated the lids of the students laptops. Tubbo sat at his right with a very clean laptop besides a pixel bee that stuck to right beside his trackpad.

"I like the bee sticker." Ranboo tells just him, their words drowned out while the others discussed what seed to use and various topics besides. "How chaotic should I expect this to become, Bo?"

The nickname came easily to him, both had adopted using unique ones for each other early into their friendship. "With Tommy around, take your usual expectations and send them through the roof on a rocket, don't let them come back. Last time we were on a server he pissed off another guy we used to play with until he moved back home and it evolved into this whole war. Make an enderchest and safe space for treasures early, but don't count on him not sniffing them out."

"Oi, you aren't talking smack already are you?" Tommy accuses the mumbling pair, which Tubbo gives him a look.

"Boo deserves a warning to what you like to cause on multiplayer games Toms." Tubbo fires right back at which Aimsey and Purpled nod their agreement.

"If you need anyone to come kick his ass, call me. I'll do it happily." Purpled said, which Tommy turns his burning glare to him.

"I can take you anyday, bitch."

"Oh yea? Last time we tried I seem to recall winning." Purpled responded confidently, which Tommy sputters at.

"You got lucky!"

"No, no, you got it all wrong." Techno interrupts, joining them at the tables. "If you need anyone to beat Tommy, you ask me."

"This feels very targeted." Tommy huffed which everyone laughed at.

"You set multiple bases on fire or annoyed very powerful people last time Tommy, you must see how this comes across."

"You all don't deserve my presence, I am a delight." Tommy sneered, loudly clicking on the keys in front of him.

"Tom, how about we try to get along this time?" Wilbur offered, coming to the table to begin handing out orders, two mugs in his hands.

"You were the one who wanted to start a drug empire!" Tommy launches at the curly haired brunette who giggles.

"Drug empire?" Ranboo questions aloud, wondering what the hell he had gotten into.

"It is a very long story I can tell you next time we have a shift together if you would like." Wilbur told him, going to get the next round of drinks.

"You better let me explain my parts!" Techno claimed, opening his own device. "We had a bunch of lore improvised around it, quite a lot of fun actually."

"Time for season two!" Tommy declared as five new people walked through the door of the cafe, the bell jingling loud to announce their entrance.

Ranboo moved to get up and help Wilbur if he needed anything before he noticed Tubbo waving to them, settling back down. Sam and Fundy came into view from behind the other three, each offering a smile to the seated group before they all went to order from the curly brunette boy who looked happy to see them.

A light-pink haired woman joined the seated group first, wide caramel eyes warm as she walked up to Ranboo holding her steaming drink. She wore a black top with a rose on the front, tucked into high waisted jean shorts showing off the tattoo of a frog just above her knee. Both sides of her nose were pierced, she had a very sweet face as she radiated peaceful grace.

Her musical voice with a German accent greeted him with gentle tones, holding out her delicate hand. "Hello, my name is Niki, you must be Tommy and Tubbo's new friend. It is very nice to meet you!"

Each of the three Ranboo didn't know now stood before him after joining Niki, a very muscular man with night-black hair and a tall ethereal being with flowing curly chestnut strands that brushed slight shoulders. All were dressed in similar casual clothes, the muscular boy in a t-shirt and gym shorts and the brunette wore a long flowing skirt and buttoned-up white shirt.

"I'm Foolish!" The muscular man said in a higher voice compared to the others, practically bouncing as he enthusiastically shook Ranboo's hand. His face was very striking, handsome and strong features glowing positivity.

"My name is Eret, I am glad to not be the new one here anymore." Their deep voice teases with an English tone, giving a kind grin which lit up their pretty face. "I look forward to getting to know you better."

"It's nice to meet you too, I do look forward to getting to know you as well! I'm Ranboo." He couldn't find it in himself to be nervous anymore, everyone here just seemed so nice. Yes they all knew each other before but they were making strides to make sure he felt comfortable, it was appreciated.

Another pair walks in the door but these are people Ranboo immediately recognises, Phil and Kristin came into the cafe with happy looks. Kristin walks to the counter to begin helping Wilbur with orders while Phil comes to where they all are sitting, pulling out his own laptop and sits beside Techno. Ranboo didn't realise his new boss would join them but judging by everyone's casual attitude this happened before.

"Hey mate, how did the first day go?" Phil asks Ranboo, meeting his blue eyes with his odd ones, waiting for his computer to awaken.

"Good, it went really well. Techno and Wilbur showed me how to run the counter and the kitchen which seems relatively straight-forward. Just getting more confident with it now which only comes with practice."

"Take all the time you need, it can be overwhelming on busy days so take your time or if you need to step away for a moment, let us know. I would rather you be sane than stressed." Phil assured, before looking at Techno. "I knew my boys would teach you well though, we often only have them working over the weekends so having you will help take some of the load off them. Just let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

Ranboo nods before his attention is drawn back to the new faces at the table, Niki meeting his eyes with a curious look. "What are you taking at university? Tommy mentioned you were in the same year but not what you were attending for, if you don't mind my curiosity."

"It's fine, I don't mind sharing. I am currently enrolled in taking a major in film production and a minor in English literature. How about all of you?" He looked to each of the newer people, his own inquisitive nature showing as all attention was on him, wanting to return it to others.

"I am a third year major in Horticulture and am Tommy's mentor for his minor in my subject, that's how we met." She gives an affectionate look to the sharp blonde, who melts under her eyes. "Good kid, if a bit loud sometimes."

"I am from the same year, but my major is landscape design." Foolish piped in.

"Same, but I am attending for an astronomy program." Eret offers, before looking at Purpled. "He's my first year charge, same as Niki and Tommy."

"The stars are fucking cool." Is all Ranboo gets from Purpled, he seems to be absorbed into whatever was on his screen.

"I am also in Horticulture but I am the same age as you lot." Aimsey gestures to Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled and Ranboo.

"Cool, cool. Such a wide variety of courses." Ranboo comments, before turning to Techno. "You mentioned English literature but are you taking a minor too?"

"In psychology, it is very interesting."

"Oh yea, I suppose we never did tell you about our education, huh." Wilbur comments, dropping two mugs down for his father and twin brother. "I am a third year Music student with a focus on guitar."

"He would never tell you but he actually has a band that's had some local success." Tommy outs him, which the tall man blushes at. "You should give them a listen, his band is called Lovejoy, I will put the files on your phone myself if I have too. Or Tubbo will, cause I don't actually know how, but for the sake of this threat pretend I do!"

Ranboo holds up his hands in mock surrender before handing his handheld to Tubbo who finds a wire in his bag to hook his phone up with to the brunette's computer. He faces Wilbur again, who gives a tentative smile with wide chocolate eyes. "We spent all day talking about music and you don't bring up the fact that you have your own?"

"It feels odd to promote myself but yes, I do. We have done a few small gigs but nothing huge, still feeling out our sound." Wilbur fidgeted while he talked, a fond sound to his tones.

"Feeling out our sound he says." Techno rolls his eyes before fixing his twin with a steady stare. "Wil it's great music, be proud of it."

"You won't believe me because I am your father, but I agree with no bias." Phil chimed in, meeting his youngest son's eyes. "Tommy, did you set up the world yet or do you want me too?"

"I got distracted." Is all Tommy has to say before Phil gives him a love-filled sigh, turning to his own screen again.

"Alright everyone, give me a few moments. Are we just seeing whatever happens if we load a random seed?" Phil raises his volume to address the group gathered, all give various agreements.

The tranquillity is interrupted by Tommy leaping from his chair. Giving a mischief-filled look to his brother with curly brown hair, he dashes for where the radio is behind the counter. Wilbur seems to catch onto what he intends to do and follows, protesting.

"Tommy, no, we don't need to play my music out loud for new ears."

"It deserves to be heard, you bastard, therefore I am going to play it. Besides, Tubbo has already finished putting them on Rainbow's phone, right Tubs?"

"I gotcha big man, just finished with the last song." Tubbo says as he unplugs the handheld, giving it back to Ranboo.

Three new EPs are loaded into his library; Pebble Brain, Are You Alright?, and Knee-Deep at ATP by Lovejoy. Another album joins his new additions, labelled Your City Gave Me Asthma. A few more stand alone songs are listed below, all under the name Wilbur Soot. He makes a mental note to listen to them all later, pushing his phone back into his pocket.

Kristin is already waiting with a matching look to her son, blocking her oldest from joining the blonde behind the counter. "No Wil, I agree with the rest of them. Let us enjoy your work, I will truly go stop him if you feel uncomfortable but let us be proud of you. It's well done."

Her tanned hand reaches up to cup his bright red cheek, giving a small squeeze before turning to the room. "Anyone want food? I can whip a few things together for anyone who wants any."

Wilbur shuffles back, giving a few more looks to Tommy who is standing with a victorious look while plugging in his phone. A few others ask her to make something for them, Ranboo joining in by asking for a grilled cheese.

"Alright everyone, I will post the server address in the discord so you all can access it whenever. Ranboo, I am going to need your user to add to this group if you are okay with it?" Phil asks Ranboo, who quickly tells him his, being added soon after.

Wilbur and Tommy come back to the table to join while they open up a new world for the first time, Wilbur taking the second last seat beside Niki with his computer. An extension cable is laying in the middle, with a few plugs already in it.

Fundy gives a wicked smile, meeting Ranboo's eyes from where he sat on the other side of Niki. "Hey Ranboo, wanna pull some pranks?"

"Hmmm? Do my ears hear trickery being planned without me?" Eret cuts in with a similar look, Ranboo offering his own smile as the playful side of him takes over.

"I am always down for a little fun."

"I am immediately moving to somewhere isolated if that's the tone of this game." Techno sighs, Ranboo saw the teasing look even as he protested. "Wanna join me Dad?"

"Sounds good to me, Techno." Phil agrees, clicking one last button. "World is open, let the chaos begin."

Ranboo's old computer protesting loading into the new area, taking a bit slower than the others around him. Soon the cafe room rang with laughter and loud accusations, the beginning rough but filled with fun.

Techno and Phil did immediately what they said, taking off to find seclusion from the rest of the enthusiastic server members. Wilbur and Tommy followed after them while the rest started to clear the main area to set up bases.

Sam offered to help Ranboo with getting any materials he needed, apparently the man spent long hours on each world so he would soon be rich with resources. Eret, Aimsey and Niki began to build cute buildings as the others gathered materials for them, listening as Techno protested his more energetic brothers encroaching on his territory. Death messages filled the chat of Techno repeatedly killing his brothers but they were persistent, both whispering to themselves as they assaulted his chosen spot with wry grins.

Foolish found a desert area and declared it home, rubbing his hands together as he talked all their ears off about his Summer Home plans between the screaming of the brothers. Apparently the man was quite the builder and had this whole vision for Egyptian style structures, intending to dedicate similar hours to Sam to construct it.

Purpled immediately took off for the nether to gather materials, preferring to gear up over helping them build. He still promised to bring some goods back for the rest, but his intent seemed to be items first. The rest seemed unphased, this was just what he did. He had a quiet persona around him but a sharp wit that bounced Tommy's insults right back at him, grinning as the boy declared a rematch once they found each other again on the server.

When Niki and Eret finished some basic houses they each discussed their own plans, Eret wanted to build a huge castle while Niki wanted a bakery. Hearing all of their creative ideas set Ranboo's own imagination running, happily asking questions to the group of friends. Tubbo joined their conversation by promising to help with redstone if they needed, Sam voicing his agreement to assist too. Aimsey decided to build a treehouse nearby, filling it with various flowers all of them had gathered, trading items for new species as they all explored their new dimension.

The hours passed too quickly as Ranboo enjoyed time bonding with his new friends, realising just how much he had begun to care for each person here. Tommy and Tubbo for their insistence on being his friend, Wilbur and Techno for easing his concerns about a new job, Phil and Kristin for being so welcoming and so on. Aimsey was such a kind person, Purpled held affection behind his biting remarks, Foolish's energetic approach was inspiring, Eret, Niki, Sam and Fundy all made him feel comfortable right away. Each person around this table was carving out their own portion of his heart, he found he didn't mind the pieces being given away. After all, they all gave kindness so freely and accepted him easily, they showed their care in each action they took.

In his hometown he had nothing like this, growing up between the pages of a book was easier than the people he never had this connection with. But now that he had experienced it, Ranboo was getting quite attached to the feeling. He looked forward to the many months going forward of blowing off steam this way in the company of good people.

All too soon it ticked past midnight, when Phil and Kristin called it a night. Each person who had come picked up a task to help clean up, none of them on payroll but just out of the goodness of their character. This seemed to be routine for Saturdays, each talking excitedly about next week while many hands make light work. All had been busy up until this week so there was their first gathering of the year, promising to come back on a regular basis now.

Slowly each person left until it was just the family who ran the cafe and Ranboo, locking up the shop. Tubbo and Tommy waved through the doors, leaving his sightline to go through the kitchen door up to their apartment. Techno, Wilbur, Kristin, Phil and Ranboo stood in the cool air, giving tired but happy glances to one another.

"See you in the morning, Ranboo?" Wilbur asked the boy, who nodded.

"Yep, at nine like I arranged. Thanks for the wonderful night guys." He told them sincerely, which Phil leaned over to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Anytime Ranboo, you are one of our staff now and a friend to our sons. If there is anything you need you let us know, okay?" Phil held his gaze until Ranboo agreed, his chest warm with love for the family who had practically adopted him this past month. "Good, now me and my beautiful wife have to get home and you all need sleep. I will see you on Monday Ranboo for your morning tea and breakfast!"

The couple leave hand-in-hand to a small sedan, Kristin getting into the driver's side before pulling away from the curb. The three boys watch the tail-lights leave around a corner before the twins offer their own goodnights.

"It was good to meet you, shifts are actually going to be enjoyable with you." Techno comments, which Ranboo chuckles too.

"Techno, give him a break, just tell the guy he passed your friendship test." Wilbur ribbed him, nudging his brother with his shoulder.

"Fine, I wasn't expecting much but you are a decent guy and I am glad to have found someone with a similar love of stories. If you ever need a hand with another assignment, text me okay? I will do my best to help over the phone or we can go over it whenever you need on our breaks like today."

"If you need a kick-ass playlist to study too, I got you." Wilbur promises, before starting to turn down the street. "We should get home though, Techno becomes even more grumpy without his eight hours of beauty sleep."

Techno rolls his eyes, offering a supportive glance before following his brother. "See ya tomorrow kid, go get some rest."

Ranboo waved to the pair before he pulled his headphones up, navigating to the newer portion of his music library. Hitting shuffle on one of the EPs The Fall by Lovejoy starts playing, to which Ranboo is caught off guard in the best way. Immediately loving their sound, he walks home to his small studio apartment. When that song ends he lets it lead into another one called One Day, immensely enjoying their style as he finishes his travels. Resolving to listen to more on their way to work, he finishes his day with a giant smile and a warm heart.

Texting Tommy he made it home safe, he saw the discord server was already active as some had ignored the advice to go to bed and decided to play more. Wondering if his cheap internet can handle online gaming, he pulls back open his laptop. Deciding to enjoy hanging out with people some more, he plays long into the night on the server with the few who had logged back in such as Sam, Foolish, Eret and Tubbo. Though he would be exhausted tomorrow, emotionally he felt regenerated being around such lovely individuals.

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