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It was almost night now. Tommy could barely tell from the cracks in the wall. He was starting to freak out. Not Found still hadn't woken up, and Dream hadn't come back. He was alone.

A while ago, Not Found's phone had started ringing. Tommy picked up, surprised to find Sapnap on the other end. He told the hero about the situation, and Sapnap promised to come get him.

That was five hours ago.

Tommy didn't know how much longer he could take being alone. It really didn't help that Not Found was unconscious on the floor. Because what if he wasn't just unconscious? He knew Dream said Not Found was fine, but what if he was lying again? What if Not Found was d-


The boys head shot up from where it was buried in his knees. Not Found was slowly sitting up, rubbing his head. Tommy let out a small sob.

"Tommy?" Not Found looked at the boy, "are you okay? Where's Dream?"

"He left. A while ago." Tommy said quietly, rubbing his eyes, "Sapnap called you. He said he's coming to take me home."

Not Found sighed, then gave Tommy a small smile, "good. Go with him when he gets here."

"Are you not coming with?" Tommy asked.

Not Found shook his head, "I can't. I have to hold Dream off. If Dream sees anyone trying to help you escape, he'll kill them. Except me. I know he won't kill me."

"He shouldn't be killing anyone." Tommy sighed, gripping his arms, "he's supposed to be a hero."

Not Found stood up, stumbling slighty, "did Sapnap say when he was coming?"

"No." Tommy shook his head, "it's starting to get late now. I'm worried. Dream hasn't come back either."

"He hasn't?" Not Found looked at the boy, "how long has it been?"

"I dunno. He left after you passed out and... Yeah." Tommy shrugged.

"That was in the morning." Not Found mumbled, "you've spent the entire day alone? With no food or access to water!?"

"I thought Dream was going to come back." Tommy said quietly.

Not Found sighed, "stay here in case Sapnap shows up, I'll get you something."

"No!" Tommy grabbed the hero's arm, "don't leave! Please?"

"Tommy, you need to eat." Not Found said.

"What-what if Dream comes back!?" Tommy yelled, "or the villains!? I don't want to be alone!"

"Tommy, it's okay!" Not Found told him, "if Dream comes back, you can just tell him I went to get food for you. If Sapnap comes, then go with him. I'll be as quick as I can. You won't be alone for long."

"He won't be alone at all."

The two turned to see Dream standing in the doorway.

"You weren't honestly going to leave him alone to escape, we're you?" Dream walked further into the room.

"Of course not." Not Found scoffed, "I was going to get him food because you didn't seem to think it was necessary."

Dream went silent for a moment, "I got busy."

"You are unbelievable." Not Found pushed past the masked hero, "I'll be back soon."

Tommy flinched as the door closed. Dream turned to the boy and Tommy backed away from him. The cold demeanor of the hero scared him. He wished he was home right now instead of who knows where.

"Are you okay?" Dream asked, making Tommy jump.

"Let me go." Tommy mumbled.

Dream sighed, "we've been over this Tommy!"

"Stop giving me your bullshit excuses!" Tommy yelled, standing up, "I don't care! I just want to go home!"

"Tommy!" Dream growled, "you cannot leave."

"Let me go!" Tommy shoved Dream as hard as he could.

The hero stumbled back a few steps. Tommy ran at him again. Dream side stepped, grabbing Tommy's wrist and throwing him to the ground. Tommy fell hard on the ground.

"Don't hit me." Dream said.

"Fuck you." Tommy spat as he sat up.

Dream laughed. It started small, but soon Dream was hunched over, holding his stomach.

"You are such a child!" Dream shouted, "you can't even tell when someone is trying to help you! You are so pathetic! I don't even know why the villains want you! You're useless! You're useless even to me! Maybe I should let you go! Let the villains take you! You won't be my problem anymore!"

Tommy shrunk back, "what?"

"You. Are. Pathetic." Dream towered over the boy.

The door opened. Not Found stood there, a bag of groceries in his hand.

"What are you doing." Not Found said.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Dream laughed, backing up.

"Whatever." Not Found handed the bag to Tommy, "here. I got you a sandwich and some other stuff."

"Thanks." Tommy said quietly.

"Hopefully we'll get you home soon." Not Found sighed.

Dream scoffed, but didn't say anything. Not Found glared at the other hero.

"What?" Not Found snapped.

"Nothing." Dream huffed back, "are you okay?"

Not Found started back, "what?"

"I electrocuted you." Dream sighed, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Not Found rubbed his wrist where light burns were starting to blister, "just leave me and Tommy alone."

"Look, I-I'm sorry-" Dream took a step forward.

"Stop." Not Found said, "just stop."

Dream sighed, but stepped away from Not Found and Tommy. Tommy felt uncomfortable. He just wanted to go home.

The building shook, startling the three.

"What was that!?" Dream yelped.

"Let's go check it out." Not Found said, making his way towards the door.

"No." Dream stopped the other hero, "you stay with Tommy, make sure he's okay."

Not Found hesitated, but nodded, "alright."

Dream ran out. Tommy was curled up in the corner, his hands over his ears as loud booms echoed through the air. Not Found frowned. Was it Sapnap? Or the villains? What was going on.

Tommy let out a small sob as the building shook again, "I don't want to do this again, I want to go home!"

"Tommy, it's okay." Not Found said, "Sapnap should be here soon. Then you'll be home."

"Promise?" Tommy whispered.

Not Found wouldn't call himself a lier, really. He tries to be honest, he really does. But looking at Tommy, he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth.

Not Found smiled, "Yeah, I promise."

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