My Undying Love MuzanxReader

By SayaTakazawa

7.7K 174 45

Muzan x Reader fic with a small bit of Daki x Reader as well. Your name will be Ayaka Amamiya, a cold-hearted... More

Chapter 1: Blooming Love
Chapter 2: In the Infinity Castle
Chapter 3: Asakusa
Chapter 4: The Meeting
Chapter 5: The Entertainment District
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 8: Epilogue

Chapter 7: The Final Battle

696 17 2
By SayaTakazawa

I stand in a moonlit clearing, and I can make out Muzan and Tamayo's figures against the dark sky. Tamayo's fist protrudes through Muzan's back as he grips her hand so violently it begins to bleed. This is all wrong. The hashira will arrive in but one minute.

"Tsukihiko!" I yell, "what are you doing? W-what is this? I-I don't understand!"

"Ayaka-san," Tamayo murmurs in a sad and stoic tone, "this must be hard for you to understand, but your husband isn't Tsukihiko- his name is Muzan Kibutsuji, better known as the demon king. This is in your best interest, I'm trying to free you."

"Fuck this," I snap, causing Tamayo's eyes to widen and Muzan to smirk, "fuck off, would you? I tried to be nice, for Christ's sake, this is how you repay me? By inserting your creepy ass aging potion, humanizing potion, weakening potion, and shit into my husband?"

Muzan trembles slightly, having only now realize what happened, while Tamayo looks shocked and betrayed.

"You," Tamayo whispers, "you knew didn't you? You were just pretending to be like the rest of his wives, clueless and innocent."

"Well, I really did hope to be innocent, Tamayo-san," I sigh in disappointment, "but yes, I knew. You know, he hardly has a fighting chance even if you didn't intend to inflict Yoriichi's scars upon him?"

"What?" Growls Muzan, "what did you do, Tamayo?"

Tamayo smiles a sickening grin, her dull eyes somewhat piercing.

"You," I whisper in a barely audible voice, "you didn't kill them, did you? Kagaya's children and Amane. You spared them. Why?"

Tamayo looks caught off guard, and looks to him like he's grown another head. Could he actually show mercy at times?

"Because I didn't want to be the person I was, Ayaka," Muzan whispers sadly, "I wanted to achieve my goal, but I didn't intend to hurt anyone who wasn't stopping me. That's what you taught me, Ayaka. Whether or not you knew it, you showed me how to be a better version of myself, thank you for everything."

"You say that like you plan to die," snarks Tamayo coldly, "do you mean to attempt mercy when you know it's your last chance? How pitiful."

"I am," says Muzan quietly, "pitiful, weak, reliant- I'm all those things. It's time I face the music, no? I'll rest easy as long as Ayaka is safe."

"No!" I yell as the slayers arrive to kill him, "you can't do this! Please, stay with me!"

Tamayo clenches my hand, motioning for me to stay, and I look at her with watering eyes.

"I think he may have changed," Tamayo murmurs sadly, "I finally realize that."

"He hides it well," I say with a dry laugh, "believe me, sometimes I don't realize it myself."

There's silence for a moment as I wince at the noise of clashing blades before I say, "Can't we do something, anything?"

"Ayaka, dear," Tamayo reasons, "I don't think anyone can stop him, if death is his wish, it's hard to imagine preventing him from facing it."

I look at Tamayo in frustration before breaking free of her grip and running off into the battlefield. She doesn't stop me this time, she just looks on sadly, she knows I can't win, but she knows I must try, if only for myself.

I run towards Muzan's mangled body, and he looks so dead, but he doesn't even try to regenerate.

A slayer sends a fatal blow at him, one that would truly finish the job. Before I can think, I'm standing in front of him.

The pain is searing. I gasp for air as the blade slices through my chest. It's like my whole body's on fire. I hear Tamayo gasp, and I feel Muzan's hands clutch my body.

"Ayaka," he whispers, "why couldn't you just let me die? Why, why do you have to sacrifice yourself?"

The slayers look at me in confusion, but all I can make out are blurs of color and red eyes above me. I feel a tear fall onto my face as I feel my vision go in and out and my breathing slow. None of the slayers move, they just look at us. They're too afraid, too confused to say a word.

I feel a clawed finger push itself into my neck, and I feel a sudden surge of power coursing through my veins.

I jolt upright with a gasp as Muzan supports my frail frame. I open my eyes slowly. They're a deep crimson red, not the pale brown they used the be. My nails feel longer as well, but I look very similar to myself.

"Ayaka," Muzan says calmly, "kill me."

"No, I can't do that Muzan!" I yell with tears streaming down my face, "I love you!"

The slayers look at me pityingly, but of course still wish to put Muzan in his grave. Someone hands me a sword and I look at it, blue, red, black, and yellow with a hexagonal hilt.

"Thank you Tomioka-san," I say with a pained smile, causing him to flinch, "I appreciate it."

I take step forward towards Muzan, with my blade angled towards him. I embrace him tightly with my blade digging into his neck, but he doesn't so much as waver.

"I love you Ayaka," he tells me, "but even I must atone for my sins. It is but my duty in life."

His body disintegrates slowly, and I clutch his hands until a there's nothing left for me to cling to. Tears fall freely from my face as I fall to the ground in tears. At least he's at peace.

"Ayaka," Tamayo speaks from behind me, "it's over. Lean on me please. You're a demon now, aren't you?"

"Yes," I say, "but at the same time, no. He- he didn't curse me or do anything to me. All he did was imbue me with the power to live, changing my eyes but little else."

The slayers look at me, but decide to lay down their swords. I'm not worth fighting. I still am weak, too weak to defend the person I loved the most. How pitiful.


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