The Girl Who Fell [Twilight F...

By -controlled_chaos-

41.4K 1.6K 123

Nyra fell into the world of Twilight, after she "died". At first, she decided to not do anything and just wat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

2.5K 103 1
By -controlled_chaos-

The first thing I did in the morning was cringe, Alice giggled while entering my house. I close the door behind her.

"Did you not sleep well?" She must've noticed the dark circles under my eyes.

"I slept late."

I observe her as she looks around my house, before venturing off to the kitchen.

"What are you going to eat?" She asked, already standing in the kitchen before me.

"Eggs and bread."


I ate my breakfast while ignoring the constant stare of the tiny vampire. After breakfast, we waited for Emmett since Alice didn't bring her own car. Edward and Emmett arrived at the same time, Volvo stopped in front of Bella's house while a red jeep stopped at mine.

"Cool Jeep, Emmett!" I marveled at his vehicle, one of the best I've seen so far.

"It's Wangler." He announced while slapping it proudly. I greeted Jasper and Rosalie as I stepped inside, receiving smile and a glare, respectively. I need to do something about Rosalie. Quick. The faster I gain her trust, the better.

We arrived at school, and I was the first to jump out before the crowd started gathering around Emmett's jeep. The whole day I found myself accompanied by either Alice and Jasper, or Emmett and Rosalie. The only time I get alone was during my classes.

When the lunch bell rang, the four Cullens were already at the door waiting for me. We walked together to the cafeteria when I finally build up the courage to speak.

"I'll be sitting with Jessica and others."

"Why?!" Alice pouted and my heart squeezed.

"Because they're my friends and I need to give them time too." I explained.

"Okay..." Guilt squeezed my heart at her fallen face, and I forced myself to look away.

"See you later." I said with a smile and walked away to buy food before making my way to the group of humans.

"Hello friends."

"Nyra! How are you?" Angela asked as I sat down beside her.

"I'm good. Thank you."

"Aren't you going to sit with the Cullens today?" Venom dripped from each word that came out of Lauren's mouth.

I furrowed my brows together, "Can't I sit with my friends?"

"Lauren, stop it. How have you been doing, Nyra? Yesterday I saw you collapse, and Jasper carried you to the infirmary." Jessica told me, eyes glinting as she smirked.

My heart stuttered at the new discovery, and her smile broadened at my wide eyes.

"But let's keep this aside, give me a call when you reach home I have something to tell you." She winked and I exhaled in relief when she changed the subject.


Lunch time went better than I expected, I thought that I would receive some nasty looks for unintentionally ignoring them yesterday. During the lunch, I noticed Mike started giving attention to Jessica. I couldn't help but tease Jessica whenever she met my eyes, and laughed when she blushed furiously.

History class was surprising comfortable, after finding out that I don't possess a scent, I find it comfortable to sit with Jasper.

We also played a few matches of tic-tac-toe, but after loosing every single time, I couldn't help but shoot daggers at Jasper who avoided my eyes while fighting back the smile. In the end, I huffed angrily and decided to ignore him like a child.

And then, the bell rang.

"Move." I ordered Jasper who silently shifted his legs from my way, as I sat on the window side.

"Are you angry?" He asked tentatively, making my heart stutter. And I scolded myself for feeling this way. Acting as if I didn't hear him, I walked away with him hot on my tail.

"Am I scaring you?" His voice held both amusement and curiosity. I expected the latter to be because he cannot feel my emotions. And I silently begged for him to just leave me be. Or else, I don't think my heart would slow down anytime soon.

To my chagrin, I realised I've developed a crush on him. Someone who is married. And I need to get rid of this feeling before anyone notices. Once again, I thank whatever God up there, who made me this way before sending me here.

"Dude. What did you do now?" Emmett asked Jasper as soon as he noticed my stiff face.

"I accidentally won all the matches of tic-tac-toe."

"Accidentally?!" I fumed and turned to glare at him, both of them jumped back at my outrage. Heads turned in our direction. Clenching my jaw, I whipped around and started walking faster than befor. They easily catch up.

Even Rosalie raised an eyebrow at them for explanation when she saw me. Emmett laughed and whispered something to her incoherently, but by the sound of her chuckle, meant she understood him.

When I noticed Alice at the parking lot, waiting by the jeep, I quickly rushed to her side.

"Oh hey Nyra! Wait, what happened?"

"Jasper cheated!"

"No I didn't." Jasper held back his laughter when I turned to glare at him.

"Yes you did!"

"I did not!"

"You. Did."I know I was being pathetic. But I hate loosing in a game I'm good at.

"Okay! Okay! Jasper, why did you cheat?" I smirked smugly when Alice took my side, even though she knew I was lying, and felt pleased to see the look of shock on Jasper's face.

On the way back, Jasper was forced to in front after I refused to sit anywhere near him.

And as soon as I entered my house, I blushed and cringed for acting so childish. If I had the courage, I would've committed suicide right now. No matter how much I hated loosing, I shouldn't be acting like a five year old.

I shivered at the embarrassing memory I created today.

To prevent my mind thinking about today, I worked on the geography assignment. When I was finished, I picked up the knitting assignment that I had started yesterday night. The reason for my dark circles.

At the sound of the phone ringing downstairs, suddenly reminded me of my promise I made with Jessica.

I was panting by the time I reached the phone, I picked it up to find it was Jessica, and she was not happy. I quickly apologized, making some excuse about helping an old neighbour with fixing her tv. She didn't sound convinced but she decided to let it go and started filling me about how her date went with Mike, with an excited voice.

It was a nice distraction for me. Jessica kept me occupied for an hour before hanging up as she got some work to do. I realised that the rain was pouring heavily.

Dinner was quick to make as I had left the fish to marinate earlier, all I had to do was fry it and serve with mashed potatoes and bread.

I left to wake up my sister, then I made sure that she was awake before going back to the kitchen.

Aelia left as soon as she finished her dinner, I waved to her goodbye as she drove away in the dense rain, and hoped she reached to her destination without any casualties. The door of Bella's house swung open, as people walked outside.

Without thinking, I rushed back inside and parted the curtains just a little bit, enough for me to see. Charlie and Jacob helped the man in a wheelchair - who i assume to be Billy Black - into the truck, while Bella remained under the roof of her house.

I dropped back the curtains, thinking why did I hide. I waited by the door, expecting for the knock, yet none came and when I peeked outside again, they were gone.

Of course, Jacob would only come to see his crush. But it did hurt me when he left without meeting me. I really liked him as a friend. I shook my head and went back upstairs to continue with the knitting from where I left.

The next morning, Alice had to be the one to wake me up. I almost passed out when I realised I was not dreaming of her standing in my room, with her teeth on display.

"Rise and shine!" She pulled me out of my bed like I weigh nothing, and ushered me to the bathroom. When I came out, she was standing right outside, startling me.

"You like to knit?" She asked curiously, and I gulped down the curses.


"What are you working on? It looks pretty big." She said as she followed me to my room, I slammed the door on her face before she could enter my room.

"I'm working on a birthday gift." I told her as I opened the door after I was ready, and headed downstairs to make some breakfast.



"Are you going to make for me to?"

I gave her a side eye at her request, then sighed as she stared at me with her big doe eyes.

"You don't need to ask me. Just say and I'll make for you. But-" Alice nodded furiously, encouraging me to continue. "I want to do a trade."

"What trade?" Her back straightened, ready to do some buisness.

"I know you earned degrees in fashion designing. So, I want you to make two dresses, for me and my sister. My sister can make them too, but her shift makes it impossible for her to start working on them."

A smirked appeared on her face, "Done! Just sketch me the design you want and I'll give you the dresses as soon as I'm done."

"No, take your time. Also, I have the cloths too. You can take them after school."


We shook hands after we decide on the date to do the deal.

The day passed in a blur as I took a sip from the juice Alice giving me at lunch. I was sitting inside the cafeteria with Jessica and others.

"You're not coming to the spring dance tomorrow?!" Jessica was shook to find that I didn't ask anyone to be my partner.

I shrugged.

"Why? I'm sure anyone be willing to go with you." Angela wondered while taking a bite from her beagle.

"I don't have anyone particular in mind." I told them honestly.

In history, I sat as close to the wall as possible, activity ignoring Jasper while taking notes of lesson the teacher was teaching. Jasper didn't said anything the entire, except for glancing at me every now and then. A hint of smile evident on his face. My heart raced the entire time, at the closeness.

That night, while I was preparing for dinner, Bella called me to tell me about her plans with Edward. Since she didn't want Charlie to know about, and Edward kept insisting her to tell him, she decided to tell me instead. I promised her to keep it a secret from Charlie before she hung up.

It was finally Saturday, where I could stay at home and relax. I was sitting on the chair next to the window of my room, casually knitting. When the roar of Bella's truck coming to life frightened me, and I watched with a smile as the love birds drove away. Then, I noticed my sister pulling over. Behind her was a man on a bike, followed by a white car.

Moments later, I heard Aelia calling my name.

"Nyra! Come down here!"

I put away my stuff as I went downstairs.

"Look!" Aelia pulled me outside, and didn't stop till I was standing in front of the coolest bike I've ever seen. The white car was already driving away. Yet, my eyes remain stuck on the beautiful motorbike.

It was a 1979 Kawasaki Kz650, and was dark brown in colour, almost like the soil in Forks.

"Do you like it?" Aelia asked anxiously, shifting from foot to foot while observing my face.

"It's mine?" My voice came out breathless.


"Then I love it!" I ran my hand over it, feeling the urge to just hope on it and ride away. As if reading my mind, Aelia came forward to dangle the key in front of my face, "Get back soon." My lips stretched into a wide smile.

I snatched the keys from her and put it inside the keyhole, before kicking it to life. I shivered in excitement at the smooth sound of the engine. With one last look at my sister, I took off.

Feeling the wind on my face and into my hair. My cheeks started to hurt from grinning too much, and my finger had started to get numb from the cold wind. And I was loving the pain as I sped up just a little more.

My first destination was the Cullens house. Though it took me a while to find the house, but I finally found it after thirty minutes of asking random people on the sidewalk.

The house was easy to spot, once you stepped out of the tree line. It was painted white, three stories talk and features a deep porch that wraps around the front of the house. The back and south-facing wall is three stories of glass. It was exactly like the description in the book. I pulled over to the pavement, and cut the engine off.

"Alice! Emmett! Look!" As soon as I shouted their name, the two of them appeared in front of me with big smiles.

"Sick ride, Nyra!" Emmett commented, eyes shining while looking at my motor.

"Congratulations!" Alice hugged me and I climbed down to hug her properly.

"Thanks! Where Jasper and Rosalie?" I asked looking around

"Right here." Jasper smiled, suddenly standing next to us. I noticed Rosalie watching, way back at the door.

"Rosalie look! Aelia gifted me this! Isn't it beautiful?!" I yelled, despite knowing the fact she could hear perfectly with me shouting, but I was just to excited to call down. I called out to her while waving my arms widely over my head.

Rosalie scoffed and turned around disappearing inside the house. The smile on my face fallen slightly.

"Don't worry about her. Just give her some time." Alice consoled me and I looked at her as I smiled again.

"And where is you helmet?" She asked in a teasingly disapproval tone.

"I- I got too excited... I guess."

Alice sighed as she shook her head, then she looked toward Jasper who gave her a nod before disappearing, I assumed to get a helmet. Then, he was back in a second, with a silver full face helmet in his hands.

"Oh! No no! I can't-"

But Jasper didn't listen as he proceeded to put it on my head, I narrowed my eyes at him through the glass, my heart skipping a beat. As I inhaled, the smell of clementine and plum blossom. And it made me dizzy. It smells like Jasper.

Oh no. This is dangerous.

My hands flew upwards to remove the helmet, but Jasper grabbed them to prevent me from doing so.

"You can return it the next time we meet. I assume you still have yet to buy a helmet." He told me and disappeared again. I was quick to climb onto my bike, when my knees threatened to fall. I gripped the hand tightly, till my knuckles turned white.

"Don't be scared of him." Alice told me while putting a hand over mine. She passed me a gentle smile and guilt gripped my heart. She misunderstood the reason of my racing heart. Once she found out the truth, I wonder if that smile would remain in place.

I chuckled in misery. I'm the one who's crushing on your husband, and you're telling me to not get scared?

At that moment, Jasper came out on his own bike, a silver Ducati 848. Alice giggled, skipping on her way toward Jasper. I pushed over the glass for fresh air, as his scent was suffocating me.

"I'll follow you two on foot." Emmett announced with a grin, making his siblings laugh.

I kicked start my motor, eyes on the smirking Jasper. As soon as Alice hopped on behind him, he revved his bike once before started driving. I copied his actions before following him.

We raced through the way, with Emmett staying close to me, to help me if anything happens. Still, I kept a decent pace as to not fall and scrap the beautiful paint on my vehicle. Even though Jasper could easily cross me, he remained by my side.

The trees were a blur as I drive through the empty road. The sun was shining through the small patch of opening in the clouds, somewhere far away from us, allowing the Cullens to come outside.

Alice also told us that there will be safe in this area, promised me that the sun won't shine here. It didn't made my worry less though. I was still anxious about them.

I tried to enjoy the ride, or the scenery. I did my best to not stare at Jasper, but my eyes failed to keep themselves on the road, as they peep at him from time to time. Watching the way his golden locks flutter. The way he grinned at Alice through the side mirror when she held him. The way his eyes softened whenever their eyes met.

The way he would never look at me.

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