A family is forever (Five Har...

By Avengergirl99

13.9K 371 24

"A family is forever" In which where number Five and number Eight have two kids while they are stuck in the a... More

Cast of Part One
0. Introduction
1. The backstory
2. The bank robbery
3. The apocalypse
4. Travel to 2019
5. The Academy
6. The tour and the funeral
7. Griddy's Doughnuts
8. The eye
9. Ellie the mannequin
10. Patience
11. Drunk
12. Equations
13. The Handler
14. The day that wasn't
15. Harold Jenkins
16. Looking for aunt Vanya
17. Time to move on
18. The White Violin
Cast of part Two.
0. Introduction
20. A family reunion
21. The Frankel Footage
22. Sound Waves
23. The Majestic 12
24. The gala and the first kiss
25. Reunion
26. Hanging out with uncle and aunts
27. Offering a deal
28. A light supper
29. Öga För Öga
30. You lied to me
31. The seven stages
32. 743
33. Two Fives
34. Battle this out together
35. The battle
36. The end of something
Book 2 is out!

19. Back where we started

282 7 0
By Avengergirl99

"The most dangerous anger is built inside someone with a good heart"


On April the 1st, 2019, the Earth was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. Billions of people were wiped out in a matter of minutes. Ironically, the eight survivors of the apocalypse were the very people who brought it on.


The sound of energy thrumming was heard as a blue portal appeared above an alley before Hope and Aaron felled out of the portal, landing hard on the ground with a grunt as the rain was raining down at them.

"AARON!" Hope shouted before she rushed over to Aaron "You okay?" she asked as she helped him up before the two looked up at the blue vortex above them. The energy was whipping around inside of the portal.

"DAD!" Hope shouted, hoping that their dad would fall through the vortex like them.

But instead the vortex zapped shut as it disappeared "NOOO. DAD" Hope shouted as her eyes widened.

Then there was a quick bright light from the building behind the kids causing Hope to turn towards the building with an eyebrow rise.

"Where is dad?" Aaron asked in sign language "I don't know. He should be here" Hope said "Where are we?" Aaron asked "I don't know either" Hope said.

"Hey" a male voice said and Hope turned around to see a boy around her age running over to them while he was holding a umbrella "You two okay?" he asked as he approached them.

"I saw you two fell through some kind of blue portal, so I ran over here to see if you guys were okay?" he asked "We are fine" Hope said "You two don't look fine, you look confused" the boy said before he looked down at Aaron who was holding Hope's hand tight.

"Listen, you guys seems to be very confused and is really cold and is raining, so I think right now is best if you guys come to my place and get warm" the boy said.

Even so Hope was taught to be careful who to trust, she had to trust this boy, her and her brother was in a unknown place with no idea where their dad or uncles and aunts was and maybe this boy could help her.

"I'm Peter Miller" the boy said before he stretched his right hand toward Hope "I'm Hope" she said before she shook the boy's hand "And this is my little brother Aaron" Hope said as she pointed on her brother.

"Hey little buddy, nice to meet you" Peter said as he looked at Aaron with a smile.

"Here you go" Peter said as he gave Hope his umbrella "Thank you" Aaron said in sign language "Your welcome buddy, beside you needed it more than I do" Peter said.

"You understand sign language?" Hope asked "Yeah, I had an uncle that was mute so I was taught sign language when I was a kid" Peter said before he pulled a hood over his head.

"Let's gets you guys indoors, in the warm, I live nearby, so come on" he said and the three walked out of the alleyway.

"You guys don't seem you are from here" Peter said "How do you know that?" Hope asked "Cause of the way you felled through a portal and how confused you look and I can tell that you are from another timeline cause of the clothes you are wearing" Peter said before he looked at her "So where are you guys from?" he asked "You wouldn't understand" Hope said "That portal you guys felled through, that is not the most crazy things I have seen, I always knew that there were things that we couldn't explain. So where are you guys from?" Peter asked "I don't think I should tell you" Hope said "Its alright if you don't trust a stranger, I get it. I have trust issues too. But it is a good idea to get inside and get warm" he said.

"Do you know where we are?" Hope asked "You are in Dallas Texas and today is July 25" he answered "What year?" Hope asked "1963" he replied "Shit" Hope mumbled under her breath.


'25 NOVEMBER 1963'

The wind was whipping and blowing as Five felled through the blue vortex, landing on the ground in an alley.

He put his hands under himself before his face could hit the ground.

He got up before taking a small step backwards.

Hearing the whipping noise from above him, he looked up to see the blue portal "KIDS! DIEGO! LUTHER!" he shouted, hoping to get a respons, but instead the portal closed with a zap.

"NOO. HOPE, AARON!" Five shouted "Shit"

Five needs to find his kids, he knew that Aaron don't do well alone with strangers and he can't be alone, he will have a panic attack.

Late time he had a panic attack, he almost died so Five really hoped that Aaron and Hope landed together.

Then he heard distant overlapping gunshots from behind him, causing him to turn around, looking at the opening in the alley.

He furrowed his brows as he walked forwards to the end of the alley way that he had landing in.

He looked around at the scene in front of him as he could hear nearby machine-gun fire and bullets ricocheting while people was shouting indistinctly Russian.

Buildings was on fire and destroyed. There were abandoned cars spread out with their widows bashed in, and there were bullet holes on buildings and walls while soldiers was running across the street, shooting, it was a war zone.

A loud whooshing sound came from the sky causing Five to look up and he saw two jet fighters flying across the sky and a few seconds later there was a big explosion in the distance.

A loud whooshing sound came from the sky causing Five to look up and he saw two jet fighters flying across the sky and a few seconds later there was a big explosion in the distance.

Five then spotted a newspaper that was laying between rocks and bricks and he ran over to it, bending down and grabbed the side of the newspaper to read it.

"'Soviets attack US'"?" he read as the sound of a machine-gun fire and men shouting in Russian was heard.

Five got up before he stumbled forward "No, this can't be right" he said as he looked around the war zone "Gonna get you out. Keep your head down" a English soldier said to a injured man.

"Medic! Medic!" another English soldier shouted as the sound of overlapping shouts was heard.

"Hey, kid, get down!" a soldier shouted at Five as he was standing next to a tank that had slowed down before stopping.

"What the hell did we do now?" Five said as he was looking around the war zone.

Then a loud sound came from the tank behind him, shooting out a missile causing Five to jump off to the side

The missile flew through the air, forward, but it was stopped as Vanya whose skin was pale and eyes was ice blue, floated up in midair with her arms out towards it and with her powers, she stopped the missile and it exploded causing the metal to bend backwards before it turn into a cloud of smoke.

A group of soldiers charge towards Klaus, but he lifted up his hands and the ghosts from the dead soldiers appeared behind him before he push his hands forward making the ghosts to charge towards the soldiers who all started screaming in fear.

There was a shout form the air and Luther landed on the ground next to Klaus before he put his arms out at his sides as one of the soldiers shot a missile towards Luther, hitting him in the back, making a explosion behind Luther.

He let out a scream as the explosion died out, nothing happen to Luther.

A man let out a scream as a blue tentacle wrapped around him before lifting him up into the air and threw him backwards.

Ben was standing up on top of a building, grabbing three men, one by one before throwing them around.

"Hey" Allison said causing three soldiers to turn around and look at her. She stopped before putting her arms up slightly "I heard a rumor that I blew your minds" she said, her voice echoing as the sound waves traveled to the soldiers' ears and the three mens' head blew up before falling to the ground.

The sound of overlapping shouts was heard as some soldiers ran towards Diego who was standing on top of a overturn police car.

The soldiers lifted their guns and Diego jumped off the car, flipping around in the air as the soldiers started shooting at him.

While flipping around in the air, he control the bullets in the air making them turn around and hit the soldiers instead, causing them to fell dead on the ground.

Three soldiers lifted their gun and pointed them at Hope but she blinked behind them before she threw a fireball at them causing them to scream in pain.

Another soldier pointed his gun at Hope but then a hooded figured kicked the gun out of the soldier's hand before the person kicked swung a kick at him, knocking him to the ground.

"Five! You sick son of a bitch where the hell have you been?" Diego suddenly shouted at Five.

Five was about to move forward, but then a sound of energy zaps appeared and a hand grabbed his shoulder causing him to stop and he saw Hazel with a briefcase in his hand "If you wanna live, come with me" Hazel said "Hazel. What the hell's going on here?" Five asked "There's no time to explain" Hazel said before he pointed up ahead towards the nukes that was coming from the sky "Those are nukes, old-timer" he said as the sound of missiles droning was heard and Five looked back at Hazel.

"What about my family? What about my kids?" Five asked worried.

"You can't save them if you're dead" Hazel said and Five looked back at his daughter.

He didn't wanted to leave her, but he has to save her, his son, his siblings and stop the apocalypse, so there was no other way.

Five then looked back at Hazel and he grabbed onto his hand before they teleported away.

But as he disappeared he didn't reach to see the person taking off the hood to revealed Ellie and she walked over to her siblings and her daughter as they were all looking up at the nukes that hit the ground as the sound of explosions booming was heard.

Hope grabbed her mom's hand and when the nukes hit the ground, a huge exploding went off in the distance, they were pushed away forcefully as the nuke destroyed everything include Ellie, Hope and the siblings.


The sound of energy zaps was heard as Five and Hazel appeared on the same street but everything was different, it was more quite and peaceful.

"Okay..." Five said while looking around "What the hell was that?" he asked as he looked back at Hazel "The end of the world, November 25, 1963" Hazel answered "'63..." Five said while looking around confused before he chuckled softly as he put his hands together, looking back at Hazel.

"You know, Hazel, I'm no history buff, but I don't recall there being a nuclear holocaust" he said "No shit" Hazel said as the two looked around "What about my family? What about my kids?" Five asked as he looked back at Hazel "Dead, like everyone else" Hazel answered "And where am I now?" Five asked "Dallas. Same street. Ten days earlier. Plenty of time to restore the timeline and save them" Hazel said before he sat down on a bench "Okay" Five whispered before he sat down next to Hazel.

"So where do we start?" Five asked "'We'? You're on your own, pal. I'm just here to keep a promise to Agnes" Hazel said "Is she...?" Five asked "Dead?" Hazel asked "Yeah" Five said and Hazel nodded "Cancer" he said as he remember the time he shared with the woman he loved "Took her quick. But we had 20 good years together. I guess forever just wasn't the cards" he said "I'm sorry Hazel" Five said with a voice that he actually cared and felt sorry for Hazel "I know how it feels losing the woman you love" Five said as he thought back to the moment where he lost Ellie.

"What about The Commission?" Five asked "I quite those assholes, remember? I don't owe them the fuzz off my peaches" Hazel said and Five looked forward and that's when he spotted three men walking towards them. The men had almost the same face, the same eye color and they had platinum blonde hair.

"Well then, who the hell are those guys?" Five asked as he got up and the three guys lifted up their guns, pointing them at Five and Hazel "Shit" Hazel said before he put something in Five's pocket "Run" he said and gave Five the briefcase and just as the men started shooting at them, Five blinked away while Hazel was shot multiple times in the chest causing pedestrians to start screaming.

Five appeared behind a car with a gasp as he was crouching down.

The sound of a electricity crackling was heard and Five looked at the briefcase to see that it was broken "How many times did I say 'Bulletproof briefcase'?" he said before he lifted his head to peek from behind the car.

But the three guys spotted him and they pointed their guns at the car causing Five to let out a gasp before he moved his head down again.

The three guys started shooting at the car, but Five reach to blink away before he appeared on a building's roof while panting.

Five grunted softly as he got to his feet before he blink away again, appearing by the alley, he landed in.

He looked back as he heard old-timey police siren wailing and he scratched the back of his head as he turned back and that's when he spotted someone quickly moving away causing the curtain to move a bit.

Five then spotted some antennas together with a camera right above the window on the roof.

He had a feeling that the person that was living there must know something, so he walked closer to the door.

'Morty's television Radio. Shipping & Receiving'

He looked at the door before he blinked into the building.


Five appeared inside the building by the stairs, he walked up the stairs and he looked down the hallway as he walked up to a door.


He tried to look through the door's window where the blinds was, but he couldn't see anything. So he knocked on the glass.

The door next to him opened and a skinny guy with short brown hair peek out and looked at him.

"What do you want?" the guy asked and Five took a step forward, putting his hands in his pockets "Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was curious if--" but Five got cut off when the guy closed the door in front of Five before he could finish the sentence.

Then Five blinked before he appeared inside the apartment behind the guy causing the guy to jumped and he let out a shrieks as he started panting while looking for something in the kitchen drawer making cutlery clattering.

Five just tilted his head as he was staring at the guy who grabbed a small butter knife before he pointed the knife at Five while panting "How'd you do that?" he asked as he was looking between Five and the door while holding the knife towards Five.

"Don't really have time to explain" Five said "You from the Pentagon? Huh?" the guy asked and Five shook his head "Definitely not" he said "CIA? FBI? KGB?" the guy asked and Five spotted some coffee standing on the kitchen table "Is that fresh?" he asked, pointing on the coffee pot before he blink over to the coffee causing the guy to let out another scream while he continued panting "What..." he said, quickly moving the butter knife at Five again as he poured the coffee into the mug.

Five then looked at the guy before he walked into the living room and started looking around before he took a sip of the coffee.

"Hmm" he said as he turned to the guy "This Columbian?" he asked as the sound of machine beeps was heard nearby.

"It's my own blend" the guy answered as he was still pointing the knife at him and Five nodded before he scan the room.

A newspaper article hanging on the wall. 'STRANGE LIGHTS MAY BE SPACE VISITORS' was the line on it.

Five looked around the room at all the machines before looking back at more of the articles on the wall, reading the headlines to some of them.



All the articles was about signs of aliens.

Five then looked around at all the machines and it look like that the guy was doing researched on something.

"You ever heard of, uh, Area 51?" Five asked as he walked farther into the living room before he turned to the guy again.

"Roswell?" he asked and the guy let out a scoffs before he chuckled as he shook his head, turning around in circles while he let out another scoff and a chortles before he threw the knife onto the table to the side causing to make a clatters noise "Hot damn!" he said with a smile as he was pacing excitedly.

"Whoo! See, I always knew we weren't the only ones. See, Eleanor thought my head wasn't screwed on tight, but...but it's all true, yeah? UFOs, crop circles..." the guy said and Five took took some steps forwards "Well, the truth is out there" he said with a smile and the guy took some steps forward while moving his hands around slightly.

"No, no, no, no, no. The...The truth, it's...right here in front of us" he said as he was walking towards Five causing him to take a few steps back.

"Tell me, wh...why is it always an anal probe?" the guy asked and Five leaned his head towards him "Any closer and I'll melt your brain" he said with a sarcastic smile.

"He needs a little space. Yes" the guy said before taking a few steps back "I'll be over here" he said and pointed on the couch behind him.

Five started walking towards one of the machines "All those contraptions on the roof, you built those, right?" he asked and the guy nodded while taking a few steps to the side, following Five "Oh, yeah, yeah, sure did. Yeah, I've been tracking anomalies in...in the atmosphere. Just waiting" he said "Waiting for what?" Five asked as he was looking at him "For you" the guy answered before he glanced at the wall "For all of you. It all started in 1960, the year the Silvertone Omega was released. I was in the middle of a sale when something very...strange happened. I saw some light while hearing energy crackling outside, so I went up to the window and I look down to see someone falling from the sky and landing in the alley. So, for the past three years, I've witnessed six energy surges in that alleyway out back. Same thing every time. A bright blue light, then something appears" the guy explain.

"Did you get a good look at any of them" Five said as he was looking at the picture that was trapped up on the wall. The picture show people that have landed in the alley, but the pictures were indistinct.

"Yeah, the first one. And then the big, sensitive one" the guy asked and Five turned to look at him as he furrowed his brows "'Sensitive'?" he asked "Yeah, cried a lot, kept coming back to the alley, sat around for hours calling a woman's name. Uh..." the guy said, snapping his fingers, trying to remember "Allison" he said and Five turned to the pictures again "Luther" he said.

"Yeah, he...he wasn't the only one. Uh, the others came too, off and on over the years, looking for each other. Eventually, they...they stopped" the guy said and Five saw the indistinct photo of his kids "Hope, Aaron" he said before he pointed at the photo "When was this?" he asked "Four months ago" the guy replied "Shit" Five said "Do you know these kids?" the guy asked "They are my kids" Five answered "Aren't you a little too young?" the guy asked "I'm older than I look" Five said before he looked back at the photos.

"So, my family and kids is alive. Shit. I think I stranded them here" he said before he turned to the guy "Now listen to me...." Five said before he started walking towards the guy who panic as he started stumbling backwards, causing him to stumble over the couch as Five blink away.

"Elliott. Elliott. My name...My name's Elliott" he said, spluttering as he grabbed the table behind him to support himself as Five blinked in front of him "Whatever, all right?" Five said loudly and Elliott hit the back of his head on one of the lamps as Five pointed back on the pictures.

"I got ten days to find them and save the world" he said before he pointed back at Elliott "Now, I need your help to do that" he said and Elliott pointed at himself "You need...my..." he said and Five put his hands in his pockets.

"You know what? I, uh..." Elliott said before he put his hand on the handel on a draw and opened it before grabbing a newspaper "I always thought that this, uh, mugshot looked like arrival number five" Elliott said, closing the draw before he show the articles to Five.

The articles showed a mugshot of Diego that have being arrested.


"Diego" he said as he took the article from Elliott "So then, that's helpful?" Elliott asked "You have no idea" Five said "And I have a friend that is helping me with all of this, so if you need to find the others, she can help. Her name is Beth and she is really good at something like this" Elliott said before he pulled up a piece of paper from his pocket "She live in this address" he said before he handed him the piece of paper "Thanks" Five said before he blinked away causing Elliott inhale sharply.


Hope opened a door to an apartment "Its me" she said before she walked into the small living room where Aaron was sitting and was drawing while Peter was sitting next to him.

"Hey" Peter said "Hey" Hope said as she walked farther into the room "How is it going with him?" Hope asked "He is getting more calm, he almost said the word 'Hey'" Peter answered "Really" Hope asked and he nodded "I think it wouldn't be long before he starts talking again" he said "That's wonderful" Hope said.

Over those four months Hope and Aaron have being staying with Peter. He had being helping Aaron to try and talk while also homeschool him and Aaron actually turned out to still be pretty smart for his age.

"Thank you for helping and thank you for letting us stay here" Hope said "Of course" Peter said.

"Are you sure that your parents wouldn't mind us staying here?" Hope asked "Nah, my parents are off on a business trip and wouldn't come home for another few more months. They think I'm staying with my grandmother but she and I made a deal, I would stay out of trouble and she would cover for me when my parents call. If they ever call" Peter said "We were lucky that it was you who saw us and not some creepy guy" Hope said "I wouldn't call it luck, I would call it fate" he said and the two smiled to each other.

"Don't let the pain from your past ruin the happiness for your future"

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