Trackside Romance

Od Amnarhhhh

953 101 50

Ameena Abdallah Turaki, a young woman deeply in love, dreams of building a loving home. However, she faces th... Více

TWO: A Suya and Ice cream Affair.
FOUR: Surprise Serenade.
FIVE: Love and Laughter.
SIX: Pre wedding shoots.
EIGHT: Shattered Vows.
NINE: Falls out
TEN: She's here.
THIRTEEN: Fire Works And Love🎇
FOURTEEN: Love's Grand Prix
FIFTEEN: Storm Of Insecurities.
SIXTEEN: Wedding Bells 🎉
NINETEEN: A New Life Awaits.
TWENTY: Intertwined Hearts.

SEVENTEEN: Forever Begins Today.

26 3 0
Od Amnarhhhh

Aure yana da dadi
Ba dan mahassada ba
Nima ina da mata
Ba zaku karyata ba
Bana kidan tazuru
Bana kiran tazuru
Lahaula tafi guru
Kukan bakin mazuru
Ango mijin amarya bikin ku babu karya
Ango mijin amarya kwarya da tabi kwarya
Amarso nata shayqi
Wanka jinin maraya
Masoya sunyi aure
Makiya kuja da baya
Kafin yadau amarya
Mijin ki yayi zarya
Waya yake
Kira yake
Bacci yake
Tafiya yake
Aiki yake
A gida yake
Ah ina kake
Zaku ba wa makiyya kunya
Ango da amarya

~Ali Jita Aure Yana da dadi<


I can wholeheartedly testify to the saying, "two souls, one heart," because the bond between Fareed and me has proven it to be true. My love for Fareed has shown me that you can get through it all if you stand strong for you love. Despite the challenges our relationship has faced, including moments we were on the brink of breakup, we fought through it all. Because destiny has already ordained that we will end up together and grow old together, In shaa Allah.

One wish I've always held close to my heart is to witness the day when I would finally be called Mrs. Fareed Jarma, and now, that day is here. I have never once regretted loving Fareed, and I know I never will. Together, we will weather life's storms, build a family, shower our children with love, and grow old together.

One thing I am certain of is that my happiness is intertwined with having Fareed Jarma by my side.

Suddenly, I was jolted back to reality by the sound of my phone ringing. Glancing at my phone, I saw Fareed's name flash on the screen – a FaceTime call. Confusion masked my face. Weren't they already at the mosque for the Nikah ceremony?

With trembling fingers, I answered the call. The screen filled with a blurry image of a white pillar, and indistinct noises in the background. Then it hit me—Fareed had called me on FaceTime so that I could witness the tying of the knot even though I was not physically present there. My hands began to sweat as my nerves kicked in

Everyone in the room because silent the moment the Waliyy began to speak, his voice filling the room with weight and importance. I listened intensely as he uttered the words that would ultimately finalize our wedding.

"An daura auren Fareed Sharrif Jarma da Ameena Abdullahi Turaki, a bisa sadaki dubu dari biyar, lakadan ba ajalan bah!"

The call ended and that moment and I didn't realize when I let out a sigh, feeling a weight was lifted off me. Finally!

A loud scream of excitement and yodeling erupted from the room and echoed throughout the house, marking the celebration of the Daurin aure.

My friends wasted no time in teasing me but they were quickly joined by family, friends, and well wishers, who all came in to offer their blessings, prayers, and best wishes.

"Congratulations, baby girl! Kinzama Matar Rjay," Billy exclaimed, pulling me in for a light hug. "Allah ya Baku zaman Lafia," she added, her eyes welling up with tears of joy.

"It feels so unreal!" I replied, chuckling nervously and fanning my eyes to avoid ruining my makeup since I was getting emotional . "Ameen, Ameen," I added, joining her in her prayers.

Maimoon and Azrah came over to congratulate me as well. "Our Meenah is a wifey now! Congratulations, darling. May Allah bless your home," they said, hugging me warmly.

"Thank you so much guys, for everything," I replied, feeling overwhelmed by the love and affection everyone present was showing me.

"Yallah guys let's go welcome the groom's family they've arrived with the Lefe," Maryuda announced, "And Meenah, use this opportunity to pray your Nafils and finish getting ready because your husband is on his way," she added, addressing me directly.

With a nod of my head, I acknowledged her instructions and quickly set about finishing my preparations after they all went out in groups.

I had already performed my ablution before I had my makeup done, so I set off to begin offering my salah. It was important to me to take a moment to thank Allah SWA for His blessings and guidance, and to ask for His continued protection and love in my marriage. As I prayed two raka'at, I also asked for our marriage to be filled with happiness, and for us to be blessed with beautiful, healthy children.

After completing my prayers, I reached for my phone to call my Billy and ask her to send in the makeup artist so that she could fix my makeup before the arrival of the groom and his friends. However, just as I was about to make the call, I heard the sound of the door opening and I turned around to see Aysha Bashir.

We hadn't spoken or met since our last encounter, when I warned her never to show her face to me again.

"May I come in?" she asked, her eyes pleading for forgiveness.

I offered a slight smile and gestured for her to take a seat, clearing away some items from the bed to make space for her.

"Thank you so much," She said gratefully as she sat down at the edge of the bed. I joined her, feeling a nervous tension in the air as I waited for her to speak.

"I know you warned me never to show my face to you again, but I'm begging you to find it in your heart to forgive me, Meenah. I hate myself for what I did to you. I betrayed you and almost ruined your life. I turned my back on you, and it was all my fault. I dragged you to that birthday party, and if I had known what would happen, I would never have done that to you. I'm so disappointed in myself for what I did to my best friend, but my intention was never to harm you, I promise."

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke, her pain and regret evident in every word. "My dad has already gotten involved, and the authorities are investigating everything. I'm sure Mark and his friends drugged you, and they'll pay for their mistakes. They will pay for what they did to us."

I took a deep breath, reaching out to grasp Aysha's hands firmly in mine. "Aysha, I forgive you," I began, speaking from the depths of my heart. "Truly, I do. I let my anger consume me, but the truth is, we both fell in their trap. We are both victims. But it's time we leave that behind and start anew. We must release ourselves from the pains of our past. Today, I got married to the man I love, and just as I'm beginning a fresh chapter, I refuse to let the mistakes of our past haunt us. I won't allow them to affect our future. So please, stop tormenting yourself over what's done. Forget it, because I've genuinely forgiven you."

Aysha's tears fell as a smile spread across her face, "Alhamdulillah for this, Meenah. Your forgiveness means the world to me. And you're right, let's cast aside the weight of our past and embrace a new journey. I promise to be a better friend, In sha Allah."

"I believe you, Aysha," I replied with a smile, pulling her into an embrace.

"By the way, congratulations on your wedding, darling! I'm so happy for you. You're officially Mrs. Rjay now," Aysha teased, and we both shared a light hearted laugh. "May Allah bless your home," she added, and I mumbled a grateful "Ameen Ameen" in response.

As we caught up on everything we had missed since our last conversation, the girls began returning to the room one by one. Aysha and I discussed the upcoming dinner reception, and I encouraged her to attend. "It will be a grand celebration, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss it," I insisted.

"I'll try to attend, In shaa Allah," she replied, rising from her seat to leave. "Thank you for everything, Meenah."

"Don't mention it," I replied warmly, accompanying her to the door until she stepped out and left. I felt a sense of peace.

"Oh my gosh, did you see the incredible amount of lefe boxes the groom's family brought? It was unbelievable! Tabarakallah Ma shaa Allah, they really went all out," exclaimed Amra's elder sister Nasreen.

"I know, right?! I couldn't believe my eyes. They had 30 boxes, all designer items from Gucci, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and more. Meenah, you really hit the jackpot," chimed in another cousin.

"And there's even a specific kit with golden jewelry and a set of diamonds inside!" added Amra.

"Wow, that's amazing," I mumbled. I was surprised at how much Fareed and his family had spent on the lefe. Did he really need to get me a diamond jewelry set? But at the same time, I felt grateful that they were showing such appreciation towards my family and I.

"Meenah, seriously, how did you manage to get a man like Fareed? He's handsome, rich, and a celebrity. You're so lucky. I'm jealous," Nasreen said, teasingly.

Their compliments, though appreciated, was ironic, really.  For so long, these same cousins had whispered doubts and tried to drive a wedge between I and Fareed.  Now, here they were, gushing about him.

With a wry smile, I replied, "Honestly, there's no secret ingredient.  I just prayed for Allah to bless me with a good husband and somehow, Fareed appeared.  Maybe you should try the same approach, Nasreen. Your Mr. Right might be closer than you think."

The door swung open, and Billy, Azrah, and Maimoon bustled in, a makeup artist trailing behind them. "Alright ladies, time to wrap up the gossip session. The groom and his crew have arrived, and our bride needs her final touches!"

Relief washed over me as I rose and took a seat in front of the makeup artist, relieved to be saved from more annoying questions.

As soon as the MUA finished working her magic on my face, Maimoon and Billy eagerly helped me slip into my breathtaking white Lacey silhouette gown that flowed around me like a wedding dream, and draped a transparent white veil over my head and body. My Jewelries and everything was in place.

Suddenly, one of my bridesmaids burst into the room in a frenzy, shouting that the president's son and different politicians sons had came along together with Fareed. The rest all squealed with excitement, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their over-the-top reactions. I just hoped they wouldn't make fools of themselves infront of Fareed and his friends.

"Don't mind them," Billy chuckled, sensing my annoyance, and I nodded not wanting them to ruin my perfect day.

"You make such a beautiful bride," The makeup artist complimented, after she was done concluding the makeup.

Her kind words melted my heart, and I thanked her with a smile. "Thank you so much. You're absolutely perfect at your job." I commented sincerely, staring at my simple yet stunning makeup in the mirror.

She blushed and returned my smile. "By the way, I'm a huge fan of your husband Rjay. He's such a talented racer and an excellent role model. Please send my warmest regards to him, and I pray that you both have a happy married life."

"In shaa Allah I'll send your greetings to him m. Thank you so much once again," I replied with a grateful smile.

After receiving tons of compliments from everyone in the room on how stunning and flawless I looked, we prepared to leave, I veiled my face with the veil and my bridesmaids arranged themselves around me, some standing in front, some behind, and my closest friends beside me. I felt my nerves begin to flutter as we made our way out, my heart beating faster than usual. It was the moment I had been waiting for - to set eyes on my beloved husband Fareed, as his wife for the first time.


The room was filled with people, all here to witness the start of my forever with Fareed Jarma. The sight of my bridesmaids stepping aside to make way for me only made my heart race faster. I was finally going to be with the man of my dreams.

My eyes landed on my husband, standing tall and handsome in his white caftan and embroidered Babban Riga, looking like a prince from a fairy tale. His zanna bukar cap sat perfectly on his head, adding to his regal look. I couldn't decide which outfit suited him better, his casual hoodie and sweats or his fine and expensive caftans. But I didn't have to choose, because my man never failed to impress me, no matter what he wore.

As his eyes landed on mine, he flashed me that million-dollar smile of his, and my heart melted. He walked towards me with confident strides, and I couldn't help but feel shy and nervous of all a sudden. It's just Fareed, Meenah, chill.

He lifted my veil, revealing my face, and whispered, "Tabarakallah Ma shaa Allah" I blushed, as my gaze fell to the floor because of how shy I felt. I myself couldn't believe that I was shy of Fareed. " A'uzu bi kalimatillah hit-taammati min kulli shaytaa new-wa hammah, wa min kulli ay nil-lammah; O Allah! I seek Refuge with Your Perfect Words from every devil and from poisonous pests and from every evil, harmful, envious eye." He prayed which left me feeling safe and secure, and pulled me into his embrace, I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his warmth and love envelop me.

"Alhamdulillah," he said, his words filling me with joy as my heart swelled. The room erupted with cooing and teasing as they captured the beautiful moment on their phones. "I've waited for this day for so long, Meenah," he continued, his voice low and sincere. "Thank you for coming into my life, for giving me the chance to love the woman who holds my heart captive. I promise to cherish you, to love you with every fiber of my being until my very last breath."

Tears welled up in my eyes as emotions overwhelmed me. "Me too, Fareed," I sniffled, feeling his comforting embrace. "If this is a dream I never want to wake up." I whispered against his chest.

He chuckled softly, "Shhh, baby. No tears today, only joy."

The song "Dandelions" by Ruth B. began playing in the background, and everyone joined in, making the moment even more special. In that moment, nothing else mattered. I was with the man I love, and I never wanted to let go.

We were both called to Baba's living room for the Nasiha, as we walked in hand in hand together, feeling like nothing else in the world matters.

The elders were all present there so we both sat down on the carpet and the series of different advice were passed on to us.

Baba spoke of the importance of patience, trust, and support in a marriage, and I knew that these were the virtues we would need to develop to make our love last a lifetime.
We spent about an hour listening to their valuable advice.

After the nasiha, we walked back into the living room, ready to capture the beauty and romance of our special day. The renowned BIGH wedding photographer captured every moment of our love, from the way Fareed held me tight in his arms to the way we gazed into each other's eyes with connected passion. We changed poses and at the end, our friends and family joined us in the photograph. It was a moment that would forever be etched in our hearts.

"If I could, I'd steal you away right now. Just the two of us." Fareed said, arms wrapped securely around my waist, his gaze locked with mine.

I chuckled softly, rolling my eyes playfully. "Come on, Husband. Can't you be patient for just one more day?"

He shook his head, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "I can't," he whispered huskily into my ear. "My patience is running out. I can't wait to have you all to myself."

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I felt a sudden wave of shyness. "You're ridiculous. You should leave now."

"Is my wife kicking me out?" he feigned hurt, his arms loosening around me.

"Yeah, she is," I teased, slipping out of his embrace. "Go prepare for the reception later."

"Alright, anything you say, wife," he winked, making me blush once again. "Take care of yourself. I'll see you soon." He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before pulling away. "In shaa Allah."

"See you," I smiled, waving as Fareed left with his friends. Meanwhile, my bridesmaids and I continued taking more pictures and celebrating, eagerly anticipating the final event before I'm conveyed to my marital home tomorrow.


An daura, an daura tazama Matar Rjayyy🥳🥳❤️!
Congratulations to us all😫
We fought to keep their relationship, didn't we?

Well don't forget the usual
Vote, comment, and share😘

See you in the next chappy😉

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