The Bastard Queen

By One_Badass_Stapler_

43.9K 1K 131

The common folk call her their Bastard Queen, The historians know her in history as the Targaryen Temptress. ... More

Act i scene 1
the birth of a future queen
encounters with a Targaryen
authors note #1
the aftermath
the discovery
the beginning of the claim to her title
the wife of the father
the dragons brings her blood
the discussion between man and wife
the discussion between sister and sister
the discussion between father and bastard
authors note #2
Act i Scene ii
the way of the sword
a Velaryon funeral
Aegon meets an official bastard
an eye for a dragon and a bastard too
the mourn after the victory
the king
acceptance of her blood
Authors Note #3
the ghost of Alyssas past
Abe the one-eyed
thievery and gifting
cleansing her blade
lust of his blood
depravity in fleabottom
sins of flesh

the talk of the people

1K 32 4
By One_Badass_Stapler_

Alyssa turns around at the sudden conversation to find the queen staring at her stoically. "Yes my queen. I suppose a conversation is needed after the last day..." The queen only smile shortly before taking Alyssa by the shoulder again and leading her towards an unknown location.

She cannot help but look at all the things that decorate the castles walls as she is dragged by the queen. The paintings that hang on the walls seem to depict the Targaryen line. One that she takes particular notice of is one of a powerful looking man sitting on the iron throne with two beautiful looking women besides him. It was a moment later when she realises who the painting depicts, Aegon the conqueror and his wives Visenya and Rhaenys. While Aegon had that intimidation captured perfectly on the canvas, it was Visenya and Rhaenys who stood out in the painting. Visenya was holding a sword and had an intimidating glare on her face, one that made your hair stand on edge. Rhaenys however smiled in the painting like any expected lady should have, though when you look into the eyes the painter really did her justice, as when you look into them you could perfectly feel the feminine rage she was keeping hidden.

Alyssa's thoughts though are soon put to a sudden stop as she nearly collides into the queens back. She looks around to see where the queen has dragged her too and is slightly disappointed at how bland the room is. She had expected got the castle to be filled with wonderful things, but considering how this room was filled only with what looked like small children sized desks and chairs her past belief no longer seemed to be believable.

The queen sits in an old chair and motions for Alyssa to sit in a nearby chair. "Please do sit!" She follows the command and sits in an old chair, shifting a little in nervousness. The silence between the two girls thickening as the queen looked down at her almost condescendingly. "I do not mean you any harm you know?" Those words make Alyssa's eyes widen is surprise. This was not the first conversation she had expected to have with the queen of the seven kingdoms. "I understand your situation, I myself was in a smile situation when I was a little older than yourself..."

Alyssa can't help but feel sorry for the queen in that moment when she spots her sad smile. "How..." Alyssa surprises even herself when she asks such an intimate question.

"Well..." The queen seems to start fiddling with her cuticles as she begins to explain. "I came here as a young girl. And when I got married to the king I felt alone. I was surrounded by unknown women and men who talked all about me behind my back or even right in front of my face. I had no real friends nor any real confidants to help me settle. So I thought I'd offer the opportunity I never received. If you would allow me to that is..."

Alyssa can't help but feel sympathy for the queen in that moment. Daemons previous warnings practically wash away at that moment when Alyssa sees she queens crestfallen face when she reminisces at those memories. "I appreciate all you have said to me my queen but I may ask, I have seen the way you talk to princess Rhaenyra and her children. I know they are most likely bastards my lady. Even if the princess claims otherwise. So why would you react that way to merely rumoured bastards and not that same way to me a confirmed bastard?"

"Please Alyssa, If we are to become confidants then I must request you call me Alicent. It's only proper for how close we may become. But as I said before. I see myself in you. A young girl sprung upon a world she herself knew deeply that she was not ready for. That is why I must prepare you for this world. The people may talk but that is now these people are. They believe they have gold running through their veins. That is why I myself believe you should be legitimised. That is why I asked you why you wanted to be legitimised. There is nothing more dangerous than a girl trying to find what she wants, than a girl who knows exactly what she needs to complete her goal." Alyssa's eyes water at Alicents sympathy. It comes out in waves. It is at this moment Alyssa let's down her walls. The ones Daemon beat into her to keep up no matter what the cost are crumbling.

They seem to crumble faster though the more Alicent seems to speak. "My lord husband may be blind for Rhaenyra but I will not allow him to be blind towards you. My eldest son has already seemed to have bonded with you, and from what I could tell you are already acquainted with my youngest son. Maybe if you try you could become a friend to my dear Helaena, the seven knows she needs friends...." The queen looks saddened as she speaks on her only daughter. "I see myself in you Alyssa. And I will not allow you to ostracised by lords and ladies who believe themselves to be higher than the gods. I will be a second mother to you, a hidden protector if you will..."

Alicent does not get to finish her words, as Alyssa finds herself running head first into the queens unsuspecting arms. Alyssa's tears falling freely as the rest of her barriers break down. It had been months since she'd seen her real mother. Laena had become something similar to a mother but more became like a loving aunt before she died. Alyssa though was really craving a motherly touch, and Alicent whilst unsuspecting the sudden affection, welcomed it with open arms. "I have spoken to my lord husband and you will meet with him in his chambers this afternoon. As I said earlier, I will not allow him to be blind towards you. I give you my word..." The queen trails her hand down Alyssa's face and wipes away the tears that seem to have leaked from her.

"I do not know how I can ever repay you alicent..." Alyssa shakes her head

"Just be a dragon my dear, give him no reason to not doubt your blood. Though we must stop the good news while we're ahead my dear girl. There is some sad news I must tell you. It's about your father. It seems himself and Princess Rhaenyra and their children have fled to dragonstone in the night. The guards say they heard talk of them fleeing to dragonstone together..."

Alyssa feels her world is shattering. Whilst she never truly attempted to acknowledged that Daemon was her father, he himself did the things that made her walls high and mighty. He was the one who taught her to fight and to defend herself against the people who may hurt her. He was the one who taught her personally the language of her ancestors, even if she may have been rejected as a daughter of his. Yet he seems to have thrown that all into the sea for his newest woman. While his wife had barely been down in the sea it seems Daemon had not cared about her and gone to run away with a married woman. No doubt he had some trick up his sleeve that he would flourish when the moment suited him.

"I have talked to my lord husband," Alicent spoke breaking Alyssa from her trance. "And he has agreed to the meeting your father set up for you for midday today. Go and get yourself ready my dear, you'll need it." Alicent summoned guards to the room and instructed them to bring Alyssa to her newest room. "And being some maids too to help the princess prepare herself to see the king!"

It was still weird to Alyssa to have herself be referred to as a princess, yet that it what she will become after her talk with the king. Alyssa though finds herself brought to her room and directed carefully to an old looking vanity set in her room. She can only dread what the maids will make her into when they arrive...

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