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(( DELA REYES SERIES #1) Vivienne Garca Dela Reyes is only interested in one thing-a person, not money or opu... Еще

Surrender ( DELA REYES SERIES #1 )


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When they got closer, they immediately embraced me. I didn't have time to think because it happened so quickly.  Their embraced were tight as if I'm gonna disappear into thin air. They then, buried their heads on my shoulder.

I stayed quiet for I don't know how to react.

Their silent sobs reach my ears. I could feel the shoulder of my nightdress slightly wet because of their tears. Their quivering shoulder were visible to my eyes.

Looking straight, I could see the maids standing on the door way. Watching the scene.

I also spot the bush, not so far from us, slightly rustle.

After a while, I awkwardly raised my hands and pat each of their shoulders. Calming them down.

"I'm sorry..." With a shaking voice, Daine uttered. She was the first one to spoke a word.

I stayed silent. Not knowing how to response.

I would not lie and say, "It's ok." Since it's not. It caused me pain. It was a painful memory and experience. I developed anxiety everytime I get up in my bed. I look like a fool and stupid for 3 months. Being delusional and crazy.

I want to say 'it's all your fault'. I want to blame them. To put my hatred to them. To express my real feelings. I want to. I really do but could not and I hate that.

I was unable to express my genuine emotions. Even though I want to say the words, my mouth won't open. I have to. I needed to speak, to let them know.

I want them to know how painful it was for me... How horrible it was...

I breathe in.

"We can no longer do anything about it." That was all I could say to them. Yes, we can't fix what has already been damaged.

I sigh at my words. Even if I want to get angry at them, I could not. Those past 3 months. My cousins, after knowing what happened that night. They tried to visit me and invite me to their home. I repeatedly refuse their invitation. They didn't insist realizing that no matter what, I won't go out.

I can't really get mad at them. I can't utter the words I really wanna say to them.

Daine and Ellaine release me from their hold after they've calm down. They felt a little embarrass from crying but I didn't say a word. Both cousin still repeatedly apologize to me. I, Not knowing what to say, just smiled at them and invite them to sit with me at the bench and they quietly agreed.

The place were peaceful, only the humming of birds and the gentle whisper of the wind are the only thing you can hear.

It was a little awkward. Nobody were opening their mouth to talk. Even me, I couldn't find a subject for us three to talk. I also know they are struggling to find something to talk out and they also feel awkward.

Its like, it's our first time knowing each other.

I sigh. I really doesn't know how to socialite with people now. I couldn't even respond properly.

I'm not the old me.

I am not the same old girl who socialite with other's even for strangers. Who goes to every house to party even though I was still underage. I am not that same girl who have tons to say and talk shit about. I am not the person three months ago.

I am now used to staying quiet and mind my own business. For three months, I have no one to talk to, I have zero encounter with other people because I was dealing and healing the wound that almost break me. I isolate my self in my room for three months. The only person who is with me in that room is my own self.

I look up at the sky and stare at the clouds forming some shapes in the air. Their were several one's forming. I even spot a cute shaped.

"That's a rabbit." Desperate to find a topic to talk about, I suddenly spoke and point at the rabbit-like shape on the sky. It had a big circle as a body with one small circle as a head and an ear, looking like a rabbit. It also have a small circle as a tail.

There was a moment of silent after I said the words.  I could feel my heart racing with nervousness and the urge to turn my face away out of embarrassment as time passes by. I worried. Was it so haphazard? Funny? Stupid? Argh! How can I begin a conversation without coming across as random or stupid? I don't know!

"Really?" Ellaine softly said on the side. She looked up to take a look at the clouds I mentioned. I nodded with a little reluctance. I could see on my peripheral vision Daine also did what Ellaine done.

"Its changing to a ball now." Daine quietly reacted when the clouds separate from each other and now left a ball shaped cloud.

I nodded and stay quiet. I was worried that they would find my words awkward or stupid but they didn't speak a word about it and just continue.


"Look, On the left side, the cloud is shaped like a cotton candy." Ellaine spoke. "So pretty~"


"On your left." She rolled her eyes.

I see. They still argue with each other until now.

"I think it shaped like an icecream."

"No, you just think that. It really shaped like cotton candy."

Diane blink her eyes three times and didn't argue more. "I see, alright."

They start to enjoy themselves and talk more about the clouds. They even named the clouds they spot with a human name. I just stayed quiet on their side and watch the two woman happily pointing their fingers to the sky.

"The butterfly is so pretty..."

My attention was caught by Daine who quietly said those words on the side while looking at two big violet and blue butterflies flying above the flowers.

I smiled. Finally, something that I can share my thoughts and my interest without feeling random and awkward to.

"There are many of them in the garden flying around." I said to Daine and Smiled when she turned her head to me.


"Yes. If you even want to, I can tour you both here to see the garden." I offer smoothly. Ellaine look at me when she heard my words.

"Are you sure? I wont stop you Vivi." She said. Diane nodded, agreeing with her.

Not joking with my offer, I stand up from the bench and look at them.

"Come on, I'll tour you. The garden has many different flowers planted."

"Oh~ I love that Idea." Ellaine excitedly stand up and walk towards me. She turned to Daine when the cousin didn't follow her action. "Come on Daine!"

"What about the butterflies?" She ask, sounding like a kid.

"Butterflies loved flowers Daine. We can spot them everywhere in the garden." Ellaine rolled her eyes.

"There's an area here where butterflies often gather together and collect nectar." I said.

Daine eyes rounded in surprise. She then smiled wide and excitedly got up from the bench. We walk around the garden following the stone path and taking ourselves to somewhere with a beautiful area of flowers; The field of flowers. It's located near the green maze.

Daine have tons of question as we tour the garden and I answered her of course. She was excited and happy as she point at the flowers and ask their names. She remind me of a kid being tour around for the first time in the amusement park. She would pay extra attention everytime I answer and nod with understanding. 

We spot many butterflies with different colors and pattern flying above and around the flowers. Daine would ask about those butterflies and good thing I answered her questions but, I notice she's more focus about the flowers than the butterflies since it was unique and it was her first time seeing those.

"Wow! You also have tulips here; Red, White, Orange, Pink! So pretty." Daine admired as she stare at the healthy and beautiful tulips in front of her. Her eyes lit up with admiration and happiness staring on it.

I smiled while looking at her.

Daine turn and I could see her eyes glitter as she spot something. Confuse of her expression, I turned and look at what could make her eyes like that and spot a bush of yellow flower that looks like a rose only that its bigger and have tons of petals. Its mix of yellow and apricot colours is the epitome of elegance, with light vanilla edges making way to darker center. The inside have a slight orange like color which adds to its beauty.

"That flower is Caramel Antike." I said while looking at a rounded ball shape with a slight point at the top which then opens up to reveal a beautiful cup-shaped bloom filled with layers of petals.

"Caramel Antike is a rose of delicate beauty." I began. "The Caramel Antike retains her spherical shape as she opens just wide enough to reveal a multitude of overlapping petals and It's petal is counted: 100—120petals and the it has a fruity fragmance. If you want, you can smell it to confirm my words."

Diane shake her head. "I'm fine."

I chuckled. "You sure?"

She nodded and once again, look at the beautiful flower in front of her. "It's so... Pretty..."

"Yeah... It is."

"What about that Vivi? Its so attractive." Ellaine ask as she look at a white rose like flower. With a luminous, white petal. It's medium-tall upright shrub, 4 to 5 ft in height with a 2 to 3 ft (60-91 cm) spread. It's similar to the Caramel antike only, the arrange of its petals are different, it's more like a rose but much fuller and wider. It's true that it is so attractive. It's white color looks like snow from a afar. I too, find it attractive.

"That's a Pope John Paul II rose." I said to Ellaine.

"This new rose was created in honor of the late Pope John Paul II. The pure white rose was specifically chosen by the Vatican, and was planted in the Vatican gardens in 2013 overlooking Saint Peter's Basilica. Pope John Paul II' was created by American rose breeder, Dr. Keith W. Zary in the year 2006."

"That's a nice History." Ellaine commented.

I just smiled. "That flowers have a strong, citrus fragrance. It's also disease resistant and has dark green foliage."

"Really? For a flower, I'm really amazed." She said. "How many petals does it have??"

"45 large petals."

"That's quite a lot but compare to the Caramel Anike and some rest, that's quite few." She commented. "I want to pluck one, Can I?" Ellaine joke... I guess? It sounds a joke but I think its half meant. She looks like she really want to have one.

I smiled. I have no problem with that, I don't even own this garden nor plant this myself to be overprotective of it and be selfish.

"You can but I think its better to pluck one before you leave so the flower doesn't wither. It's a shame if that happens." I suggested. She nodded and agreed.

Our tour goes on. I prompted them to stop and take a break. Though they might be worn out from walking, they refused and said that everything was great. A little concerned, especially about Diane who had fair complexion and sensitive skin. I signaled a maid who had been following us for a while to give them an umbrella because it was quite hot and they might get hot.

She nodded and gave the two umbrellas to Ellaine and Daine. They opened it and helped themselves while the maid helped and held the umbrella for me.

They keep looking around and keep asking me questions non-stop. Truth to be told, I read a book about flowers and where they originated. I studied all those books I read and memorized each flower's that's why I was able to answer my two cousins ​​question.

I, too, is also curious about all these flowers that's why I began to read a book about these. I also had taken interest in flowers and would love to develop a hobby planting flowers.

"Look! That one looks a little like a Caramel Antike but the petals are different, It's not as pointy as the Caramel Antike and that's more fuller too." Daine said pointing at a Medium, spreading, upright.  Medium, semi-glossy, dark green foliage with a height I think 42" (105cm).  

"Yes, that flower is Honey Perfume. It's an apricot yellow floribunda rose cultivar, bred by Dr. Keith Zary in 1993." I said. Honey Perfume is a medium compact upright shrub, 4 to 5 ft in height with 60—90 cm spread. Blooms are medium-large, 4—5 in in diameter, with a ruffled, double bloom form.

"Do you want to take a closer look? We can if you want." I offer.

"I would love that."

We approached it and Daine took a closer look at the Flower. Not satisfied with merely getting close. She tapped one of its petals with her hand. She smelled it after that. She held some strands of her hair refraining from getting into her face. With this small gesture, I couldn't help but notice and be a little amazed at the beauty of my cousin. She is a little better now compared to then. Ellaine did the same on the side, smelling the flower. Ellaine, too, appears to be more beautiful than she is three months ago. I began to wonder, Did my absence take that long for them to look this good?

"How many petals does it have?" She asked.

"Around 26 to 40 petals." I answered the question. She nodded and walked away from the flower after smelling it.

"It has a strong, spicy fragrance." She said. Ellaine nodded and agreed.

We continued walking. I was shocked when I turned around and Daine was no longer on the side. I was ahead of them because I knew the way to the field of flowers better than them. I looked at Ellaine with a question look that says; Where is she?

She shrugged saying she also doesn't know. I frowned at her. Do not know? They were together. How could she be unaware? And how did she vanish without our knowledge?  How can I find her now? Ellaine doesn't know where she is.

We went back to the path and I saw Daine smelling one of the pink flowers. It seemed that she was mesmerized by its beauty when we passed by. I also noticed this but I didn't pay attention and focused more on my cousins ​​to show all the flowers in the garden. I sighed in relief when I saw her.

I approached Daine and stood by her side.

"This is so lovely! very lovely! I'm in awe. What is the name of this flower?" Daine asked as her eyes focused on a beautiful pink flower that had a beautiful shape and was being carefully danced by the wind.

I smiled gently looking at it. Among all the flowers here in the garden, this one really caught my attention the most. It's one of the reason I start reading books of flowers to know more about it.

I would stare at this everytime I'm looking out on the big window of my bedroom. I was captivated by its beauty from afar. I would admired this everytime the wind dance with this flower.

"Actually, this flower, among all, this is my favorite... Its pretty and elegant. Soft yet dangerous to touch. You could get picked by its thorny stem. So beautiful and alluring... This flower is named Aphrodite, a name from the goddess of beauty and love. Aphrodite." I said while looking at the attractive flower in front of us. It really lives up to its owner's name. Beauty and love. The beauty of the flower felt unreal. It looks like it came out from a fantasy book because of its beauty. I really like this among all the flowers here.

"Come on, lets go. Where close to The field of flowers." I said. She followed me with a nod. Before we enter the field, it has an entryway and a bush that surround the flowers. From outside, butterflies are now streaming in and out, flying all over and becoming more denser as you get closer.

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