Blood in the Sand (BOOK 1)

By KaylaMarieWrites

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When AJ Sawyer joined the Marines, all she wanted was a way out, a sense of purpose, and an outlet for her ra... More



79 3 3
By KaylaMarieWrites

I don't know what you had in mind

But here we stand on opposing sides

Let's go to war
Let's go to war

We arm ourselves with the wrongs we've done
Name them off one by one

Let's go to war
Let's go to war

Everything you say
Everything you do
You push it in
And you cut me down
And you cut me down

War, war, war

Screaming at the ones we love
Like we forgot who we can trust
Screaming at the top of our lungs
On the grounds where we feel safe

Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?

Hush, my baby; make no sound
Maybe we can wait each other out
It's a cold war
Let's go to war

With every settled score
I thought that fighting meant fighting for
But you turn it around
But you turn it around

War, war, war

Screaming at the ones we love
Like we forgot who we can trust
Screaming at the top of our lungs
On the grounds where we feel safe
Screaming at the ones we love

Like we forgot who we can trust
Screaming at the top of our lungs
On the grounds where we feel safe

Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?

Do we censor, or do we flow?
Are we drunk on the chemicals?
Every feeling in my bones tells me to lash out
And tell you to fuck off

You've got my heart
And I've got your soul
But are we better off alone?

With every battle, we lose a little more
Remember everything that we'd die for
You are everything that I'd die for

Screaming at the ones we love
Like we forgot who we can trust
Screaming at the top of our lungs
On the grounds that we feel safe

Screaming at the ones we love
Like we forgot who we can trust
Screaming at the top of our lungs
On the grounds where we feel safe

Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?
Do we feel safe?

-Go To War-Nothing More-2017


As soon as the grenade had gone off, it had attracted more of those things. Rachel and I took off in the opposite direction as I remembered where we had set more C4.

"Rachel, stay in the middle!" I shout as we make our way through it.

As the charges went off, the vampires shrieked in protest and anger but we didn't stop until we were clear of those things.

"Son of a bitch," Rachel spat. "Those things are relentless!"

"Yeah, they are," I agree. "We should be clear for now."

We ended up in a darker part of the cave system that had a waterfall running through it. We filled our canteens and Rachel scrubbed the blood off of her, and out of her hair. She sighs in relief when she's done.

"Better?" I ask her.

"Much," she sighs happily. "Let's keep moving.

"Do you think the others are alive?" I ask her as we press forward.

"I do," she answers me. "Besides, we have a wedding to go to."

"Yeah, I'm his best man," I tell her.

"Bridesmaid," she volleys back.

"Really?" my eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Well...I'm the one that requested her for this mission," she revealed. "I heard her story and I might have caught Kolchek talking about her with you. We kinda had a moment before that grenade went off."

"That's good," I smile. "I'm sure she appreciated that. You in a dress, huh?"

"Yeah," she laughed. "I don't want to marry again for a long time, and I...I'm still processing that Eric may have died down here, but I do know that I want this to work. With you."

"I understand, Rach," I assure her. "I know you've had your ups and downs with the guy, but at the end of the day, he was, uh, is...your husband. I'm here for you, no matter what."

"Thanks, Nick," she says with a smile before kissing me.

"Anytime," I assure her as we keep moving.

I see a flight of stairs leading to what appears to be a large temple.

"I hear someone," Rachel reports. "At the top of the stairs."

We move up the steps and flank the doorway, weapons drawn. When we breach the door we're met with a pair of rifles and a familiar voice.

"Nice to see you, too," Clarice remarks.

"I sense a pattern," I comment.

"Have you seen Kolchek or AJ?" Rachel asks. "Or Salim? I haven't seen him since the attack...we had run into the others, but we were separated by a grenade."

"No, it's just been us and Merwin," Joey replied.

"Let's go look for them," Merwin suggested. "Glad to see ya."

Joey packs away whatever he had been reading and Clarice grabs AJ's bag. I wonder whose pack she had, then? As we head out of the temple, I can only hope that the rest of our time is alive.


"What the hell was that?" I wondered after the temple stopped shaking.

"Grenade," Merwin grunts.

"Shit," Clarice sighs. "Was it us or them?"

"I don't know," I murmured.

"You okay?" Clarice asks.

"I'm fine," I assure her. "I'm's a lot, you know? What about you?"

"Yeah, we thought we would find those weapons, "Clarice scoffed. "Not vampires...and I'm alright. Thanks."

"Good," I sighed. "I'm glad."

"I'm doing quite well, thank you!" Merwin drawls with a laugh.

"Shit, Merwin, I-"

"Naw, you're good, Gomez," He chuckled. "We've got to find the others."

"I'm sure they're still alive," Clarice comments. "If Rachel can survive that fall in the pit, then we can withstand anything."

I didn't comment, because I'm mentally and physically exhausted but...fascinated at the same time. I never imagined I'd be here in the temple of Naram-Sin...too bad everything wants to kill us down here. I found myself digging through the notes of Randolph Hodgson.

"Jesus..." I swore as I read.

"What is it?" Clarice asks, rushing to my side.

"What's goin' on, Gomez?" Merwin wonders.

"Lady Bradshaw knew about the vampires," I murmured. "She sent the explorers here, and she murdered another man on the expedition, Van Huyten."

"I'm thinking that Caelus picked up on their equipment, and Eric mistook it for weapons," Clarice deduced. "But why did she send them here? What did she want?"

"...I'm not sure," I sighed. "If you want, you can help me go through these."

"Sure," she nods. "We might find something else that could help us down here."

"You two do that," Merwin smirks. "I'm going to check the cameras. Maybe I'll see the others, and we can regroup."

I caught the intent in his voice, and I looked up to confirm that his eyes had been darting between Clarice and me. Not many people see the other side of him. He's been looking out for the team and playing matchmaker for some reason. Now that I thought about it, we all sort of...paired up. Jason and AJ. Nick and Rachel. Well, shit. Merwin winks before he heads out of the temple.

"He's not subtle," Clarice comments.

"He doesn't know the meaning of the word," I agree.

"Well, since he went through the trouble-" I chuckled.

"Drinks when we get out of here?" Clarice suggested.

"We're gonna need them," I nod. "Sounds good."

"Good," she smiles. "We don't seem to fit here. I mean, AJ is intelligent, but she prefers to fight, you know? It's not my thing, and it doesn't seem to be yours, either."

"Heh, you're right," I laughed. "I joined to serve my country, and eventually, I want to work with the CIA...I just need more experience."

"Ah, I see," Clarice murmured. "Well, once we get out of here, they'll probably consider this enough service."

"What are the parameters for surviving vampiric creatures?" I joked.

"Great question," Clarice snickers. "But for now, let's see what else we can find out."

We pull the documents, journal entries, and diagrams closer to us. I'm wondering how Randolph and the others had managed to study the vampires up close...I decided that we needed to gather as much of this information as we could. The military and our government won't believe us without proof.

We had been so absorbed that I heard movement before I saw it, training my weapon at the temple entrance. To my shock, it was Nick and Rachel. She had been covered in blood, but she must have found a way to clean up. Merwin returned and we decided to get moving. I hoped the rest of the team made it out...


I had been knocked into the far wall of the sacrificial chamber by the vampires, and thankfully they hadn't torn me apart when I had been unconscious. By the time I'd gotten to my feet, the room was empty, save for Dar's mutilated corpse. I didn't even bother with a prayer for him, as he had insulted my son. I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I remembered that Jason had been carried off by one of those creatures. AJ's anguished scream echoed in my mind as I descended the corridor Jason and AJ had run down. It was halfway caved in. Something must have happened...I approached the wreckage, looking for a sign of the Marines.

I'd run into a few of my former brothers-in-arms, and they wasted no time shooting at me. I had thought to spare them if only to reduce the noise attracting more demons...until I'd heard that they attacked the Americans. It's been an adjustment, but it was one that I found I was okay with making.

Holding on to ideologies that separate us without cause is pointless. I refuse to allow it to sway me anymore. Everything I have been through is proof that

I heard familiar voices a few feet ahead of me, and I called out.

"Who's there?" I called out tentatively.

"'S just us," Jason replied just as quietly.

"What happened?" I ask. "Did anyone else make it?"

"We caught up with Rachel and Nicky, but two of your former friends threw a frag," he explained. "It's just us for now."

As I rounded the corner, I saw Jason sitting on the floor, holding AJ in one arm while keeping his pistol ready in the other. She was wearing his hat, but I could tell that she seemed pale and clammy.

"I see," I murmured. "Is AJ all right?"

"...She's getting worse," Jason confesses. "And I don't know what else to do."

I kneel in front of them with caution. Even though he hadn't shot me on sight, I still needed to respect his boundaries, and he was worried about AJ. While he wasn't hostile towards me anymore, I knew that the behaviors he had been taught wouldn't simply melt away. I will continue to be diplomatic.

"Your...AJ has a point. As the saying goes- 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'" I appeal to Jason. "This is not always true, but if we want to live, we must fight as one. The sword and the shield."

"My wife," Jason amends. "Bit too wordy for my liking... But I'm in."

"Your wife," I nod. "I apologize for the oversight. If you are amenable, I can help. But we need to find a safer place. I ran into some of my former units. We need to move."

"...And what did you do when you saw 'em?" Jason asks, still holding on to his stubborn nature.

Almost on cue, I can hear the creatures screeching not too far from us.

"Their corpses will buy us time, I hope," I replied.

Jason's eyes widen in surprise as I help him up and place AJ in his arms. I check my rifle before we move forward. I knew not to push him by suggesting that I carry her. I heard AJ groan in protest and Jason soothing her. I wonder what happened.

"Was she injured when she ran after you?" I wondered.

"No," Jason replied softly. "She's been dealing with a head injury. Being down here has made it worse..."

"I see," I murmured. "I am sorry to hear that. Wait-"

I see what looks to be a small antechamber. It looked like a medical supply chamber with cots. I sent a silent prayer that we found it.

"How the hell did we end up in a circle?" Jason wonders.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"I recognize this place," Jason reveals. "We holed up here earlier. It's safe."

"All things considered, I am glad to hear it," I tell him as we head inside.

Jason lays her down as we close the heavy door.  This place had cells, a medical tent where he had put AJ, and what looked to be archaeological equipment. I approached the cot where she lay, and I removed the cap.

"When did she get your cap?" I wondered.

"When I proposed," Jason answers in a hoarse tone.

"Ah, congratulations," I tell him. "I won't pretend to know the extent of her injury, but I see that a dangerous amount of blood has rushed to her head. We need to cool her down."

I pull out my canteen and ask for his shemagh. I use it to make a cold compress for her. She sighs in relief when I apply it, and she falls asleep. I glance at Jason, and he looks dead on his feet.

"You should rest as well," I suggest.

"I can't," he sighed, swaying on his feet. "...can't let my guard down in this place..."

"You'll need to, so that you better protect her," I said to persuade him.

"...I don't know..."

"I meant what I said," I assure him. "I mean you no harm."

His eyes were glassy, and he looked like he was going to collapse at any moment. I had to get through to him. Mentioning his wife might be the only way. Fatigue and his fierce desire to protect AJ won out. He nods as he crawls into the cot next to her. He was out in seconds.

I saw that the Marines had posted cameras around the perimeter. I see the creatures struggle to climb over the debris from the explosives used on both sides. The war still raged on, despite the horrors we are up against. The other Americans were more concerned with killing more of us while the vampires took advantage of the bloodshed. What a shame.

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