CountryHumans Oneshots

Per ShimmerBeamSparkle

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This is my countryhumans oneshot book. I'll be trying to include as many countries as possible. This book con... Més

CountryHumans Oneshots
Country Probability
Basic Information
Getting Together
Hate Triangle
Europe Club
Exam Tension
Canada x Ukraine
Care (Brazil And Argentina)
Quick Note
America X Armenia
Finland x Estonia
Canada X Phillipines
Pakistan[fem]x Turkey
Lack Of Updates

Back To School

167 4 25
Per ShimmerBeamSparkle

Requested by: @LittlePetty123

Quick Note, Normal people are there in their school too, besides countries.


It was a pleasant morning. The birds were chirping, clouds covered the sky. The street was filled with happy chatters. I looked out of the window. As I suspected, There were many people down there. Chatting, Playing eating ice-cream and what-not. I opened my phone. It lit up, revealing a bunch of notifications. I slid them off after reading them. "Mmhm...mhmm...not important...not important..." I mummered under my breath. 

I had almost read all of them. I begin reading the last one. 

'Calander Remainder: School starts from tommorow'

I froze. I Immidietly peered through the window again, looking at all the hustle down there. 'Do they even remember?' I thought. 'I better remind them.' I opened my phone again. I went over to whatsapp and opened the group. Our WhatsApp group had all the countries. I decided to type in a remainder.

''Quick note, School starts tomorrow!!'' I wrote in. I waited for a few minutes for the replies to pop up.

UK: Quick note, school starts tomorrow.

Sweden: Ohno

Italy: I literally forgot

France: Thanks for the remainder!

America: Oh Fuck

Brazil: OH COME ON!!

China: @Italy I forgot too

Russia: Xaxa Me too

Germany: Thx @UK

Belarus: I don't wanna go :(

Ukraine: Nobody does

Egypt: Why do vacations have to end so early?

India: @Egypt  I didn't even realise when they ended.

Singapore: Back to school, ig

Norway: Thx anyway @UK

UK: No problem chap!

America's POV:

'Of fuck, schools are starting!!!' I thought. I wasn't prepared. I bolted towards my room to check for supplies. "Hm...I have books, and stationary, and bag." I mummered. A few minutes later, I was prepared. School was 10 minutes away from our house. Some of us cycled our way, some of us waited for the school bus. 

I pulled out my phone and texted Canada.

America: Hey bro, Tmr's school

Canada: yes, I saw

America: Tmr is the first day. I wonder if we get to be in the same class!

Canada: Ya, me too

                                               -THE NEXT DAY-

Russia's POV:

I woke up at 5:00 AM: In the morning. Though school starts at 8, I had this weird habit of waking up early. I decided to get ready.  I say up and stretched my arms and got up from my bed and went towards the bathroom. 

I brushed my teeth. After a few minutes, I bathed and wrapped a towel around myself. "Hm...what shall I wear?" I asked myself. I was browsing through my wardrobe. I wasn't excactly 'Fashion-forward' and preferred Comfortable cloths over stylish looking ones. I picked up a sky Blue and black pants. I wore a brown trench coat and of course, My Ushanka which I never leave behind.

It was 5:45 by now. I packed up my bag and headed out. Instill had plenty of time. We were supposed to reach the bustop at 7:50.I didn't know how to cook so usually Belarus or India would share their food with me. Belarus had the same habit as me, to get up early. 

 I went over too Belarus's house. I rang her door bell. "Coming!!" A familiar voice spoke from inside. A few seconds later a shorter country with dark red top and green skirt with white embroidery opened the gate. She was wearing sneakers with long socks. She wore a single braid and two hairclips on her head. 

"Hi!" Belarus chimed. "Hi." I replied. "Ready for school?" She asked me. " Yes, I am." I replied. Belarus was my sister, she was technically older that me but I was taller by a few centimetres. (I know guys, but it's the fact. Ukraine was founded first followed by Belarus, Kazakhstan and then Russia, which makes him younger.)

I've been to Belarus's house many times before. The walls were Dark green. The curtains were red with white lines. The furniture was themed in Green, red and white too. The house looked cozy. The insides was decorated with garlands of flowers. There were many pieces of beautiful Belarusian art and pottery. It wasn't really huge but it was welcoming.

" Do you have breakfast?" I asked her, slightly blushing from embarrassment. I hated being dependent on someone for food. "Yes, I've made food. Come on in!" My sister exclaimed. "Hey, Is kaz coming over?" I asked. Kaz is a nickname for Kazakhstan. He, just like me, also does not know how to cook. "Yes, he texted me. He'll be coming soon." Belarus chimed.

Belarus, whom I call Bela, was preparing the cutlery for Breakfast. She motioned me to sit down at the dining table. I obitiently nodded and sat down. A few minutes later, Bela emerged from the kitchen door with a handful of plates and bowls. She placed them on the table. Soon, the doorbell rang. "Must be Kazakh!" I exclaimed and ran to open the door for my brother as Bela was busy.

My face Immidietly lit up when I saw the person on the other side of the door. He wore a track-pant and light blue T-shirt with a long waist jacket. " Hi Kazakhstan!" I exclaimed hugging my brother. We havn't met each other properly since a week from now, and were really looking forward to it.

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!!" Belarus chimed from the dining room. "Coming!" Kazakhstan exclaimed in reply. I just nodded. "I've made draniki and blini! (These are belarusian dishes)" Belarus chimed. I noticed Kazakhstan's eyes lite up. 

"BLINI?! I love those!" He exclaimed."Me too! Just like how dad used to make!" I chimed. My face Immidietly frowned up when I notice the expression on others face. "Sorry, p-p-probably shouldn't have bought it up." I added, looking down. I was beggining to tear up but I held them back. Dad died a year ago, which is also why we shifted to country street. Belarus sighed. "Old times gone now. Eat now." She instructed, trying to change up the topic.

We ate our food and chatted for a good while. " черт возьми, уже 8!! (Holy shit it's 8 already!!)" Kazakhstan exclaimed. We Immidietly sprang up and took all our supplies. "пойдем! (Let's go!)" Belarus exclaimed.  We all ran out of the house, waiting for Belarus who was locking the door. "Hurry Bela!" I exclaimed, getting impatient. My feet were subconsciously moving due to impatientness. "Yes yes, я здесь. (I'm here.)" Belarus said, securing her house keys. 

We ran towards the bus-stop. Almost everyone was already there, patiently waiting for the bus. Some of us decided to cycle their way to school. new I'd have to socialize with them so I stifenned myself up. I dropped my smile. My eyes now displaying a cold expression. My face turned pale and I looked down.

 I spotted my sister, Ukraine, who came prior to me, talking to Canada. I found this suspicious. I spotted Syria and Cuba a bit further. I just waved them a 'hi', my cold expression unchanging. They waved their hands and shared me a smile. Usually, I liked staying alone, but I just felt a need to talk to someone. It felt really great to talk to my siblings again. 

My friends China and North Korea were chatting. I decided not to disturb them. I noticed the EU standing in the corner, gossiping with each other without a care for anyone in this world. I'd always wanted to join them, but they just didn't consider me a 'European', not even a 'Friend.' I saw America chatting with one of his many friends. At the end I just decided to stay silent.

After a good while, the bus arrived. It was big and bright yellow. It had a huge label with the name of our Highschool printed on it with dark black ink. The windows stood open. A minute later, the bus stopped, letting out a 'honk', signalling everyone to hop aboard. Everyone begin to hustle through the bus, whereas I stood in a corner, waiting for the crowd to disappear. 

I glanced ahead only too feel India's gaze. She walked upto me. "Hi Russia, ready for the first day?" She asked, cheerful yet calm. "Maybe?" I shrugged. I was unsure about school. Wethear I liked school or not. "Wanna sit togethor?" She asked. I thought about this for a moment. I liked too stay alone but I'd like a friend next too me. India understood me and I knew that she would understand If I didn't want to talk. "Sure!" I exclaimed.

The crowd had almost cleared by now. We entered the bus. Luckily their was an empty seat by the end row. "Come on!" She instructed. We reached our seat. India let me take the window seat. I gladly excepted. I liked the window seat. I liked the veiw. It helped me get my mind off my thoughts. After a long way, we reached the school gate.

Our school was huge! It had white walls and a marble floor. It had over 7 floors. It had an assembly hall, Music room, Art room, Sports room, Labs, Computer labs, garden, locker room and a lot of other stuff I don't seem to remember. It had been a while that I've last been to school. The 'One-month-summer-holiday' didn't seem to end. 

We all entered the school gate like a flock of sheep. Without any hesitation we all headed towards the main hall, which is where our 'new class list' Should be. "Ooh I'm excited to see which class I'll get!" I heard Australia say. "Maybe we'll be In the same class!" New Zealand replied. Soon, we all gathered in-front of the list. The early comers were ahead whereas the late comers had to wait till the crowd cleared off. I was In no hurry, so I decided to wait. It was my turn. I store at the list for a while.


Canada, Singapore, Netherlands, Finland, Ukraine, New Zealand, Phillipines, Romania, Somalia, Mongolia, Japan, Poland, Germany, Thailand, Sweden, Mexico, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, UK, France, Madagascar, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Switzerland, IceLand


America, Russia, China, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Australia, North Korea, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Norway, Denmark, Iran, Iraq, Maldives, Turkey, Hungary, Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Venzuela, Pakistan, Syria, Bolivia, Vietnam, Aemenia

I had a mixed feeling about this. I had to deal with rascals like America and South Korea but at the same time, I had China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, North Korea, India, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Venzuela and Syria by my side.

I heaved a sigh and then went on to my classroom, which was situated on the 5th floor. Many others were right behind me. Suddenly I felt someone grab my shoulder and tug me backwards. "Aggh!" I exclaimed. I realised It was just Belarus who was extremely excited. 

"Yes yes yes we're in the same class!" She exclaimed, jumping all around me. It was clear that she tends to overreact on things. "Yes, Kazakhstan's there too!" I exlaimed, trying to cheer her up even more. "I know right! This school year is gonna be fun!" She finally exlaimed and bolted towards the stairs.

I heard the others groan about climbing the stairs. Personally, I had no problem with stairs. I begin ascending through the stairs, slinging my bag upon my shoulder with one strap swinging freely. After a few minutes of pointless pain in the legs later, I arrived at the fifth floor, where my class is supposed to be. 

I was one of the first students to enter the class room. I Immidietly headed to the back of the class and sat at the second last bench of the third row. I noticed a lot of them staring at me, for some reason. Soon after me, many others decided to enter. I kept a low profile. I just sat down without a care in the world, making others think like 'I dont care' but in reality, I was observing everyone with the closest details. 

Their were a lot of 'other people' In the class too. I mean that they were not countries. They were normal people with normal parents and normal lives. I looked around the room. There were a lot of students in the room by now. I noticed a group of students just cackling together, having fun I presumed. 

I wanted to sit alone so I placed my bag beside me, making others think that the seat is already occupied. A few minutes later, I saw America entering the class. He came along with Australia. The two were busy In chatting. I got a bit nervous when I noticed America heading towards my direction. He decided to sit behind me. 'I can't believe this. I have to sit near one of my worst enemies.' I thought.

After a while, our new teacher entered the class. The extremely noisy class turned pale. Everyone stiffened up and kept quiet.  "Good morning miss." All the students greeted In unison. " Good morning class. Have a seat." She instructed sternly. We obeyed her and sat down. 

She introduced herselves. Her name was Mrs. Jennie She had a terrible reputation In our school. She was known for being a strict and short-tempered teacher. Once, she slapped a student for not completing their homework. She made everyone stand up the whole period because a boy spilled some water on her dress. I just over-heared all these things and I wasn't sure wether all of them were true or not. Most of us believed they were true.

Soon, the bell rang. We all heaved a sigh. It was finally the next period, which is Math. I did not 'hate' math in particular like most of the other students, butI didn't like it either. After a whole long minute of the others chatting and playing, the teacher arrived. "Good morning miss." We all cried. " Good morning, please have a seat." The teacher chimed. She didn't look that stern or strict. 

After a while that seemed like an year, it was half-time. The bell rang. A smile spread across everyone's face. "Woohoo!" Some of them even cried out. We all bolted out of the class room like a pack of wolves chasing down a hare. Everyone but me. Soon, the halls were filled with whoops and laughter. I noticed many people racing each other down the corridor.

I was still in my bench, packing up. I decided to wait up for the crowd to clear up so I can move out in peace. "Everything okay?" The teacher asked kindly as she walked towards me. She must've gotten curious about why am I staying behind. "Y-yes, I'm fine." I blurted. "Don't you want to eat?" She asked. 'Now please don't stutter.' I instructed myself before speaking. "I'll be leaving." I said as I slinged my backpack on my shoulder. I ran out of the classroom.

After taking a few wrong turns,I reached the Cafeteria. 'Ohno' I thought. All the tables were occupied. I sighed and went towards the counter to get my food. After a few other people, It was my turn to get the food. I almost snatched the tray from the lady and wandered around, trying to find a place to sit. I saw a table with my siblings so I decided to head there.

"привет, ребята, не возражаете, если я сижу здесь? ( hi guys, Mind If I sit here?)" I asked. "Eh...извини." Kazakhstan replied. " The seat Is taken. Go sit somewhere else." Ukraine ordered. I sighed. "Fine." I hugged and went to find another place to sit. I saw a table with all the Europeans and America. I ignored it, as I knew they won't let me sit. 

I browsed for a good while. That was when I found an empty table. No one was sitting there. I sat down, all alone. I ignored my situation and ate my food. I heard someone whisper something about me. I felt many gazes on me. 'They were probably thinking of me as a 'weirdo' or a loner.' I recconed and Ignored them. I was used to staying alone, but I felt like I needed someone to talk too.

The bell rang. I had almost finished my food. I ate the last bite, disposed my tray, and went to the locker room. Unfortunately, I came to know my locker was just beside America's locker, which meant more socialization. I quickly got the necessary books out and escaped the place as quick as possible, trying to avoid eye-contact with anyone. 

It had been a few hours, school was over. The rest of the time was a blur. We had art period today but since nobody bought supplies, we just played games the whole time. Everyone except me, of course.

We were dispersing through the buses. I, like always, say at the last seat of the bus. Usually alone. I was staring out of the window the whole time. I also took a quick peek at my phone, took a quick sip of my vodka, which I disguised as my water bottle and polished my gun, which I bought to school for reasons I'm not obliged to tell you all. 

Soon, we were at our respective stops.


Authers Note-

I just made this chapter so you all could better understand the next two following chapters, which are related to school. 

Those are requested by @emily_ohno.

So basically, This chapter was to make you all understand how things work at this school.

So, I hope I didn't bore you. 

- @ShimmerBeamSparkle

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