Cubits Can't Save You Now: Se...

By CandyLovely148

4.4K 11 17

A crossover between Pibby, Mixels, and many more. What had planned to be a relaxing camping trip for the Infe... More

Episode 1: It All Began With Fire
Episode 2: Not-So Epic Comedy Adventure
Episode 3: Four Walls Compared To Three
Episode 4: The Echoes of Television
Episode 5: There's Pranking and There's Hurting
Episode 6: Accidental Arrival
Episode 7: Back To The Pilot
Mini Short 1: The Great Chase
Episode 8: Two Planetoids And An Orbiton
Chapter 9: Darkness, Darkness, Go Away
Episode 10: Lost and Scared
Episode 11: An Unexpected Encounter
Mini Short 2: No More Questions!
Episode 12: Coordinated Group Dancing
Episode 13: The Darkness Within
Episode 14: Ok, K.O.! Let's Crossover!
Mini Short 3: A Tale of Trauma
Episode 15: Escape to Springfield
Mini Short 4: Two Faces, One Mindscape
Episode 16: Blunder Slime
Mini Short 5: Missing A Friend
Episode 17: Congregation
Episode 18: Unfamiliar Familiars
Mini Short 6: Crumbs' First True Danger
Episode 19: The Questionable Dinner Party
Episode 20: Splitting Dimensions
Episode 21: Mysterious Mixopolis
Mini Short 7: Musical Tears
Episode 23: We Are The Two, How Do You Do

Episode 22: Observing the Otherworldly

115 2 0
By CandyLovely148

Cut to a close-up of Seismo poking Rokit's face as he stared into the back of Nurp-Naut.

"Green man? You awake?" Asked Seismo as he continued to poke Rokit's face.

Cut to a side view of Seismo and Rokit.

"Rokit, you stand here for seven minutes." Said Seismo.

Three silhouettes of the MHS students then pop up from the top of the screen.

"それらの人は誰ですか?(Who are those guys?)" Asked a candy-headed silhouette with a cheery, girlish voice.

Cut to the front of said three student silhouettes. The candy-headed silhouette's name is "Chaps" and she has a candy-shaped green head covered in yellow, stitched-on polka dots. She has orange eyes with eyelashes and freckles. Her shirt has orange and yellow stripes with the letter C decorating the middle.

The second silhouette is named "Quicky" and he has a head that is shaped like a hexagonal clock, with a red outside, blue inside, black clock hands, and a gold clock key at the top of his head. He has a reddish orange liquid dripping from his nose and eyes of the same color. The stripes on his shirt are blue and orange, with a white Q decorating the middle. He also has buckteeth.

The third silhouette is named "Inky" and he has the head of a clear bottle of ink with stitch marks along the sides and a black cap. His blue eyes and mouth are located inside of the blue ink inside of his head. The stripes on his shirt are dark blue and dark red with a white "I" decorating the middle.

"わかりませんが、彼らは本当にクールに見えます, dagya!(I don't know, but they look really cool, dagya!)" Said Quicky.

"..彼らは何をしていますか, dagya? (..What are they doing, dagya?)"

"わからない。(I don't know.)" Shrugged Chaps.

Cut to Wander as he runs through Mixopolis with a whole bunch of nixels in his arms and a big smile on his face. Cut to above the city as we see an orange dot representing Wander run throughout the streets. Cut back to in front of Rokit and Seismo with Wander being very far in the background, speeding towards Rokit and Seismo. Cut to Quicky as his pupils and the smile on his face grows with excitement the same way it did in one episode of Midnight Horror School called "Speedster E".
Suddenly, Quicky sped towards Wander, causing him to run over Rokit and Seismo in the process which in turn causes them to fall up to the sky and fall back to the ground with Rokit using his jetpack to give himself a safe landing. Chaps and Inky then ran towards Rokit and Seismo and screeched to a halt.

"ごめん! ごめん! ごめん!(Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!)" Apologized Inky and Chaps as they bowed to Rokit and Seismo and then ran after Quicky.

Cut back to a side shot of Wander as he continues running with a huge smile on his face but then he screeches to a halt, preventing him from bumping into Quicky too hard. The two stared into each other's eyes in wonder and curiosity before Wander grew a huge smile.

"OH MY GOODNESS, YOU'RE JUST SO CUTE I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!" Exclaimed Wander as he shook Quicky over and over.

As Chaps and Inky ran towards Quicky, they gasped in shock as they saw Wander shaking him over and over.

(A/N: This line is a reference to when Wander first met Commander Peepers and to Chapter 21 of this story.)

"やめてください、あなたは彼を傷つけています!(Stop it please, you're hurting him!)" Shouted Chaps and Inky.

Wander then gasped and immediately stopped shaking Quicky and then he set him down while Sylvia was running towards Wander.

"ゴメン、それは私が持っている古い習慣です。(Sorry, it's an old habit I have.)" Apologized Wander.

As soon as Sylvia got close to Wander, she skidded to a halt to avoid crashing into him and Quicky.

"Wander, where the heck were you? I looked for you everywhere!" Complained Sylvia.

"Oh my goodness, I almost forgot to tell you guys!" Realized Wander as he set down his nixels.

"I just found these little goobers lying around! In other words for the clock man and his buddies, 私はこれらのかわいい猫の生き物を見つけました!(I just found these cute cat creatures!)"

*Commercial Break*

Cut back to the forest where we see Max, Ben, Berp, Slusho, Krog, Gurggle, Snoof, and his key that Snoof had grapsed onto this entire season.

"Okay, if you're aliens, then why are you here?" Questioned Max, still trying to get a grasp on the whole 'meeting aliens' thing.

Cut to a close-up of Krog.

"None of us even wanted to be here!" Shouted Krog.

The camera pans towards Gurggle who was next to Krog.

"Yeah, what-a he said, all we did was chase for the key and then we somehow ended up in a forest because some goopy mess came after us!" Complained Gurggle.

Cut to a close-up of Max who starts to look confused at the part where Gruggle said "goopy mess came after us".

"..Sorry, what exactly do you mean by 'goopy mess'?" Asked Max.

It was right then that Krog and Gurggle had looked at each other and then sighed.

"Alright, fine, we'll explain it all to you but only because it doesn't really look like we have a choice here." Complained Krog.

So then Krog and Gurggle began to explain just about everything to Max from the first time they witnessed the 'Maximum Mixel' to the moment they had arrived in the forest. They even told him about the message the hologram told them and the other mixels. Now waiting for a reaction with doubt Max couldn't possibly believe them, Krog and Gurggle stood in silence as Max attempted to process everything the two pessimistic mixels had told him.

"..Hold on, so this glitchy goop ate your friends after Snoof got a 'Mixamajig', and now.. you're stuck here?" Questioned Max.

"Well, more so stuck with you and the smaller creature, but pretty much." Shrugged Gurggle.

"But.. you can't just stay here, people might find you and the government might too and they could capture you guys." Said Max.

"Yeah, we kind of know that, but it's not like we really have a choice." Admitted Slusho.

After that, Max sighed and Ben patted him on the back, but then he got an idea. The mixels could just live in the van, maybe then the government won't catch them!

"Wait, you don't have to live here, you can live in the Rust Bucket!" Suggested Ben.

At first, Krog, Gurggle, and let's be real here, quite literally all five of the mixels immediately doubted Ben's idea mostly due to how living in a van is honestly pretty unsanitary and they think that it's not really that great to do. However, it's not like they could just live in the forest their whole lives, they knew they'd rather live in a van than in the middle of the woods with barely any food to find, especially since it didn't seem like there were that many berry-filled bushes in the forest. Besides, why would they live in some bucket, and one that's rusty?

"Can we? I mean, do you at least have some food?" Questioned Krog.

"Yeah, we've got a few pack of chips, some candy bars, some fruits, pretty much everything." Said Ben.

"..We're not really-" Suddenly, Berp, Snoof, and Slusho cut the doubtful Glorp Corpian off, excitement and hunger gleaming in their eyes.

"WE GOT FOOD!" Shouted the three mixels.

While Krog and Gurggle groaned at the other three mixels for their shouting, Max chuckled at the sight of such happy mixels who willingly wanted to stay with him and his grandchildren.

"Okay, okay, we can stay awhile. Let me just show you five the Rusty Bucket and then we can go from there." Said Max.

Slusho, Berp, and Snoof hollered as Ben showed them, the other two mixels, and Ben the way to the van. Transition to the seven cartoon characters walking to the van. Max opens up the van, showing the mixels inside as they look at the interior with awe and curiosity, save for Krog and Gurggle.

"Now THAT is a-mazing!" Exclaimed Snoof.

(A/N: This line is a reference to the end of QFTLM.)

"Choose wherever you'd like to sleep, just don't take Gwen and Ben's spot." Reminded Max.

"I call dibs on the couch!" Shouted Slusho.

It was then that Berp, Snoof, and Slusho raced each other for the closest couch to them at the table and when the three all reached it, they ended up all being on the couch at once being cramped, but the three didn't seem to mind.

"I thought you said this was a rusty bucket." Questioned Krog.

"Oh, no, that's just what me and my grandkids call this van." Explained Max.

But as Krog attempted to squeeze inside the van and looked around, another voice was suddenly heard.

"Dad? You coming back?" Shouted a young, feminine voice.

"Oh, right, that's Gwen. Maybe I can show her-" Suddenly, Gurggle shouted a doubt.

"No! What if she beats us up or-a something? She sounds enough like a teenager!" Complained Gurggle.

"Gurggle, calm down. I'll try and take it slow with your introduction. Besides, if me and Ben liked you guys, then maybe she will too." Assured Max.

"Ooh, that's right. Because everyone is trustworthy and it's not like the teenager's going to kill us." Snarked Krog with a whole sack of sarcasm.

Before Gurggle could agree, however, Max had already left for Gwen, leaving the two utterly disappointed.

"Hey Krog, Gurggle, I found the TV remote!" Shouted Berp in the background.

*Commercial Break*

Mouse laid in the pot inside the counter, shivering with worry and fear of The Darkness. Where was Crumbs when she would remind him that The Darkness has finally left Lalaloopsyland? Who were those two new people talking to Crumbs? And were Crumbs' yelps the sound of The Darkness taking her away?
Never before had such a thing worried Mouse, especially in a land where the closest thing to conflict is so small, it couldn't even be known as a "minor conflict". Sure he wanted to make sure Crumbs was okay but at the same time, he just couldn't leave his pot and exit the counter for he worried that The Darkness may take him too.

"The goop won't take me away. The goop won't take me away. The goop won't take me away." Mouse chanted in his head.

As Mouse shivered and shivered, more and more thoughts of losing his owner, his friends, his friends' owners, everything everyone being lost plague his mind. Was there nothing he could do? Is he doomed to stay in this pot for the rest of his life while everyone and everything else is torn to shreds? Could he be the last pet standing in the middle of an entire apo-

"This is KRAT, music for the refined rodent." Asked a strange, new voice.

Suddenly, Mouse stopped shivering and he stood up from his position of laying at the bottom of the pot in fear. He used his tail like a stool and attempted to reach the top of the pot through the cracks of the lid and as he did, he suddenly realized that he was no longer in Crumbs' kitchen nor anywhere else in Lalaloopsyland, but in a strange living room with the only person inside being a blue mouse who seemed to have no stitches, some orange and green plaid overalls, a pair of purple shoes, some round teeth sticking out of his mouth, and his ears were much smaller than Mouse's own ears were. The mouse was named Winslow, and he was listening to a yellow radio play some music while plucking cheese off of a mobile with cheese hanging off of fish hooks hanging off of the sticks of the mobile. Mouse tried to get his head into the crack of the pot's lid and get out of the pot but suddenly, a doorbell, a dog woofing, and a cat meowing all played at the same time. Winslow walked round the pot and towards the door to open it.

"I told you before, I don't wanna buy any cookies!" Shouted Winslow.

But as Winslow realized the visitors at the door were not Girl Scouts but a yellow poodle in a green shirt, black boots, and jeans named Shriek, a brown bulldog with red hair, a leather jacket, black boots, and dark red pants named Cliff, and a tall, brown dog with jeans, black boots, brown hair, and a green vest named Lube. These three dogs were the Greasers.

"Oh, it's the greasy ones." Said Winslow.

"Hey, can Catbutt come out and run away from us please?" Asked Cliff.

As the four amphomorphic animals talked away, Mouse squeezed through the lid and popped out of the pan. He then got up on his nonexistent feet and looked around the room in complete unfamiliarity. The walls had black outlines when in his world, things had either colored or barely visible outlines, there wasn't as many pastels or pinks, there wasn't any sweets at all to snack on, and there wasn't any sight nor sign of buttons, glitter, fabric, or anything that could give him a sign-

"PAAAAARTY!" Shouted Cliff as he and the other Greasers ran into the room, unaware of Mouse standing there behind the pot.

Mouse squeaked in fear of the new voices and when he looked from behind the pot, Cliff suddenly kicked the pot along with Mouse himself before he could get even a good look at the Greasers and the blue mouse. Mouse and the pot crashed onto the wall over the couch, causing the pot and its lid to fall onto the ground while Mouse stuck himself onto the wall, slowly sliding off the wall and onto the top of the couch, leaning against Cliff's hands that were held behind his head. Mouse got off his hands and hopped towards the armrest just so he could hop down and sneak away but suddenly, Shriek already saw him with a menacing look.

"Hey, Cliff, I see a chew toy." Shriek told Cliff.

And when she did, Cliff and Lube also started to look menacingly at Mouse. Winslow began to look at him too, but with less of a menacing look and more of a confused look.

"Hey, what're we lookin' at?" Questioned Winslow.

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