chapter 8

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Cass POV:
'I miss you Cass..' I heard Reece's weak voice say.
Its been a week now. I have been stuck in the same basement. No food, water, nothing. Lilith has been gone for 5 days. She had to scare off some dogs out front.
Speaking of the devil..
"How's life Cass, bad? Ha that's what I thought." Lilith said as she walked in and closed the door behind her.
"So I need you to stay quiet down here, I have some unwanted company up stairs. The little mutts are back." I rolled my eyes and she left.
Who would be here?
I tried my best to get up and I walked to the blank cement wall. I grabbed some white chalk off of the ground and began to draw.
I have just finished drawing when the burst open and 5 huge dogs walked in. I screamed and scooted to the corner of the room.
One came up to me. He had light brown fur and piercing blue eyes. He licked my cheek and bent down for me to get on his back.
I hesitated and then got on. If It was my only escape I knew I had to.
'Cass, I can't have you freaking out when I tell you this....' I heard s voice say, itr sounded like...
'Jay?!' I asked.
'Er yea'
'How are you talking to me through my head? Are you a vampire or something? Where are you? Are you stalking me?'
'Uh no... Actually you're on top of me....'
I looked down at the wolf that I was on.
"Jay?" I asked and rubbed his neck.
He barked a little.
Soon all of the other wolves stooped including him.
I hopped off and took in my surroundings.
In a forest....
I watched as all of the wolves ran behind some trees and seconds later out came The Wanted... Shirtless!!!!!!
I was actually fangirling in my mind.
"So.. You are wolves?" I asked them and they nodded.
I nodded slowly.
"How did you find me?" Jay walked up to me and hugged me.
"Grey said you weren't okay and instantly I knew you were with Lilith."
I looked at him.
"How do you know her?"
"Try having her as a step sister." He laughed.
" her dad, married my mom before we knew that he was the devil. She took over after him and well she cursed me to be a wolf." He explained.
Wow messed up world...
"Yea its pretty messed up." He sighed taking my hand.
"We need to get you somewhere safe."
We walked through the woods which seemed like forever before we got to a mansion.
" where are we? Like country? State?" We all walked up to the door and stopped.
"We are in Las Vegas." He smiled and drug me into the house.
I looked around and took in my surrounding.
"Oh. My. God!!!" I squealed.
It was the house they stayed at in The Wanted Life(idk if it was in Las Vegas or not I forget!)
"So I take it you're a fan?" Tom chuckled popping open a beer, the others joining in.
"Want one?" They asked. I shook my head.
"No i- I am just tired." I said.
They nodded and jay took me upstairs.
"When will I see them again?" I asked once we got to his room.
I later on his bed and he tucked us in.
"Once everything settles down." He kissed my forehead and curled up next to me.
"Goodnight Jay." I patted his arm and fell asleep.
Reece's POV:
One week, its been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since I saw Cass.
I am getting weaker and weaker everyday. The skin under my eyes are red and I haven't left my bean bag chair.
Last week the guys decided to announce a small break for a few months and I'm glad.
"Hey Reece." I looked at my door and saw Charlie slowly coming in.
"Hi." I whispered.
"You okay?" He asked and sat on my bed.
"I've been better." I managed to say with all of my voice.
"Lilith is coming today.."
"Does she have her?"
"We don't know."

Me and Charlie talked for awhile before we heard someone knock on my door.
Charlie opened it and in came the guys, their girls and Lilith.
"Where's Cass?" We all asked once we settled down.
"She's gone." She smirked.
"What?!?" I snapped.
"Some wolves took her 2 weeks ago. I can't find her but she's probably dead." She said carelessly taking a drink of tea.
I felt a tear go down my cheek.
"If she's not dead I'll just kill-"
"GET OUT!" I yelled
She smiled and the guys took her out.
I thought really hard trying to get in contact with her.
'Cass?' I kept saying.
'Cass baby I need you.' I cried closing my eyes.
I wasn't paying attention when my door opened.
"Hi Reece."
My head shot up.

A/n: sorry it sucked. Again. I will update maybe sometime after the 21st. Love you all.xx

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