Attack On Titan 4 (aot x oc)

By bnha-kny-jjk

14.7K 261 31

Evelyn Jaeger is the 25 year old, older sister of 9 year old Eren Jaeger. The two live in the Shiganshina Dis... More

1- The Other Side of the Sea
2- Midnight Train
3- The Door of Hope
4- From One Hand to Another
5- Declaration of War
6- The War Hammer Titan
7- Assault
8- Assassin's Bullet
9- Brave Volunteers
10- A Sound Argument
11- Deceiver
12- Guides
13- Children of the Forest
14- Savagery
15- Sole Salvation
16- Above and Below
17- Judgement
18- Sneak Attack
19- Two Brothers
20- Memories of the Future
21- From You, 2000 Years Ago
22- Thaw
23- Sunset
25- Night of the End
26- Traitor
27- Retrospective
28- The Dawn of Humanity
29- Titans Really Are Incredible
30- The Battle of Heaven and Earth

24- Pride

298 7 0
By bnha-kny-jjk

--- somewhere within Wall Maria, before the rumbling started ---

"Hey, Oliver! Are you okay?" a member of the Jaegerists asks as he jumps off his horse, running to one of his fallen comrades, only to be shot down as well.

He looks over in the direction of the shot as he spots Hange peering over a bush, rifle in hand as tears slip from their eyes.

"That's the last of the pursuers, Levi" Hange says as they take the tall leaves off of Levi as they tried to cover him.

Hange picks up Levi as they take him back to where they had set up camp. They get to work, remembering what Evelyn had taught them about threading stitches as they close up Levi's wound, right over his eye.

"Everyone got turned into titans and only you and Evelyn survived" Hange says as they finish off their work, "probably for the same reason you haven't died yet: because you're an Ackermann. I just hope Evelyn made it to Shiganshina safely. She had to have, right? She's Evelyn for God's sake, of course she did. What are you saying, Hange? But what to do now? We can't stop Zeke anymore, so it's up to Evelyn, Commander Pixis or Armin. Even supposing that Eren does betray Zeke, if the Jaegerists control the island with spinal fluid, we'll be fugitives for the rest of our lives. Looks like my time has come... even though I thought I did the right thing. Times change and you end up in a cell. What do you say you, Evelyn and I all live together for the rest of our lives, huh?" they say as, for a moment, they're taken into the Paths before being taken back out again, "that was...! No way...! Eren's going to...! Levi!" they says as they look at Levi who starts to sit up.

"The Beast... where'd that shithead go?" Levi asks as he looks around.

"Lie back down" Hange says as they make Levi lie down again, "it's been half a day since Zeke and the Jaegerists left for Shiganshina. What happened?".

"We botched it. He was fully prepared to die... and we didn't see it" Levi says as he remembers everything, "he got away again".

"That's unfortunate. But right now--" Hange says as they look down.

"If we run and hide, what will be left? Will Evelyn ever make it back to us?" Levi asks as he looks at Hange.

"What? Well, I guess you heard me talking to myself" Hange says shyly.

"What are you building? Are you going to pull me on that... with a horse?" Levi asks as he gestures to the pile of wood and wheels from the carriage that weren't burnt up, two horses tied to the trees, "there's no way in hell you can stay out of action".

"Yeah, you're right. I can't" Hange says as they smile softly.

--- present time in the same place ---

"My goal is to kill Zeke" Levi says as he looks at Pieck and Commander Magath who wound up finding himself and Hange, "looks like our interest align, Theo Magath, Pieck Finger".

"Levi Ackermann. It seems like you can stand up to one of the nine, but... how do you plan on dodging a bullet like that?" Magath asks, referencing to Levi's current state.

"I can't dodge a bullet, but I've come to you in this sad state" Levi says as he looks down at himself, "whether you shoot or listen is up to you".

"Then, I'll ask you this first: you say you'll kill Zeke, but where is he now?" Magath asks as he stops pointing his gun at Levi.

"Zeke's probably being held by Eren to make use of his royal blood" Hange says as they take a step forward, "no, by the Founding titan".

"It seems like the titan expert Hange knows everything-- even more than Marley" Pieck says as she looks at Hange, "have you seen the Founding titan?".

"I know it's so humungous that it seems like nothing can be done, so... we've got no other choice. We've got to put our powers together" Hange says as they ball their fists.

--- Ragako village ---

"Um, I thought we were going to a hospital, not some deserted village" Falco says as he and Conny make it to Ragako.

"Yeah. There's something interesting here I wanted to show you" Conny says calmly.

"This... is Ragako village" Falco says as he looks around, Conny stopping in front of a house covered by a large cloth.

"How do you... know that?" Conny asks in shock.

"Last night, I heard you talking to yourself" Falco says as he looks at Conny, "Sasha was your comrade shot by Gabi on the airship, wasn't she? You brought me here knowing who I was but pretending not to. Why? To get revenge... on me?".

"No. Stuff like that happens in the heat of a battle" Conny says as he walks past Falco and reveals his Mother under the cloth, "don't worry. She can't move. She's been like this for years".

"What... were you going to do... after showing me this?" Falco asks as he looks at the titan.

Falco and Conny look at each other for a moment before Conny smiles, "can you help me brush the titan's teeth? You don't get a chance like this everyday" he says as Falco looks at him confused, "we've got to go way up there to brush them. Let's climb up and take a look. Sounds good, right?".

"Right..." Falco says, slowly becoming more frightened.

"Falco! Get away from him!" Gabi yells as she and Evelyn ride over.

"Gabi?" Falco asks as he turns around.

"He's going to feed you to that titan!" Gabi says worriedly.

"Conny! Stop!" Evelyn yells as Conny draws his blade.

"Stay back! Don't come near us!" Conny yells as he holds the blade to Falco's neck, "I don't want to hear whatever you have to say to me! Don't talk to me! You wouldn't get it! You're just going to tell me to give up on my Mum and let him live! A know it all wouldn't get how idiots work!".

"Falco! Use the Jaw's power!" Gabi says as she and Evelyn pull back.

"The Jaw's power? Huh? What about Galliard?" Falco asks as Conny starts to climb up the ladder.

"You can't...! Stop! Falco!" Gabi yells as she starts to panic.

"Gabi, please forgive Conny" Evelyn says as she flies over to Conny's Mum as she stands on the beam above her.

"Hey! I said to stay back!" Conny says as he starts to panic.

"I heard that if a pure titan eats someone with royal blood, they revert back to being human" Evelyn says as she looks down at Conny's Mum.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Conny asks worriedly, "say something, Evelyn!".

"You told me not to talk!" Evelyn says as she looks at Conny, "so... I'll let my actions talk!".

Evelyn jumps off the beam as Gabi gasps. Conny lets go of Falco as he falls to the ground, Conny grabbing Evelyn out of the way in time as his Mum snaps her jaw shut, the two of them falling to the ground. Conny gets off of Evelyn as Evelyn stands up and walks over to Falco who is in Gabi's arm.

"Falco, are you okay?" Evelyn asks as she kneels down in front of Falco.

"Evelyn, what happened? All I remember is meeting with you, Gabi and Colt. What happened after that?" Falco asks as he looks at Evelyn.

"Zeke screamed and you were turned into a titan" Evelyn says as she holds his hand, "Galliard was on death's door and he sacrificed himself in order to save you, and because he was ready to see his brother. Colt had tried to be with you during your transformation, but I knew that would kill him, so I pulled him out of the way in time, just before you transformed and I became paralysed. After that, Gabi shot Eren's head off, but the Founder Ymir awakened my royal blood and I allowed Eren to have access to the Founder's power and he's started the rumbling. They're on the way to Marley now. Falco, I'm so sorry".

"Mum, Dad" Falco says as he breaks down in tears, Gabi hugging him tightly.

"What was your plan if I hadn't have saved you?" Conny asks as from behind the three of them

"To turn your Mum into a human" Evelyn says as she stands up.

"When my Mum sent me off, she told me to become an amazing soldiers" Conny says as he sits on the ground, "and yet, her son almost killed a kid and their Section Commander. That's the kind of soldier I am".

"To me, you're more than just a comrade, Conny. You're my friend" Evelyn says as she sits down next to Conny, "and your Mum will be so proud of everything you've achieved. But, we all have our bad days. I for one, don't think I could ever be the Commander, even though Hange says when they're finished with being the Commander, they'll pass the role to me".

"Evelyn, I want to be a soldier my Mum can be proud of" Conny says as he looks at Gabi and Falco, "so, let's go save people in trouble".

--- Shiganshina headquarters ---

"Our Eldian Empire has endured the world's persecution for 100 years!" Floch says as he stands in front of all of the Jaegerists, "that ends now! Now, we are free! Our liberator, Eren, and we Jaegerists have triumphed over the world!".

"Say, Mikasa. Will you join the Jaegerists and rule as one of them?" a soldier asks as he looks at Mikasa who stands at the back of the room whilst everyone cheers.

"Not interested" Mikasa says as she looks at Jean who stands next to Jean.

"Looks like Jean made up his mind" the man says as he points at Jean.

"Give your hearts!" Floch yells as he salutes to them.

--- somewhere within Wall Maria ---

"We should hurry up and meet Reiner and Colt" Evelyn says as she, Gabi, Falco and Conny all walk to a table so they can eat their lunch.

"It's okay. He'll be out for days. And Colt is a good fighter. He won't let anyone touch Reiner" Gabi says as she looks at Evelyn.

"Is this detour a good idea?" Falco asks as he looks at Conny.

"We've got to fill our stomachs" Conny says as he looks at Falco, the four of them sitting down at a table with one more person who doesn't seem to mind them sitting there, "do you think it's true, Evelyn?".

"Yeah. If all hardening has come undone, it's like Annie has--" Evelyn says as the person next to her coughs on their food.

Conny and Evelyn look at the person as the person looks at the two of them, the person being Annie.

"Annie?" Evelyn asks in shock.

"Annie's stuffing her face with pie!" Conny says as he starts to laugh.

"Cut it out, Conny" Evelyn says, embarrassed that Conny is making a scene.

"She eats like a pig!" Conny says as he continues to poke fun at Annie.

"It's her first pie in years!" Evelyn says as she does her best to defend Annie.

--- Shiganshina headquarters ---

"Comrades of the Empire! That you for gathering!" Floch says as he and the Jaegerists stand on the top of the tower, "we will now execute the two volunteers who opposed the Eldian Empire! With this, we shall carry on Eren's will to dominate the world... by declaring our reign over Paradis Island! This criminal is Yelena!" he says as he points his gun at the back of her head, "the real reason she rebelled from Marley and supported the Eldian Empire was so Zeke could obtain the Founding titan's power and wipe out Eldians with his euthanisation plan! Eren managed to beat Zeke and halt the plan, but this criminal served as Zeke's loyal pawn! Yelena... do you have any last words?".

"Aren't you going to shoot?" Yelena asks, bored by all of this.

"Not yet!" Floch says as he looks around at everyone, "this criminal is Onyankopon. He aided Eldia without knowing of the euthanisation plan, however...! He said he'd rather die than live under the Eldian Empire! It's not too late for you change your mind--".

"I aided Eldia to save my homeland from Marley, but I was helping you, too!" Onyankopon says as he starts to laugh, "and what did that get me? My homeland will be crushed and my family massacred! And the only ones left will be you xenophobic shits! Sucking up to you guys for life isn't worth it! Even you should know how insane indiscriminate killing is! Why don't any of you understand?" he asks as he looks back at Jean, "don't just stand there! Say something, Jean!".

Jean points his gun at the ground in front of Onyankopon as he shoots the ground four times.

"Whoops. I missed" Jean says sarcastically.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Floch asks as he looks at Jean.

Suddenly, the Cart titan barrels it's way through the soldiers as it opens its mouth. Floch jumps out of the way as Jean grabs Yelena and Onyankopon, dragging them into the Cart titan's mouth.

"Shit! Where's Mikasa?" Floch asks as he looks around when he realises Mikasa is missing, "where's Mikasa?".

--- underground the Shiganshina headquarters ---

"Did you hear that?" Conny asks as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Four gunshots in a row-- Jean's signal to continue the plan" Mikasa says calmly.

"We've got enough weapons, food and water" Evelyn says as she looks at the carriages they're using, "we're just waiting on Armin now".

"I'm here. Sorry you guys. It was hard getting here without being caught" Armin says as he carries Dina into the room.

"Mother!" Evelyn says as Armin lays her down.

"No signs of waking up" Armin says as he jumps onto the cart and runs to the front to guide the horses.

"It's fine. I know a way I can do it" Evelyn says as she kneels down next to Dina.

"All their eyes will be on the other side of the fort! Let's go!" Armin says as Mikasa nods.

They make it out onto the streets as Annie looks back and spots someone watching them from the window.

"Someone's watching us" Annie says worriedly.

"What now, Armin?" Gabi asks as she looks at Armin.

"We'll just have to keep going. Mikasa, tie our horses together" Armin says as Mikasa nods, the two of them tying the four horses together, "Evelyn, can you make Kanmori move any faster?".

"Hold on!" Evelyn says as she whistles, Kanmori rushing off, making the other horses match his speed, the cart's being pulled even faster.

--- within Wall Maria ---

Pieck lets go of Yelena, Onyankopon and Jean out of her mouth as they all cough.

"I'm never going in a titan's mouth ever again" Jean says as he finishes throwing up.

"The Cart titan can stay as a titan for months on end right? Don't you ever brush your teeth?" Hange asks as they stand in front of Pieck.

"That's a rude thing to ask a lady" Pieck says as she looks at Hange.

"When did you partner with Marley?" Onyankopon asks as he looks at Jean.

"Last night" Jean says as he looks down.

"Why? If you stayed a Jaegerist, you'd have gotten everything you wanted" Onyankopon says, confused as to why Eren would give up an easy life.

"I wish I could have plugged my ears and stay cooped up in that room" Jean says as he sits down properly, "but then, those ashy bones would never forgive me".

"Jean... I don't quite follow, but thanks" Onyankopon says sincerely.

"Just wash off already" Jean says as he splashes some water at Onyankopon.

"Why... me?" Yelena asks as she looks ahead blankly.

"Securing you was part of the deal for us to borrow the Cart titan's power" Hange says from behind her, "they wanted you alive".

--- somewhere just outside of Shiganshina ---

There is a bump in the road as Reiner starts to wake up. He opens his eyes as he spots Annie knelt down next to him.

"Annie!" Reiner says in shock.

"Calm down, Reiner" Gabi says as she and Falco come over.

"Don't worry. They're our allies" Falco says as he looks at Reiner.

"Reiner, as much as I don't like what you did to Shiganshina, I understand why you did it, so I'm not mad at you. I want you back on my team and Annie's already agreed. There's no much time, but we're on our way to meet up with Levi and Hange" Evelyn says as she kneels down next to Reiner, "a lot has changed since the last time you were on our team, but I'll keep it short. Zeke killed Erwin, Hange became Commander, I became Section Commander and Levi is still Captain. There you are".

"Where are we going?" Reiner asks as he looks at her.

"To save the world" Conny says from behind her.

"We're not superheroes, Conny" Armin says as he looks back at Conny.

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