Dramatic Love

By BillioBerry

859 77 808

It was a seemingly normal school life for Sarah. She had good friends, decent grades... and a crush. Duh. How... More

01} Great (?) News!
02} A Little too Close. (Or just being clumsy!)
03} I Just Got a Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-O~
04} A Little Change of Plans...
05} Party, Partice, Partay
06} Advice
07} I Don't Like This Brand New Job, E-I-E-I-Ugh.
08} A Friendly Confession
09} Petty Rehearsals
10} Argument
12} Cooking Mania
13} Detectives for a Day
14} Visits and Gifts
15} Enchanted Night
16} Unexpected Encounter
17} Lovesick
18} A Hidden Love Story
19} Invitations
20} Disputes
21} Desolate
22} Pool Craze I
23} Pool Craze II
24} Comfy Bed
25} Imperceptibly

11} Midnight Scores

31 4 36
By BillioBerry

Monday. A.k.a. the Valentine's Day Dance. School had already ended, so everyone that would be there was getting ready for it.

This time, Sarah made sure to get ready early. So what was she doing? Sitting on the couch, chilling while she waited for her ride to pick her up. This time, Sydney's Mom had offered to pick up the friend group, so she had to wait.

"Mom, when will Sydney's Mom be here?" Sarah asked her Mom, who was at their dinner table snacking away.

"I'm not sure," She replied, Sarah groaning, "Her Mom told me she'd be here by now, so keep a lookout," Sarah's Mom finished.

Sarah threw herself back into the couch once again, letting her body slowly sink into its cushions. Her face was frustrated and impatient, and her palms dry. Her whole entire body went into 'I'm so done today' mode. In other words, she was bored. (Lol, that was my best description on being bored.)

DING-DONG! Sarah shot up faster than sonic, raced to the door, and swung it open. Bella was revealed before Sarah when opening the door. Gosh, she looked so pretty. Wait, no, the 2 of them looked so pretty. Yes, yes.

"Finally! What took you guys so long?" Sarah exclaimed, Bella chuckled.

"We may have decided to go get slurpies before coming here," She replied shyly. Sarah's eyes opened wide.

"Bella!" She shouted playfully as she gave Bella a light shove, who was laughing.

"Anyways, c'mon, we're all waiting now!" Bella reminded before heading back to the car.

"Mom! I'm going now!" Sarah yelled to her Mom.

"Ok, bye honey!" Sarah's Mom shouted back, "I love you!"

"Love you too, Mom!" Sarah shouted before closing the door and running to her friends. As soon as she hopped in, she entered a realm of modern princesses, literally.

"Oh my gosh, you all look so pretty!" Sarah awed as the rest of the group laughed.

"Oh c'mon, Sarah, you look dazzling!" Isabelle added.

Just like that, the group drove away to their school, where the fun will truly begin.

Meanwhile, Benjamin, Brandy, Asher, and Simon all waited at the front entrance. They were waiting for the ladies to come before entering the dance.

"Do I look good?" Brandy asked, his tone sounding a bit nervous.

"No, you look like Donald Duck- of course you look fine," Asher joked dramatically, the other boys laughing.

All 4 dudes decided to wear matching tuxedo that were in 4 different colors. Benjamin in dark red, Brandy in dark blue, Asher in dark yellow, and Simon in dark green. They all looked really fancy and goofy in a nice way. (No, goofy-ahh)

"Hey, when will the girls come?" Simon asked the others, who just shrugged. "Seriously? They're taking forever," He complained. The others sighed as they quietly (and impatiently) waited.

"Hey guys!" Tessy shouted to them all as the other girls walked towards them

The boys watched them in awe as they came towards them. Each one of them shone beautifully and just looked amazing.

"Geez, Isabelle, Sarah, Emilia... All of you guys look fantastic!" Benjamin exclaimed shocked as the girls giggled. The boys grinned.

"Oh, c'mon, you guys look even bet-" Sarah stopped mid-sentence. She backed up a couple inches and examined the other boys, they chuckled quietly knowing she noticed their clothing.

"You guys look like the wiggles in tuxes," Sarah said somewhat sternly as the others burst out laughing.

After letting out the last giggles, the group go into the school building. From there, they head to the gymnasium, where the dance is being held. Just going down the hallway you could feel the heavy beats on your hands and feet, see the dazzling party lights the more you go down it, and hear the loud music play. The moment they all stepped into the gym, they were immediately blinded by the fantastic lights displayed all over. Students danced here and there, while others chilled by the walls drinking some punch. It looked so good.

"Woo! Let's go dance!!!" Tessy exclaimed loudly, before grabbing simon's arm and dragging him into the gigantic crowd of teens.

"Huh? Tessy wait-" Simon tried saying while he tried to get loose of Tessy's strong grip. Everyone chuckled as the 2 slowly disappeared into the crowd.

"Welp, I'm gonna join Tessy, who's coming with me?" Sophie asked the others. In the end, Sophie, Asher, Emilia, and Bella went into the crowd. This leaving Sarah, Isabelle, Benjamin, Brandy and Maya at the entrance.

"Benjamin why don't we go dance?" Isabelle asked.

"Oh, sure!" Benjamin replied happily, leaving Sarah, Brandy and Maya now.

"Geez, everyone is now leaving us one by one," Maya says, Sarah and Brandy nodding in agreement.

The 3 stay quiet for a moment, not exactly sure on what to do now that they're here. Brandy then takes a big breath in, and letting out a huge exhale, Sarah and Maya giving him the 'Wtf you doing bro' look.

"Maya," Brandy starts, Maya looking at him contently, "D-do you wanna dance.. together?" He stuttered shyly, Maya chuckling at his cute gesture.

"No need to be so shy about it, of course I do!" Maya replies, Brandy smiling as Maya wrapped her arm around his. They then walk off into the crowd, chatting away already. Then, Maya stops in her tracks.

"Wait, Sarah will you be ok by yourself?" She asked her friend, who was still standing at the entrance.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to hang out with!" Sarah reassured her friend. The 2 then walk off again, leaving Sarah all by herself.

Wow, Sarah, you must be so stupid, Sarah's mind said to her. Really? Find someone to hang out with? Who will it be, huh?

She shook her head, before going into the big crowd. At first, she got shoved a bit as she squeezed through all the people before making it to the punch table. There, she found Kyle, making himself a cup of the punch.

"Hey Kyle," Sarah said to her friend, who turned around surprised.

"Oh, hi Sarah!" Kyle replied happily, giving Sarah a hug. "Did you just get here?" He asked.

"Yeah, but everyone sort of 'ditched' me, so I don't know what to do, really." She explained.

"Well, I don't have no one to hang with right now, so you can stay with me!" Kyle reassured, Sarah face brightened up.

"Heh, Thanks!" Sarah replied happily, before grabbing a cup of punch for herself, too.

The 2 then go over to a wall, chatting away while aggressively sipping down the delicious punch.

Meanwhile, Brandy and Maya were in the middle of the gym, doing a bunch of goofy-ahh dance moves but having so much fun, too. After a couple minutes, the 2 began getting tired.

"Geez, I'm getting tired already," Brandy rasped while trying to catch his breath, Maya agreeing.

"Wanna go get some punch?" Maya asked, Brandy nodded as the 2 left the middle.

"Finally, that couple is done dancing so weirdly," A boy from the crowd said, everyone around him laughing as they continued to party.

Maya and Brandy soon made it to the punch table, where they found Tessy and Simon getting some punch for themselves.

"Hey guys!" Tessy greeted, Simon waved.

"Hi Tessy," Brandy replied, getting a cup and quickly pouring in some punch.

"Geez, you guys look exhausted!" Simon exclaimed, Maya and Brandy nodding.

"Let's just say, we took 'dance energetically' to another level," Maya replied, Tessy and Simon laughing while Brandy violently chugged his punch.

Maya grabbed a cup and poured herself some punch, too. She was about to take a sip when out of nowhere, a girl ran past Maya, accidentally bumping her too harshly. Maya fell back, the punch in her hand spilling all over the bottom half of her dress. Not to be mean, but it kind of looked like she period-pissed herself.

A mini crowd formed as Maya sat in a small puddle of juice. She looked so upset.

"Oh my god, I'm SO sorry!" The girl said to Maya, before running off.

"Oh dear, Maya, let me help you," Tessy exclaimed, before grabbing a bunch of tissues and wiping.

"Are you okay, Maya?" Brandy asked, Maya frowning while looking down at her dress. Did I forget to mention this? She was wearing a white dress.

"Leave me alone," Maya said sternly, making her way out of the gym as everyone watched her.

"Oh dear, what did I witness?" Simon muttered softly as Tessy cleaned the rest of the juice.

"Brandy, maybe you should go check on her," Tessy told him, Brandy nodded before going off into the crowd towards the exit.

Brandy jogged down the hall, his head turning left to right, trying to find where Maya could be. When he got to the end of the hallway, he immediately turned to the left down the next hall. Where was Maya? Did she leave the school? Is she hiding somewhere? Many questions are yet to be answered as Brandy tirelessly looked for her.

Then, Brandy pace began to slow down until he stopped running. He found Maya at the end of the hallway he ran down. She was by the corner, softly crying. Brandy approached her quietly, sitting down beside her as she buried her face in her dress.

"Hey," Brandy exclaimed softly. Maya didn't reply.

"I'll stay here for as long as I need to, don't worry," He reassured. Maya still didn't reply, but you could tell she heard him.

The 2 sat there quietly for the next few minutes. Maya sobbed quietly while Brandy soothed her back to calm her down.

Once Maya finally calmed down, she remained silent still.

Brandy didn't dare to say anything, too. Maya was upset, and the worst he could do was blow her even more. However, inside, he really wanted to talk to her and break the awkward tension happening right now. What would he say, though? "ArE yE dOnE cRyAn, NaOoWaUr?" Definitely not that.

Maya turned her head slowly, getting a quick glimpse of Brandy. It's been a while since she saw this view of him. He looked fine-looking. He looked handsome. He looked absolutely beautiful. Before you'd knew it, Maya was observing Brandy from all over. From his head down to his, um, yeah.

Brandy noticed how Maya was staring at him. It gave him a mini (ohio) junpscare, made him a bit anxious in his stance. His nervousness got him so much that a sweat escaped down his face. Plopping on the dude's lap.

Maya noticed Brandy mini panicking and chuckled quietly.

"That's cute," Maya said softly, smirking after.

Brandy finally made contact with her and smiled. This is it, Imma do it, Brandy said in his mind. He got up from where he was seated before reaching out a hand for Maya.

"C'mon, get up from there," Brandy elegantly said.

"Oh, but my dress," Maya replied, looking down at her now pink dress.

"Don't worry. It's just me and you down here," Brandy reassured. Maya smiled, taking Brandy hand as she got up.

Brandy couldn't let go of her hand after that, but instead took her other hand and caressed both in his palms. The dude was mad-blushing as he looked straight into Maya eyes. He admired them as Maya looked straight back into his.

"Maya," Brandy starts, "You're probably the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my entire lifetime," He confessed, Maya listening dearly. Now she was blushing a bit, too.

"From the moment our friendship started back in October, I had this weird feeling around you every time I talked to you. The feeling made me calm. It made me feel happy around you, Maya," Brandy continued, Maya shyly smiled as the 2 were still holding hands.

"I honestly don't know how to say this," Brandy said. His voice shuttered the more he went on.

"You know I won't judge you, dude, no matter what it is," Maya reassured.

"Uh," Brandy began, "I wanna be more than friends, I just don't know if-"

Maya came in, lightly grabbing Brandy's chin before placing a light peck on his cheek. Brandy was stunned. You could see it on his face.

"Sure, Brandy, I'd love to," Maya answered, pulling back from his cheek. Brandy smile said it all at that moment. It made Maya chuckle.

Brandy then looked at Maya eyes again, Maya looking into his. Brandy looked down to see her lips before looking back into Maya's eyes.

"Uh, may I?" Brandy asked, Maya nodded, knowing what he would do.

Brandy grazed his fingers along Maya's jawline, Maya and him laughing a bit. He then let his hand rest on her chin, caressing it a bit, all while looking at Maya lovely orbs. After what felt like long enough, Brandy came close to Maya's face, her and him closed their eyes as their faces got close. Their lips finally met, resulting in a sweet kiss. Maya's arms wrapped around Brandy's neck as the 2 kissed. The whole thing happened like a repeating thing. One would slowly back off from the kiss and then go back in again.

It was so nice to look at. Just imagine it. During the movie, the main lead kisses his/her crush. That's the vibe we're getting here.

The whole thing lasted about 15 seconds before the 2 finally stepped back from each other. Maya still had her arms wrapped around Brandy's neck while his arms were wrapped around Maya's waist.

"Maya," Brandy says.


"I love you," He finishes. Maya blushes while chuckling, Brandy just smiles.

"I love you, too, Brandy," Maya replies.

The 2 embrace in a hug. A warm, lovely hug. A hug that would mark their first day as a couple.


Bro, this ending made me feel single af. (😭)
Also, why did the description of them kissing had to be so long? I have no idea lol. (It's not just that. This whole part is sooo long, oof.) I might take a break now that I've gotten far into this story. I wanna work on my Socials and grow a good fan-base before I continue the story. Stay tuned!!!

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