Imagines with D&E

By scjbubbletea

629 1 0

A book of short stories featuring you and D&E, but more of Eunhyuk since he's my bias... and Donghae is my bi... More

Best Friends with Benefits #1: Do You Dare?
Best Friends with Benefits #2: Getting Acquainted Beyond the Heat
Best Friends with Benefits #4: What's Up with Him?
Best Friends with Benefits #5: Too Much To Handle
Best Friends with Benefits #6: Losing Control
Best Friends with Benefits #7: Yesung
Best Friends with Benefits #8: She Likes You
Best Friends with Benefits #9: Confessions and Kisses
Best Friends with Benefits #10: Happy Forever After
A Boxing Thrill #1: My Best Friend and the New Coach
A Boxing Thrill #2: Accidents
A Boxing Thrill #3: Showdown
A Boxing Thrill #4: Making A Choice
A Boxing Thrill #5 Ending 1: Donghae
A Boxing Thrill #5 Ending 2: Hyukjae
Celebrate: A Christmas Special with Super Junior
Gear Me Up #1: Wrecked
Gear Me Up #2: Bad and Badder

Best Friends with Benefits #3: Eunhyuk and the Boys

32 0 0
By scjbubbletea

Corrine's pov:

A few weeks later at Prodigy Studios

He looks so different in this hairstyle, but also so good... I wonder what's going on inside his head? He looks like he's zoning out.

"I know, I like his previous hairstyle too but he said he wanted to try a different look for our stage this time..."

I tried not to stare at him so hard from the opposite end of the table as Donghae continued speaking.

We hadn't met or had any make-out sessions during the past few weeks because of how busy he was with his performances for D&E's new album, and we finally got to meet that day because Donghae had asked for me to direct their upcoming stage. We were currently having a discussion in one of the studio's meeting rooms.

I never noticed how good he looks in just a plain white tee. Is it weird that I want to kiss him now and feel his biceps? Crap, could he also be thinking about it?

After the meeting, he followed me back to my place to catch up. Just a few minutes after we entered the living room, it was as if he read my mind.

He sealed my lips with his, pressing me down onto the floor in one swift move while cushioning my head with his hand. I whimpered the moment his lips began moving against mine. Are those sparks I feel? And I love how he always protects me and ensures I never get hurt, no matter what we're doing. I really had no idea that he was this gentle and thoughtful.

I slid my hands up his back, taking my time to caress him. Lee Hyukjae... I'd gotten used to the soft plumpness of his lips, and I was slowly becoming attached. Everything about him seems to be... growing on me. That doesn't mean anything, does it?

I got up and turned so that I was on top of him instead. I leaned in, kissing him hotly before trailing my lips down his neck and collarbone, slightly pushing his shirt up while caressing him underneath it.

Then I moved down and straddled him, running my fingers through my hair as I glanced down at him. Let's see what else we can do here... He likes it when I dominate, huh?

I grabbed his collar, pulling him up to me and leaning forward so I could whisper in his ear. "Show me how much you like it when I'm on top."

Without missing a beat, I pushed my lips onto his and pulled him into a steamy, wet kiss. He instantly obeyed when I started pulling his shirt up, allowing me to slide it up and over his head.

"You're getting hard." I teased, pushing him back onto the floor. He's always so turned on when I dominate, and his ears and neck always turn so red. I ran my fingers through his hair, continuing the kiss before moving down. Time to give him what he likes.

Slowly I dragged my lips down to his chest, pressing a soft kiss there. He probably thinks I'll start slow with light kisses, but no. This time, I'll give him more. I opened my mouth, giving him a slow lick before moving to plant hot and heavy kisses up and down his body. He groaned as I ran my tongue across his skin, thrill pulsing in my body.

His chest began rising and falling more rapidly when I started sucking, making sure to leave hickeys left and right on his body. By the time I was done, he was panting. His gaze was hazy, filled with smoking desire as he looked at me.

"I'll give you more next time if you make sure no one sees all this." I stared intensely into his eyes after glancing down at the marks I'd left, flashing him a slight smirk.

"You... You're such a tease." Then he pulled me down by the nape, kissing me urgently. Oh, barely. I pinned his wrists to the floor, running my tongue harshly in his mouth until he whimpered. Shit, that was such a turn-on.

I finished off with a slow bite on his lower lip, sucking on it for a bit before pulling away.

He immediately switched our positions so that he was on top, sliding his fingers into my hair as he kissed me. I shuddered when he stroked my lower cheek and the side of my neck with his thumb. It was just a single movement, but his touch was so sensual and teasing that it left my skin hot and tingly.

His name escaped my lips in a soft sigh as he brushed his palm down, caressing my breast.

More, I want more... I cupped his nape tightly, urging him to give me more. He deepened the kiss in response, slipping his hand underneath my shirt and running it over my bare skin. I moaned as he gave my breast a gentle squeeze, his tongue moving fervently in my mouth and tasting me eagerly. God, that feels good. I've never craved him like this before.

A long, hungry kiss later, we finally pulled away. We stared at each other, both panting and satisfied.

Damn, today's been intense.

He got off me and sat up, gazing down at his body while I buttoned up my shirt. Then he looked at me, blushing and rubbing his neck. "This is really how you take charge, huh?"

My heart just skipped a beat. What is this, why is he so cute? "You bring that side out in me, you know. Besides, it helps when I hear how much you're enjoying it."

He bit his lip and looked away, a shy smile on his face. I just stared at him for a few seconds. I want to kiss him again because he's so cute.

I quickly composed myself when he turned to me. "Your dad's coming over for dinner, right?"

I nodded while he put on his shirt. Darn, he didn't have to put it on so soon. "Yeah, he'll probably be staying to chill and borrow the TV for a while. I swear, that man loves my sofa."

He chuckled. "Guess we gotta have our movie marathon in your room then."

"Yup." I instantly stopped smiling. "Wait, not movies. We might just end up... when my dad's just right there. So no, something else."

He feigned a cough, then looked nervous. "There's this really old drama I'm actually dying to rewatch, but uh... Promise you won't laugh at me?"

I gave him an encouraging nod. He pulled out his phone, passing it to me after a few taps.

Goblin?! I squealed and threw my arms around him. "I've always been looking for someone to binge it with! Since when did you like that sort of stuff?"

[A/N: Fun fact, he really likes the show and I find it so cute T_T ALSO, IT'S A GREAT DRAMA.]

His eyes were sparkling when I pulled back. Goodness, he looks so pure like an angel sent down by the heavens. My heart is getting all riled up just looking at him. "Always! I didn't have anyone to fanboy over it with either. And well, it's not common for guys to love that show that much. I gave up talking about it since most people would just laugh at me."

Why do people keep treating him like that? Those freaking idiots! I frowned angrily. "What the hell is even wrong with a guy loving that show? People and their stupid gender stereotypes... For heaven's sake, it's fucking cute whenever a guy loves Goblin! Those ignorant fools..."

A grateful smile shone on his face. "Seeing you being this mad at stuff like this always makes me feel better. Thanks a lot, for getting angry on my behalf. You know what? I'll show everyone. That all I needed was to find someone who sees what I see. Let's take a pic of us binging it together, I'll post it on my SNS."

I grinned. "Hell yeah, show them!" A warm feeling filled my chest as we high-fived and smiled at each other. Who knew hanging out with him could be so wholesome?

Later on after dinner, we spent hours binging our favourite scenes and episodes on my laptop. We were on the bed, but nothing ahem, unholy crossed our minds. It was like we were in our own little universe — discussing the story plots, life philosophies and characters... We'd never really spent our time together like that before.

When we reached the scene in episode thirteen leading up to the car crash, he was so focused on watching that he didn't even realise he'd taken my hand.

"No no, don't... Don't do it..." Tingles ran all over my skin as he held it in between his palms, bringing it to his lips while his nervous gaze remained on the screen. I bit my lip, trying my hardest not to blush. Gosh, why am I being like this?

We both ended up crying when the emotional scene came on, hugging and passing each other tissues as it progressed.

I was completely amazed, because I never knew he was capable of tearing up just by watching a drama. It was the first time I'd ever seen such a soft side of him, and it made me melt inside.

After finally finishing the last episode, we went through the drama's OST playlist and sang along together. Like many of the drama's fans, the song Beautiful by Crush was our favourite.

By the time we reached the chorus, he was asleep on my shoulder.

It's a beautiful life, beautiful day

I would live in your memories

I turned my head slightly to watch him as the song continued playing on my laptop, gently playing with his soft brown locks. He looks really good in this colour...

Beautiful life, beautiful day

Stay with me

Beautiful my love, beautiful your heart

Lee Hyukjae, now I know what kind of person you are. A warm, soft-hearted boy who appreciates and cries over emotional dramas. And I'd never seen him so relaxed with me, falling asleep without even saying anything.

It suddenly dawned on me how much I didn't actually know my best friend. My heart ached when I realised how guarded he's been even towards me, keeping his true self hidden away. He must have been afraid that I'd judge and mock him just like everyone else. If only he knew, how much I hated what they all did and how I really appreciated sweet and soft-hearted people like him.

I closed my eyes, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. Your heart is safe with me, Hyuk. You can trust me to protect you from now on.

I gazed down at my hand which he was still holding as he slept, a warm, fuzzy feeling spread inside my chest. This feels... nice. I tilted my head to rest it against his, closing my eyes to go to sleep. My mind was at ease knowing he was here like this, with me.

Good night, little angel.

Corrine's dad's pov:

"Darling, I'm leaving." I knocked on the door gently. Hmm? Why is it so quiet? I opened it, only to see my daughter and Hyuk asleep on the bed.

I smiled. Aigoo, they're so cute. I've never seen them this close.. Their relationship must be progressing. What were all those lies even that there's nothing going on between them? Tsk, tsk.

I entered the room quietly, carefully pulling up the blanket for both of them.

Then I stared at Hyuk, whispering, "Can't you just take her in? At this rate, she's going to grow old and die alone." I sighed, gently ruffling his hair. "My wife misses it and my son doesn't see you enough, but I know you're a good boy. I can always see in your eyes that you know how to make her happy." Finally, he's staying here overnight!

"And look, you'll both make pretty grandchildren for me! Hehehehe..." Oh, shit. I ran out as quietly as I could when they stirred and quickly closed the door.

Corrine's pov:

(A few more make-out sessions and sleepovers later) At Eunhyuk's house

Ah, they're here.

They must have gone somewhere nice together before coming for the gathering, since they're all so dressed up. Well, it already looks like one great house party.

"Ayo chef Kyu!" Eunhyuk opened up his arms for Kyuhyun who sweetly hugged him back while the rest of the boys trailed into the living room.

The fact that only they know he's a virgin... I was so curious to ask them about it and see their reactions for myself.

We gathered in front of the tv to eat while catching up on the latest shows. I found myself on a stool in between Yesung and Shindong by the coffee table, while Eunhyuk sat behind me on the couch.

Just when I'd picked up a french fry to eat, he leaned forward and ate it instead. "Yah!"

"One more." He opened his mouth, eyeing the box of fries on the table.

Goddamn, since when did he become so adorable? Now that he's showing more of his true self to me, I'm just getting more and more mesmerised.

"You're such a child!" He ate it as I held up another one for him, then grinned cheekily.

"But you know you still love me."

"Narcissist!" I laughed, then stopped. Something seems to be wrong. We both looked up warily, only to see eight pairs of eyes on us. Ryeowook had stopped eating his french fry midway, Donghae and Yesung were sort of glaring at us, Kyuhyun was staring at us like we were stupid, Leeteuk looked as if he was waiting for an explanation, Shindong looked confused, Siwon's eyes looked as huge as fifty-cent coins and Heechul had a judgmental frown on his face.

"Are they dating or what, the hell..." Ryeowook commented sarcastically, which made me frown.

What's wrong with them?

"What? Why are you all—" Then I realised. Eunhyuk was sitting behind me with his knees wide apart, and I was right in between them. His chin was above my shoulder, his face so close to mine that we'd end up kissing if I turned my head. His arms were almost encasing me, and my back was barely an inch away from his chest.

Anyone looking would think we were a couple.

He bolted backwards while I quickly moved forward. Shit, that's what happens when we've become too comfortable with touching each other!

"Since when did you two do so much skinship?" Heechul asked, looking both disgusted and suspicious.

"Are you sure you're not dating?" Kyuhyun had his arms folded while sitting on the couch, looking like a father who was sick of his children.

"No!" Eunhyuk and I shot back. Of all times, we're so terribly in sync today! We caught each other's gazes, then looked away immediately.

"Then stop doing weird things, it's creeping me out." Kyuhyun grumbled, then went back to watching the tv while everyone else snickered. Okay, thank god they didn't make a big deal out of it.

Later when Eunhyuk went to the washroom, I turned to the boys. "Guys, Hyukjae told me he's a virgin. So you've always known that he's really never slept with anyone before?"

Yesung chuckled, looking amused. "What? Are you really asking that?"

I sighed. "Yeah, because a lot of people talk about how he's slept with so many girls and that he's good and stuff..."

"What?" Heechul laughed so loud, his voice echoed in the living room. "Yah, where did you hear that kind of stuff? That bastard is the purest guy around here! He's kind of like a Buddha compared to other guys and doesn't just sleep with anyone, not even his ex-girlfriends. I'm telling you, it has to be some jealous bastards who spread rumours about him because he always gets a lot of attention from girls."

"Yeah, don't be fooled by what other people tell you. That boy is still a virgin." Leeteuk chipped in. "He may get lots of attention from girls, but that doesn't even mean they appreciate him for who he is. It's really stupid. He does have some, ahem, skills though. Either because he's a natural or he watched too much porn, but he never uses them to mess around."

I started to laugh, then stopped and frowned. "Then what was that bartender and random blonde girl he was flirting his ass off with at that bar..."

"Blonde girl?" Shindong frowned, then pulled out his phone. He searched for something on it, then showed it to me. It was a photo of Eunhyuk draping his arm over the shoulder of that girl I'd seen back then. "You mean him?"

Yesung broke into his signature deep laugh. "That's Ryeowook in a wig!"

"What?" I snatched the phone over, squinting at it. What the... I'd only seen that girl's back view, so I had no idea! What the hell was he even doing in a wig?

Shindong pointed at my face, laughing his head off. "Yah, you were there back then? The bartender is his friend and he was just playing a stupid prank on her. Also, didn't you see me filming him and Ryeowook from the side? I was just making them do a TikTok video as a punishment because we were playing a game and they lost. Here, have a look for yourself." He opened up his TikTok account, then played a video.

[A/N: DM me if you want the video link.]

You have got to be kidding me. I can't believe this! All this time, I thought... Oh, this is the biggest joke on the planet. I deadpanned, unamused. "Real big of you, boss."

"Ah hyung, delete that!" Ryeowook leaned over to swat at Shindong's phone. "See? People misunderstood because of your stupid video! I hate all these crazy games with crazy penalties. Okay, but speaking of Eunhyuk hyung's skills, I really felt them in that underwater game—"

"Oh, someone please shut him up." Kyuhyun groaned, cutting him off.

"What? What are you talking about?" I sat up attentively.

Kyuhyun looked like he wanted to die talking about it, so Siwon explained instead. "Basically, we played this underwater game many years ago, where you have to transfer oxygen to the person next to you using your mouth. Ryeowook couldn't forget his experience after Eunhyuk 'kissed' him and asked for it again. He's so weird, he still talks about it today in detail." My jaw dropped open. What kind of friend even does this?!

Donghae scoffed. "Good thing Eunhyuk called him crazy and refused."

Of course he did! This is hilarious. I burst into laughter while Ryeowook tossed him a death stare. Then he turned to Shindong who was nearest to him. "No but seriously, his lips are so soft. The feeling lingers. It's really why he's so famous around girls... They know." He said it so casually, but the look on his face was dead serious.

[A/N: If you didn't know, this really happened and Ryeowook deadass said that in an interview. He's so open-minded it confuses me.]

"That's true." I nodded, recalling the way I'd felt after our first kiss. Everyone stared at me. Crap, it just slipped!

"Which part?" Siwon raised an eyebrow, his eyes wide in anticipation. And not in a good way.

"I, uh..." I quickly got up when I saw Eunhyuk walk back out. "I'll go cut up some fruits for you guys."

I made my way to the kitchen, opening the fridge to take out some oranges and grapes.

"Let me help you." Yesung entered, smiling at me.

"Sure." I returned a smile, grateful for his company. He was always so nice and thoughtful, and was the one I got along with best in the group aside from Eunhyuk. We were both avid movie fans, and could talk about our favourite films all day once we started. Eunhyuk liked movies too, but Yesung and I had more in common in the area.

I was so glad to get to know these guys thanks to Eunhyuk. Not to mention they were all such hotties... Especially Yesung. Like, just look at him in that red hair!

I couldn't help but find him cute. He had a great voice too as an an independent artist who sang live with a band in restaurants and bars, while I sang for fun. Because we connected so well, we'd sometimes meet up to discuss and binge movies or spend time singing together.

"Forget all that crazy talk, Ryeowook's mind is just in another world. How's everything? I haven't seen you in a while." He asked as he took the fruits from me and placed them on the counter.

I grabbed two chopping boards, knives and passed one each to him, cutting up an orange while answering him. "Well, things are looking up lately. I'm working on some new stages that are pretty interesting and let me play with more special effects. I just wished I could actually finish a movie though. My schedule's a little hectic and..." I'd end up making out with Eunhyuk halfway through.

"And?" He tossed me an anticipating glance before chopping down on the orange.

"And... it's hard for me to focus when I try to binge some at night. By the time I start, I'm usually already worn out." I sighed, praying inwardly that I managed to smoke through my response. If any of the members find out we're fwbs, they'll never let us hear the end of it.

He chuckled. "That's too bad, that new live-action film of Cruella was an epic villain story."

My eyes widened. I'd been dying to watch that! And it was so rare for guys to like shows about fashion. But of course — he'd always been more particular about what he wore and had an obsession with accessories, boots and leather jackets just like me. Dang, I was appreciating these boys more and more. "You watched it already?"

He smirked. "Should I spoil it for you?"

I narrowed my eyes jokingly. "You wouldn't."

"Yeah, I wouldn't. But there's one thing I do have to spoil — the characters' outfits. I'm telling you, they made countless fashion statements and even won an Oscar for the costumes. If you don't have time to watch it in the theatres, I'll lend you the DVD. I'm planning to buy it when it comes out."

"Shut. Up. Are you serious?!"

"No." He flashed me a devilish grin.

"Yah, you — ah!" I left a cut on my finger by accident, instinctively dropping the knife.

"Hey, are you okay?" He immediately put away his knife, taking my hand to examine it. I blushed when he brought my injured finger to his lips and started sucking on it. He's not only handsome, but also sweet and caring. But in an entirely different way from...

"What the heck are you two doing?" I looked up to see Eunhyuk standing by the door, staring at us as if we were doing something wrong.

I quickly removed my hand from Yesung's grip. "It's nothing. He was just helping me because I cut my finger by accident." Why am I so afraid of him seeing me being touchy with another guy and misunderstanding?

"You what?" His eyes widened, and he took my hand. "Ah gosh, you idiot! Why are you so careless? Come here." He led me to the sink, turning on the tap and letting the water run over my wound. He turned to Yesung, looking annoyed. "Hyung, what were you even doing that this happened?"

"What, did you think I did that to her?" Yesung raised his eyebrow. What's with this strange atmosphere...? I watched as he left the kitchen, feeling disoriented.

"Stop staring at him and mind your own wound first." Eunhyuk remarked sarcastically, turning off the tap. He took out a box of plasters from the cabinet, then started putting one on for me. "How old are you that you can't even cut fruits without hurting yourself?"

I rolled my eyes. "Five, genius."

He rolled his eyes back at me, stepping forward to grab the box of plasters behind me on the counter. "I swear—" He suddenly tripped forward, grabbing the counter with both hands to break his fall — trapping me right against it as his body crashed into mine. I reached out instinctively, grabbing his upper back to support him.

He slowly pulled back until his face was just inches away from mine, locking my gaze with his. My heart raced as we stared at each other for a good moment. Why on earth is it even beating so fast?

We snapped back into reality when laughter and noise suddenly erupted from outside where the boys were watching the tv. He backed away hastily, avoiding my gaze. "G-get out, I'll prepare the fruits. I don't want another accident and... Just go."

"Uh, okay... Thanks." I quickly turned to leave, releasing the breath I didn't realise I'd been holding. Why are my ears and cheeks so hot? Calm down!

I tried to ignore what happened and just focused on spending time with the boys. Time flew past, and we all had a blast playing games and chatting, except for some weird things that kept happening. Eunhyuk and Yesung were both being extra-attentive to me, and Donghae seemed to be in an extra bad mood. It all felt so strange.

After dinner when the boys were leaving, Yesung turned to me at the door. "Hey, I was just kidding about the DVD earlier. You're my VIP, so you'll be the first to know when I get it. I'll make sure you get to watch it, okay?" He winked, which made me squeal internally. That was cute.

I grinned and nodded. "Thanks, you're the best."

"Is that even supposed to be a wink? You just look like you have something in your eye." Eunhyuk snickered from behind me.

"This little... Stop it before I hit you." Yesung threatened, which made me laugh. The way these guys bicker will never not be funny.

"Ah, just leave already! Go before I shoo you away like a fly." LMAO. I laughed even harder when Yesung really did as he said and smacked him on the back of his head.

"Little brat..." He mumbled as he left while Eunhyuk whined in pain.

I giggled. "Serves you right. Okay, time to tidy up."

He was about to follow me into the kitchen, but Donghae grabbed his wrist and turned to me. "Aren't you leaving?"

Eunhyuk scoffed, smacking him on the arm. "Who's going to help me tidy up if she doesn't?"

"I can." Donghae stared at me, his gaze piercing. What...

"Don't be stupid, you have a solo stage tomorrow morning. Seriously, just go! Do you all think this is your house or what? Just leave us alone already..." Eunhyuk mumbled, pushing him out the door. They squabbled for a few more minutes before Donghae left — but not before I caught his glare.

Seriously, why is everyone acting so weird today? Ugh, whatever.

I shook my head and just rushed Eunhyuk into the kitchen to clear the dishes. Forty-five minutes later, we both slumped down onto the couch. Cleaning up for eight other crazy boys, sheesh!

"Gosh, I'm so tired. I'm leaving." I got up and was about to leave when he pulled me down by the wrist, making me gasp. I ended up sitting right in between his legs with my back pressed against his chest and his arms around my waist. My mind went blank as I tried to register what just happened. It's so hot in here all of a sudden!

"Can't you stay?" He asked, his voice pure and soft. He sounds so sad and pleading, like he really doesn't want me to go.

It made my heart flutter like crazy.

[Pic credits:

Screenshot from video of D&E's reaction to Taeyeon's Weekend MV:

Suju in House Party:

Eunhyuk and Ryeowook:]

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