Twisted Wings

By cgn412

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Celeste, a fallen Angel, falls into the world of Twisted Wonderland. She and her new companion, Grim, end up... More

Twisted Wings
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 8

299 14 0
By cgn412

It was the last day of exams, and Celeste and Grim hurried to class. It had been a few weeks since the Spelldrive tournament, the days since then being relatively uneventful.

The exam today was alchemy, and while Celeste wasn't especially good at it, she felt she'd read enough material on the subject to obtain a good grade. She had been paying attention in class and, unlike Grim, had been keen to learn about the potions and ingredients used in the human world.

Professor Crewel announced the end of the exam and ordered everyone to turn in their tests. Cheers went up around the classroom, celebrating the end of exams.

“Down! SIT! Don't begin celebrating just yet. Any bad dogs who fare poorly in their exams… Will be given mandatory remedial lessons over the winter holiday. Consider yourselves warned. Class dismissed. ” Crewel chastised them before permitting the class to leave.

“Whew! It's FINALLY over! ” Ace exclaimed as he and Deuce strolled over to Celeste and Grim.

“I gave it my absolute best. All that's left now is to wait for our scores to come back. ” Deuce said, and Grim scoffed.

“No lousy test is a match for my brilliant intellect!” Grim boasted, puffing out his chest.

Ace let out a snort. “Really? You're always scramblin' to pass. Celeste is the only reason your grade isn't failing.”

“Today's the dawn of an improved me!” Grim declared confidently. He had actually studied for this exam, although it had been only one last-minute cramming session.

“Oh? I look forward to it. Perhaps you'll improve your table manners as well?” Celeste lifted an eyebrow at him, putting on a teasing smirk.

“Woah now Celeste. One step at a time.” Grim held up his paws in the air to prevent her from saying anything outrageous.

Ace let out a laugh. “I can't believe you're still on that, Celeste. Talk about an impossible task.”

Harry made his way over to them, having overheard their conversation from across the classroom. “Grim sittin' proper sippin' tea? I'd pay to see that." He chuckled before letting out a sigh. "Anyway, that test man… Crewel really put us through the wringer, huh.” His brown rabbit ears drooped with exhaustion as he recalled the exam.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty confident of my performance this time.” Deuce seemed unconcerned as he smoothed back his black hair.

“Says the guy who's barely staying above a failing grade. Of course, this test was a piece of cake for me. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna come out on top.” Ace gloated confidently, puffing out his chest.

“Seriously? I wouldn't put my money on any of you guys.” Harry eyed them skeptically, before turning to Celeste.

“Speaking of cake, I've come up with a new carrot cake recipe for you to try, Celeste. I'll bring it over to you tomorrow.”

“O-oh, you really don't have to, Harry. I mean, you must be exhausted from exams.” Celeste tried her best to hide the dread she felt at his words. Harry had become accustomed to sharing his recipes with her, all of them carrot based.

She had thought it was sweet of him at first. However, she quickly became overwhelmed with carrots. His latest dish had been a carrot jello that even Grim had refused to eat. Ace and Deuce always concocted some sort of excuse, explaining why they couldn't eat Harry's food, leaving Celeste at his mercy. She simply hadn't the heart to tell him she wasn't that fond of carrots.

“Nah, it's fine! I already baked it and for some reason half the dorms allergic to carrots… So, I figured you'd like some!” Harry insisted, and she sighed in defeat.

“Thank you, Harry, that's very kind… I can't wait.” She forced a smile, shooting a glare at Ace and Deuce, who refrained from laughing.

“You two must have taken your studies seriously to be this confident. I know Grim did at least one cram session…” Celeste raised an eyebrow at them. Their confidence was a bit unusual, but perhaps they had turned a new leaf.

“Yeah, it was a breeze,” Ace smirked at her, shrugging off her suspicious gaze.

“Anyway, exams are over, so I'm gonna hit up the track club.” Deuce changed the subject and Ace nodded.

“Y'know, I could stand to get some exercise at the basketball club. You coming, Harry?” Ace glanced back at Harry as he and Deuce made for the door.

“Sure. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Celeste.” Harry waved goodbye as he left with Ace and Deuce.

“Let's head back to the dorm, Celeste. I'm really feelin' that all-nighter. And before you ask, no, I won't eat that cake for you.” Grim shot her a knowing look before padding out of the classroom. Celeste's shoulders slumped as she resigned to her fate.

Azul watched as Floyd squeezed an Octavinelle student for skipping out on his shift at the Lounge, and let out a sigh. “I can only hope this year provides me with better clients than the last…”

Jade chuckled beside him. “I look forward to seeing those final exam scores come in.”

“Indeed,” Azul answered with a sly grin. Nonetheless, he felt a slight twinge of frustration. He'd still been unsuccessful in persuading Celeste to sign a contract. Sure, she wasn't the first student to slip through his fingers but… Her secretive nature intrigued him. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the time to dig into her background due to his busy schedule.

She'd been uninterested in his study guide, but he had hoped she would change her mind. However, she hadn't so much as graced the Lounge with her presence. Even if she didn't have access to her wealth anymore, as she had disclosed to him, he could still benefit from having her at his disposal. He had also been hoping to expand the Mostro Lounge and Ramshackle would be an ideal location. Not to mention, her feminine charms would undoubtedly bring business to the Lounge.

Nonetheless, he had a trump card on her, which, oddly enough, he'd acquired from a tip dropped by the Headmaster. His mind wandered to what had transpired in the library just the other day.

Azul had been returning some study materials after the first exam. Rounding a bookshelf, he was surprised to see the Headmaster rummaging through the shelf.

“Good afternoon Headmage. Are you looking for something in particular?” He asked as the Headmaster spun around.

“Mr. Ashengrotto! I was hoping the book I've been searching for had found its way back here, but alas…!” Crowley froze when his eyes fell on a book he had in his hands.

“AH! By the Seven, there it is!” He exclaimed, suddenly, causing Azul to jump slightly. “The book on the Age of Legend! I've been searching for weeks!”

Azul adjusted his glasses. “Yes, I was just returning it. I borrowed it quite some time ago and haven't had the time to bring it back. My apologies.” He handed the Headmaster the book.
Just then, there was a commotion as Celeste and Grim entered the library. Celeste was toting a large stack of books, which she dropped on a table with a loud thud.

“Can we get this over with? I wanna go home. That exam really took it outta me.” Grim whined, slumping over the table.

“It'll only be a few minutes, Grim. Though it wouldn't hurt you to read a few books yourself.” Celeste said, gathering some books and moving to the other side of the library to return them to their proper place.

“UGH. That'd take forever.” He grumbled, plopping himself down on a chair.

“It's truly a shame that he doesn't share her passion for learning. Especially since they're technically one student. He's bringing her grade down, I'm afraid.” Crowley whispered woefully, shaking his head, and shooting him a sidelong glance.

Sensing that the Headmaster was alluding to something, Azul decided to take the bait. “Yes, but it seems Celeste isn't worried about her grades, since she intends to leave the school soon.”

“Yes, I'm afraid her mind is set on leaving… If only there was some way to convince her to stay… since she and Grim are only one student, he won't be able to attend without her. Perhaps someone could persuade her.” The Headmage's gaze burned into him from beneath his mask.

Of course! Azul thought as he turned to look at Grim pouting by the table. If they were technically one student, then all he had to do was get Grim to sign a contract! By making a deal with Grim, she'd be forced into a deal with him.

Checking that Celeste was still on the other side of the library, he put on his best smile and strode over to Grim.
“Hello, I don't believe we've met, but I'm Azul Ashengrotto, Housewarden of Octavinelle. It appears you could use some assistance with studying.” He introduced himself to the small cat creature with a polite smile.

“Yeah? What's my studyin' got to do with you?” Grim scowled up at him.

“Why Octavinelle is the dorm of benevolence! I wished to offer you a study guide for your exam… But if you don't want an easy A…” Azul trailed off, looking disappointed.

“Wait! A study guide from a Housewarden? I want it!” Grim jumped up, his flaming ears perking.

Azul's mouth stretched into a wide grin. “Splendid! Come to the Mostro Lounge at 7:00 pm tonight… alone. I'll be waiting for you.”

A week after the exams, Professor Crewel called for everyone to settle down as he prepared to pass out the test scores. Everyone was eager to see their scores, including Grim, who was jumping up and down in his seat.

“Settle down Grim! Stay. STAY!” Crewel barked as Celeste reached over and forced him to sit properly.

“Grim, How many times have I told you not to stand in your chair?” She scolded him as Crewel began calling students up.

“Check it out, Celeste! I got an 85!” Grim cried, waving his test in her face proudly.

“Congratulations everyone! I'm delighted your hard work paid off!” She beamed at them as she received her test results.

“Yeah! And what did you get, Princess?” Ace smirked as he used his new nickname for her. He'd been teasing her with it since he'd learned of her previous social status.

“I got a 96. But it'll be averaged with Grim's grade, so… A 90 overall.” Celeste replied as Deuce blinked at her.

“I'll never understand how you can do math in your head like that, Celeste.” He admitted, flabbergasted.

“It appears you studied a great deal for this exam. Yes… A great deal, indeed, compared to your quiz scores.” Professor Crewel came up to them. His gray eyes glinted skeptically. “In fact, the class average has gone up to an extent one might find… Unusual.”

“Really? The entire class?” Celeste blinked before glancing down at Grim as doubt crept into her mind. Could he have… Cheated?

“The average test score in potionology is over 90. Professor Trein noted similarly positive trends in magic history.” Crewel swept his icy gaze over them before turning to address the entire class. “The school's fifty highest achievers will be posted in the hall. You can look forward to seeing that shortly. Now let's begin today's lesson. Open your textbooks.”

As Celeste opened the heavy textbook she shared with Grim, she couldn't help shooting him a doubtful glance. Surely, she would have known if he had cheated, but on the other hand… Had his last-minute cramming session genuinely been that beneficial?

As soon as the bell rang, Ace, Deuce, and Grim shot out of their seats and rushed into the hall. They weren't the only ones. A large crowd had assembled in front of the posting.

“Okay, where am I in the top fifty?” Grim hopped up and down, trying to view his scores.

“With an average score over 90, we've got to be in there right?” Ace appeared to be growing uneasy as he and Deuce pushed their way through the throng of students.

Celeste didn't have the heart to tell them it was extremely unlikely that they'd made the list if the average score was as high as Crewel claimed. She hung back as all the students clambered to see if they made the top fifty.

Grim's tail drooped as his gaze skimmed over the list. “I ain't in here at all!” He exclaimed with a shocked look.

“Neither am I…” Deuce groaned, dread washing over his face.

“Hoooold up,” Ace narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the list. “There's a list of total scores each top achiever got. The top thirty scored perfect marks!”

“Now that is rather odd. I certainly see why Crewel had his suspicions.” Celeste placed her hand on her chin as she stepped forward to inspect the list as well.

“B-but if I don't make it into the top fifty, that counts as a breach of contract!” Grim stammered as panic flashed across his face.

Celeste frowned as she looked down at him. “Contract? What are you talking about?”

Ace and Deuce's eyes widened as they turned to Grim. “Oh no, Grim, did you…?” Ace asked, the color draining from his face.

Deuce went pale as he exchanged a glance with Ace. “Judging by the look on your face, Ace, don't tell me you also-”

There was a small poof as something strange sprouted from all three of their heads. Celeste let out a shocked cry at the strange flower-like appendage that had appeared on their foreheads.

“What IS that?!” Celeste shouted in surprise as they exchanged horrified looks.

“MYAH! What in the world?! It's a sea anemone!” Grim wailed, pawing at the growth on his head.

“G-Grim, you made a contract too?! You little cheat!” Deuce scowled at Grim, pointing at him accusingly.

“You're just as guilty, Deuce!” Ace yelled as Grim frantically tugged at the anemone, to no avail.

“What is happening?! Did the three of you actually cheat?! WHAT IS THAT THING ON EVERYONE'S HEAD?!” Celeste raised her voice as she noticed the trio weren't the only ones afflicted. Many freshmen around them were sprouting anemones as well.

“Celeste? What's with all the commotion?” Celeste turned to see Jack walking towards them. Unlike the rest of her friends, he was sea anemone free.

“Oh, Jack! You don't have an anemone!” Celeste remarked as he stopped to stare at all the freshmen fretting over their new appendage.

“Anemone? Is that what's sproutin' outta everybody's heads?” Jack seemed just as baffled as she was.

Grim opened his mouth to explain, only to let out a yelp as the anemone started tugging on his head. Ace and Deuce cried out as their anemones began pulling on them as well, forcing them to walk down the hall along with the other afflicted freshman.

“I suppose we should follow them.” Celeste sighed, watching as they shuffled as one large group down the hall.

“Huh? What do you mean we? This is none of my business.” Jack snorted, looking away.

“Fine. I shall go alone while you stand here and wonder.” She waved at him dismissively as she started walking away.

“Wait, hold on!” Jack scrambled after her, and she hid her smirk as he fell in step beside her.

"I'll keep you company for a little while. But let's get one thing straight—this is purely out of curiosity. I couldn't care less about those guys.” He grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Of course. I appreciate you accompanying me, Jack.” She chuckled as they made their way across campus to the mirror hall.

The students were filing into a single mirror, all lamenting how they hadn't made the top fifty in exam scores.

“There are some sophomores and juniors in here as well. And they're all going into the mirror that leads to Octavinelle.” Jack noted, watching the miserable parade of students.

“It seems like this has to do with the exam scores and… did I hear cheating cephalo-punk?” Celeste tilted her head at the strange phrase.

“Come on, let's head over and find out.” Jack led the way and slipped into the Octavinelle mirror, with Celeste following closely behind.

Inside, they were greeted with an incredible sight. They were standing in a glass tunnel that lead to the main building. The entire dorm was underwater. Her eyes widened with awe as she watched a school of fish swim by on the other side of the glass.

Celeste gasped, gazing at her surroundings in amazement, and placed a hand on the cool glass. “I've… Never seen anything like this… Not even our largest lakes back at home are this deep…”

“Wow! Night Raven College is so cool!” Jack exclaimed, just as excited by the whimsical scenery as her, a smile spreading across his face as he looked around.

Jack stopped and cleared his throat, embarrassed by his outburst.
“Remember, we're treading on another dorm's turf, so keep your wits about you.” He warned, regaining his composure as he glanced over at Celeste.

Celeste tore her eyes away from the aquatic sights and proceeded down the tunnel the students had gone down. Following the sound of distressed voices, they entered what appeared to be a café. Fancy lighting and dining tables were arranged like a restaurant, complete with a bar that lined the back wall. The area was crammed with students, all of them sporting anemones on their heads.

“This must be the lounge that they mentioned…” Celeste murmured, recalling the business card Floyd and Jade had given her.

“There's gotta be a hundred—no closer to two hundred people here. What is this place, anyway?” Jack squinted at the sign that read Mostro Lounge above the entrance.

Everyone fell silent as Azul strode out in front of everyone, snapping his fingers as a light shone on him, making him the center of attention.

“Well, well. What do we have here? A band of unfortunate souls who failed to break the top fifty.” Azul smirked at the crowd of students before him.

“Welcome to Mostro Lounge. I'm sure you're WELL aware of who I am, but let's go over it again, anyway. My name is Azul Ashengrotto. I am the Housewarden of Octavinelle Dorm, the manager of Mostro Lounge café aaand… As of today, you have to listen to everything I say.” At his last sentence, his face stretched into a sinister grin.

“Say what?” Jack whispered as Celeste frowned at Azul's words. She realized she had indeed dodged a bullet when she'd rejected his offer that night.

“You made a bet with me and subsequently lost. As per the terms of our contract, you are to devote yourselves to my service until you graduate.” Azul continued, leaning on his cane nonchalantly.

“Hey hold on. This is all a huge scam!” An outraged cry came from the crowd. Celeste recognized Ace's fiery red hair as he glared at Azul.

Azul narrowed his eyes at him.
“You're… Ace Trappola, a freshman, if memory serves. Your accusations are insulting, frankly. I upheld my end of the bargain and provided you with an impeccably flawless study guide for your exams. If you used it properly, you should have scored at least a 90.”

“Yeah, and I did. I got a 92!” Ace admitted, still scowling at Azul.

Azul grinned at him. “Why, that's wonderful news! I'm delighted to have been of service.”

“But you never told me you'd given the same study guide to this many people!” Ace snapped back at him, and Deuce nodded next to him.

“Yeah, no study guide could help us break into the top fifty with the decks this stacked!” Deuce squared his shoulders as he joined Ace in confronting Azul.

“Have you boys never heard of client confidentiality? Details such as who made a contract with me, what kind of contract it was, and why it was made… That's all privileged data. Who I'm I to divulge someone's personal information to a third party? I am a man of integrity, thank you very much. You will find this exact topic covered extensively in the non-disclosure agreement on page 127 of your contract. I simply abided by its terms.”

“O-okay, then what happens to the fire magic I put up as collateral?” Grim's voice sounded from the crowd as he padded forward. A torrent of frantic questions was unleashed as the students grew concerned about the abilities they'd put up for collateral.

Azul quickly silenced them, raising a gloved hand and quirking an eyebrow at them. “What's this? Have you all forgotten the terms of your contract? I will provide you with a study guide. In exchange, you will leave one personal specialty in my possession. Should you earn a spot with the school's fifty highest achievers, your power will be returned to you… And I will continue to provide you with study guides for all exams until you graduate. However, if you do not earn a spot in the top fifty… You will act with absolute obedience to me until you graduate. In other words, your powers are mine to return or not, as I please.”

Outrage and fear rippled through the crowd. “Those fools… Bargaining with something like that…” Celeste sighed, shaking her head. How would Grim get by in class without his fire magic?

“Y'know, I've been listening to this whole spectacle… And you ALL disgust me!” Jack snarled, pushing his way through the crowd. Everyone spun around at his outburst, startled.
Celeste followed behind him, using his enormous form to cut through the throng of students.

Azul frowned as the large beastman plowed his way through the students. “I'm afraid we're having a staff meeting right now. If you don't have a stake in this matter, I must ask for you to leave, so we can sort out this matter.”

Jack growled at his dismissive response. “… You think I don't have a stake in this? I was planning on studying on my own and outscoring these guys in a fair competition. And now you've ruined that. I think I DO have a stake here!” Jack halted in front of Azul, towering over him.

Celeste stepped out from behind Jack.
“As for me, it seems you've somehow come into possession of my cat-weasel. So, I'm afraid that means I must get involved here.” She cast a stern look at Grim.

“Celeste? Jack? Are you here to save us?!” Grim's eyes lit up with hope, but when he caught sight of her expression, he drew back, flattening his ears. “… Y-you're not mad, are ya?” He stammered nervously.

Celeste glared at him. "I'm beyond words… How could you go behind my back and make such an important decision? Why didn't you consult me first? Honestly, Grim! Must I watch you every waking moment?!… As for you, Ace… Frankly, you could be a little less predictable. And Deuce… I'm rather disappointed in you. I thought you knew better. Perhaps some hard work will teach you a lesson…” she admonished them, and shame flashed across Deuce's face, while Ace rolled his eyes.

“Doesn't sound like she's beyond words to me,” Ace grumbled, and Deuce hissed at him to shut up.

“B-but Celeste!” Grim blubbered, his eyes tearing up. Ignoring him, she turned back to Azul.

Azul's eyes glimmered with amusement and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Jack let out a huff. “Celeste is right. You shouldn't get a free pass just because some slimeball gave you a shady deal. This is what you get for letting others do your work for you.”

Celeste let out a sigh. “You mentioned a contract? May I see it? You must understand that since Grim and I are considered one student, what kind of position this puts me in?”

Azul gave her a broad smile as he snapped his fingers, producing a golden scroll that unfurled at his fingertips. “Of course. I understand perfectly. An official contract is completely unbreakable. No magic can harm this document in any way. As long as the sea anemone remains on his head, I'm afraid Grim is under my control. As you can see, Celeste, everything outlined in the contract is entirely legitimate.”

Celeste felt her heart sink as she read over the scroll. He was correct, the contract was airtight. She cast a concerned glance over at Grim.

“It may be legitimate, but that doesn't make it any less deceptive. What an incredibly reprehensible thing to do to a bunch of naïve freshmen.” Celeste glared at Azul, who chuckled at her retort. Jade and Floyd, who had been watching with amusement from the sidelines, shifted forward with sinister smiles.

“You've wounded me, Celeste.” Azul feigned a pained expression. “… But as you well know, these 'naïve freshmen' came to me. They wanted an easy out, so I provided it to them. I've done nothing that's against the rules.”

Celeste scowled as he waved Jade and Floyd over. “Jade, Floyd, show the new employees the ropes. They can start by cleaning the lounge. You can do ingredient prep afterward. Go on now! Get to work!” He ordered, and the students were forced to obey.

“Jack, I believe we should leave for now,” Celeste whispered, and Jack grunted in agreement.

Azul glanced back at her with a bright smile. “Feel free to drop by as customers next time. You're welcome anytime.” Jack let out a growl as he strode away.

She returned to Ramshackle with Jack, telling him to make himself comfortable on the couch and asking if he'd care for a cup of tea. He shook his head, cringing slightly as the couch groaned underneath him.

“I guess it's safe to say that they all gambled on Azul's contract and lost. With that many people signin' up, there's no way they'd all make it into the top 50.” Jack said, scratching the back of his head as she sat down on the opposite side of the couch.

“Yes, I recall he offered me a contract as well, but I refused, though I was unaware of his reputation at the time. I never expected he'd target Grim. I should have supervised him more closely.” Celeste sighed, placing a hand on her head.

“Grim should take a page out of your book, Celeste. I mean, C'mon! What's the point of gettin' good grades off somebody else's work?!” Jack huffed, angered by the actions of his classmates.

“If the rest of the student body were as principled and serious as you two…” Crowley appeared touched as he stepped into the room, causing Celeste and Jack to spin around.

“WHOA! Headmage? You startled me!” Jack shouted, leaping from his seat.

“Crowley?! What are you doing here?” She was just as startled to see him appear. It wasn't unusual that he'd stop by uninvited, usually with a proposal of some sort. But he typically knocked before entering.

“Ah, well, you see Celeste… I could have sworn that I spotted someone through the window upstairs. I knocked, but there wasn't an answer… so I let myself in—out of concern for you, of course! But then you and Jack arrived behind me…” He explained awkwardly as he cleared his throat.

“Oh, it must have been one of the ghosts,” Celeste said, before narrowing her eyes at him. “However, I'm guessing you came here to discuss something or ask me a favor, yes?” The Headmaster had become accustomed to asking her all sorts of questions when he could get her alone. Usually about things in the Celestial Realm, such as jewels and potions that she could potentially gain access to. She had remained evasive with her replies, much to his frustration.

The Headmage let out an exaggerated sigh as he seated himself in a plush armchair. “Yes… I'm afraid I was unsuccessful in clamping down Ashengrotto's little side business again this year.”

“So you are aware of the situation at hand. Why were you unable to prevent such deceptive practices in your school?” Celeste crossed her arms as she questioned the Headmage sternly.

The Headmage shook his head. “He's quite a capable student, already running a dorm as a sophomore, but he's also quite troublesome. Due to my teaching position, I cannot prohibit his actions. The thing about his study guides is that there was no illegitimate activity involved in their production. They were crafted exhaustively by hand, after researching the past centuries' worth of exam questions and their patterns.”

“The amount of time and dedication that must have gone into that… I must confess… I'm rather impressed.” Celeste was taken aback by the Headmaster's admission. It appeared that Azul was extraordinarily tenacious and clever when it came to obtaining what he wanted.

“Huh, well, I'll be. I'll admit the guys got chops.” Even Jack was impressed by Azul's feat. However, a frown crossed his face. “Wait… So, the problem is that there IS no problem with it?”

Crowley nodded. “As a teacher, I can hardly prohibit a student from crafting an exam guide via honest work. Nor can I prohibit a student from kindly sharing their notes with friends.”

“Oh dear, this IS quite troublesome… and of course, Grim is in the middle of it. And you say this happened last year as well?” Celeste sighed, running her hand through her hair as she stressed over the circumstances.

Crowley nodded solemnly. “Indeed, it did. Though last year his study guides didn't have quite the reputation they carry this year, so the situation was much more contained, relatively speaking. This year, on the other hand, rumors abounded throughout campus about his study guides. Even reaching the ears of your little dorm mate Celeste…” He added woefully, giving her a sidelong glance.

“Does that mean that there are guys from last year who never got their powers back?” Jack asked, tilting his head.

“Actually, he returned the powers he took last year as part of an arrangement he made with me. In return, I permitted him to run the Mostro Lounge on school property. With so many students unable to use their strongest magic, he proposed a deal to me to save the reputation of Night Raven. And when he offered to contribute 10% of the proceeds to the school… Why, how could I say no to such a mutually beneficial arrangement?” Crowley confessed with a shrug.

“Wait, so you're gettin' something from it?!” Jack exclaimed, but Crowley ignored him, throwing his hands into the air dramatically.

“Dear oh dear. I can only wonder what demands he'll make of me this year. Whatever he wants, I'll undoubtedly be forced to acquiesce. And Grim will be unable to perform in class… I'm afraid that this puts you in a tough position, Celeste. “

Celeste narrowed her eyes, suspecting he was hinting at a favor that he wanted. “I'm fully aware of my position and I intend to find a way to help G-”

“You truly are the guardian angel of Night Raven Celeste! You surely will be able to persuade Ashengrotto to cease his little side business!” The Headmaster beamed at her before she could finish her sentence.

“Well, I'm not certain about that… But I'll see what I can do.” Celeste responded, feeling uneasy. Azul would not be swayed easily and would undoubtedly ask for something in return, and she was limited with what she could bargain with.

“Wonderful Celeste! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you to it!” Crowley looked relieved as he departed the dorm. Celeste sighed, feeling as if he had once again taken advantage of her caring nature.

“He certainly was eager to dump his problems on you.” Jack huffed after the Headmage had gone. “So, what's the plan?” He asked, as she thought for a moment.

“Well, I'm certain that he'll want to make some sort of deal with me. The problem is that I have little to offer with my magic sealed. Perhaps if we observe him, we can discover something that we can use to our advantage, or at least figure out what to expect.” Celeste spoke after a moment, and Jack nodded.

“True. A successful hunt starts with learnin' about your target. You actually know your stuff.” Jack gave her an impressed look.

As she was about to respond, a loud creak sounded from overhead. They both paused and listened for a moment. The sound of footsteps could be heard above them, right where her room was.

“The ghosts?” Jack shot her a questioning look, but she shook her head.

“They don't have feet.” She answered, moving quietly towards the stairs.

“Didn't Crowley say he thought he saw someone upstairs earlier?” Jack whispered as he followed her to the bedroom door.

She nodded, watching a shadow move under the door. She grabbed the doorknob and abruptly flung open the door. A man with wavy black hair and blue eyes whirled around, shocked, as Jack charged through the door, blocking his exit.

“WHOA! Hey! I was just looking for Celeste!” Uriel held up his hands as Jack bristled in front of him.

“What do you want with Celeste?” Jack growled suspiciously, crossing his arms.

“It's alright Jack! I know him.” Celeste quickly darted between the two of them.

“Friend of yours? He's built like a brick house.” Uriel remarked, peering over her at Jack.

“You know this guy, Celeste? What dorm is he from?” Jack relaxed slightly, but still seemed guarded as he narrowed his eyes. Thanks to Uriel's camouflage pin, it looked like he was wearing a Night Raven uniform, although it was missing the armband.

“Dorm?… Um, same as Celeste, of course!” Uriel gave what he assumed would be the logical answer, unaware that he'd just given himself away.

Jack stiffened and glanced at her. “… Except, only Celeste and Grim are in Ramshackle. Who is this guy, Celeste?”

Celeste exchanged nervous looks with Uriel, unsure how to talk her way out of this situation. She let out a sigh and decided to come clean. “Jack, this is Uriel… my twin brother.”

“WHAT?!” Jack's eyes went wide as he wildly looked back and forth between them, noticing the similarities in their appearance. “I thought you were from a different world, so how…?”

“I can get here relatively easily with magic. Though I have to sneak over when no one's looking.” Uriel threw himself onto her bed, making it creak under his weight. “What are you doing in this dump, Celeste? I literally searched the entire campus before I came here.”

“Welcome to Ramshackle dorm.” Celeste sighed, gesturing to the surrounding room.

Uriel sat up, flabbergasted. “You're joking?! They put you here? Zap would flip if he found out you were living in this hovel.”

“Wait, so if he's your brother… Then that means he's a prince.” Jack said, still reeling from all the information.

“Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but basically yeah.” Uriel shrugged before looking around. “Didn't you have a pet cat?”

“You mean Grim? Yes, well, you see, we've run into a bit of a problem…” Celeste explained to Uriel their current predicament.

“So you're still the one everyone goes to when there's trouble. Nothing has changed there.” Uriel let out a light laugh and shook his head.

“How long are you planning to stay this time?” Celeste asked, and Uriel grinned.

“Dad thinks I'm locked in my room working on a new project. It'll be a couple of days, at least, before he realizes I'm gone.”

"That's splendid, I could certainly use your help with this.” Celeste smiled in relief.

“Yeah. I missed you too, Celeste.” Uriel huffed, but a small smile played on his lips as he dusted himself off.

“The most surprising thing about this is that Zaphiel is covering for you.” Celeste sipped her tea as Uriel poured himself another cup. It was the early morning hours, and she and Uriel had been conversing all night, catching up on recent events.

“He feels guilty about your fall since he was the one who had to report you to the elders,” Uriel murmured, gazing into his steaming teacup.

“I don't blame him, though. He had no choice. The entire squadron was with him.” Celeste shook her head as she recalled the look on Zaphiel's face when he'd witnessed her revive the child.

" He wouldn't have reported you if it had only been him. He's always looked out for us, even though we used to give him a hard time as kids.” A flash of guilt flickered across his face as he took another sip of tea.

There was a sudden clatter from her bedroom as Grim got out of bed. He had gone straight to bed when he had arrived home the night before, too exhausted to even register Uriel talking to her on the couch. He groaned as he staggered down the stairs, the sea anemone pulling him towards the door.

“They're calling you in already?!” Celeste gasped, setting aside her tea.

“Yes! It feels like I just got home too! ” He wailed tearfully as he staggered out the door.

“They sure are running him ragged. He never even noticed me. ” Uriel said, watching Grim tumble out the door.

“They certainly are. Perhaps we will gain some Intel from observing Azul. ” Celeste said before she went to get dressed for the day.

About an hour later, they met Jack in the hall of the main building. Celeste gave him a surprised look as he walked up to them. “Jack? I thought you were going to let Uriel and I handle this?”

“Yeah, well, I figured you could use some help, anyway. Especially since neither of you is from here an all. Plus, if there's a chance to uncover the secret to Azul's power, I wanna be there when we learn it. ” Jack huffed, looking away.

“Oh, so you're curious.” Uriel chuckled at Jack's feigned indifference.

“That's not what-!” Jack started to protest, but Celeste shushed him as she spotted Azul. He was heading for the lecture hall. They followed him, stopping once outside the room, and peered in through the window.

His first class was music, and he was quite a talented singer. His beautiful voice carried through the room with confidence during the warm-ups. She smiled and as she listened to him sing his solo piece.

The next class was animal linguistics, a class she actually shared with him. Grimacing as Professor Trein marked her absent, she watched as Azul glanced around searching for her, finding only Grim siting in her seat. Trein called him to the front of the class, where he conversed with Lucius perfectly.

“It doesn't seem like he has many weaknesses…” Jack frowned, seeing that Azul excelled in all his classes.

“Except for flying. He's in my flight class, with a few other sophomores who are poor fliers. He can barely get a foot off the ground.” Celeste said, remembering the morning when she'd given him flying advice.

“Seriously? Huh, I guess everyone's got a weakness. Though I doubt that'll help us much.” Jack sighed as they walked into the cafeteria. They took their seats at their usual table, and Ace, Deuce, and Grim trudged up to them, dropping their trays onto the table with a thud. All of them seemed exhausted.

“Hello, you three. How was your morning?” Celeste greeted them as they sat down.

“Mroow… Azul didn't waste any time workin' us to the bone. I'm dead on my feet.” Grim groaned as he slumped over his tray.

“Cleaning Octavinelle dorm, waiting tables at the lounge, going on grocery runs…” Ace looked over at her and stopped when he registered Uriel sitting next to her. “Wait… Who's he?!”

“I'm Uriel. You must be Ace and Deuce.” Uriel smiled back at them as they gave him distrustful looks.

“Uriel is a friend, he's helping me at the moment,” Celeste explained to them and Jack gave her a questioning glance.

Ace narrowed his eyes at her. “… Kinda seems like your replacin' us.” His eyes flashed back and forth between Uriel and Jack.

“Don't be ridiculous, Ace. I'll have you know we're TRYING to determine how to get you out of this mess.” Celeste scowled at him for thinking she could be so shallow.

Deuce smiled in relief. “O-oh, of course you are! See Ace, I told you Celeste wouldn't just abandon us.”

“Yeah, we still haven't found a small talking animal to replace Grim just yet,” Uriel smirked at them teasingly, causing Grim to hiss at him.

“Uriel! Don't antagonize them!” She shot him a scathing look before turning back to Ace and Deuce. “While I'm disappointed by your actions… I will help you. Even the Headmaster has expressed his concerns.”

“Hey… Aren't you the medic from the Spelldrive tournament?” Deuce squinted, taking a closer look at Uriel.

“Oh, hey! You do remember me!” Uriel grinned at him.

“Heeey! Angelfish!” A voice called out to her from across the lunchroom, and they all turned to see the leech twins making their way toward them.

“What did that guy just call you?” Uriel frowned as his expression grew serious.

“It's alright Uriel. Just a harmless nickname.” She reassured him as Floyd sauntered over to her with Jade close behind.

“Why… What's with all the suspicious looks? We only wish to lend you a helping hand.” Jade smiled at them.

“Oh? Do you really?” Celeste eyed them skeptically as she crossed her arms.

“Aww, don't be like that Angelfish! We just wanna help ya out!” Floyd flashed her a toothy grin, and she narrowed her eyes.

“We couldn't help but notice that you seemed troubled. Perhaps your anxiety stems from the three anemone stooges?” Jade cast a glance over at Ace and Deuce.

“Perhaps? What do you think?” Jack huffed at Jade.

“What's your problem? You're as prickly as a sea urchin.” Floyd cocked his head as he gave Jack a nickname.

“Wh- I'm a WOLF!” Jack protested, glaring at him.

“Well, if the cause for your troubles are the sea anemones… I believe you would be well-served discussing the matter with Azul in person, Celeste. You will find Azul to be as benevolent as the sea witch. I'm certain he will treat your misgivings with due gravity.” Jade said, ignoring Jack's outburst.

“In other words, he wishes to strike a deal with me.” Celeste narrowed her eyes at them and they exchanged glances.

“C'mon angelfish, just one little deal, and your friends are free!” Floyd smiled, and the boys gasped behind her, their eyes filled with hope.
She glanced up at Uriel, who leaned down and whispered in her ear.

“Celeste, if all he wants is money, I can get it, no problem. I mean, what else could he ask for?”

“Hey, you look kinda familiar…” Floyd squinted at Uriel. “… Have I squeezed you before?”

Uriel frowned, confused at his words, while Celeste quickly stepped between them. “When could I speak with Azul?”

Wide grins stretched across Jade's and Floyd's faces. “Arrive at the Mostro Lounge after nine tonight. We will be waiting for you.” Jade declared, his different-colored eyes glittering.

“Don't keep us waiting too long, angelfish!” Floyd grinned as he and his brother turned and left.

“Are you gonna do it?! I mean, you're like a princess, right? You can buy him off!” Ace turned to her as soon as they'd gone.

“I know you can beat Azul at his own game, Celeste!” Deuce declared, his eyes shining with hope.

“You are all shameless. Tryin' to mooch off Celeste over YOUR mistake!” Jack growled at them.

“Look, we've learned our lesson, alright?! This is miserable!” Grim wailed, throwing himself at her feet. “Please, Celeste!”

“Alright! Enough!” She shook him off and sighed. “I'll go with Uriel tonight and speak with him. If it's money he wants, I suppose we can work that out.” She said with a glance over at Uriel, and the boys cheered.

“I'll go with you guys. I've got a bad feelin' about this.” Jack seemed apprehensive as he looked at her and Uriel.

“You sure you want to get more involved, Jack? Those guys seem pretty sketchy.” Uriel asked with a slight frown.

Jack let out a huff. “That's exactly why I want to go. I can't stand the thought of losin' to some guys who profited off someone else's hard work.”

Ace, Deuce, and Grim suddenly let out groans as their anemones started dragging them away. “Ugh! We're being called again!” Ace groaned as they shuffled away.

“We'll see you later, guys. Hang in there!” Celeste called out after them as they left the lunchroom.

They met Jack about ten minutes till nine outside the mirror hall. She was wearing her usual night attire, the long blue coat with her sword strapped to her waist. She wore it so frequently that Ace and Deuce had started calling it the Ramshackle dorm uniform. They stepped into the Octavinelle mirror, once again finding themselves under the sea.

“Whoa! This is amazing! I've never seen anything like it!” Uriel exclaimed, running up to the glass and peering into the dark water around them.

“Isn't it? You should see it during the day. There are fish inside!” Celeste said enthusiastically as she stood next to him.

Jack cleared his throat. “… We're on a mission here, remember?” He was waiting for them at the entrance to the tunnel that led to Mostro Lounge with his arms crossed.

“Oh, yes… Of course.” She stepped away from the glass, embarrassed that something had sidetracked her so easily.

They entered the Lounge, finding it to be rather busy. Ace and Deuce were darting from table to table, frantically taking orders.

“Wow, this place is hopping,” Uriel remarked as he took in the scenery.

“You should lay low Uriel. Since you're not a student here.” Jack hissed to him quietly as Floyd and Jade made their way over to them.

“Angelfish! You made it! And I see you brought sea urchin and a friend.” Floyd narrowed his eyes at Uriel as if he were still trying to remember who he was.

“I told you not to call me that!” Jack growled at him, flattening his ears.

“Thank you for coming so promptly, Celeste. Welcome to the Mostro Lounge.” Jade greeted her cordially. “Since this is your first time here, allow me to give you a rundown of our establishment… The Mostro Lounge is a meeting place for gentlemen. Any quarrels with other dorms are verboten here. Students from all dorms are expected to abide by Octavinelle rules on the premises. With that out of the way… Azul is ready to see you, so please follow me.”

Jade and Floyd led them to a door on the other side of the Lounge. Azul's voice sounded from the behind the door, telling them to come in.

Inside was a large office. The walls were lined with books and a large vault was set into the back wall. Two black sofas faced each other in front of a large desk. Behind it sat Azul, who smiled as they entered the room.

“Please have a seat.” Azul gestured to the two sofas, and they all sat down.

“Now Celeste, I hear there is something you wish to discuss with me?”

“Indeed there is. As you know, Grim and I are attending as a single student, and since he is unable to perform magic in his current state… This puts us in a bit of a bind. So, I wish to discuss the terms for his release… As well as all the other students you've indentured.” Celeste gave him a firm look, and he let out a laugh.

“Goodness me. That's quite the demand to make right out of the gate. You would ask me to release all 225 students from their contracts?” Azul smirked at her, his eyes glittering with amusement.

“You bamboozled that many people?!” Jack exclaimed, drawing back in his seat.

“Yes, well, Jade and Floyd did a bit of proactive market outreach this year,” Azul answered, glancing at the twins standing by the door.

He turned back to her with a serious expression. “Now, Celeste, as for your request… I want to assure you that I'm not forcing them to labor under any undue duress. They made a contract with me and willingly consented to the terms.”

“I can't help but notice that you call on Ace, Deuce, and Grim frequently. How many students did you say you had under contract? 225? Why call on those three so often?” Celeste narrowed her eyes at him. There wasn't much Grim could do without his magic. With his size, she'd thought he wouldn't have been much use to them at all.

“Why, your friends are rather useful in the lounge. I assigned them tasks that they're skilled at, is all. It just so happens that those tasks need to be done frequently.” Azul answered with a smile, and she heard the twins chuckle behind her.

She let out a sigh. “All right. Let's stop beating around the bush. You wish to make a deal with me, yes?”

Jack shot her an uneasy glance as Azul leaned forward. “Now there's an interesting proposal. However, there is a bit of a snag… Your magic has been sealed, therefore inaccessible, and while you come from a wealthy background, you've been cut off. Considering the big ask you're making of me, I would need considerable collateral.”

“If it's money you want, I could-” she started to say, but Jack cut her off.

“Celeste! Don't!” He hissed at her, flattening his ears.

“You can relax. I have no intention of asking Celeste to buy her friend's freedom.” Azul smirked at her as he placated Jack.

“Oh? So, what exactly were you planning on asking for then?” Uriel broke his silence as he eyed Azul coldly, growing tense.

“I don't believe we've met…?” Azul quirked an eyebrow at him when he spoke up.

“Uriel.” He responded curtly, crossing his arms.

“Well, hmm… How about usage rights for Ramshackle dorm, which is presently under Celeste's supervision?” Azul's gaze flickered over to her as she blinked in surprise.

“You want… Ramshackle?” She was a bit confused why he wanted her dump of a dorm. Sure, Crowley had kept his word and did some repairs, but… Fixer-upper was an understatement.

Jack flattened his ears and let out a growl. “Hey… Was that your angle from the-” He was interrupted as the door burst open and a ball of soap suds rushed into the room.

“WHAT ARE YOU WAITIN' FOR, SAY YES!” Grim yowled, throwing himself at her feet.

She recoiled from his wet, grabbing paws. “Grim?! You're all wet!”

“I can't take it anymore! My fur ain't made for washing dishes!” Grim wailed.

“Hang in there little kitty.” Uriel cast a wind spell, blowing off the suds and drying his fur, causing it to fluff up.

“Thanks. You ain't so bad.” He sniffled as he smoothed his fur back down.

“Celeste, the lone student at your dorm, has weighed in on the matter. What do you say?” Azul took advantage of Grim's sudden appearance.

“Celeste, don't do it! You know he's gonna name some unreasonable terms you can't possibly complete.” Jack bristled as he glared at Azul.

“What are your terms, exactly?” Celeste asked, narrowing her eyes at Azul.

Azul smiled back at her. “The deal is that you pilfer a certain photograph from the Atlantica Memorial Museum in the Coral Sea before the sun sets on the third day from now.” He said, as he pulled out a golden contract with the terms already written out.

“Whoa now…” Uriel stood up, shooting Celeste a worried glance.

“You want us to steal a piece of art?!” Jack exclaimed, jumping to his feet as well.

Azul shook his head. “No, not a piece of art. A photo. One commemorating a visit to the museum from Prince Riele, taken ten years ago. It's a photo panel placed right near the museum entrance. It has no historic value whatsoever. Borrowing it would not cause any particular fuss.”

“I'm sorry… I think I must have misheard. It sounded like you said it was IN the Coral Sea.”. Celeste said, growing more nervous.

“You heard correctly, Celeste. The Atlantica Memorial Museum is at the bottom of the sea. I will provide you with magic potions that help you breathe underwater.” Azul pulled out several shell-shaped bottles filled with a glowing green liquid.

She felt her stomach drop as she eyed the bottles. The Celestial realm didn't have an ocean, or any considerably deep bodies of water for that matter. So swimming wasn't exactly something that came naturally to angels.

She turned her gaze to the contract on the desk, and something caught her eye. It was a glass case, and inside was a single white feather with an iridescent sheen. She let out a small gasp as she recognized her own feather.

“That feather… Where did you get it?” Her head snapped over to look at Azul, her eyes wide.

Azul seemed to be caught off guard by this. “What? The feather?... I found it on a night stroll.” He glanced over at the feather on his desk and back at her with a frown.

“Did you see where it came from?” Her voice had a slight tremor to it as she eyed him wearily. Had he seen her? Was this his reason for wanting a contract?

“… No. Why do you ask? Have you seen one like it before?” Azul peered over his glasses at her. Curiosity danced across his light blue eyes as he tilted his head slightly.

“… Ah, no. It's just… Such an unusual feather…” She looked away from his burning gaze.

“I see… Well, then what do you say? Do we have a deal?” Azul tapped the contract impatiently.

Celeste skimmed over the contents of the scroll and frowned. “… Azul, this says that if I'm unable to obtain the photograph… I'll have to stay at Night Raven College and work under you until graduation.”

“Yes, well, I can't have you walking out on me, Angelfish.” Azul gave her a toothy grin as he tapped his cane on the floor.

Uriel grabbed her arm and hissed into her ear. “Celeste, you're not seriously considering this, are you?! If he gets you under his control, he might abuse your powers!”

Celeste glanced down at Grim, who was staring up at her with pleading eyes. She didn't have many options. She could leave now and abandon her friends to their fate. However, Grim would surely fail, being unable to use his magic. If she signed the contract, at least, there was a chance she could get everyone their powers back. She still had the trump card of being an angel, after all.

She let out a sigh and brushed Uriel off. Grabbing a pen, she signed her name on the contract as Azul smiled ear to ear.

“Celeste! Are you out of your mind?!” Uriel exclaimed, running his hand through his hair.

“Excellent! The contract is now in effect. Should you successfully steal the photo from the Museum and bring it to me on the third day from now… I give you my word that I will release the 225 sea anemones currently doing my bidding. Should you fail, however… Ramshackle dorm will belong to me and you with it!” He smirked at her triumphantly.

“… We shall see.” Celeste narrowed her eyes at him as he smiled at her.

“Jade. Floyd. Could you kindly walk our guest home? I'll see you soon, Celeste.” Azul waved over Jade and Floyd, who led them out of the room.

“Jack, will you go tell Ace and Deuce what's happening?” Celeste asked, seeing Ace and Deuce watching them from across the lounge. Jack nodded and left her, Uriel, and Grim with the Leech brothers.

They passed through the mirror exiting the dorm and walked out into the brisk November air.

“Celeste, why did he have one of your feathers?” Uriel hissed to her as the Leech twins led the way across campus.

“I have no idea. He must've found it like he said? He didn't seem to be aware of my true nature. Otherwise, he would have asked for a lot more.” She whispered back, and Floyd twisted around to peer at them.

“What are you whispering about back there? Angelfish, the party's up here with us!” Floyd tried to coax her to walk with him and Jade.

“Yes, don't be shy, Angelfish. We simply want to get to know you better.” Jade added with a smile.

“I bet you do.” She huffed, crossing her arms as they held open the iron gate to Ramshackle.

A white dove suddenly swooped down out of the sky, cooing as it flew in front of Uriel. He reached up and snatched it out of the air, earning startled looks from the Leech twins.

“Whoa, did you just squish that bird?!” Grim gawked at him, looking somewhere between unsettled and impressed.

“It's not a bird, it's a message.” Uriel opened his hand, revealing an origami crane in the dove's place. He quickly unfolded it and began to read the contents, his face growing more concerned.

“It's from Zaphiel isn't it? Is it urgent?” Celeste asked, seeing his face darken. Enchanted paper was a common way to send messages in the Celestial realm. Disguising them as birds helped prevent messages from falling into the wrong hands.

“I've never seen anything like that before.” Jade tilted his head curiously as he eyed the paper in Uriel's hands.

“Celeste… I've got to go. Dad's asking for me.” He whispered to her, making sure they were far enough anyway from the Leech twins and Grim.

“So soon?” Celeste felt a wave of dread, realizing that she'd have to figure out the situation she'd gotten herself into without him.

“Don't worry, Celeste, I'll be back soon! Before the three days are over, I promise!” Uriel assured her before darting off down the path back the way they had come.

“Something the matter?” Celeste jumped when Jade's voice sounded next to her ear. She spun around and saw that he and Floyd were now standing directly behind her.

“Oh! Um… He was called back to his dorm, is all. Everything's fine.” She said, taking a step back.

“What dorm is he from, anyway? He wasn't wearing an armband.” Floyd narrowed his eyes as he looked down the road where Uriel had disappeared.

She thought wildly for a moment, trying to think of a dorm he would fit into. “He's in Heartslabyul. Like Ace and Deuce.”

“Is that so? Well, we best be getting inside, it's getting late.” Jade glanced over at Ramshackle, and she nodded, walking up the steps and opening the door.

“Oho. So, this is Ramshackle dorm. This is my first time inside, and I'm already smitten with its charm.” To her surprise, Jade and Floyd followed her inside and began looking around.
“It's close to the school as well. It would be a perfect site for a Mostro Lounge branch café.”

“There's ghosts living here, right? That sounds rad.” Floyd peered up the stairwell.

“Um… Do you two need something?” Celeste frowned as they made themselves at home.

“I'm afraid we need you to vacate the premises.” Jade smiled at her almost apologetically.

“Excuse me?” Celeste and Grim gasped.

“We're confiscating the dorm as collateral, remember?” Floyd smirked at her as she stood there, flabbergasted.

“You mean you're throwing us out before the third day?!” she exclaimed outraged.

“I'm afraid the dorm belongs to Azul until you hold up your end of the bargain.”

“Do you want us to help you pack your stuff?” Floyd asked, and she let out an angry huff.

“Like I need you going through my things!” She shouted at him over her shoulder as she stormed up the stairs. Grim scurried past her, frantically, searching for his tuna cans.

After throwing what little she had into her bag, she marched back downstairs to where Floyd and Jade were waiting.

“Don't be mad, Angelfish. We're just doing our jobs. Besides, Azul says you can stay in Octavinelle with us!” Floyd waved his hands in the air enthusiastically.

“He was quite grateful for that flight advice you gave him, so he's offering to let you stay in Octavinelle free of charge.” Jade smiled at her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. “… Of course, you will still be expected to help out at the lounge…”

“Well, tell Azul that I'm declining his offer.” She hissed as she brushed past them with Grim at her heels.

“Wait Angelfish! Where are ya gonna st-” She slammed the front door before Floyd could finish his sentence.

“Hey, uh, Celeste? Where ARE we going to stay?” Grim asked her as she pulled open the gate.

“We'll go to Heartslabyul and see if Riddle will allow us to-” Celeste stopped when she saw Jack, Ace, and Deuce coming up the path towards her.

“Hey, Celeste! Grim!” Ace waved at them and trotted over to her.

“I can't believe they actually threw you out. What total scumbags.” Jack growled, flattening his ears.

“They offered to let us stay at Octavinelle, but Celeste told them off.” Grim glanced up at her with a slight frown.

“Grim, they only offered that, so it'd be easier for them to track our movements. As if I'd fall for that.” She huffed, crossing her arms.

“That's ok Celeste, we've talked to Housewarden Rosehearts. You can stay at Heartslabyul, but…” Deuce trailed off, looking a little uncertain. “Unfortunately, all our beds are taken. But! You can have my bed, I'll sleep on the floor.”

“I appreciate that Deuce, but it's unnecessary. I don't need to sleep tonight. However… Grim does need a place to sleep. Not to mention I need a place to change and shower and a boy's room is…” She frowned, not sure what to do.

“Then… Why don't you come to Savanaclaw?” Jack rubbed the back of his neck as if he were a bit embarrassed. Everyone turned and gave him a surprised look.

“I acted like I was doin' you a favor by sticking around for those negotiations with Azul, but I didn't actually contribute at all.” Jack glanced away, looking guilty. “And considering how much we owe you for what happened at the Spelldrive tournament, Leona, and the others won't say anything.”

While Celeste had her doubts about welcomed in Savanaclaw, it was still preferable to a crammed boys dorm room. “Thank you, Jack… I'll take you up on that.” She nodded to him.

“Hey, what happened to Uriel?” Ace finally noticed her brother's absence.

“Oh, he went back to his dorm. “She glanced away guilty at the lie, but Ace seemed to accept her answer, waving goodbye as she left with Jack.

It was almost 1am before the eels returned to Octavinelle. Azul was waiting for them in the dorm lounge. He sat up in surprise when he saw Celeste wasn't with them.

“Where's Celeste? Didn't you tell her to come back here?” Azul stood up, frowning at the twins.

“Yeah about that…” Floyd trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

“She declined your offer, I'm afraid.” Jade shook his head and gave him a look of mock sympathy.

“What? Then where did she go?” Azul gave them a disapproving glare.

“I dunno, but she left with the big wolf guy.” Floyd shrugged as he threw himself down in a chair.

Azul hissed in frustration. “Perhaps I should have made that part of the contract. I didn't think she'd have anywhere else to go.” He let out a sigh. “But, nonetheless, we still have the high ground.”

“What of the other man she was with? Did you find anything else about him?” Azul adjusted his glasses as he addressed Jade.

A slow grin spread across the eel's face. “Yes, as a matter of fact…” Jade explained to him about the sudden message Uriel had received and the odd manner in which he'd received it.

“And she said he's from Heartslabyul? Do some digging on him and find out if that's true. Use the anemones if you have to.” Azul instructed as he crossed his arms.

“There is one other thing that I thought would be of interest to you…” Jade's eyes glinted as he reached for his blazer pocket. “I wouldn't have noticed it if it hadn't been glowing. I thought it looked remarkably similar to the one on your desk.”

Azul's eyes went wide as Jade pulled out a white feather. It looked identical to the angel feather he already had, emitting a soft glow as iridescent colors shone down its length. “Where did you find that?!” He gasped, plucking it out of Jade's hands.

“It was under her bed.” Jade answered simply as Azul ran his hand over the silky feather. It gave him the same soothing feeling as the other one. He was certain it was from the same angel he'd seen that night.

He looked up sharply at Jade's words. “It was INSIDE Ramshackle?” Jade nodded, and his mind began to race. Had Celeste seen the angel as well? She had acted strangely when she'd noticed the feather on his desk. She must have recognized it.

“I see… I want you to find out everything you can about Celeste. Don't leave a single stone unturned.”

Floyd groaned. “Can't it wait until tomorrow, boss? It's like 1 in the morning and the ghosts at Ramshackle were throwin' books at us! We're gonna have to do some ghost bustin' on that place.”

Azul sighed. “Fine, it is rather late. But make sure you beat them to the museum tomorrow. Don't let her get that picture until her time is almost up. Then hold her off until after sunset.”

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