Where The Fuck Is My Child?

By MoonGazer215

14.9K 535 202

A story in which Tommy is the youngest in a family of supervillains. However, he has no knowledge of his fami... More



1.4K 40 11
By MoonGazer215

T.W.: kidnapping

Tommy sighed softly as he watched the clock tick past the last few seconds of his shift. His eyes fell closed. He was almost done, and then he could go home, and play Minecraft, and not do the homework he had.

Tommy opened his eyes as the door dinged open. He bit back a sigh as a man with sandy blonde hair walked up to the counter.

"Hello, welcome to Pogtopia cafe." Tommy droned, "what can I get you?"

The man looked through the menu for a moment, "um, do you have any more of those strawberry cream muffins?"

Tommy hummed, "um, I think we have some in the back, I'll go check real quick."

Tommy started twords the storage room. They should have another batch back there. He jus hadn't restocked it yet. Why would he though? It was almost closing and end of shift.

"Oh! Do you have a name for your order?" Tommy turned in the doorway.

A porcelain white mask stared back, inches from his face. It tilted slightly as Tommy jumped back.

"Dream." He whispered before Tommy's vision went black.

Phil sighed as he walked into his house. Icarus and Protesilaus were still out, but he knew Tommy would get worried if one of them wasn't home soon. The youngest of the family didn't know of his dad and brothers daily escapades. Hopefully he wouldn't find out for a long time. The sunny boy had no business in the villain scene.

"Tommy!" Phil called as he dropped his bag in a hidden compartment on the wall, "I'm home!"

The man was met with silence. That was odd. Maybe Tommy has fallen asleep? Phil made his way to Tommy's room, an uneasy feeling in his chest.

"Tommy?" He called out again as he knocked.

Getting no response, Phil pushed open the door. The room was empty. Phil willed himself not to panic just yet. Call Tommy. Maybe he was running late, or went by Tubbo's and Ranboo's apartment.

The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Tommy's voicemail came through. Phil hung up with a shakey sigh. He dialed in Tubbos number, hoping one of the boys would pick up.


"Tubbo!" Phil sighed in relief, "hey, is Tommy there?"

"No?" Tubbo told him, "last I heard from him was half an hour before his shift ended. I invited him for movies but he said he didn't want to come over today."

"Okay. Do you know of any place he might be right now?" Phil asked.

"No, I don't." Tubbo said, "he said he was going straight home after work. Could he just be running late?"

Phil shook his head, "he didn't pick up."

"That's strange." Tubbo hummed, "I'm sure he's somewhere. Keep me updated?"

"Of course." Phil told him, "I'll let you know if we find him."

"Thank you." Tubbo sighed, "talk to you later."

Phil hung up. Something was wrong. He took out a burner phone, dialing in a familiar number.

"Icarus." Phil said into the phone, "Theseus is missing. Start a search, I'll join you soon."

With that, Phil snapped the burner, swiftly walking back to where he hid his costume. Black wings flicked out from his back, each razor sharp feather making deep marks on the walls.

Moments later, Zephyrus flew out of the house. His black wings beat the air as he flew over the city. The wind whipped his hair and cloak back as he swooped down to Pogtopia cafe.

The door of the small shop had been broken in, and clear signs of a struggle was evident. Tables had been overturned. The store room door was hanging off one hinge.

Icarus and Protesilaus fell beside Zephyrus. Protesilaus had his sword drawn, scanning the shop.

"What happened?" He asked.

Zephyrus pushed inside, "I don't know."

The trio of villains examined the damage to the shop. It was extensive, and messy. But almost too perfect. Like it had been staged.

"What did you do."

The SBI looked up to see a group of other villains standing at the doorway.

Zephyrus smiled at them, not that they could see behind his plague mask, but the intention was there.

"Monarch." Zephyrus said, "I could ask you the same thing. Was this your doing?"

A villain with a red cape scoffed, "We like to keep building damage to a minimum, unlike you."

"What are you doing here?" Another villain, this one in a gas mask and a gold chest plate, said.

"Why do you need to know?" Protesilaus raised his sword.

Monarch crossed their arms, "we happen to like this cafe. We'll often come here between scouts. The young barista here makes good company."

"Well that barista is missing." Protesilaus hissed.

"And how would you know that!?" A golden masked villain known as The Totem yelled.

Icarus stepped forward, "ENOUGH! Where is Tommy!?"

The other group of villains stiffened under the sirens power.

"I don't know." Monarch said, "we were worried about the shop so we came here to investigate."

Totem shook his head, "hold on, you know Tommy!?"

Zephyrus looked at his son, "Icarus."

The siren nodded, "you will not speak a word about anything you've heard from us today."

"Thank you Icarus." Zephyrus said, "now I suggest we go to the back room to continue this conversation."

"We are rivals." The gold plated villain, Hephaestus, said, "why would we trust you?"

"Because my son has been kidnapped." Zephyrus hissed, flicking his wings out, "now get to the back room before I unmask you myself."

No siren song was needed for the four villains to make their way inside. Protesilaus gave a final scan of the street before he followed his brother and father into the back.

Zephyrus turned to the four villains, naming off each one as he looked at them. Monarch. Totem Hephaestus. Chiron. The only other main villain group other than the Sleepy Bois Inc. Though, they weren't popular enough to be so graciously gifted a group name by the hero committee.

"Well, you have us here now." Monarch said, "now what?"

Zephyrus reached up to his mask.

Protesilaus jumped lightly, "Zephyr, are you sure about this? It's them."

"Relax." Zephyrus said, "they're under Icarus' power. They won't be able to say a single word about tonight."

"What exactly are you doing?" Totem asked, "I feel out of the loop."

Zephyrus turned back to the other villains, "Well, since none of you have taken my son, and you seem to be don't of him outside villainy, I propose we put a little trust in each other to find Tommy."

Zephyrus took off his mask, disabling the voice scrambler, "Your turn."

Monarch frowned, taking off his mask as well, "Fine."

"Good." Zephyrus smiled, "now let's find my son."

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