necromancy | avengers 1

By Maddie03033

53.6K 1K 97

necromancy /ˈnɛkrə(ʊ)mansi/ noun the supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to... More

Part 1- The Avengers
I- Nick Fury
II- Helicarrier
III- Loki
IV- The Scepter
V- Romanoff
VI- Confessions
VII- Barton
VIII- The Start Of The Fight
IX- The Middle Of The Fight
X- The End Of The Fight
XI- After The Fight
XII- Dinner With The Captain
XIII- The Witch
Part 2- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I- Rory
II- Fossil
III- Missions
IV- Sam
V- The Man In The Mask
VI- Vending Machine
VII- Specimen
VIII- Hydra
IX- Sitwell
X- The Falcon
XI- Bucky
XII- Truth
XIII- Triskelion
XIV- 41st Floor
XV- Caramel Macchiato And Heart To Hearts
XVI- Birthday Party
Part 3- Avengers: Age Of Ultron
I- The Sokovian Twins
II- Getting The Scepter
III- The Jet
IV- Mjölnir
V- Ultron
VI- Wakanda
VII- Omelet
VIII- Safe House
IX- The Truth
X- Evolve
XI- The Cradle
XII- The Vision
XIII- Evacuation
XIV- Pietro Maximoff
XV- Avengers...
XVI- Funeral

XVII- Cupid

511 7 2
By Maddie03033

'2:06' shone onto Celestia's face from her phone as she turned the hallway light on, carrying her high heels in one hand. She tiptoed through the house, quietly opening Adrienne's door to see her sound asleep. The 26 year old smiled, deciding she would have a shower then wake her up. She promised after all.

She slowly closed the door and made her way to her bedroom. She threw her phone, her bag, and her shoes down on the bed, turning to get a bathrobe from the back of her door. She unhooked it then made her way to the bathroom.


Celestia dried her hair as she walked into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She turned to face her bed, only to drop her hair towel in shock, holding back a scream.

Natasha Romanoff sat atop her bed, one leg crossed over the other. She grinned, waving then brushing her hair behind her shoulder. "Hey."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Nat? What are you doing here?" She rushed forward, pulling Nat up into a hug. Nat returned it, squeezing Celestia tight.

"You really think I wouldn't be here for your birthday?" She pulled back, looking into Celestia's eyes. Celestia smiled at the redhead.

"Well, I just thought you'd be gone already. You weren't at the party, so I just thought, we'll, you know." Nat pushed Celestia's shoulder teasingly.

"Nah. Stark's party's aren't really my scene." Celestia laughed and turned to her dresser, pulling out a large shirt and long pants.

"They aren't mine either, and I show up enough. Don't think they're Bruce or Steve's either." Celestia stood with her back facing Nat as she got dressed. When Celestia turned back, Nat was grinning. "That isn't good." She spoke cautiously sitting next to Nat.

"How is Steve? Asked you any important questions?" She asked, leaning closer to Celestia. The brunette furrowed her brows. "No? Why would he?" Nat rolled her eyes and fell onto her back.

"He's such a coward. He told me he would." She complained. Celestia fell on her back next to Nat, facing her.

"What do you mean? You're acting weird." Celestia questioned.

"Ugh, it doesn't even matter." Nat rolled her green eyes once more.

"No. Tell me." Celestia begged.

"No can do. Sorry." Nat sat up, shrugging her shoulders. Celestia sat up as well, shoving Nat's shoulder.

"Come on. Just tell me." She begged once more. Nat rolled her eyes.

"Fine." She groaned. "I asked him to ask you out. And he obviously didn't, so, it doesn't really matter." Celestia grinned.

"Really?" Nat nodded.

"You're really his Cupid aren't you. Telling him to ask out everyone." Celestia laughed.

"Yeah, well, I actually thought he would ask you out." Celestia sighed. They sat in silence for a few seconds before Nat spoke again.

"Shouldn't you be waking a certain someone up?" The brunette nodded, standing up.

Celestia almost made it to her door before she turned around. "Do you wanna join us. We're probably gonna watch a movie, make some pizzas, but you're welcome to join." Nat seemed shocked.

"I don't want to intrude. And Adrienne probably wouldn't want me there anyway." Celestia walked towards Nat who was sitting on Celestia's bed still.

"Are you kidding? As soon as I told her that you didn't just shoot me for fun, you've been her role model. You're her favourite Avenger, well apart from Steve, but still." Nat shrugged her shoulders again.

"I get it if you don't want to, but I'm serious, she'd love for you to stay." Nat looked up to Celestia. After a couple seconds, she nodded her head. Celestia grinned. "Okay. Can you get some pizza ingredients out of the fridge while I wake up Adi?" Nat nodded.

As they exited her bedroom, Nat went to where (she assumed) the kitchen was and Celestia went to Adrienne's room. She opened the door and made her way over to the 18 year old's bed, siting on the edge. As soon as she muttered 'Adi, wake up' she was sitting up.

"What time is it?" She questioned straight away. Celestia grinned and said, "2:30" that made Adrienne smile. "And, I have a surprise for you." Adi furrowed her brows. "What is it?" Celestia smiled pulling her sister up.

"I guess you'll have to get up and find out." Adrienne shot out of bed and followed Celestia to the kitchen.

They pushed open the doors to see the fridge open and a redhead standing there looking as if she was trying to see what to get. Adrienne whipped around to face Celestia, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped.

"Hey, do you guys have pineapple on your pizza?" Nat asked as she turned around to face them.

"Of course." Adrienne said as the same time Celestia said "No way." Nat raised her brows and got the can of pineapple out, putting it in the counter with the rest of the ingredients.

"You ready?" Celestia asked, knocking her hip on Adrienne's.


"So, Nat, what movie do you wanna watch?" Celestia asked the redhead after they put their pizzas in the oven. Natasha hummed, leaning back on the counter.

"I dunno. What are my options?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Any movie. Literally any. We have so many movies." Adrienne nodded along with Celestia's words.

"Well, my favourite movie is Moonraker, but if you don't want to watch that, it's fine." Celestia smiled, turning to Adrienne.

"You wanna go get Moonraker ready to play?" Adrienne nodded, making her way to the living room to get the movie ready.

Nat smiled, looking down to the counter. Celestia walked closer to her. "You okay?" Nat looked up to Celestia.

"It's just that I can't remember the last time I sat down and did something and it felt like family. I have a mother, and a father, and a sister, but they aren't real. They weren't my real family. I love Yelena, but she isn't my sister. Our family was fake." Celestia frowned and put her hand atop Nat's.

"And I know I shouldn't be upset. I have Clint and I have you. You guys are my family now, but it isn't the same as making homemade pizzas with my sister at 2am and staying up until sunrise watching movies. I didn't and I won't ever have that." Tears built in Nat's eyes, making the gorgeous green cloudy. She successfully held them back, but they lingered in her eyes.

"I know it's not the same, but it's like you said, you have Clint and me now. And I know you want to get away, but you're always welcome here. And I know you'd be welcome at Clint's too. We love you, and we want you to be happy Nat." Nat smiled, the tears getting less and less visible.

"Thank you." She said simply, but it conveyed everything that needed to be said. Celestia pulled Nat in for a hug, squeezing tightly. The ding of the oven went of, scaring Celestia. Nat laughed at the scared brunette, reaching for the oven mitts.

Adrienne came running in, excited. Celestia pulled Adi close, kissing the top of her head, thankful she had her. Adi smiled up at her sister before leaving to help Natasha.

And finally, I'm done.
I'm up to Age Of Ultron! As you can tell, I'm extremely excited, but I just know it's gonna be so hard to write
Also, over 750 reads! That's crazy. Thank you so much ♥️
Anyway, vote and comment if you want <3 love ya

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