The Girl Who Fell [Twilight F...

By -controlled_chaos-

50.4K 1.9K 151

Nyra fell into the world of Twilight, after she "died". At first, she decided to not do anything and just wat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

2.7K 123 24
By -controlled_chaos-

I returned home with a hazy mind. The memory of Jasper still fresh in my head, and he refuses to leave me alone. So, I started blaming him for everything bad that happened with me. Stub my toe? Jasper. Bumping my head on the table while I went to pick the tomato that had rolled under it? Jasper. Almost burning the dinner? Jasper.

Jasper Hale had officially became the source of my bad luck.

After getting an earful from my sister, I dragged myself to my room. The silver helmet, sitting on the study desk, glared at me and I threw my shawl over it, to hide it from my sight before falling back on the bed.

That night, I kept myself awake, making several imaginary men, to stop my infatuation toward Jasper. I realised most of them resembled Jasper in some ways. Some had honey-coloured eyes, while some had Jasper's hair, and some with same facial features.

In the end, I settled down with the one who was nothing alike Jasper. He had short dark hair, warm ivory skin with a large muscular body, and grey eyes.

I fell asleep while making scenarios with the imaginary boy. Next day I woke up with a headache, yet I decided against to go back to sleep as I got things to be done.

The sky looked extremely dark, promising a storm on its way as I stepped outside my home. I drove to the nearest shop where I could buy myself a helmet, that was first job to do. After hopping from one shop to another, I got myself a nice open-face helmet from my fourth stop.

It took me a lot longer than I imagined, so I also decided to buy some groceries as we were low on dairy products. It was a good thing that I brought extra cash with me. Aelia was back from her shift, when I arrived home. I took my time putting away the groceries, before going back to my room to study.

My head perked up at the sound of Bella's truck. Out of curiosity, I went to the window to look outside, and my heart nearly fainted at the sight of Billy Black. And he does not look happy.

Even Jacob turned mortified when he saw Edward sitting inside the truck with Bella.

Damn! I got a nice view of the show.

I chuckled to myself, when suddenly Edward's head turned in my direction. Then, everyone's eyes were on me, and the smile on my face instantly vanished as a chill ran down my spine. And I knew something bad was going happen, and Edward's smirk proved my suspicion correct. He muttered something to Bella, as he got out in the rain, and casually started to make his way toward me.

My heart dropped as I realised what he was doing, I quickly hurried downstairs and opened the door to find him working on his way to my porch.

"Good evening, Nyra." His voice was tight as he greeted me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I hissed at him through clenched teeth,

"Why are you so stressed? I just saw you giggling a moment ago." He asked curiously, though his face looked like he knows the reason of my distress, and was astonished to see that I knew about the Quileutes. However, he didn't ask about how I found out. And I'm glad he let go since I don't have any answer to it.

"What do you want?"

"Jasper's helmet." He mused, enjoying looking at me in distress. Fucking sadist. I peeked from his side, and found Billy watching me with horrified eyes.

"Tch. Wait here." I said as I started to turn, but stopped when Edward tried to step inside. I slammed the door shut on his face before he could have a chance to get inside. I listened to his chuckle through the door as I raced upstairs to bring the helmet.

I immediately handed him the helmet, "Here. Have fun." And started closing the door when he stuck his foot in the middle.

"What more do you want from me!?" I bellowed, when I remembered about Billy, I quickly looked behind him but he wasn't there except his car. I assumed he went inside.

"Alice wanted to invite you to out game tonight. Get ready in half hour." He said while holding back his laughter, my nostrils flared as I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

But when I opened them again to tell him no, he was already gone. I pulled on my hair in frustration, holding back the scream as to not wake my sister up.

I took few deep breaths to calm myself down. First, I need to do something about Billy. I don't want him to coil me with Bella.

As I made my way across the street, Jacob emerged out of the house alone.

"Oh hey, Jacob. How are you?" I asked, trying to act casual.

"I'm good, Nyra. Will you help me with something?" He asked while heading for the trunk of his car.

"I'm looking for some new pictures of my sister, Rebecca. Remember her?"

"Oh, of course I do." I said as a matter-of-fact, and rolled my eyes at him white lie. We dug around looking for pictures that weren't here. But I didn't tell Jacob, as Billy must've sent him here on purpose to privately talk with Bella.

After searching around for a long time, Jacob stood upright with an annoyed huff.

"Let's go tell dad that they're not here." He said, walking inside while I stayed put, too scared to face Billy right now.

After a couple of minutes, he came back with Billy.

"Hello, Billy. How have you been doing?" My voice shook slightly, but I tried to play it cool as I leaned against his car while Jacob helped his father down.

"I'm as healthy as ever. What about you?" His smile was genuine towards me, and the tension eases a little. Was I worried for nothing? Still, I didn't let my guard down.

"I'm good."

"Well, see you soon. Both of you." I said and moved away as Jacob helped Billy inside the car.

"Yeah. Take care." There it was, the warning tone that I've been dreading this whole time, I looked away, laughing awkwardly as I ignored his cold eyes.

I don't know what to say. I don't want to acknowledge that I know about their secret. So, I just smiled innocently, which he gladly returned back. Assuming that I was still in the dark.

They drove off and I visibly relaxed while letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"Hey, Nyra. What did Edward say to you?" Bella asked from her porch, refusing to walk out in the rain.

"He invited me to the game tonight." I told her, then decided to head back. "Well then, see you in half an hour."

"Hm, bye."

I woke up Aelia, to inform her about the game tonight at the Cullens, and that I was invited.

"You're going to play? You?" She asked suspiciously, while giving me an exaggerated look, as she tried to stifle a yawn. I rolled my eyes at her, "Do I look like a player to you? You know I only know how to play badminton. And I'll be watching their game with Bella anyway."

"She's going too?"

"Mm hm. Edward and Bella are dating, so..."

"Damn! Congratulations to her." She snorted while being genuinely happy for her. She agreed to let me go since her senior, Dr. Cullen would be there, and she trusts him for my safety.

Only if she knew.

Aelia went back to sleep, while I went back to my room to change. It was pouring very heavily by the time I heard a knock on the door. I hurried downstairs and opened the door to find Edward. Standing uncomfortably close to my likeness.

My earlier irritation was back, and I did nothing to hide it. He noticed my hard expression and laughed, while moving a step backwards for me to walk outside. I managed to lock the door and threw the key under the rug, before opening the umbrella I had.

Unwillingly, I held it up in such a way where only half of him was covered. Emmett's jeep was parked on the other side, in front of Bella's house, and Charlie was standing by his porch. So, I had no choice but to share the umbrella with him.

He chuckled at my obvious way to bully him, and shifted his weight to stand more closer to me. I instantly jumped back and gave all of the shelter to him, he laughed at my actions before taking the umbrella from me.

"Let's not make Bella wait too long."

We raced to the jeep, and Edward helped me get inside, my foot almost missed his head, but he quickly ducked before I could hit him. Edward got inside, while trying to hold his laughter, yet was unsuccessful to do so.

"What?" Bella asked, wanting to know the reason of his amusement. Edward only shook his head as an answer when I glared at him through the mirror.

It wasn't a suprise for me, when Edward managed to find the muddy, mountain path - through the thick curtain of heavy rain - that was full of bumps and holes throughout the whole journey.

By the time we arrived, I was a staggering mess. My head was swirling like crazy that I had to leaned against the jeep, while fighting back my lunch. But looking at the love birds getting mushy, made it almost impossible to not throw up.

Still, I somehow survived from not embarrassing myself, when Edward started speaking, "We have to walk from here."

I straighten up to see him carrying Bella on his back, she had her head rested between his shoulder blades, while he smirked at me. I looked around, but there was nobody else except us.

Then it dawned upon me. And when I looked back in horror to find the smile on his face had widened significantly. My heart that was already beating fast, became faster.


But before I could even said anything, he was gone. Leaving me alone in the densely thick forest.

However, instead of panicking, I calmed down. Even my heart started to slow. And it made me wonder why. I remembered getting anxious about going to their game, and I know why.

This is the part where James, Victoria and Laurent come. After this, the chase will begin. Though, I feel relieved that I don't smell like normal human, but I still don't want to be anywhere near them. Especially James.

Maybe that's why I was scared to attend the game, nevertheless, it still doesn't make me feel anymore safer as they could be roaming around here somewhere.

Now, there are two options in front of me. First was to turn around and go back, which was easy as I just have to follow the path back. And second, was to continue ahead, try to navigate through, and increasing the risk of being lost. And I, was a terrible navigator.

So, I swiftly turned around and started heading back to the main road, and hoped that someone could give me a ride back. Someone who's not a creep.

But only after taking ten steps, I felt someone pulled on my jacket, and my heart dropped.

"Where do you think you're going?"

It was Alice.

I knees almost gave out in relief, as I turned to face her. But soon the anxiousness returned.

"Did I scare you? Sorry. It was Edward's plan." She misunderstood the increase rate of my heart.

"It's fine." I told her.

"Come on. Hop on my back." She said while turning her back to me. I stared at her tiny back for a long time.

When I didn't move, Alice glanced back,"Are you coming?"

"No. You're so tinier than me. I don't want to die!" I exclaimed and folded my arms across my chest, the rain was barely a mist now.

"How would you die?"

"By hitting my head against a tree or something, and die! No way, I'm getting on your back. Plus, I'll look ridiculous." I huffed as Alice sighed and stared at me in disbelief.

"You sound like Bella."


"And you shouldn't. I won't let you die."

"I'm just caring about my own safety. If I don't feel comfortable going on a ride, I won't."

I turned around, ready to go back home. Away from the wild James. Better to leave now. But as soon as I took a step, someone unexpected blocked my way, causing me to gasp.

"I knew you'd be like this. So, I called Jasper with me." Alice explained as she wrapped her arms around me, and struggled to rest her head on my shoulder but failed.

Just a sight of Jasper makes my heart flutter. And then I realised, how this situation is even more dangerous than James. But I choose neither.

"No." I said firmly and narrowed my eyes at Jasper, who answered back with a challenging smirk.

Fuck him and his smirk! Can he not smile for once?!

"You don't have a choice, honey," Alice whispered to me, "Jasper darling, pick her up and let's go."

"Yes ma'am."

"No!" Yet my protest fell into deaf ears as Jasper stalked forward, while I struggled to free myself from Alice's grasp. Jasper bend down to put an arm under my knees, and easily lift me up.


It was like I went from one cage to another. I threw my arms around his neck when he loosened his grip from my back.

"That's it. Good girl. Now you better close your eyes." Jasper purred making me agitated. And I questioned myself, what did I even saw in him to make me like him?

Resisting the urge to do the exact opposite, I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw. There's no way to get out of this situation for me now.

"Let's go!" As soon as Alice said, I felt the wind. Strong wind. I turned my face into his chest, as I stopped my breathing, and prayed for it to be over soon.

After a good couple of seconds later, Alice announced that we arrived. I instantly pushed myself away from Jasper, despite my struggling, he gently set me down on the ground and I took three big steps back before inhaling deeply.

"Sorry." Jasper smiled sadly, I ignored the guilt squeezing my heart and trained around to walk away with wobbly feet. And it was not because of the ride.

"Are you angry?" Alice asked as she skipped to my side.


"Oh! Thank god-"

"I'm furious." With one last glare, I stomped away. However, she remained close to my side, happy to just stay near me. It made me almost forgave her. Almost.

I was at the edge of an enormous open field, it was bigger than a baseball field. As I was admiring the view, my eyes fell on the vampire I've yet to meet.

"Hello Mrs. Cullen. My name is Nyra Woods. It's nice to finally meet you. I apologise about the last time when I came, and didn't meet you"

A pretty, gentle smile appeared on Esme face, "It's completely fine. And it's nice to meet you too, Nyra. I heard a lot about you."

"I hope you heard only the good things about me." I smiled awkwardly, making her laugh as she shook her head.

"Nothing bad so far. And please feel free to call me Esme." She took my head and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Sure." I flashed her a big smile, happy to leave a good impression on her. Because she's the sweetest. And I don't want to upset her in anyway.

"I'm glad to see you in a good shape, Ms. Woods." The sudden appearance of Carlisle beside Esme scared me a little, but I didn't let it show on my face.

"All credits goes to you, Dr. Cullen."

"Please call me, Carlisle."

"Then call me, Nyra." I shook hands with him.

"It's time!"

As soon as Alice said that, there was a loud thunder above my head, shaking me to my core. I jumped slightly at the loud sound, and blushed hoping no one noticed. I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

Bella didn't even flinch. And here I am...

Speaking of her, Bella came to stand beside me and offered me a smile which I returned.

"Eerie, isn't it?" Emmett said while sending us a wink.

"Let's go," Alice reached for his hand, and they darted toward the other side of the field. Alice ran gracefully, while Emmett resembled a wild animal. I chuckled at their differences.

"Are you ready for some ball?" Edward spoke to Bella, his eyes bright, eager.

"Go team!" Bella shouted with enthusiasm, making me smile warmly at her. She's cute no doubt. Completely different from how she was portrayed in the movie. Edward couldn't help but snicker at her cuteness, and ruffled her hair before bounded after Emmett and Alice, easily overpowering them in speed.

"Damn..." I whistled.

"Shall we go?" Esme asked us in her soft voice, and I absolutely melted. Esme kept her distance from us, probably being careful as to not scare us as she we slowed down to meet Bella's stride.

"You don't play with them?" Bella asked in curiosity, yet shyly.

"No, I prefer to refree. I like keeping them honest." Esme answered.

I zoned out from their conversation, my eyes darting from between the trees. Now that the game has finally started, my anxiety had reached its peak. I shouldn't have gotten ready at all.

As I was looking around, searching for the unwelcome vampires - even though I know they won't be coming here right now - Bella's question caught my attention.

"You sound like my mother," she laughed, suprised.

And I purposely looked away, not wanting to be a part of the conversation anymore. Yet, the gentle voice of Esme fell into my ears, and I steered away from them with slight moisture in my eyes.

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