Pirates of the Caribbean: The...

By thelittleblackghost

233K 8.9K 2K

Book 1 Captain Jack Sparrow x Female Reader Based off the Disney movie series Pirates of the Caribbean (Y/n)... More

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 3: Captain Jack Sparrow
Chapter 4: Arrested
Chapter 5: The Attack
Chapter 6: Comandeering a Ship
Chapter 7: Tortuga
Chapter 8: Getting a Crew
Chapter 9: Rescue Mission
Chapter 10: The Interceptor vs. The Black Pearl
Chapter 11: Marooned
Chapter 12: Why's the Rum Gone?!
Chapter 13: An Accord
Chapter 14: A Broken Curse
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 2: 10 Years Later...

18.1K 654 83
By thelittleblackghost



Elizabeth's eyes snapped open, and she sat up in bed. She breathed heavily, recovering from the dream she had just had about the day she met Will.

She slowly got out of bed, and went over to her desk. She opened a drawer and revealed a secret compartment that contained the gold coin she had taken from Will all those years ago. She examined it for a moment, and put it around her neck.

As she was looking at her reflection in the mirror, a knock sounded on her door.

"Elizabeth? Elizabeth?"

It was her father. She quickly pulled on her robe and tucked the necklace into her nightgown.

"Are you decent?" Her father called.

"Yes! Yes!" She called back.

Her father opened the door and entered her room followed by (Y/n) and some maids. Governor Swann had been generous enough to let (Y/n) stay in his house and work as Elizabeth's caretaker for a few years, until Elizabeth grew too old for one. Now, she was more like a family friend, but still had to do housework.

"Oh, still abed at this hour? It's a beautiful day." Elizabeth's father commented.

The maids pushed the curtains open to let in the sunlight and opened the windows.

"I have a gift for you." Her father announced. He turned to a maid that was holding a box, and lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful gown.

Elizabeth gasped and picked it up. "Oh, it's beautiful."

"Isn't it?"

"May I inquire as to the occasion?" Elizabeth asked.

"Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter? Go on."

Elizabeth turned and walked to her changing screen and (Y/n) and the maids followed to help her into the dress.

"Actually I...um...I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today." The Governor said.

"The ceremony?"

"Captain Norrington's promotion ceremony." The Governor specified.

Elizabeth poked her head out from behind the screen in disbelief. "I knew it."

"Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become. Fine gentlemen don't you think? He fancies you, you know?"

Elizabeth suddenly gasped loudly from how tight her corset was becoming. (Y/n) gave her an apologetic look.

"Elizabeth? How's it coming?"

"It's difficult to say."

"I'm told it's the latest fashion in London."

"Well, women in London must've learned not to breathe!" Elizabeth retorted, as she continued to gasp in pain.

"Don't worry Lizzie. You only have to wear it for the ceremony. After it's over, I promise I'll rush you right back home and we'll get you out of it." (Y/n) reassured her.

Elizabeth smiled. "Thank you (Y/n)."

Just then, a man came in and spoke to Governor Swann. "Sir, you have a visitor."


Downstairs, Will was standing in the foyer of the Swann household, waiting for the Governor. Will had grown into a handsome young man with long hair that was tied into a ponytail and had grown a mustache and a small beard. He was also holding a long box in his arms and looking around.

Will reached up and touched a candle holder that was embedded to the wall, and accidentally broke part of it off. He panicked and looked around for a spot to put it. He decided to hide it inside an umbrella stand and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, Mr. Turner. Good to see you again." The Governor greeted as he entered the foyer.

(Y/n) followed behind him and smiled when she saw Will.

"Good day, sir. Miss (Y/n)." Will politely replied.

(Y/n) came towards him and hugged him. "It's good to see you, Will."

He hugged her back and smiled. "It's good to see you too, miss (Y/n)."

Will and (Y/n) released each other and Will looked over to the Governor.

"I have your order." Will set the long box on the table and opened it to reveal a beautiful sword.

Governor Swann picked it up and examined it.

"The blade is folded steel. That's gold filigree laid into the handle. If I may?"

Will he's out his hand for the sword, and the Governor gave it to him. And Will balances it on his finger.

"Perfectly balanced. The tang is nearly the width of the blade." Will tossed the sword into the air and caught it.

"Impressive. Very impressive. I know Commodore Norrington's going to be pleased with this." Governor Swann complimented. "Do pass my compliments onto your master."

Will have him a strained smile, knowing that he had made the sword, while his master, Mr. Brown, was passed out drunk.

"I shall. A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated."

The sound of footsteps on the stairs made both the men and (Y/n) turn around to see Elizabeth  walking down the stairs.

"Elizabeth. You look absolutely stunning." Her father praised.

Elizabeth made it all the way downstairs and smiled at Will. "Will. It's so good to see you."

Will looked at her with awe in his eyes.

"I had a dream about you last night." She told him.

Will looked surprised. "About me?"

"About the day we met. Do you remember?"

"Of course, Miss Swann."

"Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?" She teased.

"At least once more, Miss Swann. As always."

Elizabeth frowned a bit at his refusal to use her first name, and (Y/n) held in a sigh of annoyance. The two were clearly in love with each other, but neither of them were willing to make a move.

"There see. At the the boy has some sense of propriety. Now, we really must be going."

Governor Swann exited the house, (Y/n) following behind him and gave Will a small smile and a nod goodbye.

"Good day Mr. Turner." Elizabeth said curtly, before following her father out the door.

"Good day!" Will called after her. "Elizabeth."

Elizabeth looked back at him from the carriage, as Will watched her ride away, wishing he had been a bit more forward.


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