Anakin Skywalker Imagines/One...

By Makenziej28

171K 2.3K 353

Anakin Skywalker Imagines. Female reader POV. *All credit goes to George Lucas and Disney. Except for the rea... More

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The way I Look at You
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My Jedi in Leather Armor
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Always Have Loved You
His Beautiful Hair.
Dead Because of You
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My Kinda Perfect
Happy Birthday to Me! (Smut)
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Headcanon series: Pregnancy
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All Scars Fade
Returning What's Mine
My Allegiance
Do What You're Told
The Apprentice

The Handmaiden

1.3K 20 2
By Makenziej28

First dress you wear at the start. Hooded dress you wear later. Last dress you wear last.

Padme age 24
(y/n) age 21
Anakin age 19

(y/n) was Senator Amidala's most trusted handmaiden. She had been so for the last 6 years. But as threats and attempts on Padme's life started to occur, the senate sent two Jedi to protect her.

"Do you know which Jedi they will be?"(y/n) asks as she sits in Padme's lavish apartment. She fiddles with one of her sleeves as the two talk.

The two women sat on a long loveseat as they waited for the Jedi's arrival. Padme turned to her, "I'm not sure, the council would not tell me!"She said.

Captain Typho came in a little while later, "Senator! My lady! The Jedi have arrived, may I allow them entry?"He asked Padme.

Padme nodded, "let them in, Captain!"She ordered and he bowed his head and walked away to do what he was instructed to.

Both Padme and (y/n) stood as two voices could be heard conversing with each other in the hallway. An older man in his early 30's came in with a younger man in his late teens. They both wore the traditional robes of a Jedi.

"Senator it is a pleasure to see you again! I only wish it was under better circumstances!"The older man said walking over and hugging Padme.

"It is nice to see you again Obi Wan! I had heard you had became a Master, I am very happy for you!"She said congratulating him.

Obi Wan then noticed (y/n) and moved over to her. "You must be the lady the captain was referring to!"He said holding out his hand.

She nodded, "I'm actually a handmaiden; the captain however always calls me 'my lady' for reasons I am unaware of!"She explained. "I'm lady (y/n)!"She introduced taking the Master's hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you!"He said giving her a soft and kind smile. A smile in which she returned.

Her gaze then turned toward the younger man. Who had already greeted Padme and was making his way over to her. His eyes widened at seeing her; Padme may have been beautiful, but this woman was exquisite. "I don't believe we have met yet, I'm (y/f/n), but you can just call me (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you!"She introduced herself to the lovestruck young man.

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "the pleasure—is all—mine—lady (y/n)!"He stuttered cutely.

She cocked her head, "aren't you going to tell me your name?"She asked. He looked up at her startled at the question.

"A-Anakin..."He said unsure of himself.

She smiled like an Angel, "Anakin? What?"She asks.

"Skywalker!"He said blushing shyly.

She smiled, "well it is very nice to meet you Anakin Skywalker!"She told him softly. He smiled at her before he turned to see Obi Wan who gave him a knowing look.

He looked away before they all sat down together. "I still don't see why I need this?"Padme complained.

"Padme you have had two assassination attempts in the past three weeks!"(y/n) interjects with concern.

"Yes and neither of them were successful, were they?"Padme said nonchalant.

(y/n) tried to hold back tears, "yes! But maybe one day they will be, and I will not let you disregard your life like that!"(y/n) says standing up and walking out the door to the balcony.

The windy air do to the speeders zipping by made the cool air prickle her skin. She broke down and cried. Padme was her best friend, she didn't want her to die in one of those attempts one day. Why couldn't she see that? If her friend died she didn't know what she would do.

A gust of warm air came from behind her as the door was opened from inside. "I came out here because I wanted to be alone!"She said turning around only to see that it wasn't Padme but the young Jedi, Anakin Skywalker. "Shouldn't you be with Padme?"She asked him wiping her cheeks with her sleeve.

He shook his head, "She has Obi Wan for protection, I wanted to come check on you!"He said.

She smiled and wiped her face with the back of her hand. "I don't see how she can't see that if she dies, I don't know what I would do."She whispers but Anakin heard.

"She won't die! Me and Obi Wan will protect her, I promise!"He reassured her. He thought it was sweet how much she cared for Padme. It just showed the kind of person that she was. "Padme is lucky to have someone who cares about her as much as you do!"Anakin said.

"Wish she could see that!"She scoffed.

Anakin felt another presence, "she does see that!"A voice that was not Anakin's said. (y/n) looked up and saw Padme behind Anakin. She rushed over and Padme hugged her. "(y/n) of course I know! You are like my little sister, I love you!"She said running her fingers through her hair. Anakin smiled at the two women. "I'll take this more seriously if it makes you feel better, okay!"Padme said and (y/n) nodded as she was brought back inside.

Obi Wan began to speak, "while you were away we discussed that it would be best to take the senator to a remote area on Naboo!"He explains and (y/n) nods a bit relived to be going home. As much as she loved Coruscant she missed Naboo dearly.

"When are we to depart, Master?"Anakin asks him and Kenobi turns to his Padawan.

"We are best to depart early tomorrow morning, so as not to raise suspicion!"Kenobi answers for him. All nod in understanding of what is to happen tomorrow.

Padme bids goodnight to Obi Wan and Anakin before leaving for her bedroom. (y/n) however was tasked with showing the two Jedi men to their sleeping arrangements for the night.

Obi Wan went in the room first but Anakin stayed behind. "I wish to thank you again for checking on me earlier, it meant a lot to me!"She tells him.

His cheeks grew warm, "anytime!"He says smiling. She smiled back and without another thought she goes on her toes and kisses his cheek. Anakin's eyes grew wide at the contact.

She pulls away and he stares at her in awe, "sweet dreams, Anakin!"She says before walking to her bedroom next to Padme's.

Anakin stood in place frozen for a moment longer. He placed his hand over the place she had kissed and smiled. He knew he would have sweet dreams that night. Because he knew his dreams would be of her.


In the early hours of the morning the four of them were on a public transport system. Both Padme and (y/n) wore hoods to conceal their identity. (y/n) was in an olive green gown, whereas Padme wore a silvery one.

(y/n) sat next to Anakin as Obi Wan sat next to Padme.

(y/n) let out a yawn and leaned her head back against the wall. She fell asleep shortly after, her head lulling to the side and landing on Anakin's shoulder. He turned to face her sleeping form and smiled softly. He lifted his hand up and brushed a (h/c) lock of hair from her face.

Padme and Obi Wan saw this interaction and when Anakin turned to his master, Obi Wan gave him a disapproving look. Anakin's hand dropped to his lap and he looked away from Obi Wan's glare.

A few hours later they had landed on Naboo. Anakin turned to (y/n) and lightly shook her awake. She snapped her head up from his shoulder, yawned, and stretched.

She realized that she had had her head on Anakin's shoulder. She looked up at him her cheeks growing warm in embarrassment. "Has anyone ever told you you make a good pillow?"She asks.

He chuckled, "no! No you would be the first!"He admits with a smile. She smiled before they are interrupted by Obi Wan.

"Come on you two, we need to get off!"He said. (y/n) sighed before Anakin helps her up. He hops out of the transport and holds out his hand for hers. She thought it was very quite sweet of him to do. She placed her hand in his and he helped her down so she didn't trip.

Obi Wan and Padme went to go rent a carriage to take them to the docks. Anakin and (y/n) were tasked with getting the bags. Once they returned
(y/n) walked up to the magnificent horses that pulled it. She rubbed the muzzles of the white one and then the brown one. They nudged her in the shoulder as they seemed to like her. One of them sniffed her hair making her giggle in delight.

"(y/n) your driving, come on!"Padme called. The woman turned and nodded and Anakin pulled her into the drivers seat. She grabbed the reins from him and whipped the reins for the horses to begin trotting.

"Before becoming a handmaiden, (y/n)'s parents raised horses!"Padme told the others and they both nodded in interest. Anakin was surprised yet not at all as she seemed so good with them.

Once they made it to the docks (y/n) pulled on the reins halting the horses in place. Two men came up and took the carriage from their hands and the four grabbed their bags. Padme led them to a large canoe and the boys stepped in first. Anakin helped Padme in and then (y/n).

The boys started rowing in the direction Padme led them. (y/n) watched in intrigue as Anakin's arms strained against the oar as he rowed. She bit her lip and smiled softly, he was strong and undeniably handsome.

Once they made it to the lake house Obi Wan tied the boat to the dock and kept it steady so the girls could get off first, then Anakin, then himself. The girls arm in arm marched up to the top to the house entrance.

"What was that earlier with you and Ani?"Padme asked. (y/n) turned toward her.

"What was what?"She asks not knowing what Padme could possibly have meant.

"Don't deny it! You were practically using him as a pillow earlier!"Padme said giving her a knowing look.

She rolled her eyes and ignored Padme as she got inside. She sighed in contentment at being back on her home planet again. There really was no other planet that was as beautiful or serene as Naboo.

She walked to her room she is always given whenever Padme and her visit. She sets her bag down on the bed and began to unpack. She put her clothes into the wardrobe and organized them.

A knock at her door startled her out of her daze, "come in!"She called out and Anakin's face appears from behind the door.

He smiled when he saw her, "sorry to bother you, I just have to check the premises for anything suspicious."He said.

She offered him to come inside with her hand. "It's no bother at all, I just finished unpacking. Take all the time you need!"She said kindly exiting her room leaving him in it alone.

(y/n) after leaving her room made her way to Padme's and knocked on the door. "Come in!"Padme called from inside and she entered. Padme is as busy as she was unpacking her own bag. She didn't have much but it was enough to be overwhelming.

"Need any help?"(y/n) asks. Padme turns around and nods. (y/n) picks up a dress and grabs a hanger and hung it up in the closet.

"Padme?"(y/n) called.

"Yes?"She answered.

"How is it you know Master Kenobi and Anakin?"She asked her.

"Well before I met you, I met Obi Wan and his master on a mission. That same mission I met a 9 year old Anakin on Tatooine."She explained.
"Why do you ask?"She questioned. (y/n) shrugged her shoulders.

"Just curious is all!"She explains and Padme nods.


A few days had passed since arriving and Anakin and (y/n) became closer than ever within those days. Obi Wan was not stupid he could easily see how his Padawan felt for the handmaiden.

He himself had loved a woman not so very long ago. A woman he would have left the Jedi order for.

Obi Wan knew how young love could be. He wouldn't say anything to the council, as long as Anakin still did his job.

Speaking of Anakin, (y/n) had orchestrated a simple picnic in a meadow. Obi Wan had allowed Anakin to go on the picnic, but warned him to be wary of his feelings. Anakin had agreed, but only because that meant he could go on the picnic with (y/n).

Anakin and (y/n) sat in the meadow surrounded by flowers that dotted the landscape with reds, yellows, whites, pinks, and purples. The atmosphere felt serene as the two dined in silence, an occasional few words slipping between them.

(y/n) had just eaten a strawberry jelly pastry when she felt Anakin's touch on her cheek. She stopped chewing and looked up at him in questioning. His thumb wiped the corner of her mouth and he pulled back so she could see a smear of red jelly on his thumb.

(y/n) laughed lightly, "can't take me anywhere, I guess!"She said smiling at him making him laugh too.

"No I suppose not!"He replied admiring her laugh and smile.

She cocked her head at him, "what are you staring at?"She asks him innocently.

He smiles, "I was just realizing how beautiful you look today!"He complimented.

She could feel her cheeks grow warm slightly at the compliment before cocking her head. "Just today?"She questions him.

He smiles and shakes his head, "no you-you look beautiful everyday!"He admits making the poor girl's cheeks blush even harder.

She grabbed a berry from one of the bowls and chewed thoughtfully, attempting not to look at Anakin. She needed to remind herself that he was a Jedi; they couldn't keep flirting like this.

She looked up at the sky already seeing that the sun would set soon. "We should probably head back!"She said to him and he was a bit confused but nodded his head anyway.

"Did I do something wrong?"He asked as he helped her pack up.

She shook her head, "no I was just noticing that the sun was setting and I figured we should get back so the others aren't wondering where we are." She explained to him looping the basket on her arm.

"Oh, gotcha!" He said now understanding. He began walking when his foot slid out from under him and he began to roll down the hillside. (y/n) ran after him and he came to a stop. She shook his shoulder and didn't receive an answer.

She shook him again, "ANAKIN!!!"She screeched making him pop up and grab her arms and pull her down onto him. She shrieked in surprise and slapped him in the arm. "YOU SCARED ME!"She huffs at him.

She then notices the position she was in. She was sitting on the Jedi's hips and he stared up at her with an unreadable expression. He then kicked off with his other foot and they tumbled down the rest of the hill.

He protected her head with his hand so she didn't hit it against the ground as they rolled down. Their laughter reverberated in both of their ears as it was the only thing they could hear.

She ended up on top and while both breathed heavily she stared down at his handsome face. Slightly unsure she leaned down and knowing this was the last thing she should be doing with a Jedi she was hesitant, but her heart won in the end. Her lips pressed against Anakin's and he angled his lips to meet hers.

The lips connected perfectly like two wet pieces of clay. Nothing else mattered in the whole galaxy; it was just them.

Anakin brushed his hand along her cheek and she pulled away to look at him in his eyes. "I love you, (y/n)!"Anakin confessed.

Realizing what she had done and with a Jedi no less made her instantly get off of him. Her hands shook and she attempted to collect herself. "NO! That was a mistake, I don't know what came over me!"She tries to take back her previous actions.

Anakin walks to her and cups her cheeks. "It wasn't a mistake. I love you; that I know for certain!"He said sincerely.

"Anakin—you can't love, it's forbidden!"(y/n) tries to remind him but it is like her words hadn't even registered in his brain.

"(y/n) my heart yearns for you, even if I'm a Padawan, and when I become a Jedi my heart will still be yours!"He says placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

His words had been sweet, sweeter than anything anyone had ever said to her. She was slowly giving in, "we would have to hide this from everybody, I think only Padme could ever know and maybe Obi Wan, I don't know him that great but he seems okay!"She tells him.

He nods, "whatever you want, it's done! All I want is you!"He said and with that she smiled and pulled him into a kiss sealing their deal and promise.

Never had Anakin Skywalker believed he would ever fall in love with anyone this hard. Not even Padme Amidala had ever had this much control over him. But once he found this beautiful handmaiden; this rare jewel hidden under Padme's shadow, he knew he was in love.

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