The Kingdoms Arrangement [H...

By americanwriter101

912 64 25

"You are 21 now, which means-" I cut him off, "It's time for me to get married." He looks stunned as he looks... More

Taking a break for 2 months!


78 4 1
By americanwriter101

         After a night of tossing and turning, it was finally time for me to get up. Considering Leah isn't back from the mission My Father set her on, I have no idea what I am going to do this morning but, I am assuming it's something with the men I met last night. I rub my eyes to erase the dreams I had, and stand on my mahogany wooden floor. Louise knocked on my door quickly and popped her head right in,

"Oh good you're up!" I never understood how she could be so chipper in the morning. "You will be having breakfast with your suitors this morning, and their fathers!" Louise chirps, acting like it isn't a big deal.

"And their fathers? I'm already meeting their fathers?!" my hands catch my head as I slam my head down.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Duke Peter's father is only a Duke not a king," she giggles,

"Not helping Lou." I sigh struggling over to my vanity.

Louise had curled my hair, combed through it, and tied the top portion into a french braid.

"No make-up today please, I'm pretty sure Josephine put enough on to last me a month." I grunt, pulling clumps of mascara off of my eyelashes. Louise walks into my closet and pulls out a beautiful cream colored dress with cap sleeves that will be loose on my shoulders, it has a corset in the back without the usual silk ribbon, boning in the front to make it more structured, with an array of colorful and white flowers all throughout.

"Get into your undergarments, and then we will get you into this." Louise lays the dress onto my bed, and walks out into the hallway.

Once I am into my silk undergarments, Louise begins to lace my corset up. Thankfully she isn't so rough, My Father tried to do it for me once and it felt unbearable to breathe.

"There you go Art, how're you feeling?" Louise stands behind me, smiling so brightly you can see the sun in her eyes.

"I think I am ready." I blush, looking at the gorgeous gown.

Louise and I slowly make our way to the greenhouse, where I took Kit to talk last night. "Why the change of scenery?" I question with a slight mumble out of nervousness.

"Your father thought it would be a good idea. Maybe a different environment will change some of the guys' attitudes?" Louise shrugs, looking down watching her every step to make sure she doesn't trip, she can be quite clumsy at times.

"Father heard about that, huh?" I sigh, picking at my nail beds to calm my nerves.

"He may have heard your yelling from your room last night?" she smirks, I grunt in response.

        Louise and I finally make it to the green room, a large table is in the middle with greenery and flowers covering it, ten silver plates spread out evenly, the stained glass windows are detailed with beautiful roses, marigolds, and sunflowers.

My father is sitting at the head of the table, King Heinrich sitting to his left with his two sons next to him. Heinrich is in his normal attire, his gold crown that had black stones pressed into it, a long evening coat with a rich emerald material with fur around the neck, their family crest is printed right in the middle of the fur.

On the right is a muscular man with long golden blonde hair braids incorporated, wearing a brown , long sleeved wool shirt, black flowy pants that stopped at the bottom of his calf, and a bright gorgeous smile that met his vibrant crystal blue eyes, he is a lot more casual then any king I've met before.

Hyacinthus is sitting beside him, wearing an all black ensemble, hair slicked back into a small pony-tail. Peter is sitting next to Hyacinthus, and a middle aged man is sitting next to him.

The man has a face that looks as hard as stone, tired brown eyes, and a frown upon his lips. He wore normal formal attire, with a long brown leather coat and brown leather boots to match.

        My father stands up beaming more then he usually does, "Since Artemis is here, let me introduce everyone," my father turns towards King Heinrich,
"King Heinrich of the kingdom Styles, our loyal ally, father to Prince Harry and Prince Kit." Kit smiles at my fathers words, Harry keeps his head down.

"King Edward of the kingdom Gantrick, father to Prince Hyacinthus," My father turns towards Percy's father,

"The Duke of Raveryn Aciano, father to The Duke of Raveryn Percy."

"Now, Artemis, you may choose where you want to sit." My father looks at me, obviously hoping for a certain choice, but I haven't got a clue what he wants. I look at everyone, and set my eyes on Kit who has hopeful eyes. I shuffle my way over to Kit and he scoots to the next chair, so I will be between him and Harry. I quietly sit down, and smile at my father, he nods to me in approval. "Now, I am hungry, so let us eat!" My fathers smiles raising a glass, everyone joins in continuing to chatter.

          Harry hasn't looked at me once since I have sat down, but I haven't tried to converse with him either. Kit has been keeping me busy with our usual funny banter, but I've noticed the other boys as well. Hyacinthus and I have locked eyes a few times, he has a sweeter side showing today with his father here, maybe he knocked some sense into him. Percy and I have exchanged a few looks, not enough to get an idea with how he is feeling though. I feel movement from Harry's side along with whispering.

"So-" Harry mumbles starting out, but seems to gain confidence, "what do you usually eat for breakfast?"

"That's how you start a conversation?" I grin, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, actually." Harry smirks, leaning on his elbow, his face getting closer to mine

"Eggs sunny side up, with toast. What about yourself?" I look down at my place, placing my fork in my mouth while looking at his vivid green gaze.

"I don't really eat breakfast." Harry shrugs, going back to eating his food.

And that's where it ended, he decided to examine every bit of food on his plate rather than to talk to me.

         My Uncle Baron comes rushing in whispering to My Father and King Heinrich. My father stands excusing himself, King Heinrich whispers to Harry and excuses himself as well. I stand patting Kit on the shoulder, and begin to walk out of the greenhouse. I feel a hand touch mine, I turn around to see Percy. "Can I show you something?" Percy nervously looks at me with his beautiful coffee brown eyes. "Sure." I say quickly, holding his hand. 

    "Percy!" I chirp, "Where are you taking me?!" I giggle, Percy's strong hands over my eyes.

"We are almost there, just a few steps more." I count the steps we take one, two, three, four and we stop. "Okay, keep your eyes closed and no peeking." I feel his hands leave my eyes, and hear footsteps walking away from me and a door close. "Open." Percy whispers, I open my eyes to see that we're in my chambers but also standing in front of me is a painting of a beautiful red headed woman, looking out a window. She's wearing a long lilac dress with white gloves reaching her elbows and looking quite confident.

"Percy," I'm speechless looking at the art, "this is beautiful. Did you paint this?" I look at him wide eyed.

"Y-yeah," he coughs a stutter out, "I did, I finished it last night." Percy takes long strides to me, "It's you." I look at him speechless,

"me?" I point at the painting in disbelief.

"You. I couldn't sleep last night after our conversation, so I decided to paint the girl I was thinking about all night." Percy moves his hands to my cheeks and I feel my cheeks burn at the sensation.

"I love it, I cannot believe anyone could see me as this beautiful." I scan the picture one last time and feel Percy lift my head to look at him, butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." he moves his face closer and I feel his lips touch mine. Tingles form from my lips down into my stomach, Percy holds my face with both of his hands softly, running his thumbs over my cheeks. I never gave thought to my first kiss, but this seems to be a perfect way for it to happen. I gently lift my hands and place them into Percy's hair deepening the kiss. After a couple moments we pull away from each other.

"That was my first kiss, " I blush, looking into the handsome man's eyes.

"Thank you for the honor," Percy smiles joyfully, holding my hand on his thigh.

"Artemis!" Josephine yells which breaks Percy and I's deep conversation, and I look straight at the door.

"Oh no, you have to go." I led him to the door rushing him to put his shoes on. "You cannot be found in here," I whisper looking out into the hallway, thankfully Josephine hasn't made it up the stairs yet.

"Artemis I-'' Percy starts to say something but I interrupt him by pushing him into the hallway.

"I'm sorry. Go!" I whispered a yell, and Percy moves quickly down the hall.

         I hear heels clicking on the floor near my door, but they continue down the hall. I guess Josephine didn't need me after all. I look at my clock above my doorway and notice the time reads, '11:20' Percy was here for 3 hours. It felt so much quicker than that. I lay back on my bed trying to rest before lunch. Immediately after I lay down A quiet knock fills my room with noise, I stuff my head into a pillow and groan. I get up off of my large bed weakly and go to my door. No one is there, just a note with a ribbon tying it closed on the ground. I turn my head down both hallways and see no one. I pick the note up and smell a whiff of cologne on the paper, I smile at the smell of cedar. I pull the ribbon off the note, and it reads,

'Dear Princess, I would like to apologize for my behavior last night. Please meet me at the riding range at 12:30 pm. -Hyacinthus
P.s Skip lunch, I have a surprise'

I had already forgiven Hyacinthus for him being so arrogant since he was probably just nervous, but I would like to see what he has to say.


        Right as Artemis sits down, her perfume illuminates my nose. Fragrant but not too strong, nothing like the Madames my father brings back from the brothel. I smell hints of citrus, vanilla, and a hit of cinnamon. My leg starts to shake in nervousness, just staring at my food. After a couple moments of silence from me, my father grabs my shoulder and brings my ear to his mouth, "You better start talking boy, don't mess this up." I feel his spit hit my face, I look at him warily and turn towards Artemis.

"So-" I mumble starting out, my leg finally stopped shaking, "what do you usually eat for breakfast?"

"That's how you start a conversation?" Artemis grins, raising an eyebrow. Her blue eyes pierce into mine and I feel my leg begin to shake again. 'No Harry, cover it up' I speak to myself in the back of my mind

"Yes, actually." I smirk, feeling my dimple go deeper on the right side. I lean forward on my elbow giving one of famous smiles. All of the girls go crazy for it in my kingdom.

"Eggs sunny side up, with toast. What about yourself?" Artemis puts her fork in her mouth staring right back at me with flirting eyes, touché princess touché. 'Play hard to get, that'll leave her confused and wanting more' I tell myself.

"I don't really eat breakfast." I shrug going back to eating my food, ignoring her staring glance. 

        Once Artemis goes back to speaking to Kit, I turn towards my father. Unhappy with me as always, shaking his head. "We'll speak later," I went back to poking at my food, head hung low. My leg starts trembling at the thought of the scolding to come.

        Thankfully before breakfast was over, Baron took my father away before he got the chance to scold me.

Artemis' smell stuck with me the past few hours, I couldn't shake the thought of her out of my mind. I walk down a hallway with my endless thoughts.
I see Hyacinthus walking the opposite direction,

"Hey Harry, would you mind doing me a favor?" He seems like he's in a rush.

"What do you need?" I see a note tied with a green ribbon in his hand.

"Will you please put this in front of Artemis' door when you go to your room?" Hyacinthus doesn't let me answer before he hands me the letter, and trots away.

Whatever. At this point I am dying to get a glimpse of her, maybe I'll even get to talk to her. "Artemis!" A woman's voice interrupts my thoughts and I turn to see the woman who brought Artemis to the dining hall last night, walking up the large staircase, holding the railing so effortlessly.

The woman grins at my appearance, "Prince Harry, right?" she begins to walk towards me,
"Yes, and you are?" I question backing away from her slowly.

"Josephine, Duke Baron's daughter, Artemis' cousin." Josephine's eyes burn into me, her flirty personality disgusted me in a way I haven't felt before. I turn to the noise of a door closing and see Percy step out of Artemis' room, my heart sinks. She was so strict with the rules with me last night, why isn't she the same with him? Josephine gasps behind me.

"That is absolutely not allowed. I will go talk to him." she sashays away, her hips moving side to side with each step.

       Why do I care if Percy was in her room? It's not like I care for Artemis, my father is just forcing her onto me.

'Because she's beautiful' my mind speaks up, before I tell it to shut up.

I walk towards  Artemis' door and knock quickly, placing Hyacinthus' note on the floor, sprinting to hide behind a pillar. Artemis opens the door, she is still in the dress she was wearing for breakfast that fits her so perfectly, her hair is messed up and her face is flushed. A wave of unease passes through me, what were they doing in that damn room?

Baron (Josephine's dad, Arts uncle) : Tom Hiddleston

King Edward: Chris Hemsworth

Duke Aciano: Pedro Pascal

A/N : Thank you for reading the third chapter of The Kingdoms Arrangement! My husband finally has some time off the next two days, so it might take me some time to get to chapter four but I will try to make some! What do you guys think? Do you want longer chapters? What do you think is going to happen? Is there anything YOU want to happen? Also to clarify: madames in this story are considered "prostitutes' but there is no hatred for them at all from me, you'll see later on in the story why they're such a big deal! Once again thank you for reading, if you feel like it please vote, comment, and share, I wouldn't really appreciate it! My co-writer is making edits, sneak peeks, and character introductions and I'll be posting some behind the scenes looks on how I get my ideas for the story, my writing set up, and more on our TikTok page, the username is @TheKingdomArrangement1 , I would highly recommend following it for all updates on the book :).


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