The Girl Who Played With Fire...

By vexhamiltxn

53K 1.6K 463

I don't know why I was called back into this freak show.. More

01 - Surprise!
03 - Party Time
04 - We'll Lose, Together
05 - Bad Dreams
06 - Something I'll Regret
07 - The Difference
08 - We're Monsters
09 - Together
10 - Like Fire
11 - The End
Author's Note

02 - I'm a Nightmare

4.8K 161 41
By vexhamiltxn

Where is my damn phone? I pat down my pockets before Steve handed it over. Why do I keep losing the stupid thing? I tuck it away and follow him out of the jet, holding the scepter in my hand. I dump the scepter in the lab, about to talk to Tony, but I really don't want to anymore.

Helen asked me to help her with Barton, which I was happy to do, I love to torture my friends "Hey, Trixie, how are you?" I hate that name, I grab his arm and stab in the needle. He jumped "Ow!"

"Shut up, you're fine."

Natasha rolls her eyes as she sits down "You need to work on your people skills," But, people are so disappointing. I roll my eyes. I press a few buttons and watch it all light up "You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together."

"There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum."

Natasha stared blankly at Helen "She's creating tissue." I say quietly.

"If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes."

"Oh, he's flatlining. Call it. Time?" Tony says.

"No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic." I tie my hair up and sit on the bench watching the machine run over his waist. Technology is so weird.

Tony hands Clint his drink "Here's your beverage."

"You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference." Tony handed out the slimy drinks to the other fitness freaks before he gives my milkshake.

"Well, I don't have a girlfriend," I arch my brow at him. Really?

Helen shrugged "That I can't fix," I reach into the cabinet and pull out the pringles "This is the next thing, Tony. Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust."

"Well, that is exactly the plan. And Helen, I expect to see you at the party on Saturday."

"Unlike you, I don't have a lot of time for parties," She answered in her very, sophisticated manner. She hesitated, glancing at me "Will Thor be there?"

Excuse me? I stare back at her. I swear to god, I will scream if one more person asks me if Thor is single. You know who else is single, ME. I get off of the bench "Cartia don't get mad!" Natasha laughs.

"I'm not mad, I'm confused."

Helen kind of kept her distance. Natasha rolls her eyes "Go to the gym, punch it out. Come back later."

Fine. I leave the now empty can in the bin, and take my milkshake. I'm going to punch so many different things and people. I step out of Helen's lab and go downstairs.

Who stole, my stolen files? I grab them off of the desk and open them up. There was a photo of two people inside of the file. Maria comes over "I didn't know they were yours."

"Who are these people?"

She opens up her fancy tablet and shows me a better picture of the two "Wanda and Pietro Maximoff," I take the tablet. These two I definitely knew "Do you..remember them?"

I pause then shake my head "Nope. Never heard of them."

She didn't believe me which annoyed me. I don't like that people know about my life when I don't remember half of it "Well, they've been experimented on by Baron Strucker."

Why, does his name sound so familiar? Why does Baron Strucker mean something? I give her back the tablet "Are you going to find them, or just let them go?"

"We don't know where they are. But we're looking," They can't be that hard to find. I found them within 5 minutes of living in Sokovia. I forced a smile and leave her.

Thor comes up as I go down "I need to talk to you."

"I'm not going back to Asgard."

"Your family misses you."

"Thor, I'm not going back, they know where I am, if they miss me, they can come and see me," I snap at him "And don't call me Arath anymore." I take the files from the desk and go to my room. Maybe I'm too harsh when it comes to Thor, but I don't really remember a time where we got along.

To be honest, I don't remember a lot about anything.

I put the files onto the desk. When did I get that ugly book on history?

This isn't my room. I pick up the war stories, then the phone. This is Steve's room. Whoops. I turn back and see the bathroom door, with Steve inside. Oh god. I slip out of the room, skillfully, getting my hand jammed in the door.

Shit. I used to be so good at fighting, now I'm getting my hands stuck in doors. I jerk my hand out of the door and sigh, now I'm bleeding. I let out a string of curse words before slamming my foot through the wall.

I walk away from the room and run up the stairs "Tonne," I push open the lab doors "I need your help." He turns around and he flinched when I showed him my hand "Can you fix it?"

"What did you do?"

"That's not relevant," I jump onto the bench.

"It kind of is," He takes out the first-aid kit "Did you fight Natasha again?" I scoff.

Why does everyone ask me that? Natasha can't touch me, I'm too fast "No, I hate fighting her, it's too easy." Tony rolls his eyes. He puts ice on my hand and helped me to clean up the blood "You've come a long way from not knowing basic first-aid."

"Aren't you a DR? Why couldn't you fix it?"

"Do I look like I can fix my hand?"

He wraps it up with the bandage "Are you coming to the party?"

"No, I hate parties. I think I'm going to spend the night alone and watching reality TV."

"Or you could not do that," Or I could. Tony sighs "Please. Just stay an hour, after these mini-missions you just disappear and none of us see you for weeks."

Because I have another job. I huff "Fine. I'll come. But if I see Helen flirting with Thor, I'm going to throw myself out of this building." I get off of the bench "Thanks!" I call out closing the door.

I peer at my hand as I move down the stairs. I don't really like to go to parties, because I always feel out of place. Steve comes out of his room and looks at me "Hey, Tia," Oh no. He walks over "Were you...were you just..." I stare back at him "Were you just in my room?"


"But I just--."

"I wasn't." I snap.

"What happened to your hand?"

"Nothing," I smile "Okay, goodbye," I move past him and rub my face. I will never get that image out of my mind. 

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