Where The Fuck Is My Child?

By MoonGazer215

14.9K 535 202

A story in which Tommy is the youngest in a family of supervillains. However, he has no knowledge of his fami... More



474 18 3
By MoonGazer215

Tommy woke up slowly the next day. He almost didn't was to get up, the knowledge of Wilbur's death weighing heavily on his chest. His brother was dead. What was the last thing he said to him? Didn't he tell him to fuck off as he left for work? We're those the last words Wilbur heard from his little brother?

"Tommy?" Phil opened the door slowly, "hey Tommy, how are you doing?"

Tommy shook his head, burying his face in his pillow. He felt Phil start sorting through his feathers, straightening the mess caused by sleep. It was a comforting action, something that sent an unspoken message. I am here.

"Phil?" Tommy whispered, "what do we do now?"

The older sighed softly, "Techno and I need to find civilian jobs, you'll go back to your job in a few days. We'll manage."

"And what about the ghost?" Tommy asked quietly.

"I don't know." Phil said, "he seems to be just hanging around the house. He's... Very different from Wilbur, but he's nice."

Tommy hummed. Phil stretched out one of his wings, gently working the joints and muscles. Tommy flicked his other wings out. He whined softly when he couldn't stretch it as far.

Phil chuckled, "it's going to take a while before your wings are fully functional."

"I know." Tommy huffed, "but it's itchy and stretching feels nice."

"Alright, alright." Phil smiled, "come on, I'm sure Techno can help with your other wing."

"I don't want to get up Phil!" Tommy whined, "my bed is comfy and I'm still sleepy."

"Then I guess I'm done with your wings." Phil shrugged, starting to stand up.

"No!" Tommy cried, flapping his wings, "you can't do that!"

"Of course not." Phil laughed, "come on mate, you need breakfast anyway."

Tommy huffed, rolling out of bed, "fine."

Phil wrapped a wing around his son as they walked out to the living room. Tommy leaned into the soft feathers. There was something comforting about the action. Phil had stopped guiding his son with his wings a few years ago when Tommy insisted he wasn't a child anymore, and he didn't need to be protected by his dad.

"Morning." Techno looked up as the two walked in.

"Hey Techno." Phil smiled, "Tommy needs breakfast and help with his wings."

Techno nodded, "well, there's pancakes ready if you want."

Tommy flapped his wings, running over to the food, "thanks Techno!"

The pinkette walked over to his dad, "how is he doing?"

Phil sighed, "I think he's trying to not think about it."

"Us or Wilbur?" Techno asked.

"Both." Phil said.

Techno nodded. The two fell into silence. It was so much quieter without Wilbur. Like a scratch in a record.

Tommy ate slowly. His wings felt heavy and stiff. It felt prickly all up his back, like when your foot falls asleep. He didn't like it.

"Phil!" Tommy whined, pushing his plate away, "can you help sort out my wings?"

Phil laughed lightly, "alright mate. Techno, can you help?"

"Yeah." Techno nodded.

The three made their way to the couch. Tommy sat in the center, with his brother and dad on either side. Phil took one of Tommy's wings while Techno took the other. They started combing through Tommy's feathers. The prickly feeling in Tommy's back started to subside. He started feeling his feathers shift as his family worked through them.

"Eventually we're going to have to teach you how to take care of these yourself." Phil chuckled.

"How the fuck am I going to do that?" Tommy asked, "I haven't even gotten a good look at them yet."

"You'll get the hang of it eventually." Techno told him.

Tommy hummed and nodded. He wished Wilbur were here to fill the silence that settled around them. The house felt empty.

"Dad!" Ghostbur phased through the door, "Dad! I found a friend!"

"I swear if it's another rabbit..." Techno mumbled.

"A friend?" Phil looked up.

"Yeah!" Ghostbur nodded, "he followed me home!"

"Well then, let's see this friend." Phil said.

Ghostbur smiled, opening the door with a flourish. Tommy's eyes widened as his wings drew in.

"Dream..." He whispered.

The masked hero tilted his head, "hi Tommy. Miss me?"

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