Want some ideas? (Multi-fando...

By CozyBrazenprawn

1.1K 49 45

Occasionally (alot) i get an idea from seeing something, but not always will I be ready to write said idea or... More

Shattered Multiverse (UT)
Demon Slayer Dump (DS)
What If It Was Different? (UT)
Regretful Error (UT)
What Remains... (UT)
Wiki Sightings (multifandom)
Just thought of and have no title for (UT)
Hi, welcome to hell. (Original)
Its just a big show, your aware now (UT)
Is it... Just us? (Fgod UT)
Error War (UT)
Broken Friends (UT) (DS)
The Unlikely's (Original)
Swap Accepts A Proposition (UT)
Error... Is Cross!? (UT)
More Demon Slayer (DS)
Just You Ink (UT)
Procedure M-U.T (SCP)
The Multiversal War (UT.AU)
Your little game (UT/UV)
Can You Like... Die? (Original)
Parter In Life (UT)
Replacement friend (UT)
Redemption Arcs (JoJo)
Posing Poser (Original)
Guardians of the Multiverse (UT)

Another explanation

127 4 0
By CozyBrazenprawn

Cover image before you ask.

The process I consider myself suffering with goes as such most of the time.

Hey this is good

I wonder what if ___

*insert base idea*

*insert several plot points here*

*insert several major event ideas here*

*insert want to speak said idea here*

*deciding if to actually do the idea or not*

*insert the end of 30s since the process started*

And obviously with that happening alot and not every step being followed, sometimes out of order, I get too much ideas, alot I let go, some i wont (toxicverse) and some I cant do but also cant let go, and some I want to do but need time/info before starting. Those last 2 thing is why this book is here... so enjoy i guess

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