That Lucky Fall (Luke & Jai B...

By InsanelyJ

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Meeting your soul mate when you least expect it is exceptional. And when you find him, don't ever let him go... More

Chapter 1: The Big News
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Wake Up Call
Chapter 4: A New Beginning
Chapter 5: Dreading The First Day
Chapter 6: Friendship
Chapter 7: Luke's POV
Chapter 9: Andi's First Day Aftermath
Chapter 10: The Ugly Truth
Chapter 11: A Different Taste
Chapter 12: Keeping It Real
Chapter 13: Robert's POV
Chapter 14: Revelations
Chapter 15: Discovering Jai's Feelings
Chapter 16: Moving Forward
Chapter 17: Lost In The Fields
Chapter 18: Growing Tension
Chapter 19: Unveiling Luke's Feelings
Chapter 20: The Hang-out
Chapter 21: The Confrontation
Chapter 22: Double Confrontation
Chapter 23: Miserable Me
Chapter 24: Destiny
Chapter 25: Sick and Tired
Chapter 26: Changes
Chapter 27: Your Hero
Chapter 28: Protect You
Chapter 29: Taste of Heaven
Chapter 30: Mystery of Luck
Chapter 31: Karma

Chapter 8: Jai's POV

14.5K 289 17
By InsanelyJ

* Jai's POV *

Waking up in the morning is not an easy job for me, especially if I was up partying all night with my friends the night before. Monday is the hardest day to wake up, honestly. But today, I felt like getting up even before my alarm rang. It didn’t even feel like I am still sleepy, or I lack sleep.

I went to the bathroom while humming on a tune I didn’t know if it even existed.  I was feeling wonderful like this was just a dream, and I’d wake up later feeling all right. I took my time taking a shower and getting ready for school. I was fixing my hair when my annoying twin brother Luke knocked on the door.

“Jai, hurry up! I need to go too!”

“I’m almost done”

“About time…” Luke sighed, like I was in there forever.

I went back to our room to get my things and headed out to the kitchen. Our older brother Beau was already munching on a bowl of cereals. Mum was making toasts and bacon.

“Good morning mum” I greeted while I was about to give her a kiss on her cheek.

“Good morning sweetheart. You look chirpy today!” Mum commented.

I smiled.

“Mum, maybe little Jai here wants something and wants you to be in a good mood” Beau laughed.

“No. Am I not allowed to be happy?” I exclaimed.

“Hey now, stop it you two!” Mum was laughing.

Our mum Gina is the greatest mum ever. She always takes care of me and my brothers. She’s always here to support us. She is always here no matter what happens. And I appreciate everything that she does for us. I love her so much, and I don’t ever want to lose her.

My brothers Beau, Luke and I, together with our friends James and Daniel, created a YouTube group. We’re called the Janoskians “Just  Another  Name  OSilly  Kids  IAnother  Nation Skip”,  a comedy group in Melbourne. We upload videos of skits, stunts, and mockumentaries. Some of the older generation thinks we’re just pranksters who have nothing to do but bother other people, or they would say we only create trouble and we don’t portray a good image to the young ones. I thought my mum and my grandparents would think of the same thing, but they didn’t. They were so proud of us. They were proud that we’re enjoying our life, and that we’re making other people laugh. We’re connecting to them through our videos. And making my mum and grandparents proud and happy, makes me so confident about myself. I love them so much.

I was eating breakfast and looked at the clock. It was almost time for school, and Luke hasn’t even come out yet. 

“Hurry up, Luke!” I shouted all the way from the kitchen.

I kissed Mum goodbye then headed out waiting for Luke to get all his things for school. He was holding a bunch of papers for his science report. In about 10 minutes, we have finally arrived school. We were just on time, but we already separated our ways when we got inside the building. I went straight to my history class, as it’s nearly starting. I was a tad bit early. Mr. McCray wasn’t there yet. The students in my class were still chatting with each other. I was listening to my beats while waiting for our professor.

The class was about to start when we heard a knock on the front door of the classroom. Mr. McCray opened it up, and asked the person to come in.

“You must be the new student, Andrea Gomez. Do you mind introducing yourself in front of the whole class?” Mr. McCray asked.

She stood there for a second and smiled. The way she smiled, oh my God. I suddenly became interested in her. I looked around to check if there were any other empty seats left besides the one on my left. I saw a few chairs in front, and one on the second row. It looks like she’s got a stage fright, and would probably sit on the first chair she would see, but I was hoping she would stay beside me. Was this actually the one they call as love at first sight?

The new girl started talking, “Hi, I’m Andrea Gomez, but you can just call me Andi. Well, family and I just arrived last weekend.”

Mr. McCray finally asked her to take her seat. I saw her looked around to where an empty seat was. I was sure of she saw the ones in front but then she walked past it, and the next thing I knew she was beside me.

I just can’t stop looking at her. She smelled nice. She was so beautiful. I was lost in her smile. I felt like my veins woke me up from the dead, and she gave me a vicious spell because I can’t get her off my mind.

“Hey, Andi right?” I asked. She looked to me as if she knew me, and I was pretty surprised and pleased.

“Yeah, that’s right. I’m so sorry about bumping into you earlier.” Earlier? What does she mean earlier? Maybe she might have bumped into Luke and thought it was me.

“I’m Jai. Jai Brooks” I gestured my right hand to shake her hand.

Her hands were soft, and it smelled nice too. I bet she likes to put those girly lotions. She was pretty quiet at first. I didn’t actually know what I would tell her. I kept looking on my Twitter for clues and pick up lines to get her attention. I did have some tips I have read on Twitter from our fan base that has been sending us pick up lines. I never thought I would actually use them.

I like sitting at the back part of the classroom because you hardly get noticed. You don’t really have to listen to class, and you can doodle and not get caught. When Mr. McCray mentioned we’re gonna watch a movie for class, I thought that was the perfect idea he ever had. Some students at the back of the classroom moved right in front. Perfect timing to move closer to her, and get to know her a little better. Sure we did talk in class, anything under the sun. It wasn’t hard to talk to her. She was funny, and she got the spunk.

Minutes passed by and we’re still talking like having our own world at the back of the classroom. I have no idea if she noticed how I kept glancing on her schedule to check if we have any more classes together. We sure did. Science Lab and Media and I can’t wait.

I like her. I didn’t want to mention about the Janoskians, or if she ever knows about the Janoskians, because I wanted to know if she would like me back for being Jai. I hope her new friends wouldn’t tell her about me and Janoskians. But then again, no one in school really cares about me and Luke, or Janoskians. I felt safe.

The bell rang. “I’m sorry, I have to go” I uttered regretfully as my next class is located in a different building.

She smiled.

Honestly, I have no idea what has gotten into me, and why I acted that way. As much as I’d like to take it slow, the anticipation of being her friend was killing me. I knew that if I let this pass, some other guys in school would probably meet her and make the move, while I’ll be dreading why I didn’t do that. I didn’t want to see that happen. For the first time, I liked a girl, and I wouldn’t want to slip away from her.


Lunch came and I met my friends at the cafeteria.  I saw her there with a few friends. Apparently, she’s part of the popular group. I wouldn’t say “our rivals” but those guys hate me and Luke. The moment I saw them, I had the urge that I want to get to know her first. I didn’t mind if I would get in trouble as long as she would speak of me and not them.

“Dude, you okay?” my friend Daniel asked.

He saw me staring at the opposite side of the cafeteria looking mad about something. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just remembered something” told him, didn’t know if he believes me but looks like he let me go.

Am I overreacting? I mean, why I would get mad if she meets new guys in school. Am I jealous? Sure I did have friends who were girls but the feeling I get from Andi is different. I actually have no idea what to do. Someone help me.

The bell for the next period was about to ring. Luke excused himself that he needed to go because he had gym class. Gym class! I remembered Andi having gym class. I was so sad that I changed my schedule into having my gym at another time. I usually have gym classes with Luke. I was regretting it. What if Luke likes her too? I don’t have a chance now. I would rather have Andi go out with someone else, just not Luke. I know it’s mean but every time Luke and I like someone, he ends up getting the girl. The best man always won, and he knows that. But I thought that if Luke didn’t like Andi, then maybe something is wrong with him.

I was in Math class, and believe me when I say I don’t get it. I actually liked Math, until he hooked up with the alphabet. What’s up with that? It’s not like I’m gonna use that when I grow up, I thought to myself. I kept looking at the clock because I wanted this class to be over. I wanted to run to the field where they at so I can see her and see how Luke would be.

“Okay class, I have a meeting in about 10 minutes so I’ll just leave you with homework, and we’ll discuss it on our next class.” Mr. Parks said. I have to tell you, fate was on my side.

I left class immediately and went straight to their gym class. I was looking for Andi, and then noticed Luke at the corner court. He was playing with Andi. What the…

“Hey Luke, don’t be hard on her, bro!” I thought I had just to say that.

I saw how she was so nervous and she was shaking a bit while holding onto her racket. I showed her the correct way of holding it and hitting the ball. She was a fast learner, I would say. It wasn’t long since she can now play. But of course, she still needs more practice. The class has ended and she thanked me and Luke for helping her out. Luke didn’t even help her, it was all me. She kept apologizing to Luke how she thinks she wasn’t a great one to play with.

I was excited because the moment has finally arrived. Its science lab class and I’ll be with Andi once again. Seriously, I think I’m quite obsessed over the fact I just met her, but I couldn’t help it.

I walked to class and I saw her with mates. She was with one of the guys in school who hates me, and that guy’s girlfriend. I didn’t know their name, but I know there were from the same crowd. I saw an empty seat beside her and quickly went up to her. Her girl friend smiled, but the guy was pretty mad that I came to seat in with them.

 “Hey Andi,” I called. She greeted me back and smiled.

 “Is there something wrong with my face?” I was curious, you have no idea.

 “No I was just wondering how I can tell the difference between you and Luke. No offence.” She mentioned Luke. It somewhat kills me deep inside that she was thinking about my brother.

“None taken. If you look closer, Luke has a lip piercing and curlier hair” I replied. But of course, I didn’t want her to look closer. I didn’t want her to notice Luke more than me.

I may have been distracted to her, but I was still listening in class. The thought of her not knowing why everyone suddenly stood up made me giddy that she was listening to every word I said. Her friend called us lovebirds when she asked where everyone was going. I smiled inside. I waited for her outside the door and asked if she wanted to be my lab partner. I do love science, and I thought it would be a great way of having more conversations with her. I sound in love, but I didn’t mind. I had the courage to keep it going. 

She thanked me for being so nice today, and helping her up catch up with the lessons she had missed when the classes has started. I blushed a bit I think that James actually caught me. She left before we did because she had to go to meet her friends.

“And I thought Christian and I was the only swinger in the group” James teased.

I smiled and they were teasing me the whole time.

Media class was next and I found my friend Aaron near the room with Tyla and Luke. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“Nothing. Didn’t know we weren’t allowed to stay outside and wait for the professor.” Luke said with sarcasm.

 I went inside then finally they went in too. Aaron was about to sit beside me when I shocked him, “Please don’t sit here” I said.

“Why not?” Aaron asked but I didn’t answer.

Andi walked in from the back door, right at the moment I looked back. I called her at the same time her guy friend called her. It was Robert something. He didn’t matter to me.

“Hey Andi, seat with us,” Robert said.

 She looked both ways and then decided that she would go sit with them. I saw how Robert and the other guys reacted when she chose them. They were like telling me, “Like a boss”.  Like they have won in a competition, and they just burned me down. I made a sad face I didn’t even know if she would react. She did, and it was the most adorable thing ever.

 I couldn’t really look at them, how happy she was when she was talking with the ‘cool’ kids. A part of me so wanted to tell her about the Janoskians because that might be a reason why she could choose me over them, but a part of me didn’t want to spoil in the fun. I wanted a girl to like me as me, and not as one of the Janoskians. And having Janoskians right now, it would be hard for me to find a girl that will love me for me.

Mr. Garrison mentioned we would be filming a video about our favorite sports. The group should only have 5 persons. I looked to check how many Andi and her friends were. Six. They have to let go of Andi.

The bell rang. It was also the end of Monday school. Andi and her friends were about to leave the room, but I went over to ask her to stay.

“So, what’s up?” she asked wondering what I had in mind.

“I was wondering if you would like to join my group” I asked her.

Of course, Luke always had something to say, “You mean, our group, right?”

I acknowledged Luke back.

She became silent for a moment. “Hmm… I don’t know. I’ll ask my friends. I’ll probably get back to you tomorrow, whatever we decide.”

I wanted to know asap. This anticipation was killing me all day. “Text me, when you get the answer” I said, “Here’s my number.”

For a moment there, I was sad. I felt like I went down the hill too soon, and I have no idea if I can come back up once again. I was about to go when I suddenly remembered that I left my beats in my locker and I need to have them.

I went straight to my locker and on the way back outside, I saw Andi alone. She was dancing like crazy, jumping around, and probably wiggling herself out. I stood in front of her and when she turned around; she mentioned how I gave her a fright.

“I’m sorry, but what are you doing?” I asked curiously.

“Oh. I lost my lucky clover keychain. It was a gift from my friends back home” she told me.

I felt her sadness and wanted to cheer her up. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you can find it! It’s lucky after all…”

She also told me her good news that she can join my media group. Lucky indeed. I think fate and destiny were working things out for me. I told her about what my group has discussed and when we’re gonna film the video. She gave me her number, without me asking. She said it would be a great idea, and she’s just a call away. 

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