You're Not Like the Others

By GACfan4life

29.8K 487 83

Kayla is a hard working mother with a daughter named Abby. One day she meets the Ghost Adventures Crew, will... More

You're Not Like the Others


1.1K 19 4
By GACfan4life


It was now December and I was shopping for Christmas presents for Abby, Nick, Aaron, Zak, and of course my dad. Me and the guys have been getting along, you could say we're best friends. Anytime that I'm feeling down Aaron's there to make me laugh, Nick's like a big brother to me, and Zak's been there for me since day one. And I know I'm going against on what the guys said about getting them presents, but it's in my nature to buy my friends alittle something.

"So what are you planning on doing on Christmas Eve?" my best friend Jessica asked as we were in the toy aisle looking for Abby's presents

"Well...Zak asked me to go to his mom's house for Christmas Eve" I said as I picked up a Barbie and examined it

"Well are you going to go?"

"I don't know" I said sighing and putting the box back on the shelf

"What do you mean you don't know? I can tell you two love each other, you should go...Didn't you tell me that you met his mom and said that she liked you? That's a freakin' bonus Kayla!"

"I know"

"Then go"

"Ok, I'll think about it"

"NO, there's no thinking about it, you're going to go even if I have to drag you there by your toes, you're going"

"Ok, I'll go" I said laughing

We looked around for alittle bit and I finally got Abby a couple of dolls, a new princess tiara, some clothes, and Connect Four. We checked out and packed everything in the car

"OH! I've still got to get a dress, the People's Choice Awards is next month"

"WHAT?! You're going?" Jessica asked

"Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you, Zak invited me to the People's Choice Awards" I said laughnig nervously

"That means he's definatley into you, let's go get you a sexy dress"

I groaned and got into her car. We drove for about 45 minutes and finally Jessica parked infront of a store called Best Fashions Boutique. When she got out of the car she came to my side and pulled me out and drug me inside the store.

"Jessica will you slow down! And quit dragging me, I can walk on my own!"

she finally let go of me

"Here ya go"

I looked at the dresses and then wrinkled my nose up

"Jess...That's something you would wear"

The dresses were strapless and barely covered your upper thigh, I wouldn't even consider these as dresses

"Come on, it would look good on you"

"Yeah, maybe at a club but I'm not going to one"

"Fine" she sighed in defeat

we walked around the store looking at all the dresses and I finally dound one after what seemed like hours. I paid for the dress and we left. Jess dropped me off at my house and I went inside and hid all the presents and put my dress up while Abby was with Gloria and her grandkids.


It was finally Christmas Eve and I was getting Abby ready to go to Zak's house.

"Mommy... is Chelsea and Mark going to be there?" she asked as I tried to banana curl her hair

"Yes sweetie, everyone's going to be there" I said as I got done curling a part of her hair

"Are they gonna have games?"

"I don't know sweetie"

about 15 minutes later I was finally done curling her hair and putting her hair in pig tails with red and green striped ribbons, which she wanted to wear, and I was finally done answering her questions. I helped her get into her almost maroon colored dress and helped her put on her black shoes. Once she was done I started getting ready, I started on my hair by curling it alittle. While I was doing that I got a text from Zak

Don't know if I gave you my mom's address but it's 5684 Palmer Rd.-Z

I text back

No, you didn't, thx 4 giving me the address so I know where 2 go-

Not a prob, see u when u get here-Z

I finished with my hair and then put my clothes on. I put on a light red blouse and black slacks, and put my black high heeled ankle boots on. When I was done I went into the livingroom to find Abby watching Tom & Jerry and eating some of her halloween candy

"Abby don't be eating candy before we go, you're going to ruin your dinner"

"But mommy..."

"No buts Abby, you know better, now let go upstairs and brush your teeth"

she got off the couch slowly and went to brush her teeth with me. When we were done we went to the car and I strapped her in and we took off to Zak's mom's house. I could tell Abby was mesmorized by the christmas decorations that were outside people's houses because she was quiet and every once in a while she would go 'wow'. 35 minutes later I pulled into a sub-division that Zak's mom lived in and every house looked almost the same structural wise. I finaly found Betty's house, it had multi-colored Christmas lights going around the house, a blow up Santa in his sleigh with two reindeer pulling, and you could see her Christmas tree infront of her big picture window. I parked by the curb, since her driveway had cars in it. I got out and then got Abby out and we walked up to her door, I rang the doorbell and Zak answered.

"DADDY!" Abby said happily and jumped into his arms

"Hey Abby" he said hugging her and then putting her down

"Hey Zak" I greeted and entered the house alittle

"Hi Kayla" he said looking at me

he then put his hands on my hips and ulled me into him and kissed me. I was shocked at what he just did


I then closed my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders. I heard people doing 'aww's' and the kids doing 'eww's'. We finally broke apart and I looked at him for some kind of reasoning behind the kiss and he pointed up and I looke up and saw a mistletoe

"My mom just put that up"

"Here ya go Zak" Mary, his sister said handing him a cellphone

"Thanks" he then pressed a few buttons

he led me into the house with his arm around my waist and I felt my phone vibrate. Me and Zak sat down on the couch and I looked at my phone and it was a message from Zak. He sent me the picture of us kissing under the mistletoe just a few seconds ago

So what do you say in being my girlfriend?-Z

I felt my heart skip a beat and I looked up at Zak and he was smirking at me

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and I hugged him tightly

"I'd love to" I said as my voice cracked

"So are you two finally official?" Mary asked already knowing the answer

Zak looked at her and flipped her off

"I take that as a yes, my work is finally done"

"What are you talking about, I had this planned months ago" Zak said

"You did?" I asked

he looked at me

"Yeah, I wanted it to be perfect"

"Alright, Alright, settle down you two, I don't want any baby making in my house" Betty said

"Mom, we're not even on that level yet" Zak groaned embarassed

"So what you're saying is you're just now on fisrt base?" Mary asked amused

"Mary shut the fu-"

"Zachary Alexander!" he mom scolded

I couldn't help but laugh and the two arguing again. After that fiasco Betty called everyone into the kitchen so we could say Grace and start eating. I made Abby's plate and set it down infront of her while she was talking with the other kids that were there sitting at the 'kids table'. I then made my own plate, brisket, mashed potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll, and some gravy. Zak motioned for me to sit next to him, so I did

"You'll love the brisket, my mom makes the best" he said as he took a bite of his own brisket

I took a bite and he wass right, it wasn't just good, it was delious. It was like how my grandma used to make it.


After we all got done eating we all went into the livingroom for the present exchange. Zak was sitting on the couch and I wass going to sit next to him but he caught my arm and pulled me down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. Half way through the present exchange Betty pushed a pretty good sized box to Abby

"Abby, this one's from daddy" she said

I looked at Zak and he pointed towards Abby and I watched her open it. She screeched when she saw it was a Barbie Princess Palace

"THANK YOU DADDY!" she said coming over to me and Zak and hugged him

"Your welcome sweetie"

"But you said you didn't get it though"

"I told you that so you would be surprised...Are you surprised?"


she then went back to it

"Zak, you didn't have to get that"

"I know, but she wanted it and besides...when we landed in New Jersey that day for our live lockdown, I went to the toy store and got it"

"So you're saying is instead of going to the hotel to rest after your long flight you went toy shopping?"

he nodded

"You know how hard it was trying to find that in an ailse that's all pink?"

"Was it hard or embarassing that you're a guy in a girl ailse trying to pick something out?" I asked raising an eyebrow


"That's what I thought" I said and kissed his cheek.

After the party was over and everyone was leaving Zak put the Barbie Princess Palace in the trunk while I strapped in a sleeping Abby in her carseat. I shut her door as queitly as I could and Zak came up to me and hugged me

"So how was your Chrismas Eve?"

"It was great, the only thing missing is-" I then felt something

I looked up and it started snowing. It was like the scene from The Santa Clause 2 where Scott it with principal Newman in the horse drawn sleigh and it starts to snow, minus the hot chocolate though...

Zak cupped my face and kissed me. When we pulled apart I said

"I think this is one of the best Christmas's I've had in a long time"

"Me too" Zak said with a ginuine smile

"Well, I better get home and put Abby to bed"

"Alright, be careful going home, it could be slick"

"I will, and you need to be careful too"

"Don't worry" he said kissing me one last time

we said our goodbyes and went our seprate ways. Once I got home I took off Abby's shoes and she woke up enough for me to put her pj's on her and then I tucked her into bed. I then went into my room and got into my pj's and snuggled under the covers with a huge smile plastered on my face

I can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend...this is the best Christmas EVER I thought

as I drifted off into a very peaceful sleep.

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