The Handmaiden

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First dress you wear at the start. Hooded dress you wear later. Last dress you wear last.

Padme age 24
(y/n) age 21
Anakin age 19

(y/n) was Senator Amidala's most trusted handmaiden. She had been so for the last 6 years. But as threats and attempts on Padme's life started to occur, the senate sent two Jedi to protect her.

"Do you know which Jedi they will be?"(y/n) asks as she sits in Padme's lavish apartment. She fiddles with one of her sleeves as the two talk.

The two women sat on a long loveseat as they waited for the Jedi's arrival. Padme turned to her, "I'm not sure, the council would not tell me!"She said.

Captain Typho came in a little while later, "Senator! My lady! The Jedi have arrived, may I allow them entry?"He asked Padme.

Padme nodded, "let them in, Captain!"She ordered and he bowed his head and walked away to do what he was instructed to.

Both Padme and (y/n) stood as two voices could be heard conversing with each other in the hallway. An older man in his early 30's came in with a younger man in his late teens. They both wore the traditional robes of a Jedi.

"Senator it is a pleasure to see you again! I only wish it was under better circumstances!"The older man said walking over and hugging Padme.

"It is nice to see you again Obi Wan! I had heard you had became a Master, I am very happy for you!"She said congratulating him.

Obi Wan then noticed (y/n) and moved over to her. "You must be the lady the captain was referring to!"He said holding out his hand.

She nodded, "I'm actually a handmaiden; the captain however always calls me 'my lady' for reasons I am unaware of!"She explained. "I'm lady (y/n)!"She introduced taking the Master's hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you!"He said giving her a soft and kind smile. A smile in which she returned.

Her gaze then turned toward the younger man. Who had already greeted Padme and was making his way over to her. His eyes widened at seeing her; Padme may have been beautiful, but this woman was exquisite. "I don't believe we have met yet, I'm (y/f/n), but you can just call me (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you!"She introduced herself to the lovestruck young man.

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, "the pleasure—is all—mine—lady (y/n)!"He stuttered cutely.

She cocked her head, "aren't you going to tell me your name?"She asked. He looked up at her startled at the question.

"A-Anakin..."He said unsure of himself.

She smiled like an Angel, "Anakin? What?"She asks.

"Skywalker!"He said blushing shyly.

She smiled, "well it is very nice to meet you Anakin Skywalker!"She told him softly. He smiled at her before he turned to see Obi Wan who gave him a knowing look.

He looked away before they all sat down together. "I still don't see why I need this?"Padme complained.

"Padme you have had two assassination attempts in the past three weeks!"(y/n) interjects with concern.

"Yes and neither of them were successful, were they?"Padme said nonchalant.

(y/n) tried to hold back tears, "yes! But maybe one day they will be, and I will not let you disregard your life like that!"(y/n) says standing up and walking out the door to the balcony.

The windy air do to the speeders zipping by made the cool air prickle her skin. She broke down and cried. Padme was her best friend, she didn't want her to die in one of those attempts one day. Why couldn't she see that? If her friend died she didn't know what she would do.

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