Bulletproof Love

By BreAndAsh

4.4K 274 35

3 fans met their idols. they never expected what came next. "you're not real..." "oh but I am." More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
not an update.
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
the end.
its over?

chapter 9

187 16 0
By BreAndAsh

Cass POV:
"Come on Cass, we need to go we are almost there babe, hang on." I opened my eyes and everything around me was blurry. All I could see was black figures rushing around me.
Finally I could see more clear and I was in the woods. But everything was burnt and in flames.
"Jay.." I croaked.
He rushed over to me and smiled weakly then picked me up.
All of the guys were making a path that was safe enough but nothing was exactly working.
"What happen?" I held onto him tighter as Max took off his shirt, soaked it in water from the stream and put it over me.
"There was an explosion, Lilith tried to kill you but nath saved you." I saw a tear slip from his eye as he looked over to the stream. I also looked over and there was Nathan surrounded by the guys. He was burnt in places. I knew he was alive from his breathing.
I carefully jumped out of Jays arm and walked over to Nathan. He looked up at me slightly and smiled.
"Hey munchkin." He chuckled.
His voice was so deep and quiet.
"You saved me." I sat down next to him and touched his face.
"You are like a little sister to me, of course I would save you Cass."
"Guys we need to go...." Siva said as a burning tree branch fell next to him.
"Jay carry him." I told him.
He nodded and picked him up.
I took Max's shirt and covered my self. Then we all ran through the woods
We stopped at a house that I was very familiar with.
I watched as the door opened and out came 7 boys with a women in their arms.
"Get out of here!" They yelled.
Once she left they turned back to the door but stopped.
"Cass!!!!" Charlie screamed and ran to me.
"Hey kid." I laughed.
He looked me up and down.
"What happen?"
" long story, let's go in and help Nathan."
We all went in and set Nathan on the couch.
Tom and Barclay went to get first aid.
"You might want to go talk to Reece." James said making everyone go quiet.
I nodded and started to walk up the stairs, jay following.
I opened the door to Reece's room and saw the back of my boyfriends head.
''Hi Reece."
He turned around really fast.
I covered my mouth with my hand. He had black all around his eyes, he was really pale and supper skinny
I walked up to him and grabbed his boney hands.
"Reece..." I croaked out, a tear slipping from my eye.
He stood up and hugged me.
" I missed you." He kissed my cheek.
I looked at his eyes and leaned in, kissing him with so much passion. Soon I started to feel his lips and face get plump.
I looked back at him and saw that he was begining to be himself again.I smiled and watched as he looked over my shoulder at Jay. He carefully walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. At first jay was shocked but then hugged back.
"Thank you, thank you for taking care of her." He smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Let's go see the rest of them."
We walked carefully down the stairs as Reece was still weak.
"He's alive!!!" Jake yelled like a mad scientist once me and Reece walked into the room.
"Shut up dick." I laughed as Reece hit him in the back of the hand.
"So explain what happen." We all sat down, well Me Reece and Jay since everyone else was already sitting.
As jay explained how he found me, why we were burnt and why Nathan was barely surviving I went to go find food. I haven't ate a proper meal in so long.
I walked over to the fridge and pulled out chicken and a pop. I put the chicken in the microwave and jumped onto the counter.
I opened my pop and closed my eyes as I took a drink of the bubbly goodness. I kept my eyes closed and leaned up against the wall.
"Hey Cass, you okay?" I opened my eyes to see James.
"Yea, just a little tired." He nodded and walked over to me.
I smiled at him and wrapped into a hug. It was a kind of awkward hug cause both of his hands were on my waist and his head was squished into my boobs as I was a little taller than him from sitting on the counter.
I let go of him and went back to leaning on the wall with my eyes closed.
But my eyes shot open when I felt a pair of lips on mine that I wasn't aware of.
I pushed James away and jumped down in front of him.
"What the hell?!?" I yelled.
"What?" He smirked.
"You fucking kissed me!!!" I pushed him pack causing him to hit the fridge and a vase coming and hitting him on top of the head.
I covered my mouth as I watched his eyes go from a light red to a deep red.
He lunged him self at me and of course he was too fast, he pinned me up against the wall. His hands around my neck.
(I know he's not really mean in real life but this is just a story)
"J-james." I whispered. I couldn't breath.
I looked at him, my eyes tearing up. I put my hand on his face and stroked his cheek.
I watched as his eyes started to turn a light red and began to tear up.
The last thing I remember is his hands loosining up and me falling into someone's arms, and screaming. Screaming that will haunt me to this day. A painful scream of the love of my life. Reece.

Reece POV:
I kinda dazed off when Cass got up to go to the kitchen. Soon James followed behind her. I have to say, I really did miss her. She was my everything.
suddenly I heard Cass yell. I must have been the only one to hear. I must be imagining things.
I sighed and pushed the thought to the back of mind.
"so Reece, how have you been?" Max asked trying to start another conversation.
"im better-" I stopped talking and grabbed my neck. suddenly I couldn't breath, like someone was choking me.
"J-james." I heard Cass faint whisper in my head.
I stood up still grabbing my neck and stumbled to the kitchen.
I watched as James let go of Cass neck. I could hear her heart pounding in my head, slower and slower. then nothing.
I dropped to the ground next to her and screamed as I fell into a ball. my heart was aching. I just got her back and lost her.
I watched James run out the front door and Tom pick up Cass.
that was the last thing I saw.

a/n: I finally updated! yay!I hope you liked it and don't worry the next chapters will get better. and sorry for making James the bad kinda guy. he really isn't. love you all!!

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