the king

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Alyssa was right it seems, as when the maids arrive to pretty her up like a pig to a slaughter, they shoved so many beauty products in her face to hide the redness of her eyes that she kept coughing and coughing. "Stay still princess!" One of them said when Alyssa had attempted to tear her head away from the hairbrush one was wielding like a sword on a battlefield. "Do not make this more difficult or you will be late to meet the king!" One said as they tore through her mane of a hair.

Eventually though the maids were soon done with their torture and had dressed Alyssa accordingly in a bright green dress again. Though with this dress she could not help but admire it. It was not the traditional green dress she had worn that morn, this dress was a light green at the top, but as you looked down at the dress nearer to the floor the colours faded into a darker green and eventually a black trim at the bottom. It was almost bordering on black for Rhaenyra. Alicent must have chosen the dress and even though the two seemed to have bonded that morn, she still felt the need to show to the people, 'We have Daemons bastard on our side.'

The maids pointed Alyssa into the direction of the kings chambers and told her how the queen had requested guards to escort her to them. Maybe the queen had mistaken her fear for cowardice? No problem, Alyssa walked out of her chambers with a heavy weight leaning on her shoulders and allowed the guards to lead her and her mind to run.

Alyssa had not taken the opportunity to talk to the king at Laenas funeral, even though Daemon had told her to do so. She had yet to even have real interaction with him when the discussion on Aemonds eye was roaring the previous day and after all had settled Daemon still had the nerve to ask about her legitimacy when the matter in the eye had only just been supposedly sorted. She still remembers all the eyes she felt on her.

After the words with the queen that morn though she felt slightly more prepared for her discussion with her uncle the king. It was still strange for Alyssa to think about. Round a year ago, Alyssa had never thought she would be claimed by Daemon Targaryen, and that she would become a princess of the realm. A realm which hated her for the acts of her father. Even the words of the kings won't stop the words of the people. They still talk about Rhaenyras children and she's the supposed future queen of the realm.

Alyssa walks to the kings chambers shyly as she keeps her head down. The guards who were escorting her looked back at Alyssa with neutral faces as she approached the doors. Their faces not showing that they took notice on how small Alyssa seems to have made herself in the journey to meet her king uncle.

Though as she edges closer to the door, Daemons voice is the one she hears. "You are a dragon so fucking act like one!" That is all that is being played in her mind. If he knew how he would whack her with his sword, wooden or not.

She enters the room silently, though that doesn't stop the man near the middle of the room from peaking his head suddenly. The king, or does she call him her uncle? Rises from his seat and makes his way towards her. She takes note of what he seemed to have been doing before she seemed to disturb him, although it seemed hard to miss, as what the king was working on was a massive sculpture of the castle. A very impressive model, which seemed to even posses little figurines, though she couldn't see them properly from where she was standing.

Alyssa looks back at the king though as he walks towards her. His face not betraying him at any moment. This is where the similarity between him and Daemon seem to die though. The two brother seem to have that knack for concealing their true intentions. "My lady wife seems to speak highly of you. Usually I would trust her fully, though given the short period of time you've been here I must say how surprised I am."

Alyssa's eyes trail downwards with the king's suspicious tone. "My king-"

"Call me uncle, tala. I always wanted my brother to have children. I had always assumed and rather hoped that it would tame his roguish nature, though it seems to have done quite the opposite effect." The king seems to laugh at his brother. Alyssa will not deny the two, while they have been portrayed as being as opposite as you could be (Viserys being the peaceful and Daemon the rogue), the brothers were as close as brothers could be. They valued their blood as much as they could.

"Uncle..." Alyssa eyes trail back upwards at the kings tone. It seems the once suspicious tone has turned more warmer at the discussion of his brother. "I do not know how much the queen has talked to you but I wish to be legitimised by you. I understand my bastardness will increase the talk through the castle, but I want to be known more as a simple bastard of your prince. I wish to show my true potential of a being a princess of the seven kingdoms." Alyssa pours her heart out. It feels strange though, as if she has her heart laid out on a plate for him to see and observe. Daemon, whilst preparing st for battle and the possible hate of the lords and ladies, had never actually prepared her for what she needed to say to the king for him to accept her as one of them.

The king stays silent and then lets out a small smile as Alyssa. This must seem like a good sign? Unless he does this only to trick her and kill her... "You needn't have said so much my niece! I could already tell you were Daemons when I first laid eyes on you. It seems my brother is more distrustful of my ways of ruling than I thought of..." Oh thank fuck she won't be killed today. "I will announce it to the lords and ladies in due time. I wish for you to get used to the people and your surroundings. We can't have you walk into the wrong room when I announce legitimisation can we?" Alyssa finds herself letting out a small smile. Yes as the king said, Daemon whilst loving his brother did seem to distrust his ways of ruling.

"Thank you... kepus. I appreciate all you have done for me in the short period of time I have been here." Alyssa smiles.

"There is no need for you to thank me tala. I saw the way you were with Aegon yesterday. I wish for you to stay here and learn of your heritage child. I want to give you the opportunities a true born child would've experienced. I suppose you cannot really learn if you're history in Pentos or even Dragonstone." Alyssa smiles more at the kings words. He genuinely seemed like a kind man. "If you will excuse me though child, whilst I have enjoyed our little talk, I am in need of some alone time."

"That is fine my king thank you again for this generous opportunity!" Alyssa speaks as she walks slowly towards the door smiling, the king reciprocating it back. Alyssa doesn't even stop her grinning when she leaves the room.

The guards though when she leaves give a small glance to each other and smile at each other slightly in Alyssa's direction as she walks of in an unknown direction. It is not often a child is seen happy in kings landing.

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