Fakekouji Reaction


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As the title says, this brings the students of the LN to view Fanfiction. I do have certain plans for this, e... More

Dawn of something worse
Different Orbs
Hi I am your Mirror
Changes and Constant Care

The first crack

5.7K 162 96

The wind blew south as a voice crackled in the loudspeaker breaking the monotone atmosphere of the classroom. Chabashira sensei's marker had stopped flowing as the voice reverberated in the room. "Please assemble in the Auditorium by 9:30 sharp. I repeat, Please assemble in the Auditorium by 9:30 sharp. Thank you." The crackling speaker had stopped as chattering emanated from my classroom. Airi had just been expelled and this unprecedented arrival of another strange occurrence had led to unwanted worries.

I sighed deeply as a haughty chuckle escaped the black-haired maiden's lips. "That sigh never gets old. Isn't that right?" I got up from my seat and followed her as I said, "Just like your compass Horikita, painful as always." She shot a glance towards me as she walked forward,"Hmm, why wouldn't it be? It's filled with my feelings towards you isn't it? Also, where is your girlfriend? Why isn't she there all koala-like over your bored frame?"

Her response elicited Kei to separate from her group as she marched towards us with a slight wave, "Hey there Horikita-san! Were you missing dear old me? And misterrr Kiyooo, why are you walking so slow? Come on, hurry up!" She entwined her hand with mine as she hastened her steps and brought me closer to her and away from that witch.

"Y'know, you need lessons on how to not be a masochist around Horikita-san. You have a girlfriend if you really need to show that side of you" She smirked as she teased me and pinched my sides, I mouthed "Oww..."

"Oh come on Kiyobaka, we both know you don't feel anything!" Out of context that would sound very rude and horrible,it's quite interesting how clueless she can be at times, it can even be called endearing.

Her giggles had been spreading across the walking students causing their lips to crease upwards, it was quite difficult to have a popular girlfriend and also be hated by your own group. Turning around I noticed a sulking Haruka walking slowly while Kushida who had just ended the maid cafe a few days ago walked all alone, quite different from her former self in her first year. I did notice something though, she kept taking glances towards Horikita every now and then.

We had finally reached the auditorium which was jam-packed with students from different classes and grades, interestingly even the Former Student Council president and his Secretary was present in the upper decks. Towards the side there was a teacher's cabin as well, having our homeroom teachers seated there.

This was something more than special exams, for sure. But what was it, I for the first time in a while, had no idea. Something odd to notice was that each and every chair had someone's name written in golden letters on it as we were seated in our designated spots. Seated around me were the respective class leaders, which seem quite improbable and sent me in a downward spiral of thoughts coming up with various theories and reasonings to justify this.

A voice calmed down the distinct noises that had spread across the hall as everyone was confused or agitated by this callout. This though, wasn't an ordinary voice, it had a distinct sense of power and strictness behind it, which was eerily similar to the ruthless voices of the Whiteroom Instructors.


Just one word was powerful enough. to immediately cause the chatter to die down, Quite impressive from any average person's standpoint. The voice spoke up slowly

"Repeating myself is hardly something that I would enjoy. So pay attention, ANHS. First, I will be posing a single question, the answer of which anyone may give but remember, a wrong answer...hmm...Why don't I demonstrate? Bring out subject 028"

A boy no older than 10 was bought out of the backstage by a man dressed head to toe in military-grade armour. A man in a black suit then walked out smiling to the audience as he did a bow, everyone's breath was at a standstill. Interestingly even the prominent figures such as Sakayanagi and Ryueen were completely silent, while not scared, were definitely having their curiosity tested.

"As you can see, the punishment of failing to answer correctly will end in....."

The end of the man's knee was driven up to the child's face as it stopped millimetres away from his chin. The single action took less than a second, which was definitely not something normally possible without extreme training. This man, was somehow unique and borderline paranormal if I had to put it. The boy seemed unfazed by it as he silently looked down, as if he was used to this on a daily basis.

"NO PLEASE DON'T!" Ichinose seemed to have broken out of her fear as she shouted loud enough for the entire auditorium to turn their faces to, "JUST...DON'T...HURT...HIM...W-where is the...."

"I wouldn't do that...Ichinose Honami, Class B, leader of what's good and what's not. If you are wondering where the so-called Law enforcement or the higher authorities are, please don't pester your meaningless brains with those thoughts."His voice was sharp and direct as he sat down on the floor staring at the crowd and said, "Here is the clip voicing the question do listen carefully, remember a wrong answer, equals....Hah~enjoy and also...not a word until I allow you all to speak."

His voice ended in a sinister chuckle as the video started playing on the top screen, it was a line of black text which transitioned to a scenery outside a bus which was voiced over....

By me....



Equality is a hindrance and equity is idealistic, what remains is a meritocracy.

We are not equal, nor are we clear about anything. At this moment I could have a million dollars raining from the sky or lose my life by getting in an accident and dying in the bus driving to my desired destination

ANHS, the school of elites

On further thought, both this school and death, do clear the boxes that define freedom from my past. So I suppose it wouldn't be too bad. The unpredictability of life is such a fickle thing that is whimsical and fantastical in nature.

Hey you, the one watching this right now, do you know which part of you is more real or more fake?


"Now you may speak, ONE BY ONE. First I want the answers, then I will be accepting your mindless chatters and questions. The accuracy of the answer, will be determined to my liking, don't make the mistake of disappointing me.

Of course, there is the possibility that you don't answer me, in which case I won't do anything but you won't be able to ask any questions to me during the entire upcoming video, I hope I made myself crystal clear" He raised his voice slightly signifying the very real threat of something terrible happening. The man had adorned tinted shades and a fedora so only his wretched smile was visible on his face.

Horikita raised her hand signifying she was about to speak and provide a novel way of not accidentally crossing someone else's words, causing the man to harm us. Not just her, but all the class leaders had similar thoughts as they had individually raised their hands. Albeit Ryueen raised his middle finger rather than his whole palm, but it's along the same wavelength.

The reason, if I had to guess why they were desperate to answer, would be simple. They wanted to know more, this curiosity had driven them to answer the questions immediately

The man glared at Horikita as she raised her hand first, and nodded allowing her to speak.

She said, "I know that I am someone extremely highbrow and tend to always be condescending because I truly believe, the insects in my classroom at the very least, don't compare to me. While there are certain exceptions to that, I certainly see myself as someone honourary and dignified even when I make errors, that's the real side of me. While I do act, more open and frank to appease the general consensus of my class as their leader which is the place, I act or I fake it. Thank you."

Her voice came to a standstill as silence was still there in the room but the eyebrows of many of my classmates had scrunched up out of fear of the wrath that they would face, they decided to stay silent. She had indeed spoken....a...very true....statement.

A clap from the man with the white gloves and a broadening smile accompanying it led Horikita to sigh slightly in relief. "Not bad, that's quite the level of honesty you have there...Good...now...Next please, Hmm....Ryueen Kakeru, you had raised your hand....do answer."

"Kuku, not a bad answer Suzune. As for my answer, It's simple, I don't have anything to hide. I am simply someone who is a bastard thoroughly. I only know one thing well enough and that's violence, it's the ultimate power that I have and I am a ruthless dictator. Infact till recently I didn't feel fear very often. Kukuku...I am Ryueen Kakeru, leader of soon to be Class A. Got that EVERYONE?"

He turned around laughing at the silent audience as we saw the boy getting punched right in the face, that must have hurt...yet the boy simply took it without flinching. Ryueen turned around with a very questioning look on his face, which was natural. It seems he belives the answer he said was the honest truth but a mad smile grew on the man's face,

"A splendid effort, unfortunately, you were half right....you still are yet to learn. Don't worry, you soon will. All right, that's enough, take the boy away now. Also hoping everyone enjoys watching now. I will be back soon, so speak all you want because once I arrive, your pathetic mouths will be shut and sealed. Cheers!"

The moment he left, the cork of the bottle opened as loud chattering had begun everywhere around me as many faces turned towards me for answers, which was natural. But the issue was,

'That poor kid!'

'Did Ryueen do that intentionally?'

'Where the hell are we? I am scared...'

'We have to calm down, panic won't help us, neither will crying.'

'Why is Ayanokouji's voice in there?'

'Ayanokouji huh...sounds like him'

'Aren't these his thoughts?'

"I don't know, how my voice is there...I have no hint whatsoever, about this." I spoke up but It seems Horikita was smart enough to raise her voice and call out, "Hey, are you there? Do I get to ask my question?"

The loudspeaker crackled,"Hah, so quickly? Fair enough, ask away miss!But remember, just one."

"Give us context on the reason why Ayanokouji-kun's voice was played in the video?"Her question was direct and without loopholes which was impressive considering the irritating non-stop chatter of quite a lot of students around her. She gained a few approving nods from the Class leaders and myself as well, internally at least. Kei's hand had held closer to me as Horikita had asked the question. This seating was at least compromising enough to have my girlfriend sit next to me. My hand grasped hers and gently squeezed it, providing her relief...at least I hope so. Because I was certain, this play had begun and I was going to be...ironically, it's puppet.

"It's simply an alternate reality where your close friend, rather your only one-sided friend, shows his true self a bit more, unlike now. Kiyotaka, please don't hold Kei's hand so tenderly, seeing you so soft, sickens me to my core. Thank you!" His voice was dripping in malice as he vaguely answered her question.

"Why the fuck are we even watching him? And alternate reality? What kind of utter bullshit is this? I fucking hate this! Why can't we just leave Hirata-kun and why didn't you answer that time? Horikita-san doesn't deserve to be the one asking such a question, as she is clearly not capable!

Not after throwing Airi under the bus, instead of a bitch who really deserved it."Shinohara raised her voice in a high pitched tone as she got on Horikita's nerves. Hirata tried to manage the situation as he said,

"Why don't we wait a bit, let's watch the video and even if you don't agree with Horikita-san, her question did shed light on this topic didn't it? Also, I would appreciate it if you noticed that she was brave enough to admit about herself in front of hundreds about herself. I believe that she deserved to ask such questions....so please...for everyone's sake, could you wait a while before forming judgements..thank you so much Shinohara-san."

"A-Alright fine, I suppose....you have a point....fine....sorry...Horikita....san..." She meekly sat down as Hirata's speech had made Horikita respect him a bit more while I was quite interested in his development from the last time someone was expelled.

"Kukuku, Suzune looks like everyone in your class isn't just a bunch of shitty losers. Congrats!!!" He mocked her as he sat down, it seems he was a bit frustrated by the recent happenings of him being proven wrong. Shinna seemed to be sitting next to him as she glared a bit at him complaining, "That's unruly of you Ryueen-kun. Stop it, please." Her mellow voice made him grumble as he silenced down.

"Fufufu....it's quite hilarious how everyone is missing the main discussion and that's...you...Mr Ayanokouji.....isn't it? The premise itself is a bit...hmm....paranormal...don't you think?" The class A leader, Sakayanagi seems to want to keep it hidden that we have been connected. I spoke up noticing everyone of those eyes, in the auditorium pointed at me,

"Again, you are right, this is something completely unexpected. It is also possible that the man in the box could be lying but then, video evidence that he shows says otherwise. The only other explanation is paranormal activities....unfortunately. So please refrain from asking me questions, as these aren't current me's thoughts."

"Ohh, but these could definitely be your thoughts couldn't they?" She is trying to corner me in this debate as I shrugged,"Maybe" as I sat down and the screen rolled to the next clip.


Whenever we are acquainted with anyone, we put on a facade to complement the ongoing conversation, this facade is subject to change depending on a lot of variables that are prone to change. We probably won't talk to a kid in the same manner as to an adult because we need a different approach to get what we desire from them, which leads to a further hypothesis that our personality changes with the environment and person we are talking to, minutely but it does change. Similarly, it works with people with like or dislike, strangers and friends, happy or sad and of course, what we really want from the person we are conversing with. Everything shapes our personality and the way we carry ourselves.

So why do we shun people when they act or when they don't show their true faces? Is it our twisted sense of self-love and belief that we are purer than thou? I believe that it is just human curiosity that leads to this malice when we realise that the person we met, was a lie or A FAKE.

But, that also makes us, a hypocrite.


It seems my words had a profound impact on everyone and the first to raise her voice was Ichinose,"I suppose what you are saying is right but it's not done out of any malice, rather it's in view that we may have a positive impact on a person. Isn't it? We can't call that selfish even if it's not showing our real selves, at least I think not and I wouldn't certainly call it Hypocrisy."

Manabu senpai had spoken up for the first time as his voice had garnered unwavering attention from everyone, "I would disagree, for example right now I am talking to you in a softer tone than let's assume I will talk to my sister. Not because I have any reason to have a positive impact on you. It's simply a thing of reflex that's ingrained in us.

I verdict, it's not done either in malice or in a sense of good light, it's just.....being normal, to put in blunt terms. Though I must add, I am very impressed by your thoughts Ayanokouji, your ability to form such well-rounded and clear thoughts clearly isn't something usually everyone is capable of, moreover to such a profound degree."

"I appreciate the praise, even if I wasn't exactly the one saying it." I said as I accepted the genuine words from him. This other me, was indeed interesting in the sense that while he mimicked me, he seemed more...open than I was at the start. Only time will widen the gap further I think.

"Doesn't what you say suggest that, you don't talk well to your sister....Mister President?"This time it was Kiryuuin with her haughty pose asking this from her seat smirking as she continued,"Hmm, isn't your sister Suzune Horikita...hah....what did you mean Prez~"

"No comments Kiryuuin." He shut her down but her smile didn't stop as she continued grinning and staring at the screen but her mischievous revelation that Horikita was in fact his sister did spark a bit of conversation.

'Wait what?'

'that Horikita.....and....PRESIDENT are related?'

'I think she is adopted'

'Who's gonna tell her? Hah'

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MONGRELS AND LET ME WATCH GODDAMIT!" Ryueen's voice boomed the auditorium as it silenced the first years but it didn't shut up one person and that was Amasawa

"Ex President Senpai~I thinkkk maybe you are a just a lil bit wrong, a neutral thing after all tends to be used for either good or bad, depending on the situation, isn't it?"

Manabu senpai seemed to agree as he said, "I suppose the modification needed would be, that neutrality can be used as a weapon either to protect or to harm, fair enough kouhai....."

"Hehe, it's Amasawa!~" She said with a smirk causing many of the boys to blush slightly at the seductive tone she had used.


As I was monologing I was interrupted by a pleasant voice," Excuse me, don't you think you should give this priority seat to this sweet old lady?"

This beige hair, short and friendly-looking girl exuded an aura of kindness which had spread through the bus as her smile enchanted the atmosphere. It seemed she really did care for the old grandma there, I wonder, is that how humans of the outside world are? If my intuition is correct, it may be a farce, given the extremely perfect sense of purity. But I suppose, it's just me being paranoid.


"Isn't that Kushida? Wow she looks soooo cute! And her personality oh my god!" Ike started simping over her as Shinohara's eyes furrowed and rest of my class was wondering how he could still have the same amount of dedication towards her even after knowing her hidden side,but no one commented as letting other classes know would be catastrophic until it's shown in the screen.

"Ah~ I appreciate it Ike-Kun, I just couldn't stop myself from helping her, she was struggling after all. And at that age, back pain is really scary!" Kushida's kindness oozed out as many of the boys melted under her trance.

Me using the word outside world raised quite a few voices as Matsushita asked, "Heya~ Ayanokouji, what's all that outside world stuff about? Since that man said it's just you but in a different setting it's a given that your past must have been constant right? So like...what gives? Why say it like it's your first time ever stepping out?"

Her curiosity was overflowing as it asked all the silent questions in everyone's minds,"I think it would be pointless to ask such questions about my life as I will not be answering any, unless Matsushita you and the others start spilling your life stories on the big screen and start saying your secrets to the world. Is that acceptable?" Every single query after that statement had shut down as I had put an end to it. Everyone has secrets they want to preserve more than anything, they won't sacrifice them, even for their unending curiosity.


She directed her holy gaze towards a regal-looking boy who this stifling sense of superiority around him as he spoke in a self-indulgent voice," Listen here girl, why should I give up my seat? I have no legal reasons and I don't care about the ethical ones. So stop disturbing me and let me continue my manicure" as he rubbed his nail file over his fingers.

The girl was taken aback by the immediate and crisp refusal of her pleas. It seems she isn't used to people saying no to her, as she didn't take the no and proceeded to the next target of emotional blackmail, rather she stayed there and pleaded" But this lady is your superior. Hence shouldn't it be your duty to give her your seat?"

The boy smirked, "Oh, and which written law states that? You are simply applying your sense of perfect ideals and considering it to be the law. Not just that, considering there are other people around me. Yet you chose me, even when I refused, just to prove your sense of righteousness to the others here to be superior to mine, quite a narcissist aren't you?"

Quite a turn of events we have here. The irony of the situation is something that might have left a comedic undertone, if not for the reaction given by the girl. The girl flashed a slight face of disgust but reverted back to the bright smile she had adorned and backed off, realising she was barking at the wrong dog. But she ended it with the last bark, "Didn't you waste your priceless breath, talking so much to a mere lowly narcissist like me?"Without waiting for a response, she took a step back and searched for another prey.


A couple of 'uffff!' spread across the auditorium as her fitting comeback was praised while scornful looks towards Koenji were barraged. Shibata spoke up,"Hey, what you said there if that is what you consider the truth then for you, laws are everything right? If that's the case, do morals have no value to you?"

Koenji stopped his combing for a minute as he said,"My morals differ, as simple as that got it Good two shoes?" He regained his smirk as he continue combing, his reply was accurate to a certain end and the words I had used in my monologue seemed a lot more on the darker side than my mind usually is. It's the same mindset I had when I put in one of those training simulators in the White room.


The awkwardness made the air somewhat toxic until an office lady gave up her seat. Was I supposed to get up? Well, I did agree partially with what the boy said but who am I to judge? After all, I was simply a regular boy, going to school on this bus. I had no intention of being an advocate of right or wrong. After all, a novice in this field can't be expected to be an advocate of righteousness.

As I turned my face, I was magnetised by the view of a long dark haired girl seemingly resembling a princess who was reading a book completely unaffected by the surroundings. I unconsciously stared at her for a bit too long trying to gauge her reason for such a lack of interest in the surroundings but I had a moment of self-reflection and turned around to not look like a creep. Yet, it seems, she caught a glimpse of my actions. She might have caught me with my hand in the cookie jar, but if the cookie were so intriguingly captivating, it was worth it, I suppose

I hope this doesn't lead to any future unwanted interactions else I will have to fabricate a sense of guilt, just like I have been trained.

After all, as they say, fake it till you make it.

But the question is will I ever make it?

This school might have the answers.


"Not a bad compliment Kiyotaka, quite impressive I would say, unfortunate you were caught though." Akito seemed to have a softer side to him as he spoke to me despite our earlier situation. I spoke up,"I simply thought what I felt was the truth."

"What did you mean by will I ever make it Ayanokouji-kun?" Kushida asked as she put on her classic angelic smile while I simply thought of a suitable response, "If I had to guess my thoughts I suppose I was referring to my ability to smile and such. I am pretty bad at social skills after all."

A few pitying eyes were shown in the auditorium while the ones already acquainted to my other side showed an amused smirk. Nagumo spoke up, "Surely you are good at faking, that's for sure Kouhai!"

The loudspeaker crackled

"Enough is enough, the first tape is over and Ayanokouji, please don't try to stop me. It will be futile, trust me, I feel terrible for you.But it has to be done for the greater good, of my enjoyment~ hah!"

Author's note:

I will let my work do the talking.

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