Beat By A Girl

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Prompt: You & Anakin are sparring & he is not pleased when he gets beaten by you.

"You ready, Skywalker?" You ask holding up your green lightsaber in a defense position in front of you.

Anakin smirked an arrogant smirk at you, and held up his blue saber in front of himself. "I'm always ready, (l/n)!" He said in a daring manner, almost as though he was daring you to make the first move.

But Anakin is the first to make the first move twirling his saber in his hand before striking, which you deflect easily. He attempts another swing at your other side in which you quickly spin and your sabers clash together once more. "Impressive!" Anakin comments which makes you smile at the praise.

You lean back just as his saber slashes the air above you where you just had been. Your saber comes up to block his attack as he had attempted to slash you down. You push him off of you and push him down to the ground.

You straighten up, just as he gets up and heads toward you his saber raised. You turn presenting your saber in your non dominant hand. You get a firm grip on his own hilt and using your leg you sweep your leg underneath him sending him tumbling to the ground, his saber now clutches in your hand.

You spin around and kneel holding both sabers at his neck. His eyes show surprise but also intrigue. He had never been beaten before, besides by the Council masters who he had dueled with on a few occasions.

He had never been beat before, and especially not by a girl. You distinguish both sabers before placing yours in your belt. You held out your hand to the awestruck Jedi Knight; you were still a good sport after all.

He took your hand and you pulled him up with effortless strength. You then handed his saber back to him in which he took and clipped to his belt. "That was amazing, (l/n)!" He admits and you smile.

"You weren't so bad yourself, up until the moment where I beat your ass!" You say smugly. His face became shocked at your words and you just laughed. "Don't look so surprised, Skywalker! You needed to be taught how to handle defeat, as previously you had been far to smug on your perch, thinking you were the best!" You say. "Hate to burst your bubble, Skywalker, but your not the best!" You say before wiping your slightly damp hair out of your face.

"See ya around, Skywalker!" You say dismissing yourself from the training room with a wave in his direction. He watches as you left, still left awestruck that he had actually been beaten in a duel. But moreover, beaten by a girl.

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