Chapter 5

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The next day at lunch when they walked into the cafeteria, they were surprised to see that the lunch room was in a bit of an uproar.

They took their usual place at the lunch table along with Harry. Grim scurried up to them holding up a small apple pie.

"You guys! There's this guy in a stall selling these amazing apple pies!" He paused to wolf down a couple of bites. "I've never had apple pie like this before! It's divine!"

Celeste looked at the pie with interest. "That's strange... They smell exactly like the apple pies from back home." But that's impossible she thought wistfully.

"Why don't you go grab us a couple? You still owe us for stopping Grimm from setting the potions classroom on fire this morning." Ace said with a smirk and she sighed knowing he was right.

She got up and saw that the line was thinning out. She went and stood behind a tall boy with green hair.

"Here you are!" A familiar voice said and her eyes went wide as she caught sight of the man handing out the pies. He had wavy black hair and blue eyes just like her.

"Thanks!" The boy in front of her said and walked away. "Once Azul figures out what's in these we can sell em at the lounge..." He muttered under his breath as he walked past her.

"Uriel!" She gasped as she practically ran up to the counter. She was fighting back tears as she looked up at her twin brother.

Uriel smiled at her looking like he was fighting back tears as well. "Sorry, it took me so long sis. I meant to come sooner but Dad had me running a bunch of errands."

"Uriel I don't believe it... I never thought I'd see you again..." She choked and wiped a tear from her cheek.

"As if! They can't keep us apart we're twins remember?" Uriel placed a hand on her shoulder and handed her a small basket of pies.

Celeste blinked. "Uriel... Are you giving apple pie made with Eden's golden apples to mortals?! Father would flip if he knew!" She hissed realizing why everyone was so hyped about the pies.

Uriel laughed. "I honestly don't see what the big deal is. We got plenty of them. Anyway what dad doesn't know won't hurt him."

Celeste sighed and shook her head. "It's against the rules to give celestial food to mortals. Don't you remember the story about the human and the apple they taught us in school?"

"They were probably just exaggerating the actual story. I-" He stopped when he heard someone shouting nearby.

"An apple pie vendor? I never authorized any such thing!"

She turned to see Headmaster Crowley headed their way, glaring at Uriel from underneath his mask.

"That's my cue." Uriel reached down and grabbed a large bag and stuffed all the money he'd just earned into it. "Zap and I packed you a bag of clothes and things- here." He quickly handed her the bag. "I'll see you around Celeste." With a wink, he reached up and closed the shudders on the stall.

"Hey! Open up this instant! I demand to know how you got on campus!" Crowley stormed up next to her and yanked open the shudders.

"Wha-?!" He exclaimed seeing that the stall was empty with no sign that anyone had been there at all.

The headmaster turned to her with a frustrated huff. "Celeste! If you see that strange man again inform me immediately! He's not supposed to be here!"

Celeste quickly hid the bag behind her back as she backed away. "Understood Headmaster." She said and quickly made her way back to the table with her friends.

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