A family is forever (Five Har...

By Avengergirl99

14.3K 375 24

"A family is forever" In which where number Five and number Eight have two kids while they are stuck in the a... More

Cast of Part One
0. Introduction
1. The backstory
2. The bank robbery
3. The apocalypse
4. Travel to 2019
5. The Academy
6. The tour and the funeral
7. Griddy's Doughnuts
8. The eye
9. Ellie the mannequin
10. Patience
12. Equations
13. The Handler
14. The day that wasn't
15. Harold Jenkins
16. Looking for aunt Vanya
17. Time to move on
18. The White Violin
Cast of part Two.
0. Introduction
19. Back where we started
20. A family reunion
21. The Frankel Footage
22. Sound Waves
23. The Majestic 12
24. The gala and the first kiss
25. Reunion
26. Hanging out with uncle and aunts
27. Offering a deal
28. A light supper
29. Öga För Öga
30. You lied to me
31. The seven stages
32. 743
33. Two Fives
34. Battle this out together
35. The battle
36. The end of something
Book 2 is out!

11. Drunk

263 11 0
By Avengergirl99

"Sometimes the scars you can't see are the ones that hurt the most"


When Aaron and Hope returned to the van they saw Five stepping out.

He breath out in relief when he saw his kids came walking over to him "Thanks God you kids are okay, I was getting worried" he said "We're fine" Hope said as she failed to mention what had happen in the Academy.

"So where are we going?" Hope asked "I found out where Lance live, I was on my way to get you kids, so we can spy on him. So come on" Five said "Let's go" Hope said and Five bend down before Aaron jumped up on his back and the two walked down the street.


They came to the building and they saw Lance walking out of the building and towards his car while he was carrying his dog.

Lance unlock his car and he put his dog on the backseat before he went to the driver seat.

Five blinked Hope and Aaron to the backseat before he blinked himself to the driver seat next to Lance just as he closed the door.

"Oh, Jesus!" Lance said when he saw Five sitting next to him and Five clicked his switchblade open before he grabbed Lance's collar, putting his face close to his as he put the switchblade by his throat while Aaron started petting the dog.

"One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell us exactly what's going on in that lab" Five said "I...I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients" Lance stammered "I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market" he said "Including eyeballs?" Hope asked "Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hotcakes. I--I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers" Lance said "So, the serial number I told you..." Five said, his voice trailing off as an indication that Lance should keep talking.

"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, off--off the books" Lance said and Five let out a sigh "We needed that list, Lance" Five said "Names and numbers, and we need it now" Hope said as Five put the knife closer to Lance's throat "I don't have it. I mean, not on me" Lance said "Then where is it?" Hope asked "The only copy's in my safe at the lab" Lance answered "Well, you start the car, then" Five said "'Cause we're going on a field trip" Hope said and Lance nodded while Five leaned back, taking the blade away from Lance's throat "Okay" Lance said "Now" Five said "Okay" Lance said before he frantic his seatbelt.


They arrived at the lab and Five dragged Lance with him while his kids following behind as they were all walking towards the lab.

But then they noticed that black smoke was coming from the windows and glass could be heard shattering while the fire spread out of the windows.

"Hope, stay here with Aaron" Five said before he started running towards the entrance of the building "DAD, DON'T!" Hope shouted but Five kept running so Hope ran after her dad which cause Aaron to run after Hope.

As Five came to the entrance a explosion went off by the entrance, throwing him backwards.

"DAD!" Hope cried out as Five let out a scream as he flew backwards before landing hard on the ground.

Blocks, metal, glass and other stuff was laying around the area.

Both Hope and Aaron rushed over to their dad "Dad. Are you okay?" Hope asked and Five let out a grunt as he sat up "I'm fine" he said before looking at them "How about you two? You okay?" he asked as he checked them for any wounds or cuts "We're fine" Hope said before her and Five looked toward the building to see it in flames as they heard sirens approaching.

"The list" Five said "Is gone" Hope said before she looked at her dad "What do we do now?" she asked "I don't know. But we can't say here. Come let's go" he said before the three left.


Five and the kids arrived at a public library to think about what to do now. Five have chosen this library cause that was the only one still standing in the apocalypse.

Five had Delores and a bottle of whiskey with him as they walked up to a higher floor of the library before they sat down in a corner while Five started doing some research.

"So what now?" Hope asked "I don't know. But this is a good place to be working" Five said before he started doing some equations on the wall with a black marker while he took a sip of the bottle every minute or so.

While Five did the equations, Hope and Aaron sat over by a table not far away and Hope picked a book before she started reading it while Aaron was drawing in his sketchbook.

Aaron looked at the small dragon he have draw in his sketchbook.

He stared at the drawing, like he was trying to focus.

After a few seconds, the dragon start moving it's wings before it flew out of the page and it started flying around Aaron who giggled as he looked at it.

Hope looked up from her book to see a tiny green dragon that was not bigger than a dinner plate, flying in circles around Aaron's head who was giggling as he watched the dragon.

"Aaron" Hope said and Aaron looked at her.

She looked around, making sure nobody was watching before she looked back at Aaron "Not here" she said and Aaron's smile faded before he nodded and he trapped on the page with his pen making the dragon fly back into the sketchbook, turning back into a drawing again.

After some time, Five have almost drink the whole bottles of whiskey and he was so drunk that he couldn't continue to write equations so he wrapped his arm around Delores before he leaned his head back and felled asleep.

"Dad" Hope said as she walked over him and she let out a sigh in disappointment when she saw the empty bottle in his hands.

She was not angry at her dad for drinking, she knew that he was stress and exhausted over everything that was going on, she was surprise that he was first drinking now after everything he had being through.

Lucky Aaron didn't see it since he was too young to understand.

"Where are his patents?" a librarian "I'm gonna call security" another librarian "Shit" Hope said before she crouched down to her dad "Dad, you need to wake up" she said but he didn't moved.

"There you guys are, we have being looking for you" a voice said and Hope turned around to see Luther and Diego "Hey" she said and the two looked at Five "Is he, um...?" Luther whispered and Diego nodded "Yeah, drunk as a skunk" he said while Five continued snoring until the bottle felled out of his grasp making a small noise.

"Getting drunk in front of your own kids. That is low blow" Luther said before he walked over to grab Five and picked him up, still with Delores in his arms while Hope walked over to get Aaron.


Flashback start...

30 years ago.

Ellie was trying to hang wreaths that she had made out of flowers and leaves up on the wall.

"Hey" Five said as he had return from his walk "Hey" Ellie said "What are you doing?" he asked "I'm trying to made this place a little more nicer, so I have made wreaths to hang up around the place" she said "Well, it look beautiful" he said "Thanks" she said.

"Hey Ellie" he said "Yeah" she replied "There is something I want to ask you about" he said "What is it?" she asked "I need you to turn around" he said and she turned "What?" she asked "Come with me. There is something I want to show you" he said before he grabbed her hand "Now close your eyes" he said and she closed them as he lead her away.

"What is it Five?" she asked as he was dragging her forward "Is a surprise" he said.

"Okay, now you can open them" he said and she opened them to see a blanket with one bottle of wine and two cups on.

It's such a beautiful night to make a change in our lives
East Anglian sky, empty bottle of wine
I got you by my side, talkin' 'bout love and life
Oh, how lucky am I when I look in your eyes

"Five, is this a picnic date?" she asked "Yeah, on my walk, I found a wine cellar and a bottle of a unopened wine" he said.

What a wonderful way to spend a moment or two
To be lyin' awake and be here talkin' to you
I got somethin' to say, I know what I gotta do
To be makin' a change, now the moment of truth

"It's also because I want to ask you a very important question" he said "And what is that?" she asked "Turn around" he said and when she turned around that's when her eyes widened when she saw Five on one knee and with a beautiful ring in his hand "I found this on my walk" he said.

Why am I feelin' so nervous when
Things are goin' so perfect? And
But I know that it's worth it to
Spend forever with you

"Elizabeth Hargreeves, I love you more than anything and I know that is the apocalypse and is not the best proposal, but I really want to do this. I have waited on this since the day we kiss for the first time" he said.

And so I count to three
And get on one knee
And I ask you

"I have waited for the proposal and even so if we weren't the only two people left alive, I still would be here, asking you to marry me and I would still choose you to spend the rest of my life with" he said and happy tears of joy was show in her eyes.

Darlin', honestly
I've waited all this time
Just to make it right
So I'll ask you (tonight)

"You are the one. I have know that for a very long time. I have know it since we were 16. Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky. I choose you and I'll choose you over and over. Without pause; without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you. I can't love anyone else the way I love you. You are my best friend, my sun and my light, my future, my life and my everything...plus that smile of yours drives me crazy...You are my heaven on Earth. You see all my light, you accept all my darkness. You light up my world like nobody else and I will never understand how a caring and kind woman like you, could fall in love with someone like me" he said.

Will you marry me?
Just say yes
One word, one love
One life

"We only have one life and is not the best, but is it something cause we are living it together. And I'm not doing this because you are the only other person here. I'm doing this because I love you and I can't be without you" he said.

A gentle touch of the hand, fingers runnin' through hair
Lips pressed to her lips, oh, I was caught unaware
Arms holdin' me tight, tears in both of our eyes
What a beautiful way to spend the rest of our lives

"I promise to always be there for you and to never leave your side, to always love you. And when we get out of here, my promise will still hold" he said.

Sun will reappear, burnin' auburn and red
My chest was the pillow, green grass lawn was the bed
Last night was the night, one last moment of truth
And what a wonderful way to fall in deeper in you

"You are the one person that never fails to put a smile on my face, no matter how bad my day has being. You are the reason I'm laughing and smiling. You are the reason I fall asleep with a smile on my face. You are my motivation to do things. You are my reason to never lose hope or give up. You are my reason to fight and to live" he said.

Why was I feelin' nervous when
Things were goin' so perfect? And
And now I know that it's worth it to
Spend forever with you

"Right from the beginning you have being right by my side, supporting me, helping me, always being there for me and you're so much more than my lover, you're my best friend, my strength, my home. I'm so lucky to have you in my life" he said.

And so I count to three
And get on one knee
And I ask you
Darlin', honestly

"You're the reason I do anything. When I get up in the morning, I feel so grateful for every second I have with you. You give my life meaning, you give my life days such joy, you are the reason I smile. I'm so glad you are with me through this and joining me on this journey through life" he said.

I've waited all this time
Just to make it right
So I'll ask you (tonight)
Will you marry me?
Just say yes
One word, one love
One life

"Every time I think of you, my heart skips a beat. You make me feel alive in a way I've never felt before. I'm so grateful for the love and joy you bring into my life. I can't imagine living without you. You are the melody to my song and the light that guides me through the dark. I love you each passing day" he said

Some things were just meant to be
(Hearts intertwined)
Some things were just meant to be

"You make even the apocalypse seems good and I don't know what I would do without you. I fell for your personality, your voice, your look, your eyes, your heart and soul, the way you made me feel, I love you for everything that you are and everything that your not. You're perfectly you. Any surprises that come our way, it's okay, because I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. To share every moment with you and to be together forever is all I ever want" he said before took her hand and squeezed it a little bit "So Ellie, will you be my wife?" he asked.

(In perfect time)
Some things were just meant to be
(Oh, you and I)
Some things were just meant to be

Ellie couldn't find the words, her hands flew up to her chest, pressing hard to keep her heart from bursting out of her. Happy tears filled her eyes.

"Yes. I will be your wife" she said with a nod and he smiled before he got up and they pressed their lips against each other.

(Your hand in mine)
Some things were just meant to be
(Hearts intertwined)
Some things were just meant to be

They pulled away to look at each other "I love you" she said "I love you too" he said before they rested their forehead against each other.

(In perfect time)
Some things were just meant to be
(Oh, you and I)
Some things were just meant to be

They then pulled away "We will always be together, right?" he asked "Of course. Together forever" she said before they both wrapped their arms around each other and they turned their heads to look at the view while they had their cheek pressed against each other.

Flashback ends...

Luther was carrying Five and Delores as him, Diego, Hope and Aaron was walking down an alleyway.

Hope was walking next to Diego as she was carrying Aaron who was asleep on her back.

"Where are we going?" Hope asked "We can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment" Luther said "My place is closer. No one will look for you there" Diego said before he looked down at Hope "Don't worry, you guys are safe with us" he said.

Hope didn't answer, she just nodded "You know, you look a lot like your mom" Diego said "I know. But on the inside I'm like my dad" Hope said "I don't know if you knew it, but your mom and I were very close when we were kids, she would always help me with my homework and my stuttering" Diego said "I know" Hope said "You do?" he asked as he looked at her "Yeah. Mom and dad told me and Aaron stories about you guys, all the time" she said "She did?" he asked and Hope nodded "What did they say?" Diego asked "They told us how close you guys were. They told us about the missions you guys went on and what you always use to do as kids. I ask her if she was scared when she went on missions with you guys and she told us, that all she could think about is that you and the others were safe and that was all that mattered" Hope said and a tear felled from Diego's eyes "She loved you guys so much" Hope said "Yeah we loved her too" Diego said before she let out a sigh "I miss her" he said "So do we. She was the best mom you could ever have" Hope said.

But then Five let out a belch before he let out a sigh "If you vomit on me..." Luther said "Where are my kids?" Five asked as he began to look around "I'm here dad and Aaron is asleep on my back" Hope said "Good" Five said "I can't believe that you got drunk in front of your own kids" Luther said to Five "You should be ashamed of yourself" he said.

"You know what's funny? Aah! I'm going through puberty" Five said and let out a scoffs "Huh. Twice" he said.

"And I...I drank that whole bottle, didn't I?" Five said and chuckled "You did" Hope said "Sorry pumpkin" Five said "It's okay" Hope said.

"That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye" Five said, putting out his hand "Poof, it's gone" he said and mimicking an explosion with his hand.

"What are you guy talkin' about?" he asked and Luther let out a sigh "Two masked intruders attacked the Academy last night. They came looking for you and your kids" Diego said before he looked at Five "So I need you to focus. What do they want?" he asked "Hazel and Cha-Cha" Five said "You know, I hate code names" Diego said "Ah, the best of the best. Except for me, of course" Five said "The best of what?" Diego asked.

'Cause Five was so drunk, he ignored the question before he changed topic "You know, Delores and Ellie always said they hated when I drink" Five said before he looked at Delores "Don't you Ellie. Yeah" he said with a nod "He do know that the doll is not Liz, right?" Diego asked "He does, but mom was the one that found that doll and now when mom is gone, dad imagines that Delores is mom. It's important to him, I think it's because he feel like mom is still with him when Delores is with him" Hope said.

"You said it made me surly---" "Hey" Diego said, cutting Five off as he stopped before he turned around to look at him "Hm? Yeah?" Five asked "I need you to focus. What do this Hazel and Cha-Cha want?" Diego asked but Five just smiled at him like a fool.

"We just wanna protect you...All three of you" Diego said "Protect me. I don't need your protection, Diego" Five said "Then let's us help you protect your kids" Luther "I don't need you guys help with that. I can take care of them by myself, I have done it for over a year now. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? No. I'm the four frickin' house man" Five said before moving around in Luther's grasp "The apocalypse is coming" he said and he turned around, putting his head behind Luther's back before he threw up causing Diego to roll his eyes.


The five arrived at a boxing training building before Diego lead them down to the boiler room where he lived and Luther place Five on the bed while Diego sat Delores down on a chair and Hope gently put Aaron down on the bed behind Five.

"Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep" Diego said "Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually. Be back to his normal, unpleasant self" Luther said "Yeah, I can't wait that long" Diego said before turning around and walked towards the stairs "I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies" he said.

Luther then looked at Hope "Why don't you lay down and slept" he said "No, is okay. I took a quick rest a few hours ago" Hope said before she sat down on the bed.

"Do you know what your dad was talking about?" Luther asked "Only a little. It's something that both him and mom had being working on for over 37 years and now with mom gone, dad feels like a responsibility to succeed in this, so mom can rest in peace" Hope answered.

But then there was a thumping overhead sound causing Diego to snapped his head and looked around the room.

"What do you think he meant by that?" Luther asked but Diego lifted up his finger telling them to shut up.

They heard footsteps approaching outside the door causing Diego to pull out his knife as he walked up the steps that lead to the door.

Diego put his hand on the door's handle before he slowly opened the door a bit while he got ready to throw his knife.

"You throw another one of those goddamn knives at me, I'm pressing charges" a voice said.

Diego put his arm down before he opened the door "What do you want, Al?" he asked and a old man walked in "I ain't your secretary" he said "Yeah" Diego mumbled under his breath before he walked down the stairs.

"Some lady called for you, said she needs your help" Al said "What lady?" Diego asked "I dunno. Some, uh, detective. I think she said her name was, uh, Blotch or something" Al said "Patch?" Diego asked and Al nodded "She needs my help" Diego said before going up the stairs "She needs you to meet her at that motel, a dump on Calhoun" Al said as he handed a piece of paper to Diego "When?" he asked "About half an hour ago. Uh, said she found your brother" Al said before leaving.

Both Luther and Diego looked over at Five "That doesn't make sense" Diego said before the two looked at each other ones they realized who it was "Klaus" they said.

"Go. I'll wait here with..." Luther said but didn't reach to finished as Diego was already out the door.

Luther then looked back at Five before he patted Delores on the forehead.

"So, how is it going?" Luther asked "You don't have to make small talk" Hope said "Okay" Luther said with a nod.

He took a deep breath before he looked at Hope "I'm not sure you and your brother are safe with Five" Luther said and she looked at him "What are you talking about?" she asked "I mean, he is bringing you guys in danger" Luther said "So" Hope said "Isn't is a parent's job to protect their kids, instead of bringing them in danger?" Luther asked "What are you trying to say?" Hope asked "I'm trying to say that, maybe you two would be safer with someone else" Luther said.

"Are you saying that Five is a bad dad?" she asked "No. I--" but he was cut off when Hope grabbed Luther's collar before she pulled him down so he was in eye level with her.

"Listen here asshole. You have no idea what my parents had being through" she said through gritted teeth "Both my parents had done an amazing job taking care of me and my brother and it was not easy, especially in the apocalypse. But they did it. And when mom died, our dad kept taking care of us. Even so he was in pain and broken, he kept getting up, he kept having hope. He didn't let us raise ourself, he didn't stop taking care us, he read to us, he help us with our homework. He comforted us when we were sad, he stayed up all night when we were sick or when we had nightmares and couldn't sleep. He clean up after us, he cook for us. He taught us sign language so Aaron could communicate with us and so that we could understand him. He is an amazing, protecting, caring and loving dad" Hope said "He is going to leave you one day" Luther said "No he isn't. Just because our dad's dad was like that, doesn't mean that our dad is like that and he is not like Reginald. In fact he is the complete opposite than Reginald" she said angry as she stared angry at Luther.

"Just because you don't know how a father's love feel, doesn't mean that you can take it away from others and it doesn't mean that others don't feel it. Cause there was not a single second where Aaron and I didn't felt our parents' love" she said and Luther gulp in fear as Hope send him a death stare.

"You mention something like that again and I will set you on fire" Hope threated "Understand?" she asked and he nodded in fear "Understand" he said "Good" she said before she let go of Luther who fix his collar.

"You have your dad's temper" Luther said "I know" Hope said.

"Sometimes the only way to heal our wounds, is to make peace with the demons who created them"

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