English|| M.M

By Mia-Bella00

45.7K 1.1K 128

Max Medina x OC Allison Gilmore lives with her grandparents after her mother abandoned her as a baby. Living... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25 (It's the real one I promise)
Part 26
Part 27

Part 7

2.2K 54 1
By Mia-Bella00

     "Hey dad" Allison said through the phone. "Hey Allison." Christopher said. "When am I coming for Christmas?" Allison asked. "Actually, I'm not going to be able to do Christmas this year honey" Christopher said. Allison's face dropped "oh". "I'm really busy with work this year I'm sorry" Christopher said. "Oh no. No, it's fine I'll just stay here with grandma and grandpa." Allison said trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. "Okay we'll I got to go I love you" Christopher said. "Okay I love you" Allison responded and hung up and wiped the tear that was falling down her face. 

     "Hey grandma" Allison said as she was walking down the stairs. "Well hello Allison. Do you know when you're going to your fathers this year?" Emily asked. "He actually just called me and told me that he was busy with work this year so I said I would stay with you." Allison said. "I'm sorry. I know you look forward to that" Emily said hugging her. "I'm fine grandma" Allison said. "Ok well we have the Christmas party tomorrow and Lorelai isn't coming but Rory is so you'll have to ignore her I guess" Emily said knowing how she had been towards her. "That's okay I've talked to her a little" Allison said. Emily smiled "good".

     The doorbell to the Gilmore house rang and Emily walked to the door and opened it, "hey grandma" Rory said. "Rory, come in you look lovely." Emily said "this is from me and mom" Rory said as she handed Emily the present. "Well aren't you thoughtful. I'll put it under the tree" Emily said as she carried the present over to the tree. "Mom actually picked it out" Rory said. "Rory, Allison hasn't come down yet will you go get her from her room." Emily asked and Rory was shocked she actually stayed this year. "Yeah sure" Rory said and walked up the stairs. Rory walked to what she assumed was Allison's room and knocked "come in" she heard and opened the door and walked in "oh hi" Allison said looking at her through her mirror while she was curling her hair. "Uh hi. Grandma said to come get you" Rory said. "Oh, okay I'll be done in a minute if you want to wait, we can go down together" Allison said. "Okay" Rory said looking around. She walked over and saw pictures of Allison and Christopher from the Christmas's before and from the trips her and her grandparents would take. "Do you see dad a lot?" Rory asked. "Not much I usually just see him for Christmas, but he cancelled this year" Allison said. "Oh, I'm sorry" Rory said. "No, it's fine" Allison said acting like it was but it wasn't. "Do you guys go on a lot of trips" Rory asked looking at the pictures of Allison with her grandparents. "We do go on quite a few, Martha's Vineyard in summer and then Paris sometimes. They have a schedule, but I don't really understand it." Allison said. "Oh, that's nice" Rory said.  Allison finished up her hair and stood up. "Ok I'm ready." Allison said and hooked her arm in Rory's and the two walked downstairs.

"If we talk to each other off to the side they won't acknowledge us." Allison told Rory. "Okay let's do that I have to talk to grandma first though." Rory said. "About what?" Allison asked. "The night of the dance me and Dean fell asleep at miss patty's, and I didn't get home till the next morning." Rory said. "I have so many questions, but I'll save them for later. Also, don't talk to her about it now she'll get mad wait till after when people leave, she'll have a couple drinks in her and be more pleasant." Allison said. "Okay." Rory said. "Okay everyone dinner is ready if we want to move to the dining room." Emily said and everyone slowly started to make their way to the dining room.

     Everyone was sat around the dining room table; Allison was sitting between Rory and their grandfather. Everyone was talking and Richard was looking down at his food like something was wrong, "Are you okay grandpa." Allison asked. "I'm fine dear just a little warm." Richard said and started talking to his friend. "Is it unbearably hot in here?" Richard asked as he started to mess with his tie. "Richard don't loosen your tie at the table." Emily said. "What are you plans for the holidays, Rory" a woman whose name Allison had forgotten even though she had met her multiple times before said. "I'll probably just be hanging out with my mom" Rory said. "It's such a shame she couldn't come she's always such a kick." Another women said. "Lorelai wasn't feeling well so I suggested she stay home." Emily said. "It is hot in here I'm going to lower the thermostat." Richard said. "I thought you said she was stuck at work grandma." Allison said and the women agreed with her. "Richard forget the thermostat" She said "She was supposed to work but she got the flu so she couldn't make it either way." Emily said. "Tell her we missed her" the women next to Rory said "I will" Rory replied. "Richard" Emily called out, "For heaven's sake." She said as she got up. "Richard" she called out again as she walked towards the thermostat. 

      "Oh no Richard" she said almost in a yell and Allison got up out of her seat and ran towards them. when she got to them, she saw her grandfather on the floor holding his chest, "Somebody call nine-one-one." she yelled, and all the guest rushed in to where they were one man holding a phone to his ear. 

     When the ambulance got to the house, they got Richard on a gurney and put him in the ambulance to assess him. "Who's going with him" a paramedic asked, and Emily looked at her granddaughters. "You go grandma well be right behind you ill drive." Allison said, "okay be careful on the roads." Emily said. "I will grandma I love you" Allison said. "I love you both" Emily said and got into the ambulance. 

     Allison turned around and went back into the house. "What are you doing" Rory asked. "I'm changing out of this stupid dress and getting my phone." Allison said with tears running down her face. "Are you okay" Rory asked. "I'm fine I'm just scared. You need to call mom" Allison said wiping he tears off her face. "And now my makeups ruined great." she said. She walked up to her room and Rory followed behind. "If you want to borrow clothes you can I know how uncomfortable dresses are." Allison said. "Thank you" Rory said. "Take anything just give it back Monday." Allison said as she grabbed a pair of leggings and a Chilton t-shirt and hoodie and walked into her bathroom to change, and Rory called Lorelai. when she came out, she had changed her clothes, taken off her makeup, and put her hair in a ponytail. "You can change in there if you want." Allison said speaking of her bathroom and Rory went in. Allison grabbed her phone wallet and car keys and put them in the pocket of her hoodie she walked over and put on her pair of converses that she had sitting by her bed. "You ready?" Allison asked when Rory walked out of the bathroom. "Yeah" Rory replied. "Okay let's go." Allison said and the two walked down to Allisons car.  

     When the two arrived at the hospital their grandmother was standing by the entrance waiting for them and the two walked up to her, "they took him in to do some tests" she said as she walked up to the waiting room the doctors had told her to wait while they were passing a nurse's station Allison stopped, "I'm sorry" Allison said. "Why are you sorry?" the nurse with short blonde hair asked and Emily came up and started yelling at her and the women looked at Allison and she nodded. 

     Emily had sent Rory to get a paper for Richard and Allison had stayed by the nurse's station while Emily left for a second when she came back and the nurse started talking to her, "Ms. Gilmore We need you to fill out these forms" the nurse they had talked to before said and Emily started to yell at her while Allison watched. "I'm eighteen can I fill them out I know the information and I'm his granddaughter." Allison stepped in her grandfather included her in conversations about their will and investments I case something happened to him because he knew Emily wouldn't understand. "Yes, you can" the nurse said as she handed her the forms. "Mom" Allison heard a familiar voice say as she was looking down at the forms and looked up. Her mother. she knew she would come; she knew she would be there so why was she so surprised. "Can you please go find someone who can tell us something about my grandfather?" Allison asked looking over at Emily then back at the nurse trying to communicate she was just going to get crazier. "Of course," the nurse said. "Thank you." Allison said. When Allison looked up from the forms, she saw her mother looking at her, but she just went back to filling out forms. Emily started asking question about the man Lorelai was with. and then when she looked back up her mother and grandmother were gone. When she finished the forms, she gave them back to the nurse and went and leaned against the wall.

Rory had come back and started to talk to the man whose name Allison had learned to be Luke. They talked until Lorelai came back and greeted Rory. "I'd like to do something" Rory said. "Like uh rollerblade?" Lorelai said jokingly and Allison smiled a little. "Like get some coffee or make some phone calls or do something that isn't  just sitting here waiting." Rory said. "How about we go find a vending machine and get a bunch of candy and junk food." Allison said and they all looked at her. "I'll pay" Allison said holding up her wallet. "Okay that sounds good let's go" Rory said and Lorelai smiled at Allison who slightly smiled back.

The two girls were waking back to where they had left their mother when they saw her in a hall outside of a room and walked up to her. "They just brought grandpa up has in room two-o-two." Lorelai said and Rory started walking in that direction, but Allison stopped when she realized Lorelai wasn't walking with them. "You coming" Allison asked. "Uh I actually have to make a call first ill meet you there." 

     The two girls had found the room and had talked to their grandfather. Rory got up to leave and Allison followed her out of the room and leaned against the wall. People walked in and out of her grandfather's room and she just stayed there silently. no one noticed her. 

     Lorelai had sent Rory home with Luke and Allison sat down in one of the chairs next to her grandfather's room. A few minutes later her mother came and sat next to her. "I can drive you to the house." Allison said. "What" Lorelai said. "Your car it's at the house I drove Rory here. so, I can take you to the house so you can get your car." Allison said. "I'm ready to go soon if you are" Lorelai said. "Okay" Allison said. 

     Emily had walked out of Richards room and started to talk to Allison, "I'm going to stay here with him tonight." Emily said to Allison. "Okay I think I'm going to go" Allison said. "Okay I love you, Allison." Emily said. "I love you grandma" Allison said as she hugged Emily. Lorelai had said her goodbyes to both of her parents and Allison drove her to the Gilmore house the ride was completely silent neither of them made a sound. When Allison parked the car, she didn't get out and neither did her mother. "Why did you leave me" Allison asked. "What" Lorelai said. "You left me and ran with Rory. you left me in the place you were running from and the lifestyle you were running from." Allsion said. "I wanted you to have a better life." Lorelai said. "A life that you ran away from that you hated. I hate it too, but everyone expects me to be so perfect because I'm basically the second chance." Allison said "You ran away again when we were in the headmaster's office. you saw me and you ran. for so long I wanted a mother. who would read to me and play with me in the back yard. who would through me an actually fun birthday party that wasn't just full of women from the DAR and the law firm. Who wouldn't put me in a school that drowns you with schoolwork and expect you to do it all by yourself and go to all of the stupid events they have. I wanted you to be my mother and you weren't" Allison said with tears running down her face. "You ran". Lorelai looked over at her daughter with tears running down her face "I wanted you to have a good happy life." Lorelai said. "Well, I don't mom" Allison yelled. "I'm sorry I'm really tired will you please leave." Allison said trying to wipe the tears that kept falling down her face. "Yeah" Lorelai said and got out of the car and into hers and drove away.

     Allison reached for her phone and dialed max's number. she put her phone to her ear and waited for him to answer. "Ally?" Max asked "Uh yeah" she said into the phone. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have called it late I'm so sorry." Allison said crying. "Ally what's wrong." Max asked. "My grandpas in the hospital and I really don't want to be alone right now, but I should have called you I should have called Catie I'm so sorry" she said crying harder. "No, it's okay do you want to come over you can." He spoke. "Okay" she said. "Do you want me to stay on the phone till you get here." he asked. "Yeah" she said and set the phone down and put it on speaker. She continued to cry as she drove, and he tried to get her to stop because it wasn't safe, but she couldn't. 

     When she got to his apartment she was still crying, and she walked to the door, and he opened it immediately. when she stepped inside, he hugged her and held her, and she cried into his shoulder. when she stopped crying as much as she had been the two sat on the couch. "I talked to my mom and asked her why she left me and she said she wanted me to have a better life but that's bullshit because it's the life she ran away from, and grandpa is in the hospital and I had to act like I was oaky for Rory and for grandma but I really wasn't I was actually terrified and I wanted to cry but I couldn't because Rory kept talking about how she didn't want him to die but I was scared of the same thing and I'm just so scared." She said and cried. Max grabbed her face gently and wiped her tears and she looked up at him and he looked down at her. Allison leaned forward and so did max and she kissed him. his hands went to her jawline and hers went to the side of his face. the two stayed together for a moment then pulled away "Did you saw something yesterday that if this happened, we need some rules?" max asked. "yeah" Allison said. "I think we should make some rules then."


Hi! I wasn't even going to write today but then I just sat down and wrote a two thousand six-hundred-word part. There's a lot in this one. I write from experience by the way so hospitalizations of loved ones I wrote how I feel and have felt so I'm sorry if you think i wrote this in a different way than you would. Anyways I'm going to be very mad at myself in the morning so i hope you all like this and if you do you should vote, comment, and follow. have a good day/night.

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