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T.W.: major violence

"He's in the building up ahead!" Sapnap shouted to the villains.

The group landed on top of a building. Sapnap turned to the villains. It was almost strange now too see them in their disguises.

"Do you remember the plan?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah." Zephyrus nodded, "Andrenidae, Lethe, and Icarus are going ahead to search with Totem, Monarch, and Chiron as backup. Then Hephaestus, me, and Protesilaus will stay here and fight with you until Dream shows up."

"Good." Sapnap smiled, "let's start."

The group split as Sapnap and the villains began to spar. Icarus didn't look back for a second, too dead set on finding his little brother. A boom echoed from behind them. Moments later, Dream jumped out of the building in front of them.

"Icarus!" Monarch yelled, "take your team ahead! We'll deal with Dream!"

Icarus nodded, "Andrenidae! Lethe! With me!"

The three jumped away, but Dream put up a wall of energy. Icarus felt the electricity lift the hairs on the back of his neck right before they hit the wall.

"STOP!" Icarus yelled to the vigilantes.

Lethe and Andrenidae seemed to freeze in place. Icarus ran to them, pulling the out of his power.

"Lethe." Icarus said, "teleport us to the building."

"I-I don't know if I can!" Lethe sucked in a breath, "it might be out of my range while carrying two people!"

"Damnit, just try!" Icarus gripped Lethe's shoulders, "If we fall short, Andrenidae can use his wings to get you to safety."

"My wings can't handle two people!" Andrenidae yelled, "the engine will fail!"

"Then let me fall!" Icarus shouted, "Lethe! Teleport us to the other building."

Lethe grabbed the two. They felt the world warp around them, and in a moment later, they were on the other building. Lethe collapsed. Andrenidae barely caught the other vigilante.

"Icarus!" Andrenidae screamed, "Why did you do that!? It could have killed him!"

"I didn't know." Icarus hissed, "there's no time to dwell on it. We have to find Tommy."

"I'm not leaving him!" Andrenidae snapped, pulling Lethe closer.

Icarus huffed, picking up the tall boy, "Then we'll take him with us. Now let's get to Tommy."

Andrenidae stood up, glaring at the older villain, "I will never forgive you if Lethe gets hurt because of this."

"Fine." Icarus turned away from the vigilante.

Andrenidae followed as Icarus down the broken roof. The building they were in was half collapsed. It mad it easier to navigate down, which Icarus was glad for now that he was carrying someone.

"Tommy!" Icarus shouted, "TOMMY!"

"Stop!" Andrenidae stumbled over to Icarus, "stop carrying Lethe around like that!"

Icarus frowned at the young vigilante, "Fine. We'll find a safe spot for him, but be quick. We can't waste time."

Andrenidae hopped over to a corner of the building. It was detached from the main part, but still structurally sound.

"Over here!" Andrenidae shouted to Icarus.

The villain leapt over. He set Lethe on the ground. The vigilante groaned lightly, his tail twitching. Andrenidae jumped, taking Lethe's hand.

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