𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 | 𝙱2 𝚂�...

By HoneyLixie00

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(Book 2 to Love and Affection) ❗️MAY HAVE SLOW UPDATES❗️ 5 years since Jisung had met those 7 men. The ones... More

Welcome Back
Here... We... Go!!


832 30 25
By HoneyLixie00

• i need a prayer •

[Jisung's pov]

The drive to Minho's wasn't anywhere near quiet as he allowed me to blast the radio and sing my little heart out. His smile shown from ear to ear. When certain songs played he would join in and sing with me.

His hand holding mine as he drove with the other and I looked at him as I sang. I watched his side profile, the way his lips moved. The way his eyes were set as he sang. I've always loved the way he looked, especially from from the side.

He glanced over at me and gave me that smile that has always managed to make my stomach flutter. As he pulled into a little neighborhood homes and drove through it until we reached a house at the dead end street before parking on the curb.

He got out and I went to get out with him but he keep pressing the lock button on his key fob anytime I tried to open the door until he got around to me, then opened the car for me. I sat there and glared at him for a moment.

"Are you gonna get out?" He asked me with a smirk and I decided to be dramatic and turn my head away from him, crossing my arms as I sank into my seat. "Alrighty then."

He grabbed my arms and pulled me out only to throw be back over his shoulder again. "MINHO!" I screamed at him and pounded on his back and he only laughed.

"Baby, hitting me isn't gonna get you anywhere but underneath me." He said as he slapped my ass as hard as he could and I almost moaned as he walked up the porch steps. I heard the door open as I propped my head up and I was enveloped by cool air in contrast to the heat outside. "Minnie! We're home!"

"Is he dead or something?" I heard Seungmin's voice a laugh as he was probably seeing me slung over Minho's shoulder. Minho spun me around to see Seungmin and I gave him a very fake smile, hinting that I was ready to be put down. "Go ahead and put him down, Lino. You guys eat already?"

"Yea, Heidi and Yeonjun were over. Heidi made dinner." I informed him and he nodded.

"Okay good, I'm gonna warm up some food for myself and we will talk movies okay?" He disappeared through the doorway of the kitchen as Minho swooped me up and tackled me onto the extended part of the couch. I was curled up against him, his arms around me and I kissed his chin. He hummed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"You're going to make me fall asleep before we even choose a movie." I muttered and he chuckled, instantly rolling me on top of him and I laid my head on his chest as my legs fall between his.

"You can't fall asleep." He claimed and I looked up at him with doe eyes.

"Why not?" I asked and he smirked.

"Because we have you tonight Jisung." He voice was deep and playful as he said it and I instantly knew what he meant, making me blush.

Seungmin came out with a bowl as he munched on food. He looked at the two of us and made a face that brought out a laugh in Minho. "You guys are cuddling without me?"

There was attitude in his tone but it was pouty and cute. We both laughed and I waved him over. "Come over here then."

He walked his way over and set his bowl on the coffee table before scooting over to the both of us and throwing his leg over my back in such a dramatic way. I wrapped an arm around him and nuzzled against his face for a moment before kissing his nose.

"Okay, okay. What genre are we feeling?"

"Anything but romance or a romcom, please." Minho whined as he threw his head back against the couch.

"Aww, does Daddy not like sappy love stories?" I teased him not only with the tone of my baby voice but by the name I called him. He looked over at Minho before looking back at me with a look.

I pushed myself off of him and crawled into Seungmin's lap for protection as he held me with one arm and continued to look through streaming services.

"Save me Seungmin." I whispered into his neck and he chuckled at me, kissing my cheek as Minho scooted up behind me.

"Nope. I'm his knight in shining armor right now Mr. Lee, scoot your ass back over there." Seungmin spoke directly to Minho and I turned my head to see him glaring playfully as he reluctantly scooted back to his corner of the couch, crossing his arms over his chest and manspreading. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Baby, do you have a preference of movies?" Seungmin asked me and I thought about it. I wanted to say romance purely to tease Minho knowing he'd have to sit through the whole thing just because Seungmin would make him. But that would backfire on me later, worse than normal and I needed to be able to feel my legs. So I'm the end I decided against it.

"I don't have a preference this time. You can choose." I wiggled in his lap. He sat back against the couch still holding me in his lap.

He settled for on of the 'Just Added' movies and set the remote down to pick me up and spin me around in his lap.

"I'll go get snacks." Minho said as he walked his way into the kitchen.

Seungmin's head rest against the side of mine as the movie intro began to play and he throw a blanket over our legs, the proceeding to keep his arms wrapped around my waist.

When Minho returned, he had set a bowl of caramel popcorn down along with a bowl of chips and pulled the coffee table closer so would have to lean so far for them. He settled next to Seungmin and me, throwing an arm around the back of the couch and the other hand resting on my thigh above the blanket.

I wasn't indulged in the movie at first but after a while of forcing myself to watch, I couldn't stop watching. To the point that when I had gone to reach for popcorn I almost knocked over the bowl and spilt some because my eyes were glued to the screen. I had apologized in embarrassment and Minho laughed as he moved the bowl into his lap, so I had it closer.

At a certain point in the movie I stopped being able to pay attention against and grew restless, wiggling around between Seungmin's legs, moving the popcorn bowl to lay my head in Minho's lap.

But the comfort never lasted long as I moved around again. Seungmin had placed a firm grip on my waist to keep me from moving and I just slumped back against him. "Please relax." He whispered with a strained voice.

"Damn, baby, why are you so restless?" Minho had asked and I just shrugged as I pouted. He looked at Seungmin real quick before lifting me out of his lap with ease and setting me on his.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I straddled his lap, facing him. My eyes looking at Seungmin who was no longer even watching the movie, but instead had his head tilted back against the couch as he looked at me.

Seungmin reached his hands up and ran his fingers through my hair, a gentle smile forming on his lips. "The movie is basically over." He whispered. "Why don't we all just head to bed huh?"

Minho and I both looked at him. Even though his voice and the look on his face spoke the complete opposite, I knew something was churning in his head. But I didn't protest, I didn't want to.

I hope out of Minho's lap, stealing the blanket from Seungmin. I quickly wrapped it around me and bolted for there room. I hopped and threw myself onto their king sized bed, instantly burying myself beneath all of the covers.

I couldn't see them but I knew they had come into the room. The thought was confirmed as I felt the bed move a little and Seungmin laughed as he pulled the covers off of me. I peeked up at him from the one blanket I still had bundled around me, then looked at Minho who was smiling as he leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

Minho's smile turned into a mischievous smirked and bolted towards me, I didn't have enough time to react as he landed in the bed next to me making me bounce up a little. Seungmin called onto the mattress with laughter as I shrieked.

"Okay! Imma change out of these jeans." Seungmin said with a clap as he lifted himself off the bed. Minho eyes and mine followed his figure, waiting to enjoy the show. Minho however seemed to have had another motive as he got off the bed and went up behind him.

"Let me help you." I heard him whisper and my eyes widened as I watched Minho unbutton his jeans, then the zipper came down. That seemed to have drawn some reaction out of Seungmin as the man turned around and instantly locked lips with the older. I knew Minho's sex drive was always on high, but if I said I was slightly shocked by the complete 180 turn of the whole mood... I'd be lying.

Though I had to say, it wasn't the show I was expecting.. but I was definitely enjoying this a lot more.

"I'm still here guys." I called out as I sat up, crossing my legs and Seungmin smiled as he looked.

"I didn't forget about you." He said as he left Minho where he was standing and came over to me, grabbing my legs and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He bent down and his lips smashed into mine. I instantly gave into it.

His lips traveled down to my neck and I looked over through hooded eyes as Minho came up behind him and grinder his pelvis against Seungmin's ass.

"Hey, Minnie baby." Minho called out to Seungmin and he stood straight to look at the older over his shoulder. Minho whispered something into his ear that I couldn't hear and it made me incredibly curious.

I watched as Minho turned away from the both of us and going to sit in the desk chair as Seungmin lifted me and pushed me into the middle of the bed.

Minho had spun around in the chair to face us. Seungmin turned my attention back to him as he forcefully gripped my jaw and then harshly kissed me. His other arm rested beside my head. His hips forcing down into mine as a teasing grind, an impact of sexual tension that resulted in my pants becoming incredibly restricting.

Seungmin lifted me up and removed my shirt before flipping me over onto my stomach, pressing the erection against my ass. God why were our pants still on?

I looked over again to find Minho watching with lustful eyes. His hands gripping the arms of the chair like he was having a hard time keeping himself from joining us on the bed.

My attention was quickly brought back to Seungmin as a hand began to wrapped around my throat. His hips pressing into me again.

"Now you want to be still, huh?" He whispered into my ear and nibbled on my earlobe. "Move your ass."

His tone was very demanding, and I knew better than to disobey any demands made by either of these men. So I lifted my ass pressing it against him and moved my hips side to side, and his breath against the side of my face only made the heat fill my body even more. The air restriction was already enough to make my body become tingly.

"Seungmin.. you're being too soft on him." Minho called from the chair and I gulped as Seungmin hugged against the side of my face.

"Soft?" I knew he took that as a challenge, his tone said so. And I knew exactly how soft he could be, and how rough he could get. Minho wanted to watch him get rough. It was a side of Seungmin Minho only got to witness. "Fine."

I was suddenly pulled off the bed and onto my feet, being dragged over to Minho as Seungmin held a tight grip on my wrist. He stopped in front of Minho who just held a smirk on his face. Seungmin bent down to the man. "Let's see if you can sit there and watch me be 'soft' then."

He immediately moved things out of the way of the little desk and as he turned to grab me, I held my breath. He then harshly bent me over it. My stomach fluttered and I glanced up at Minho. I wasn't going to be able to walk tomorrow because of him. This bitch owes me.

"How long has it been?" Seungmin asked and he held my down with his hand on my back and he pulled my pants down to my ankles. Before I could even answer, I felt his fingers slide into me with incredible ease. A sharp gasp left my throat and his fingers were quickly removed.

I looked at Minho again and his palm was pressing firmly against the erection that was clearly visible through his shorts.

A moan escaped my throat as Seungmin pushed himself inside me, no warning. I was pulled up straight from the desk, my hands holding the edge. I knew Seungmin and Minho were basically having a whole ass staring contest as he thrusted harshly.

God, of all nights Minho had to challenge him tonight? I guess that's the one bad thing about putting two doms in a room together. Especially if I'm in the damn room. It's always me, I'm always having my ability to walk stripped away from me.

I gripped the edge of the desk firmly, feeling everything all at once, not only from Seungmin practically beating my insides to a pulp, but from watching Minho touch himself to the scene of us.

Seungmin bite down on my shoulder and my knees weakened but he held me up, moans leaving me rapidly and I felt my head start to spin from it.

I had to bend myself back over the desk and he let me. Minho was breathing heavily as he watched, his eyes scanning my face. He almost looked like he was about to break and let the desire take over.

I don't know how many minutes had passed, maybe it was only seconds. But Minho finally stood and Seungmin slowed down. His fingers caressing my waist.

"Bed. Now." Minho demanded and I was instantly swooped up int the arms of Seungmin as I carried, my pants left in the floor were they had dropped. As I was placed on the mattress, I watched as the two had started removing their clothes.

But before Seungmin could reach me, Minho had smacked his hand down in Seungmin forcefully, his front pressing into the bed.

"Let's allow him to catch his breath, shall we baby?" Minho's voice was deep and husky as he bent over Seungmin. I watched Seungmin whole expression changed, his body language flipping in an instant. No longer in a position to be demanding. He wasn't powerless in comparison to Minho, but no matter what, Minho always came out on top. Figuratively and literally.

I rolled over onto my side, watching as Seungmin's eyes fluttered at every single bite Minho had given to his waist and shoulders. After being on the sidelines before, I had understood why Minho enjoyed watching and seeing it all play out before his eyes. I had realized I enjoyed it and at the given moment, I was going to enjoy watching Seungmin in this position because it's something I could never do to him.

Minho lifted Seungmin's hips and Seungmin buried his face into the bed as he was being penetrated. I felt myself twitch as Minho pulled his head back by his hair and looked to me.

"Keep his head up will you, baby boy?" He asked me and I scooted over to Seungmin who instantly started begging for my lips with his eyes. I granted his wish.

The sound of skin meeting skin, Seungmin moaning into my mouth as my tongue danced with his, is was all enough to get you high of the feeling. I wanted it to be my turn again, I wanted Minho. No, I needed him.

My fingers curled around the ends of Seungmin's hair and I bite his bottom, causing his hand to come up around my throat gently but enough to cause a light headed feeling.

Minho was watching and I caught his eyes as I pulled on Seungmin's lip with my teeth before I let go of it. Minho slowly pulled out of Seungmin who relaxed, rolling onto his back. Minho smiled at me as he grabbed my legs and pulled me to him. He hovered over me and I looked up at him with doe eyes as I realized I was about to get exactly what I was hoping for.

"Didn't I tell you that you'd end up underneath me?" He asked with a smirk before lifting my legs and pushing them back until my knees hit the bed. Seungmin came closer to me and started to suck on my collarbone area, his hand wrapping around my erection right as Minho had pushed himself into me and let out a groan.

The mixture of being pounded into and having Seungmin's hands wrapped around me as he edged me on made me start to feel like I was floating.

I felt everything, every little nibble, every stroke. The noises that filled the room were loud, bouncing of the walls and right back into my ears.

Before my mind could process the movement, I had been position into Minhos lap as he held me up, his face tilted up slightly as he looked at me. He leaned in to suck on my neck and my head went back, allowing him more room.

Seungmin was being me, arms around my waist as he scooted as close as possible and his lips touched down on the other side of my neck.

Seungmin lifted his head and spoke. "Do you think you can take both of us baby?" I gasped at the question and Minho raised his head to bit my earlobe.

"I'm sure he can." Minho replied for me and I was praying for my ass at this point. Minhos hands were on my ass as he lifted me up slightly and I squeezed my eyes shut for the next step. I buried my face against the side of his neck and one of his hands moved to hold the back of my neck.

And there it was, the extra part of the equation. It came along with a string of moans escaping my mouth. How it was being managed was beyond me, double penetration was never something I've experienced until this very moment. Though with the way they moved together inside of me, I'd say this isn't the first time they've done this to someone. It made me wonder which of the others this has happened to.

But those thoughts were instantly scrambling as I felt like I was currently having every part of my insides pounded out of me by the both of them. I couldn't even make noise anymore, my head just hung back onto Seungmin shoulder as my mouth remained open.

One arm around Minhos neck, nails digging into his shoulder blade. The another hand firmly gripping Seungmin's bicep. My mind was blank, unfocused on anything accept the friction happening below. My vision was spotted with lights and my body was soon to give out. I wasn't lasting much longer after this, my body was enjoying this feeling too much. I was literally high of off this now.

I felt my dick begin to pulse and I held on tighter, noises finally escaping my throat again repeatedly. When I finished all over my own stomach, Minho groaned in pleasure at the shit of it. Soon after I felt on of them finished and since they had both stopped to let Seungmin remove himself, I had my answer. I slumped into Minho's hold and he chuckled, clearly able to tell that my body was worn out.

"Do you want me to finish in you, baby.. are you able to continue?" He asked me as he rubbed the back of my neck. Upon me not being able to make my mouth form the words he had his answer, he pulled out of me as he laid me down onto my back and laid down beside me. I snuggled onto his chest and watched he summoned Seungmin over to finish the job we had started.

The youngest mouth wrapping around Minho's length as the man moaned almost directly into my ear. Hearing this and watching this was enough to turn me on again but I don't think I could handle anymore, so I pushed the feeling aside.

After Seungmin's incredible mouth performance and Minho had finally finished. Minho had lifted me off of him, heading out of the room.Seungmin had taken his place and held me tightly.

Minho returned with small steaming towels in his hands and he began to clean the both of us, Iballowed him too but Seungmin kept protesting that he could clean himself up. Though Minho didn't allow him to.

Afterwards none of us even bothered to put clothes back on, we just snuggled up under the blankets. I was pressed in the middle of this sexy man sandwich and I was absolutely enjoying it. I received many kisses from the both of them and at this rate it was going to put me right to sleep.

I yawned and let myself settle comfortably in between them. But right before I drifted off to sleep, I heard their voices whisper to me as the wished me sweet dreams.

I woke up just as dawn began to stretch across the sky, stretching my body out. Minho and Seungmin both still asleep on either side of me, looking beautiful as ever as they kept on dreaming. I managed to wiggle my out from in between them without waking them. I stole a shirt from one of Minho's drawers and slipped it on as I headed out into the hallway. My ass felt a little sore from what had happened over the night but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I could still walk straight. I was was just glad to be able to walk.

Then again, after being with these damn men for 5 years... I wasn't suprised I had gained the magical ability of being able to walk after having my brains fucked out of me.

Upon entering the bathroom, I began to search for an extra toothbrush because I didn't pack mine. In fact I didn't really get to pack anything except what I wore and my phone. Speaking of my phone.. I don't even remember where I left it.

Once I found an extra toothbrush, I instantly began brushing my teeth and took on the opportunity to find my phone as I did so.

I had found it stuffed between the couch cushions and it was surprised it wasn't dead, very low battery but not dead. I frowned as I noticed a few missed calls from Hyunjin. I rushed back to the bathroom to rinse my mouth and then decided to call him back.

Even though it was early, Hyunjin had become a little sleeper over the past few months so unless his phone was on silent, he'd hear it. And as I assumed correctly he had picked up my call.

"Hello?" His tired voice called out, probably didn't give the energy to look and see that I was the one calling.

"Well, good morning love." I said and I could hear the smile form on his lips as he realized it was me.

"Hey." He yawned and I walked into living room. "Why are you up so early?"

"I'm always up early baby." I plopped down onto the couch, "I saw I missed a lot of calls, was something wrong?"

"No, I just couldn't find something. You know where everything is in this house so I figured I'd call to ask. But after a while Jeongin helped me find it."

I chuckled at him. "Okay, well I'm glad it wasn't anything serious."

"Well, I also wanted to know if you were coming home. But knowing Minho and Seungmin, you weren't and I was right."

"Yea, though I gotta say I almost had to say goodbye to my ass last night." I said and he bursted out laughing.

"Also to be expected from them." He said as his laughter died down.

"Very true." I smiled. I heard him begin to shuffle out of the bed and then a loud thud followed by a curse. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm, just stubbed my damn toe. It's fine though." He said with a strained voice. "I'm also glad you called me, I just realized I forgot to set an alarm and I have to go by the company in an hour."

"Oh, well then you're welcome for ruining your sleep." I said proudly and he laughed.

"Hey baby?" His voice was soft like always when he said this.


"When are you coming home?" He asked.

"Well, I have to wake up one of them soon to bring me buy the house so I can get dressed for work. So I'll be there in a little bit. I can drive you to your company if you'd like me to, we can get breakfast."

"I'd love that." There was a pause. "I'm worried about Felix, Ji. He hasn't been sleeping. Felix left around two in the morning, to head to the studio. Plus he's been so moody, but distant at the same time."

"We can have a sit down and talk to him about it, there may be something going on in this is his way of trying to tell us." I said and he sighed.

"Yea, I just hope it's nothing too bad though."

"It's Felix, baby. If it was something so bad, we would've known by now." I said and he had no choice but to agree with me, because I was right.

"Im going to go wake up Seungmin. I'll see you at home okay?"

After we said our goodbyes and hung up, I headed to wake him up. Seungmin would have the best reaction of the two of them to being woken up so early. So I was playing it safe. But on the way too the bedroom I couldn't help but ask myself:

Was it Felix's mood as bad as Hyunjin thought?

»»———-  ———-««


Hello hello Honeybees!

Nice to see you again! How'd you feel about this chapter? I gotta say it was definitely something to write 🤣🤣 poor Jisung.

Anygays! I'm making this short because I'm eager to start writing the next chapter of my other ongoing book. ✨the life of a writer✨

Lots of love and hugs to you all! You'll hear from me again soon!
With All My Love ~ Cece 🤍

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