Where The Fuck Is My Child?

By MoonGazer215

14.9K 535 202

A story in which Tommy is the youngest in a family of supervillains. However, he has no knowledge of his fami... More



863 33 14
By MoonGazer215

Phil looked at the two boys sitting in front of him. His wings twitched in irritation. Not only had Wilbur snuck out, but he'd found that Tommy's best friends were vigilantes that the SBI had almost killed on multiple occasions.

"So, this is kind of awkward." Techno drawled from the couch.

"Look, we just thought the hero commission was corrupt, and villains aren't really any better-" Tubbo started.

"Stop." Phil sighed, flicking his wings out.

The boys flinched. Ranboo's tail curled around his legs.

"We just wanted to do something." The taller said quietly.

Phil's expression softened. He turned to the laptop, which was still open on the video, and played it. The boys watched with wide eyes as Dream appeared on screen.

"Dream took Tommy..." Tubbo whispered, "Wilbur said it was heros- but why!?"

"They suspect us." Phil told them, "they want us to surrender to save Tommy."

"Then do it!" Tubbo shouted, standing up with his stingers ready.

Phil spread his wings, feathers razor sharp, "you don't want to fight us here."

"I've been stabbed by your feathers before." Tubbo spat, "it's not as bad as you think."

Ranboo pulled the shorter back, "Tubbo, calm down. You know how heros are. They won't honor their word."

"Exactly." Phil said, letting his feathers relax to a soft fluffiness, "thank you Ranboo."

"So what do we do?" Ranboo asked.

"We're going to set up a plan to get Tommy back without revealing our identities." Phil told them, "but first, we're getting Chiron over to heal Techno. He said they could be here in half an hour."

"Wait, Chiron!? Like the one with Hephaestus and Monarch!?" Tubbo sucked in a breath.

"Yes." Phil nodded.

"What about our masks!? Our identities!?" Ranboo yelped.

"We know each other's identities already." Phil explained, "in fact, with this ceasefire, we're calling it the Syndicate."

"The Syndicate." Ranboo echoed.

Phone nodded, "a group dedicated to saving Tommy and exposing the hero committee."

"I want in." Tubbo stood again, "if it involves saving Tommy I'll do whatever I have to."

"Me too." Ranboo said, also standing.

Phil smiled, "alright. Welcome to the Syndicate."

There was a knock at the door. Phil walked over, opening it with a small smile. Two people stood in the door, looking like ordinary visitors.

"Chiron, Monarch." Phil laughed lightly, "thank you for coming, Protesilaus is over here."

The two villains walked into the house. The shorter went over to where Techno was laying on the couch.

"So what happened?" Monarch asked, "And why are there children here. I thought we agreed to not bring civilians, especially children into this!"

"We're not children!" Tubbo snapped, "I'm Andrenidae. I'm helping search for Tommy."

Monarch looked closely at his unmasked face, "I recognize your name, we've had a few fights. Haven't I seen you at the cafe? Both of you? You're friends with Tommy?"

Tubbo started back, but Ranboo stood up behind him.

"Yes, we joined the Syndicate to help find him." Ranboo said.

"You're Lethe, right?" Monarch asked, "teleportation. That could be useful in a rescue mission. What about you Andrenidae? I've only seen your tech."

Tubbo crossed his arms, "I have stingers in my wrists with a painful neurotoxin. It's not lethal, but I've been told it fucking hurts. I'm also extremely light, so I can scale things easily and jump much further distances."

Monarch nodded, "you might bee a good match against Not Found and other concentration type powers. What do you think Zephyrus?"

"I agree." Phil nodded, "we're definitely going against Dream and Not Found, they decided to give Techno a message to us, but so far we don't know if any other heros are involved."

"You think they might be acting alone." Monarch hummed.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Chiron spoke up, wiping blood from his hands, "remember Lazar and Vik?"

The older villains grimaced. It was a dark day for the world when that incident happened.

"Who are Lazar and Vik?" Ranboo asked quietly.

Phil sighed, "Lazar was a villain, a minor one, who faced off against the hero VStar, Vik. One day, instead of Vik showing up, The Dream Team did. Dream ended up killing Lazar. And later, when Vik showed up, he and Not Found killed Vik."

"They killed a hero..?" Tubbo whispered, his eyes wide.

Monarch nodded, "apparently Vik was going to spread the word of the killing. So they killed him too."

"That's horrible..." Ranboo shuddered.

"Wait, don't they have Tommy!?" Tubbo sucked in a breath, "What if they kill him!?"

"I doubt Dream would kill him anytime soon." Wilbur sighed, "Not Found on the other hand... "

"What about Not Found?" Tubbo asked, "I've never- we've never fought the Dream Team before."

"Consider yourselves lucky." Chiron said.

Phil sighed, "Not Found's power is sleep and dream manipulation. However, he needs to make and maintain physical contact with the person. To do that, he often brings his victims to the brink of death."

"Are you saying Tommy might be..." Ranboo's eyes widened.

"No, no. He looked to be okay in the video." Phil reassured the boy, "his sleep power can last without contact, but the dream manipulation requires the contact. It's used for information and interrogation. They don't want or need anything from Tommy, so I doubt Not Found would do anything right now."

Techno stood from the couch, "well, our time limit is tonight. So what's the plan?"

"We need to distract the Dream Team and locate Tommy." Phil told them, "we don't have much time to prepare, they probably planned that, but we can pull this off."

Monarch took a step forward, "if we're just going up against Dream and Not Found, then we should split into three groups. One to fight Dream, one to fight, Not Found, and one to find Tommy. Chiron should be in the search group, just in case."

"I agree." Phil said, "Lethe too, and maybe Icarus. Andrenidae should be against Not Found, his venom and maneuverability will hold well against him. Techno and I can go against Dream easily."

"Totem and Hephaestus are the only two I have left." Monarch told him, "I can fight Not Found. Totem may be good in the search team, but he's also a capable fighter. Lighting powers, ranged and close combat. Hephaestus has technokinesis, he can hack and control any tech he touches."

"Keep him away from my mech wings!" Tubbo huffed.

"That could be arranged." Phil said, "right now we have three on search, three on Not Found if Totem joins, and three on Dream if we get Hephaestus."

"That should work." Monarch nodded.

"Alright." Phil look at all of them, "get your people, and remember. We are going into this blind. We have almost no information. Be prepared for anything. We'll meet at the Doomsday district in two hours."

Black wings flicked out, each feather razor sharp.

"It's time to get my child back."

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