Self-Insert Bluey Scripts

By DarrowFire15

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Nothing really important, just having fun with the Bluey scripts. You'll get to see new and old characters co... More

Meet the Main Cast
(S:1 Ep: 26) The Beach
(S:1 Ep: 32) Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound
(S:2 Ep: 17) Fancy Restaurant
(S:2 Ep: 50) Baby Race
(S:3 Ep: 2) Bedroom
(S:3 Ep: 9) Curry Quest
(S:3 Ep: 31) Onesies
(S:3 EP: 35) Smoochy Kiss

(S:3 Ep: 26) Fairytale

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By DarrowFire15

*Kit is an OC, one of Lips' younger sisters. Claire is her girlfriend

[The episode begins with Kit reading Dolly and Pearl a story on Pearl's bed. The girls are sitting at her sides with their aunt in the middle. Kit was babysitting them for the night with her girlfriend Claire and was tasked with putting them to bed. They had picked out "Hansel and Gretel" for the story.]

Kit: "So Hansen and Gretel returned home, and lived happily ever after". (*she closes the book*) Wow, that was a wild ride...

Dolly: Yup...!

Pearl: (*she turns to Kit*) Are fairy tales true or not true?

Kit: What do you mean by true?

Pearl: Like, did it happen for real life?

Kit: Uh, nope.

Pearl: Phew!

Kit: But they have true things in them.

Pearl: Like what?

Kit: Like, y'know, it's not good to be greedy and stuff, and if you're brave and honest, things will work out.

Pearl: Oh, yeah.

Kit: (*she leans in with a grin*) Hey, you want to hear a fairy tale that is true?

Dolly and Pearl: Yes, please!

Kit: (*she lays down on Pearls' bed, tossing the book on the floor*) It's about a mean sibling who ends up good and it's got a curse in it, and even a princess!

Pearl: Wow!

Dolly: And it happened for real life?

Kit: Yeah, you know how I know?

Dolly and Pearl: How?

Kit: 'Cause it happened to me!

Dolly and Pearl: Woah!

[Cut to a flashback of the 80s. We open to a caravan park with beach houses.]

Kit: This story is set a long long time ago, in a place called The 80s.

[Kit, 10-years-old at the time, can be seen riding a bike. Her hair is short and she's wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The camera then zooms out to show Lips and Duncan also on bikes. Lips, 15-years-old, is starting to grow his goatee and is in a tank top and shorts as well. Duncan, 6-years-old, has a mullet with a t-shirt and swim trunks.]

Kit: That's me when I was 10 years old, on holiday with your dad and Uncle Duncan.

[Cut to the present day]

Pearl: Hang on, where was aunt Celeste?

Kit: She was only 1 year old, still a little baby.

Dolly: And where's your helmet?

Kit: It was The 80's, kid. There were no helmets! It was a wild place...!

[Cut back to flashback. We go through many things that were big in The 80's as Kit narrates about them.]

Kit: Trampoline had no nets, your ma wrote your name on everything, BMX seats were high, music was on cassettes, and skids were big.

[We then see Kit skidding with her bike, dust rising and falling from the ground. Lips doing the same right after.]

Past Kit: Woah, good skid, Lipton!

[Duncan tries to skid, but what comes out is a screeching sound., Not even a mark in the dirt was made.]

Past Kit: You can't skid, Duncan!

Past Duncan: Yes I can!

Past Kit: No you can't! And ma wants you! (*she points offscreen*)

Past Duncan: Huh? (*he turns his head*)

Past Kit: Make you look, ya dirty chook! Haha! SUFFER!

[Cut to present day. Dolly and Pearl gasp.]

Dolly: You're teasing Duncan!

Kit: Afraid so.

Pearl: But that's mean!

Kit: I told you, this fairy tale is about a mean sibling: me!

[The girls gasp again.]

Kit: But don't worry, I was about to learn my lesson.

[Cut to the flashback.]

Past Lips: Kit, stop teasing Duncan.

Past Kit: Make me! (*as Duncan starts to pedal*) Hey Duncan, your wheels aren't turning!

Past Duncan: Huh? (*he looks down and crashes off-screen*) AAAAAHHH!

Past Kit: Haha! Make you look you dirty—

Past Kit & Lips: Chook!

Past Lips: (*he points to Kit*) Jinx!

[The camera freezes in a VHS tape-like filter. Cut back to the present.]

Pearl: What's Jinx?

Kit: Okay, in The 80's, if two people said the exact same word at the exact same time like "Chook", one of you would yell out "jinx".

[Cut to flashback. Lips says jinx and starts running.]

Kit: Meaning you had 10 seconds to touch them.

[Both drop their bikes and Past Kit starts to chase Past Lips through the caravan park. They pass by many people and tip over a pail with a crab before arriving at the beach. The whole time, Lips is counting to 10 as they run. Once they get to the beach, Kit is out of breath and Lips hits 10.]

Kit: If you didn't touch him in that 10 seconds, they'd say:

Past Lips: Skint! (*he points to Kit*)

[Cut to the present]

Kit: And then, they can never speak again.

Pearl: (*she and Dolly gasp*) What? So you can't speak forever and ever?

Kit: Nope, you were cursed.

Dolly: Wow.

[Cut back to the flashback, with Past Kit and Past Duncan playing an arcade game looking like "Street Fighter".]

Kit: The only thing that could break the curse was if someone says your name.

Past Duncan: Do you want me to say your name?

[Kit nods eagerly.]

Past Duncan: OK. Ki–pper! Ha!

[Cut to the present.]

Dolly: Can't you just say your own name?

Kit: Nope, you're not allowed to speak.

Dolly: What happens if you do speak?

Kit: Oh, um, look, I shouldn't tell you, but... (*she leans in and whispers into the girl's ears*)

Dolly & Pearl: (*they look surprised*) What?!

Pearl: That's terrible!

Kit: I told you, The 80's was a wild place.

[Cut to the flashback. Jessica is standing at the counter of a small shop, looking to order something while her kids play on another old-school game. Jessica has her hair in a braid, a purple t-shirt, and light green shorts. She was holding baby Celeste in her arms as well.]

Kit: Anyway, being cursed is not a lot of fun when you're on holiday.

Flashback Jessica: Kids, you want your fish battered or breaded?

Past Lips: Battered.

Past Duncan: Battered!

Flashback Jessica: (*she points to Kit*) How about you? Come on, speak up!

Past Lips: She wants breaded. (*he watches Kit try to say no*)

Flashback Jessica: Alright. (*she turns back to the counter*)

Past Duncan: She loves breaded. Don't you, Ki... Ladder! Ha!

[Cut to an outdoor lunch table. The entire family is sitting on each side with a stroller near Jessica.]

Kit: Bleh, I hated breaded...

[Cut to the condo they're renting for holiday. The three siblings were sitting on the back porch with juice boxes.]


Past Lips & Duncan: She did! (*they point at Kit*)

Flashback Jessica: HEY! Come back here! (*she starts chasing Kit as Lips and Duncan start laughing*)

[Cut to the present.]

Dolly: Geez, Nana was a bit scary.

Kit: Yeah, it was The 80s. Mums were allowed to be kinda scary.

[Cut to the flashback. Lips and Duncan are poking around in the estuary while Weston was harvesting clams. All three were in swimwear.]

Kit: And dads weren't much help either.

Past Duncan: Let's see who can shout the loudest!

Past Lips: Ok.

[Both throw their heads back and shout as loud as they can. Weston tenses up at his son's yelling.]

Flashback Weston: Kids, can you keep it down?

[Kit walks to Weston and taps his shoulder.]

Flashback Weston: What do you want, kiddo? I'm kinda busy at the moment.

[Kit motions to herself, showing that she wants him to say her name.]

Flashback Weston: (*he looks at Kit confusingly*) What are you on about? (*he looks at Lips and Duncan*) What's she on about?

Past Duncan: Lipton jinxed her! She can't talk until someone says her name!

Flashback Weston: (*he looks like he suddenly realized something*) Oh, OK, you want me to say your name so you can talk again? (*Kit nods and he smirks jokingly*) Sorry, kiddo. I kinda like the quiet from you. How do I say jinx so that none of you can talk?

Past Lips & Duncan: Dad...

Flashback Weston: Is it something like this? (*he grabs Duncan and gives him a noogie, causing him and Lips to laugh*) ARGH!

[Cut to the bay where Duncan & Lips were throwing rocks in the water. Past Kit was sitting nearby, drawing in the sand with her finger.]

Kit: I was never going to talk again. No one was going to say my name.

Flashback Jessica: (*she walks to Kit and sits next to her*) I'm not going to say your name. I think this will do you some good. All holiday, you've been mean to your little brother.

[Flashback of Duncan and Kit sitting a few feet away with a juice box. Duncan is trying to Tic Tac on a skateboard, while Kit is watching. She points to Duncan.]

Past Kit: You can't tic tac, Duncan!

[Flashback to the Three playing the "Street Fighter" game. Duncan is wanting to play as well, trying to nudge Kit from the middle.]

Past Duncan: It's my turn now!

Past Kit: No it isn't! (*she pushes Duncan out of the way*)

[Flashback to when Duncan fell off of his bike. Kit rides up to him and laughs.]

Past Kit: Haha, nice stack!

[Cut back to the beach.]

Flashback Jessica: This is a chance for you to have a good think about it.

Kit: Nana was right, not about her hair, but about me, I haven't been a really good sibling to Duncan. I deserved to be cursed.

[Cut to the present.]

Pearl: So, when did the curse get broken?

Kit: The very next morning actually.

[Cut to flashback. Kit is walking with a toothbrush in hand and a hat on her head. She's heading to the shower block.]

Kit: I was on my way to the shower block to clean my teeth.

[Cut to the present.]

Dolly: All by yourself?!

Pearl: It was The 80s!

[Cut to flashback. Kit notices Duncan standing in prickly grass.]

Past Duncan: MA!!! Ow!

Kit: Duncan was taking a shortcut to the toilets, and got stuck in the prickles.

Past Duncan: Help!

[Cut to the present.]

Dolly: (*she gasps*) So you can tell him you won't help him unless he says your name!

Pearl: Oh yeah!

Kit: You're right, I could've done that.

[Cut to flashback. Duncan looks at Kit with pleading eyes as Kit stares back with concern.]

Dolly: So did you?

Kit: Nah, I just helped him.

Past Kit: (*she throws her hat on the prickles, between her and Duncan. She helps Duncan cross back to the sidewalk*)

Past Duncan: Thanks, Ki... Rina! Haha! (*he runs off*)

Dolly and Pearl: What?!

[Cut to the present.]

Dolly: You helped him and even then he didn't say your name?!

Kit: Heh, that's siblings for you.

[Cut to flashback.]

Kit: To tell you the truth, I was proud of him.

[Kit's mouth turns into a grin in the flashback. Cut to the present.]

Pearl: So who broke the curse?

Kit: Remember I said that this fairy tale has a princess?

[Cut to flashback.]

Flashback Claire: "Katherine L. Meriwether". Is this your hat?

[Kit looks behind her, seeing Claire in what looks to be a Zorro costume.]

Dolly: Is that Miss Claire!?

[Cut to the present.]

Kit: Yeah, that's her.

Dolly and Pearl: What?!

Claire: (*she's leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom*) Don't listen to her, kids. It wasn't me.

Kit: Don't listen to her, it really was!

Claire: Look, it might've been. (*she walks to the bed*) We occasionally went to that caravan park for our holidays-

Kit: Case closed!

Claire: But I have no memory of that happening.

Kit: Oh, it's like a dagger in my heart...! (*she makes a stabbing motion to her heart*)

Pearl: How did she know your name?

[Cut to flashback. We zoom into Kit's hat where her name is written.]

Kit: It was written on my hat.

Pearl: Wow!

[Cut to the present.]

Claire: Either way, it's a good story.

Dolly: But is it true or not true? I need to know!

Kit: Well, I guess you have to decide. Do you believe in fairy tales?

[Cut to the full moon, then to the bedroom. Kit and Claire are tucking the kids into bed and meet in the middle of the room, holding each other's hands. Cut to the flashback. Claire walks to Kit with her hat.]

Flashback Claire: Here you go. (*she hands Kit her hat*)

Past Kit: Thanks.

Flashback Claire: See you later. (*she then runs away*)

Past Kit: Yeah... See you later.

[The episode ends with Kit watching Claire run off.]

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