My Baby Alpha...

By ChikkiMugala

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Hey cuties πŸ₯°πŸ₯°... This is my sixth story .... thank you all for your love and support for my stories ..hope... More

chapter 1 : marriage ....
chapter 2 : hug...
chapter 3 : tie...
chapter 4 : kiss...
chapter 5 : family ....
chapter 6 : murder...
chapter 7 : heat ....
chapter 8 : bad ...
chapter 9 : P ....
chapter 10 : mark ....
chapter 11 : park...
chapter 12 : clue....
chapter 13 : others ....
chapter 14 : happy....
chapter 15 : kids..
chapter 16 : mine....
chapter 17 : marking ...
chapter 18 :food ..
chapter 19 : cop ...
chapter 20 : truth ..
chapter 21 : culprit...
chapter 22 : alive ...
chapter 23 : hate ....
chapter 25 : school ...
chapter 26 :teddy bear..
chapter 27 : naughty ..
chapter 28 : business ...
chapter 29 : shorts ...
chapter 30 : smell..
chapter 31 : mate ...
chapter 32 : park ...
chapter 33 : wound..
chapter 34 : sorry....
chapter 35 : tired...
chapter 36 : passed
chapter 37 : virus....
chapter 38 : drums....
chapter 39 : soup...
chapter 40 : coincidence?...
chapter 41 : drunk ....
chapter 42 : serum...
chapter 43 : betray ...
chapter 44 : wait...
chapter 45 : talk ....
chapter 46 :yes...
chapter 47 : bad...
chapter 48 :perfect ...
chapter 49 : sign...
chapter 50 : hug...
chapter 51 : here ...
chapter 52 : for you ...
chapter 53 : nose ...
chapter 54 : fight ...
chapter 55 : kill....
chapter 56 : slut...
chapter 57 : tell me...
chapter 58 : socks...
chapter 59 : don't !!..
chapter 60 : love ....
chapter 61 : baby.....
chapter 62 : you...
chapter 63 : sea ...
chapter 64 : yes...
chapter 65 : candy...
chapter 66 : orphan ....
chapter 67 : momma..
chapter 68 : nat...
chapter 69 : college..
chapter 70 : go ...
chapter 71 : son ...
chapter 72 : deserve..
chapter 73 : care...
chapter 74 : sir ..
chapter 75 : mud...
chapter 76 : forever ...
New year ..New story 🎊
update ..

chapter 24 : the past...

539 37 25
By ChikkiMugala

20 years ago ...

The past ...

Thomson pov :

      I am running to dad's office while my brothers are chasing me ....I giggled and looked back ...nah...they are very far from me ...I sped up and ran into dad's arms caught me and turned me around ....I giggled happily ...

Dad - where are you coming from this fast my baby ??...

My brothers came to dad's office panting ....I hid my face in his neck ...

Dad - munchkins ...come to dad...

Dad took us all into his arms and pecked us all....we all sat on the couch ...while my brothers were complaining about me to dad ...

Little pie - dad ~~P cheated ...

Little munchkin nodded...

Dad - ohh....what did he do ?...

Little pie - i was making my castle with sand in the garden and P just ruined it dad ....and i..I was about to complain to mom...he ran to you saying we have to catch him first ....

Dad looked at me ...I bent my head pouting ..

Dad - did you do that baby ??...

Thomson - i didn't mean to ruin it dad ....I  picked a nice beautiful rose which bloomed this morning in my room know i am growing rose plants on my balcony right ??... So i wanted to show it to little pie ....he looks so beautiful with flowers ...but i accidentally stepped on it ...

Dad - i see..where is the flower then ??...

Thomson - i don't know dad....must be dropped somewhere ....

Dad sighed pecked us all and smiled ...

Dad - my baby are the eldest right ?...

I nodded....

Dad - so ...elders should teach their brothers and take care of them .... You shouldn't use your powers and tease your brothers like this ..okay ?...then only you will be a great alpha !!....if you take care of your family then you can take care of our people too ....hmm ?... Got it ?...

I nodded ...

Dad - say sorry to your brothers ....

Thomson - iam sorry little pie and little munchkin ....I swear ...P won't do like that again ....

They both smiled and kissed my cheeks ...I giggled and kissed them back ...

Dad - that's my babies ....and my little pie ..say thank you to your P ...he was about to give you his rose naa..

Little pie hugged me with his little cute hands and pecked my cheek ...

Little pie - thank you P ...

I smiled ....I hugged him back ....

Thom - don't worry ...I will give you the next flower that blooms okay ??....

Little pie nodded ...little munchkin pouted ....I hugged him too and kissed his pout ...

Thom - i will give you my favourite white rose nong ...okay ??..

He nodded and smiled ...we three parted and giggled smiled and ruffled our hair ..

Dad - you three should take care of each other like this naa.... I am so proud of you my babies ...muah...then ..I will tell mom to make you three icecream today okay ?.....

We shouted happily and we went home with dad.... I went to my room and bathed ...I wore my dress and watered my rose plants .... I sniffed them ...very fresh ....

Mew - heyy...stop sniffing them ...

I smiled ...

Thom - they are so fresh right ?...

Mew - yeah ...

Thom - i should grow them a lot i can give it to mom, dad , little pie and little munchkin ...

I giggled happily ...

Mew - you upset little pie and little munchkin today ....

Thom - t..that's i didn't mean to was an accident know right ?...

Mew -when will you tell dad about our powers ??.... I am not able to control them ...

I pouted ...

Thom - will dad help me ?..

Mom - of course my baby ...

I turned around's mom ...I smiled and ran to her ...she picked me up and kissed my cheeks ...

Mom - talking with your wolf ?..

I nodded ...

Mom - aww....why my baby is sad ?....

I opened my palms and showed her the light from them ....she shocked and smiled ...

Thom - it okay mom ?...

Mom - ofcourse my baby know you are the silver blooded alpha got your father's blood and my powers naa....see...

Mom showed me her palm and it lightened....she used the light and made room even more brighter ....I chuckled happily ....

Thom - woahh mom ....that's so cool ...

Mom - yeah right ?....but ...we have to control it can be dangerous ....

Thom - i don't know how to control it mom .... That's what iam talking to my wolf ...

Mom smiled....

Mom - i wasn't fully able to control it too ....until i met your dad can control your powers with the help of your mate ....

Thom - mate ??...

She nodded ...she carried me to my bed and made me sit in her arms ....iam playing with her hair as usual mom's hair is so silky as always beautiful too....she kissed my hair and smiled ...

Mom - so ...let me tell you something ..

I looked at her ....

Mom - you will get a mate once you turn 18 my baby ...and you should take care of your mate , respect your mate and love your mate ...okay ??....

Thom - dad loves you ??..

She smiled and nodded ...

Mom - i love your dad a lot too naa....your life completes with your mate ....

I nodded ...

Mom - and more thing ....we should trust our family ...okay ?? we can trust our people ....once you become an will have your luna for your support to protect our people ...

Thom - will my mate look beautiful ?...

Mom - no matter how your mate looks should love them with all your heart okay ??....

I nodded...

Thom - you are so beautiful na mom ...I want a luna like you ...beautiful , smart and silky long hair like you ....

She chuckled and ruffled my hair ...she kissed my hair ...

Mom - yeah will get a beautiful mate ...

I giggled ...she took the comb and combed my silver hair ...she kissed my forehead and smiled ...

Mom - my handsome and beautiful baby loves you naa...

I hugged her smiling ...

Thom - love you too mom ...

She smiled and we both went downstairs came to dining table carrying little pie and little munchkin ....I went and sat beside little pie ...little pie is 5 years old and munchkin are 7 years old ...munchkin is my twin brother served us all and we started our breakfast ...little pie gave me his carrot and smiled ..

Little pie - for you na P ....

I smiled and ate it ....I kissed his chubby cheeks ...

Thom - thank you na little pie ...

Little munchkin coughed ....he pushed his plate to me which is full of carrots...

Mom - heyy....Thomas baby ....what's that naa??... Why didnt you eat the carrots ?? like them right ??..

Little munchkin - but P loves them ...

Mom - it's okay ... Take back your plate and eat them ....I will serve him more carrots later ...

He nodded and took his plate back ...he pouted ...I smiled and kissed his cheek ...

Thom - thank you little munchkin ...

He smiled and we all finished our breakfast ....later we all went to our school ...we came back home after school ......little munchkin and me did the home work ...we both went to little pie to help him ...he is drawing a rose and mango ....

Thom - what are you drawing little pie ??..

He smiled to us cutely and said ..

Little pie - rose is for P Thomson and mango is for P Thomas....are they good P ?...

We both nodded and kissed his cheeks ....he giggled happily and did his homework was a happy is the best alpha and mom is the best luna .... It's raining heavily ...little pie and munchkin came to my room with their pillows .... They snuggled beside me  and hugged me tight ..I smiled and kissed their foreheads ....

Little pie - P ~~iam scared naa...let's go to mom ...

Little munchkin nodded ....

Thom - then..lets go to mom and dad ....okay ??..

They nodded ...we three ran to mom and dad 's room .....they turned on the lights ..

Mom - what happened babies ??....

We three climbed on the bed and hugged mom and dad ....they both giggled happily and kissed our heads ...

Mom - you all are still scared ?? should be strong na....

I nodded ...

Little pie - am i strong too mom??..

Mom - ofcourse my baby are ...

Little pie - then why they called me weak ??..... Because I am an omega ?...

Little munchkin - who ?...

Dad - shh...shhh ...munchkin ...calm down your wolf tharn ...

Little munchkin - he is angry dad ...

Dad - i can see that ....first ...we should control our anger ....okay ??..

He nodded ....

Dad - and my little pie ...who said that omegas are weak ?.... They are not ....your mom ...she is an omega too ...but is he weak ??... No right ??...

Little pie nodded ...

Dad - you should be strong like mom...okay ??...

Thom - yeah is so strong ...

We all smiled and dad patted us to sleep ....I went to sleep hugging my mom... When i woke up and yawned ...I saw little pie and little munchkin on my body hugging me tight ....I smiled and kissed her heads ...where is mom and dad ??....I went to door and opened it is burning ??... There was a thin transparent layer around the room ..... Mom ?... Dad ??... I ran to little pie and little munchkin ...I woke them up and we three jumped through the window ....there we saw ...our house is burning in fire ....there was no one....

Thom - you two wait here okay ??.... Munchkin take care of little pie ....I will come back okay ??...hmm ?...

He nodded ....I ran to dad's office side ...blood ???....I went in and dad is lying on the blood ....tears are running on my cheeks ...I went to them and patted them ....

Thom - mom .... Dad ??....

I shook them to wake up ...but they didn't ...blood was everywhere ...I don't know what to do breath is increasing in shock matter how much iam calling them and shaking them they are not waking up !!...( sob )... I cried and tried a lot ....

Mew - they are dead !!...

I shook my head ...

Thom - no and dad are strong can they be dead ??...( sob )... T..they must be sleeping ...( sob ).....t..that's it ...I will bring water ...

I ran out just to notice our people lying in blood where their body parts are separated from them breath is not normal heart is beating so fast ....

w...what's all this ??...I...I didn't dared to forward a step ....there is blood everywhere hands started shaking !!...I sat on my knees crying hard while catching my head !!!....

Thom - mom~~~ dad !!....

I ran to mom and dad ....they are still sleeping ....

Thom - mom ~~~ wake up naa...

I am shaking her to wake up ....

Thom - dad ....t..tell mom to wake up naa....( sob )..I..I will be a good boy na mom ....( hiccup ).... I ... I will take care of brothers too ....( sob )..p..please na mom ...

I am crying while shaking them ...some of the police men came and dragged me away from them !!....some of them caught me and took mom and dad ....they buried mom and dad near the trees !!!...I shook my head crying hard !!... They aren't dead !... They just can't leave me !!....( sob )......what's happening ?...I revealed myself from them and ran to brothers ....

Little pie ran into my arms and hugged me tight ...

Little pie - P ~~~ where is mom and dad ??... And ...and ( sob )..... Our home ....

I hugged him tight and cried ...

Thom - and dad ....went to trip naa....( sob )... Th...they will come back soon ....

Little munchkin came to me ...

Little munchkin - what happened P ??....what's this blood on your body and hands ??....

I parted and looked at my hands ....I smiled and rubbed it to my clothes ....I forced a smile ...I calmed down my racing heart's mom and dad's blood !!... Flashes of them lying on blood is coming to my mind ...I shook my head ....

Thom - n..nothing ...I .I got hurt while coming here ...( sob )... That's it ...

Little munchkin - why are you crying P ?...

I shook my head controlling my tears ...I smiled in pain ..

Thom - iam not crying ....s..something fell in my eye ...

Little munchkin - d..don't lie na P ....what happened??....( sob )... Is mom and dad fine ??...

Thom - told you they are fine and went on a trip !!....( sob )....

He looked into my eyes ...he hugged me tight and started crying hard ...this is so bad !!.... I can't say mom and dad are dead to them !!....t...they can't take it !!..( sob ).... Dad said to take care of brothers ...I hugged them both and let my tears come out ....

Little munchkin - house is burnt !!...blood on your body , mom and dad disappear....( sob ).... L..let me see mom and dad naa P ...I will go to them ...something is wrong ..

He parted and about to go ..I caught his and shook my head ...

Little munchkin - l..let me go P ...

I shook my head and breathed in heavily ....

Thom - no means no !!...I..I told you they went on a trip !!...

He sat on the ground crying hard ....I went to him and sat infront of him ...I wiped his tears ...

Thom - d..don't cry's okay ...

I kissed his forehead and hugged him ...he hugged me tight crying hard !!!.....

Thom - P is here naa ...( sob )... D...don't cry ....

He nodded ....I looked at my hands which are filled with blood hands started shaking ...I parted from him and started rubbing my hands on ground !!!....I looked at them ...they are still red !!... I hit my hands on ground to wipe the blood off .....

Little pie - P !!... W..what happened??....

I tried to calm down myself and my shaking hands ....I forced a smile to him ...

Thom - n..nothing naa....i am fine ....

I took them to the jungle side and i washed my hands and clothes ...the washed water turned red ....I washed my face with water and tried to smile ....instead mom and dad with blood came into my mind ....the lake infront of us suddenly turned red and our people are floating in the red water ....I shook my head and rubbed my eyes ....I breathed heavily ....they are just normal water ...just my imagination !!...I went to brothers and gave them water ......I washed little pie's face and smiled ...

Little pie - P ~~ where is mom and dad ??...

Thom - t...they h..have some work they went to other city ...

Little pie - without us ??..

I nodded ...

Little pie - w...when will they come back ??......I...I miss them ...

Thom - t...they will come back naa....y should be a good boy they will come back one day ...hmm ?...

He nodded ....i smiled and kissed his forehead ...later we three went to city side ....some grandpa came and asked us ...

Grandpa - where is your home kiddos ?...

Thom - it's burnt ....

Grandpa - where are your parents ?...

I didn't answered him ....

Grandpa - will you come with me ??... Hmm ??.....I will show you a place to stay ...okay ??....

Thom - where ?...

Grandpa - i built a place for kiddos like you ...who don't have homes ...okay ?....

I nodded ....we went with him...little pie read ...orphanage...who doesn't have mom and dad are called orphans !!....I controlled my tears and he showed us a room ....

I should take care of brothers like mom and dad said ...but ...who killed mom and dad ??... And w..why did those police men buried mom and dad ??...

How's the chapter??...

Question - any ideas about who is the killer ??...

Comment me down your thoughts...

I will upload a new chapter soon...

Until then..

Luv you cuties...

Your author ❤️❤️

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