Gate:Last Survivors Of Krypto...

By user444890

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Note:I don't own gate, planet Krypton,Rao, and Kryptonians.The Kryptonian race is an alien race,Rao and the p... More

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The New world
Facing war on two fronts
Apostle in the team?
Battle of italica
First Contact
Meeting of Worlds part 1
Meeting of Worlds part 2
Back to Sadera
More War
New player in the Gate
Two battles
Battle for the city of Herm
Battle for the city of Loy
Stakes are getting higher
Sadera failed counter at the city of Vaultris
Slaying the Kraken and unintented consequences
Hiro labyrinth
City of Dorian
Unexpected problems
Road to Rondel
Battle for Osirion
Battle for Theseus
Battle for impero
Battle of Rondel
Reporting part 1
Reporting part 2
Enemies on two worlds
Weyern mass attack
Dumas mountain range demon
Strait of Dumas situation
Unsuspecting enemies
The Road to Sadera
Battle for Arimin
Battle for Aquila
Hell unleashed
Hold the line part 1
Hold at all cost part 2
Aftermath part 1
Aftermath part 2
New environment
Dark plans
Humanitarian effort part 1
Humanitarian efforts part 2
Enemies in the Shadows
The coming storm
The media war
8 months later
Insurgency fails

Battle for Vaultris

473 18 3
By user444890

Special region (Vaultris)

High above the skies in the city of Vaultris F-22s and F-35s fired their payloads of precision guided munitions towards military barracks,command post and defenses to soften the enemy before JSDF and americans forces take it to reduce causalities.

Pieces of saderan soldiers lay scattered across the city as they are being blown up.

The F-22s and F-35s soon left the area.

Olsera and Rojoll soon flew in to do their part.

Olsera and Rojoll soon blasted their heat vision on their unsuspecting foes beams of solar energy consumed entire army formations.

Rojoll and Olsera with their X ray vision can see into the ground where most of the defenders are hiding at, underground bunkers not like it is going to do them any good at all.

"They are hiding in underground bunkers!"Olsera shouted at Rojoll

"I know they are hiding in underground bunkers but it is not going to do them any good."Rojoll said

Rojoll soon blasted his heat vision with a greater intensity at where some of the underground bunkers were located at.His blast of heat vision went through the ground and into the underground bunker,burning everyone alive inside Rojoll can hear their screams with his super hearing.

Olsera blasted her heat vision at the goblins trying to charge her,the wave of goblins is reduced to ashes.She soon sees an underground bunker with her x ray vision so she blasted her heat vision at it,the blast of heat vision burned through the earth and easily struck the underground bunker.

Myuute is not having a great time as she is forced back into the imperial army due to her ability to use wind magic she thought that after the hell in Italica and Alnus hill they would have let her go but they forced her to fight against the otherworlders and the angels of death which is suicidal.

The imperial army changed tactics by hiding in underground bunkers throughout the city built in a hurry.It is thought that the otherworlders and the angels of death can't deal with it unless in hand to hand combat.How wrong they were.The angels of death blasted their fire from their eyes which is so intense is just pierce through the ground and into the bunkers.The fire burning everyone in those unfortunate bunkers.

Myuute has already collapsed several underground bunkers with her wind magic to prevent the fire from burning everyone in fell swoop.

Now there is panic in the ranks of the defenders many of them wants to go out of underground bunkers to fight the otherworlders.

Many imperial soldier shouted

"We are sitting ducks here!"

"I am not going to die hiding in a hole in the earth!"

"Let me out!"


A blast of heat vision came in through the ceiling of the underground bunker those caught in the way are reduced to nothing.

"Wind shield!"Myuute shouted to shield herself from the flames.

The blast of heat vision ignited the wood holding the bunker which soon began to collapse.

Myuute used up most of her mana shielding herself from the heat.

Myuute saw an escape hatch not far away from her position.Gritting her teeth she ran for the entrance climbing the stairs leading up to the surface.

If she is going to die she is going die while seeing the sky not dying in some hole in the ground.

Rojoll is blasting his heat vision at the buildings housing the imperial troops killing dozens if not hundreds.

Enemy troops not killed by heat is killed by the buildings falling on them crushing them to nothing but paste.

Trolls were sent in the fray as well which soon joined the piles of ashes of the ground of the city.

A centaur came to close to Rojoll in which Rojoll simply swung his spear at super sonic speed turning the centaur into the chunks of pieces flying in all directions.

Rojoll soon sees a group of mages emerging from the ground.

Many mages begin to chant spells

Not wanting to let the mages cast their spells.Rojoll blasted his heat vision at a greater intensity at the mages.

Most of the mages are incinerated but some managed to get their magical shields up in time




The magical shields begin to crack under the power of Rojoll heat vision.

"By the gods this thing is unstoppable!"a mage shouted

"Just bite your lip and count to 10!"another mage shouted

The magical shields broke,the mages are consumed by heat vision leaving no trace of them alive.

"Monster!You shall die today."A high elf shouted

The high elf shouted as he lift his staff high into the air.Pieces of rubble soon begin to float in the air all aiming at Rojoll.The pile of floating debris soon flew towards Rojoll but Rojoll withstood the onslaught of flying debris at him.Rojoll flew towards the high elf skewing the high elf with his spear.

The high elf crumbled in his spear.

Rojoll pushed the high elf body from his spear

The high elf body landed with a 'thud' sound on the ground.

Olsera is spinning her spear in a frenzy while sometimes she would blast her heat vision.

Olsera spun her spear so fast it is creating a mini tornado in the city sweeping entire streets clean of enemy forces.

"For the empire!"a group of soldiers shouted as they charged.


A blast of heat came forth from Olsera eyes and incinerated the group of charging soldiers.

Soon multiple mages popped out of the ground and chanted some words.

The rubble of buildings destroyed by Olsera heat vision begins to form together into 3 giant golem.

Olsera smirked and flew at the 3 giant golems.

The first golem tried to strike Olsera with its sword but Olsera shattered its sword with her spear in which she is swinging in hypersonic speeds.The resulting shockwave from it knock the golem back.

Olsera then used her spear to strike the golem.The force of her spear shattered the golems to tiny little pieces.

But the golem is not down yet.The shattered golem began to reform back to it's original shape drawing more materials into it growing even stronger.

The mages smirked in the way that maybe they have a found a way to defeat the angel of death.

Olsera flew up into the sky quickly.

"I need to destroy all known traces of the golem and the mages thus I am going to scorch a good chunk of the city."Olsera said to herself.

Olsera soon blasted a huge amount of heat vision on the 3 golems.

The heat vision is so hot that the molecular structure of the golem is separated the mages that is responsible for it also ceased to exist not even their magic can shield them from such a huge release of heat vision on them.

A good chunk of the city is reduced to nothing but molten lava.

Olsera willed of her heat vision and landed in the molten lava standing on it.She used her x ray vision to check for any surviving mages.

Her x ray vision turned up nothing.Olsera decided to fly towards Rojoll.

"Rojoll!I think the city defenses has soften up enough time to call in the troops."Olsera said

"Yea.I agree."Rojoll said

Itami soon received communications from the kryptonians that the city defenses is soften.

Without hesitation he order his forces to enter the city.

Ryan also ordered his forces to enter the city

Many scared and imperial soldiers with burnt wounds charge towards them

"Open fire!"Itami shouted

"Open fire!"Ryan shouted

Howa type 64 rifles,m249s and m4 rifles opened up in a frenzy cutting down the troops with ease.

The next wave of imperial forces while on fire charge towards the forces of the JSDF and the americans

"Kill us please!"A imperial soldier shouted

Their favor is granted as the guns opened up again spitting down lead at them mowing them down easily.

When the forces entered the city they are shocked at the devastation of the enemy grouping there.Entire military barracks, underground bunkers and command centers are burning courtesy of the kryptonian powers.

"Damm Rojoll and Olsera are basically the entire air force now."Arthur said

"Wished we could have them in Iraq."Ellie said

"Shut up and continue the mission I don't want unnecessary losses today."Ryan said

Soon the JSDF and americans forces begin to enter houses to clear them of imperial forces.

"Shino Kuribayashi cover me I will toss a frag grenade in this house across the street. once I am done you spray the enemy with your rifle!"Itami shouted.

"Got it."Shino Kuribayashi said

Itami ran as fast as he could towards the house.Arrows begin to hit close to his position as imperial troops shoot arrows at him.

"Shino do something about this,I am not dying in this war!"Itami shouted

"Got it sir!"Shino Kuribayashi shouted as she fired her Howa type 64 rifle at the archers only killing some but it is enough for the archers to take cover.

"Take this you imperials!"Itami shouted as he threw a frag grenade inside the house.

The grenade exploded sending shrapnel inside the house killing some imperial soldiers inside.

A imperial soldier went outside the house and shouted

"I am dying but I can still take one otherworlder with me to hardy."

The imperial soldier head is suddenly torn off.

Itami can see Ryan with his m4 rifle pointing at where the imperial soldier is.

"Thanks!"Itami shouted

A large group of imperial soldiers ran out of the house but it is gunned down by Shino Kuribayashi Howa type 64 rifle.

Shino Kuribayashi reloaded her rifle by inserting a fresh magazine into her rifle.

"We need to advance further in the city!"Itami shouted

Third recon team nodded their heads and proceeded further down the city.

Third recon team proceeded down on a particular street where they could see the corpses of imperial soldiers killed by the F-22s and F-35s during the air strike run.

A dark mage of Londel stood in the middle of the street and slammed his staff in the ground.Dark purple specks of energy flowed into the corpses.

The corpses stood up like zombies and begin to growl

The Londel mage ran away once he completed his distraction.

"What the zombies!"Shino Kuribayashi shouted

"Aim for the head!"Itami shouted

"Don't need to tell me twice I am a expert player in zombie games!"Takeo kurata shouted

Before the JSDF can shoot the zombies a blast of heat vision came down from the sky and burned the zombies to ashes.The heat vision swipe across the whole street allowing the third recon team to pass by without meeting any enemy resistance.

"Sorry for not clearing that!"Rojoll said

"No problem but I think you should focus your attention on the mages!"Itami shouted

"Ok."Rojoll replied as he flew off to kill the remaining mages.

Due to Rojoll intervention third recon team found themselves advance very quickly to the heart of the city.

"Ha there is no enemies here as Rojoll killed them all."Takeo kurata said

"I surrender."a green haired siren approached them while saying she surrenders

"Hands up!"Shino Kuribayashi shouted at the siren.

"Who are you?"Itami asked

"I am Myuute, please no more I can't fight you all anymore."Myuute said weakly

"Ok...head down the street there, should be a garrison of JSDF forces, surrender there."Itami said

Myuute nodded her head and ran towards the position.

The imperial army is losing their grip on the city much faster than expected.
Legate Tyrone stared at his map as he slammed his hands on the table.

"Damn it! Retreat from the western part of the city now!I got a plan.Tell the Rondel and Londel mages to create a big distraction to occupy the angels of death.While the angels of death are distracted we will mount a counter attack."Legate Tyrone said

Olsera is busy killing off the remaining mages with her heat vision.They keep running to the lake which makes her confused.

"Shouldn't they run further in land unless they love swimming while under fire."Olsera thought to herself as she plunged her spear into a mage head.

She removed her spear from the mage head.

Deciding to get a clearer picture Olsera willed herself to fly high up in the sky.

She saw a huge amount of mages chanting some spell.

Immediately she fired her heat vision at them

Near the shores of the lake many Rondel mages and Londel mages begin to chant spells at a pendant which contained the life force of thousands of slaves that has been drained to create it.

"Awaken Loch! Monster of lake Vaultris, bring death to the demons!"They chanted.

The pendant released a huge amount of purple energy into the lake and the skies turned stormy.

The mages of Rondel and Londel finished chanting their spell.

Then Olsera heat vision came down and incinerated all of them.

Olsera looked at the stormy clouds and trying to find out more about it she used her X ray vision to see through the dark clouds around the lake but she couldn't see through.

"Magic."Olsera said in a bitter tone.

"Olsera watch out!"Rojoll shouted as a huge blast of lightning came at Olsera.

Olsera blocked the attack with her spear but the force was too much and sent her crashing through multiple buildings.

Looking at her hands.Her fingers are bleeding but she can see her healing factor begins to kick in.

"Magic.I hate magic"Olsera said

"No!"Rojoll shouted which Olsera can hear.

Rojoll is mad and flew at the monster swinging his spear with more force than ever.

The monster cast up a magical shield to meet the attack.

When Rojoll spear made contact with the magical shield it generated such a big shockwave that it caused a portion of the city to sink into the lake.The monster is knocked several kilometers into the lake.

Rojoll immediately flew towards Olsera to check if she is alright.

"Olsera you ok?"Rojoll asked in a worried tone.

"I am fine, my wounds are healing."Olsera replied

Olsera and Rojoll took off to meet their foe.

"How did you managed to knock me several kilometers away from shore."Loch the monster asked Rojoll

"Also how did you survive my magical blast of lightning."Loch the monster asked Olsera.

Both kryptonians kept their silence.

"You are not of this world aren't you but of the stars.It must be as I can sense the sunlight in both of your bodies."Loch the monster said

"That power will be mine once I kill you two!"Loch the monster shouted as he charged towards the kryptonians.

The kryptonians fired their heat vision at the lake monster.Some part of the lakes begin to boil.

The heat vision struck the monster's magical shield.

Loch came to a complete stop he tried to move forward using his immense size but he could not as the sheer power of the kryptonians is literally stopping him dead in his tracks.The power of the beam is now pushing him back.


Loch eyes widen as his magical shield begins to crack under the force of heat vision.

Not wanting to be defeated he let out a huge blast of lightning from his mouth.

The blast of lightning stopped the kryptonians from using their heat vision.

"Truly the power of the gods."Loch the monster said as he looked at the kryptonians.

"Your power is strong but not strong enough."Loch said he wave his giant fins and slammed it into the lake.

A huge wave is sent towards the city of Vaultris ready drown the city.

"Olsera head towards the city to protect it,I will fend off this abomination!"Rojoll shouted

Olsera nodded and flew towards the city as fast as possible.

"So it's just you and me now."Loch the monster said

"Bring it."Rojoll said as he pointed his spear at the sea monster,heat vision ready.

Loch the monster readied his lightning breath.

Heat vision meets magical lightning breath.

The americans and the JSDF saw the huge wave coming towards them.

"Retreat deeper into the city now!"Ryan shouted

"Retreat deeper into the city stay away from the shores!"Itami shouted

Everyone nodded as they went further west into the city.

A hail of arrows begins to bombard them.

"You gotta be kidding me!We are moving deeper into the city due to a tsunami and the enemy counter attacked now!This is the worst time imaginable!"Takeo kurata shouted

"Shut up and kill the enemy!"Shino Kuribayashi shouted

"Wind gust!"Lara the siren shouted as a strong gust of wind blew the arrows away.

"We will distract the enemy while you set up your weapons!"Rory and Giselle said

Rory, Giselle Lily and Lara the Siren jumped into the heat of battle cutting down the enemy forces with ease.

Lilly divine sword cut through her enemy armor like hot knife through butter

"I can't believe I got such a cool weapon!"Lily exclaimed

"That is a first age weapon of course it will be powerful plus it is made by the gods."Rory replied as she slayed a dozen soldiers with one swing of her giant halberd

Giselle can be seen decapitating other groups of soldiers with her scythe while Lara the siren can been seen using her divine axe to cut a centaur clean in two.

The huge wall of water is about to crash into city when Olsera flew at extremely fast speed and unleashed her freeze breath which froze the wave solid.

Americans and JSDF soldiers cheered at the sight.

"Rory, Giselle Lily and Lara the Siren get back here we have finished setting up machine guns emplacement."Itami shouted

Rory, Giselle Lily and Lara the Siren ran towards Itami to take cover.

The imperial troops charged the lines thinking it is weak to push the otherworlders out.

Olsera looked at the huge frozen wave.She decided she is going to use this to her advantage.

"This is crazy."Olsera said to herself.

Olsera soon picked up the huge wall of water she froze and flew towards Loch the monster.

"Ahhhhhh!"Rojoll exclaimed as he through sheer will managed to overcome the sea monster magical blast of lightning by expelling more solar energy through heat vision than all the battles he had involved himself in so far.The amount of solar energy expelled from Rojoll eyes is so much that it burned through Loch the monster magical shield and sent the monster flying several kilometers.The force and temperature of the heat vision is so great that it briefly pushed the lakes waters apart revealing the lake floor which no one has seen except for the mermaids.

The lake waters dropped by many dozens of meters due to being boiled away.

Rojoll suddenly lost concentration and fell but before he crashed into the lake he managed to hover a few feet above the lake surface

Rojoll looked at Loch the monster he can see some damage on the sea monster body, signs of cuts and burns.He is shocked that someone managed to survive all that.

"You are mighty truly,it took an army of humans, demi humans,mermaids and multiple apostles to damage me but you did it all alone.I must comment on that."Loch the monster said while suffering from burnt wounds.

Loch the monster moved forward to begin his attack.

Out of nowhere Olsera threw a huge block of ice at Loch the monster.

The huge block of ice knocked the monster out.

The weather cleared a little.

"It will only knock it out for a while."Olsera said as she looked at Rojoll condition.

"Rojoll you are weakened are you okay?"Olsera asked in a worried tone.

"I just used a huge amount of solar energy in my cells.Need to recharge."Rojoll said

"Then go I will cover for you until you heal."Olsera said

"But."Rojoll said

"Just go."Olsera said

Rojoll nodded and took off into space to replenish his solar energy reserves

Rojoll in seconds reached into other space and began to bask in yellow sun radiation.

"What is damn thing oh it's you.You possess the same power as him right."Loch the monster said as it ragained consciousness.

"Yes."Olsera replied

"Then let's battle."Loch the monster said while preparing a magical lightning breath.

Olsera quickly using her super speed blitz away from the lightning.

While flying at super speed she used her freeze breath at the loch the monster but the freeze breath stopped short of freezing the monster due to the magical shield only freezing the area surrounding the monster.

Some stray magical lightning hit Olsera.Olsera grit her teeth in pain and ignored the pain.

Olsera decided to continue this frenzy of freeze breath.Within moments the area surrounding Loch the monster is encased in thick ice.

The area in which loch the monster magical shield extends remain unfrozen but the area surrounding the magical shield by several hundred meters is encased in ice tens of meters deep.

"You witch you trapped me!"Loch the monster shouted

Loch the monster began to desperately try to free itself from the ice by blasting magical lightning at the ice.

Olsera took the advantage to deal as much damage as possible to the monster while it is trying to free itself.

Olsera swung her spear at the Loch the monster magical shield with enough force to shatter a mountain peak but it only showed cracks in it.

Olsera decided to continued this attack as she increased her striking force.The second strike has enough force to split a hill.The third strike has the force to split a mountain in half.

After several strikes the magical shield broke allowing Olsera to do some damage to it.

Olsera plunged her Kryptonian spear into the creatures hide.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh."Loch the monster let out a huge scream that sent a shockwave that sent Olsera flying away several kilometers.

Olsera can see her spear has some dark blue blood.

"I will kill you woman!"Loch the monster exclaimed as it begins to swim in Olsera direction.

The skies are suddenly filled with more storm clouds due to the magic of the monster

Rojoll is in space basking in the rays of the yellow sun, he can feel his body getting recharged already.

Gripping his spear tight he flew down fast so fast that the air around him ignited.

Rojoll body is engulfed in a bright ball of plasma as he descended back to the special region.

The skies around lake Vaultris is suddenly torn open by a huge flash of plasma.

Loch the monster did not even see it as Rojoll slammed into monster with such speed it could not even catch up.

The force of the strike is so strong that Loch the monster is sent back into the depths of the lake.Loch the monster hit the lake floor with tremendous force cracking the lake bed.

Olsera taking her chance speed blitz into the lake floor to help Rojoll finished the monster.

Rojoll plunged his spear into the monster huge head.

Olsera arrived at such speed that she pierced through the monster chest and came out of its back.

Loch the monster died.

The weather around the lake turned back to normal.

Rojoll and Olsera flew out of the lake.

Olsera face is bleeding.

"You are hurt!"Rojoll said in a worried tone to Olsera

"I am fine.My wounds are already starting to heal from the sun radiation look."Olsera said as she showed Rojoll wounds which is slowly stiching itself back as the healing factor kicked in.

"Of course it will take a while due to it being magical in nature."Olsera said

Olsera and Rojoll flew back to the city.

The city has been taken but at a huge cost to the city.

A good portion of city is burnt down to nothing while some portion sunk into the lake.

"What is the casualties?"Olsera asked

"15000 imperial troops and counting."Itami said

"I mean the civilians casualties."Olsera clarified

"There are no civilians here all of them have been kicked out before we arrived."Ryan said

"Rojoll and Olsera your fight with that monster is awesome it is like some anime fight came to life!"Takeo kurata exclaimed.

Somewhere in lake Vaultris

"So this is the power of the angels of death."Princess Elyria of the mermaids said

"Yes they are truly powerful.I have never seen such might in Falmart before truly the power of the gods."Her guard said

"Then I must meet them I need their help!"The princess exclaimed

"Princess no.With their might they could scorch our kingdom easily."Her guard said

"We have no choice I can offer them something."Elyria said

"What is that?"Her guard asked

"The angels are working with the otherworlders and the otherworlders want to take down Sadera I can help them in invading Proptor by helping them to ferry their troops to the port."Elyria replied

"Princess are you sure?"Her guard asked

"That damn Zorzal emperor is trying to free every single abomination in the lands and waters of this world, we have no choice in this, it is work together to stop Zorzal madness or watch the whole world descend into chaos not seen since the first age."Elyria said

"Princess I hope your mother shares your views as she is always going at things alone."Her guard said

"We will continue to watch their powers for now.As of now I am impressed with the powers of the angels of death."Elyria said

"Got it princess."Her guard replied

The two mermaids swim into the sea through the river Thames.

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

Kryptonian is an alien race which belongs to DC comics

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