Stars & Dreams

By VijiStories

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Blurb: Rumi Chaudhary has dreams but she is no star. She is an aspiring actress who is uncomfortable with the... More

1) Delta Leonis - Talented but lazy
2) Delta Sagittari - Strong and independent
3) Beta Delphini - Artistic but self-absorbed
4)Eta Tauri - Determined and Protective
5) Alpha Orionis - Distant and Cold
6) Arcturus - Intuitive and Expressive
7) Alpha Librae - Ambitious & Focused
8) Spica Virginis - Good at Creation
9) Delta Corvi - Hard to let go of feelings...
10) Beta Leonis - Tend to be Insecure
11) Gamma Aquirii - Moody and Lonely
12) Gama Pegasi - Warrior in Control
13) Delta Scorpio - Good at Sharing
14) Beta Arietis - Ready to take risks
15) Zeta Piscium - Positive & Creative
16) 35 Arietis - Honest & Disciplined
17) Lambda Orionis - Knowledge Seekers
18) Lambda Scorpio - Pain and Loss
19) Alpha Leonis - Loyal and Powerful
20) Alpha Pegasi - Passionate & Indulgent
21) Alpha Tauri - Intriguing and Calm
22) Beta Geminorium - To overcome the bad
23) Antares - Wise & Protective Leaders
24) Delta Cancri - Helpful to Needy

25) Zeta Hydra - Trustworthy Partners

26 3 1
By VijiStories

Rumi was not sure whether or not it was a hoax.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I have been with your sister since she escaped from the village. Here, talk to her...."

"Hello...." Rumi greeted hesitatingly. Her bated breath and quivering nerves added to her anxiety. What if it was true? What if it was really her sister?

"Hello, Rumi di?" the faltering voice clutched Rumi's heartstrings.

"Yes, where are you?"

"I am staying in a hotel with mausi. She is helping me to find you."

Rumi was desperate to visit her sister and her companion at once but she was recognizable now and if she went to meet the girl, she would put everyone in danger.

"Why don't you meet me at my house?" Rumi suggested. The girl's companion, the old woman answered. "You are an actress. Is it all right if we visit you? Moreover, Rewa cannot see. She is blind. Do you mind that?"

Rumi was stricken to learn that the girl who claimed to be her sister was blind. What happened to her? It was now imperative that she keep the girl away from the snooping press. Rumi came up with an idea. She knew it would be impossible for the girl and the woman to visit her because a couple of reporters were always hanging around the building gate. So, she suggested a plan which the old woman and the girl approved.

A week later, after Mukesh's confirmation that the girl and the woman had reached the welfare home, Rumi left for Nainital.

She made sure that there were no journalists there to get a byte from her. She debated about telling Yohan but when she called him, she learnt that he was in another country for a felicitation. So, she left Mumbai after sending a brief message to Yohan.

Rumi was unusually excited to see the girl. She didn't remember much of the baby she had lost but if the same girl had grown up, then she did consider a way to find out.

When she reached the welfare home, it was almost twilight. Mukesh welcomed her.

"How are they?"

"Oh, they are fine. Rumi, do you know the girl is blind?"

Rumi nodded, aware that Mukesh did not know the connection unless, of course, the girl had already divulged. In the course of the conversation, Rumi came to know that Mukesh was still not aware of the relationship between them.

After assuring Mukesh that she was good, Rumi visited the girl and her companion. When she knocked, the door burst open at once. The thin girl was waiting eagerly with both her hands pressed together in excitement. The first thing that Rumi noticed about the girl was her eyes. They were light in colour and instantly recognizable to Rumi; exactly like her sister's. But the girl's eyes were blank and she looked younger than her age.

Rumi's eyes darted to the old woman. She nodded at her. Rumi closed the door behind her and handed the basket of fruits, snacks, and juice to the woman. She gave a gift-wrapped box to the girl.

The girl felt the paper-wrapped box with her hand and exclaimed in delight, "Oh you got me a gift. What is it?"

Rumi smiled, "Open it and see..." and then she cursed herself silently for asking the girl to see. She corrected, "I mean open it first."

The girl tore open the wrapper excitedly. Rumi studied her. The girl was very attractive although she was too frail looking. She had nice hair and there was something fragile about her mien.

"Why don't you sit down Rewa? Tell me how you found me."

"Yes di," the girl placed the half-open gift box on the floor and sat down obediently, giving away to Rumi that she had obeyed instructions demurely all her life. Rumi felt the first stirrings of sympathy for the girl.

Rewa began to narrate her ordeal from the day she overheard her foster father confessing about his intentions of selling her to the highest bidder. The rest of the story left Rumi in a state of shock. It was only when the woman added her own part in Rewa's bid for freedom that Rumi saw the Tattoo on the girl's arm.

It brought goosebumps to her skin. She was convinced that the girl was her sister. Rumi too had her name tattooed on her arm, exactly on the spot that Rewa had but she had got it removed just before going in search of work to Mumbai.

When Rewa disclosed her nightmares, Rumi jumped down from her chair and took Rewa in her arms.

"Oh god, Rewa, I too have the same kind of nightmares. And I had the tattoo but I got it removed."

"Di, you are indeed my sister..." Rewa cried out in wonder.

"Yes, I am but there is one more thing I want to check. Shall I check? Do you mind?"

"No of course not..."

Rumi turned Rewa's face and ran her finger along the girl's chin. At first, she didn't feel anything then a moment later, her fingers felt the scar on the soft skin. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She had finally found her long-lost sister.

Rumi hugged her sister tightly, "Oh Rewa, I searched for you for so many many years.... I am so happy dear."

The old woman's eyes glistened with tears. She was at least able to unite the sisters. Closing her eyes, she invoked the Almighty to bless the girls with happiness.

"Di, tell me all about you. I want to know everything about you."

While they exchanged each other's life stories, and as the old woman fell asleep soundly, the night ended very quickly. When the dawn approached, Rumi felt optimistic. It also saddened her that her younger sister was unable to view the world. She was furious with the couple who had mistreated Rewa. Rumi hoped that they would stop looking for Rewa now. A streak of fear for her sister gripped Rumi; what if they came in search of Rewa; what if they tried to harm her....

As Rewa fell asleep in exhaustion, Rumi swore that she would not allow anything to happen to her sister. She decided to show Rewa to an eye doctor first. Meanwhile, she thanked the old woman for bringing her sister to her.

"Mausi, will you stay with us forever and take care of her?" Rumi requested the older woman.

"I will but who will take care of my house in the village?"

"But if you go back, will the villagers not attack you for helping Rewa?"

The woman contemplated what Rumi said. There were high chances that someone would have seen Rewa with her and informed the villagers. Her life was also in danger. It was better to do as the girls directed. At least she will be of some use to them. What was there in her thatched cottage? Nothing but a few utensils and clothes.

So, she agreed to be a companion to Rewa. The girls were elated.


A week later, Rumi was satisfied with the arrangements that had been made for Rewa and her companion. With the help of her old friend Devesh Datta, who contributed to the welfare home, Rumi organized for Rewa to fly to the United States and consult an eye doctor for surgery. The old woman was going with Rewa. Although the sisters were reluctant to get separated, Rumi and Rewa realized that there was a threat to Rewa if she stayed in the country. Her adoptive parents were still searching for Rewa and that was a risk to both the girls. Hence, they chose to settle Rewa and mausi abroad.

Meanwhile, Rumi spoke to Yohan and he met Rewa for the first time. He was quite dazzled by the similarity between both the girls. He wondered how two sisters could be so beautiful.

"Rumi, I think you should file a case against those villagers."

"But how? If I do that, then they will find out about Rewa staying in Mumbai. They will come after her."

"No, there is another way to do it. Inform the women's welfare board of that particular state. Just give them an anonymous call about such happenings in the village. They will take the matter further."

Rumi followed Yohan's advice. Some days after her complaint was registered, there was a police raid in that particular village and many townspeople were arrested for pursuing and trafficking minor girls under the ruse of ancient religious practices.


When it was time for Rewa to leave for the airport, Rumi was quite reluctant to let her go. However, Rewa was quite strong.

"Di, don't feel sad. Now that we have met, I am not going to leave you. We will meet soon and who knows I may even be able to see your face finally."

Rumi hugged Rewa tightly and they bid an emotional goodbye.

Mausi affirmed, "Do not worry dear. I will take care of your sister. I promise that. Trust me."

Rumi trusted the old lady. Yohan arrived exactly on time to see off Rewa and her companion.

After Rewa left, Rumi and Yohan went for a long drive.

"It is nice to have siblings," Yohan said with a sigh.

"Tell me about your family."

"My parents died in a plane crash. My grandparents brought me up. I never became close to anyone."

"Are you afraid to get close, Yohan?"

"I love you, and I confessed it to you so I don't think I am afraid."

"Yohan, I don't know what to say. Right now, I have too many things to think about...My career has just begun, found my sister finally, and then there is the story about my childhood."

"Don't worry about that. I know who is doing it. I have confronted the person."

"Who, Yohan?"

Yohan heaved a long sigh, "Ujjwal..."

"What? But why would he do it?" Rumi was distraught to learn that it was Ujjwal.

"Apparently to impress Nina and of course, he wanted to teach you a lesson for dumping him."

"Good Lord! And now? Did you tell him to stop publishing the story?"

"I can't take credit for it. Ziva told him in no uncertain terms that if he did it, he will never be able to survive in Mumbai."

"Wow! Did she really do that?"

"Yes, I know for sure."

"Thanks, Yohan."

"Do not thank me. Thank Ziva...."

Rumi nodded gratefully, quite surprised that there were people who wished her good.

"Yohan, I have to leave for Cairo the day after for Alec's docu-series."

Yohan nodded quietly.

He took Rumi's hands and held them tightly, "You are going to make it big. And when you reach the top, try to remember that there is a lovesick fool waiting for you back home."

Tears welled in her eyes and she leaned forward to kiss Yohan deeply.


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