My Undying Love MuzanxReader

By SayaTakazawa

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Muzan x Reader fic with a small bit of Daki x Reader as well. Your name will be Ayaka Amamiya, a cold-hearted... More

Chapter 1: Blooming Love
Chapter 2: In the Infinity Castle
Chapter 3: Asakusa
Chapter 4: The Meeting
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 7: The Final Battle
Chapter 8: Epilogue

Chapter 5: The Entertainment District

626 16 6
By SayaTakazawa

"Muzan," I say, tapping his shoulder with a pouty face, "I'd like to go somewhere. Alone."

"Oh?" Asks Muzan, turning to face me, "where? What's with the new style?"

"The entertainment district," I say, "and no, you're not coming with me. I'll be fine."

"That's not the type of place a girl like you should go, Ayaka," Muzan reprimands, "where would you even stay?"

"I plan to work at the Kyogoku house, and keep tabs on Tokito," I answer, "I won't be gone more than two weeks."

"What if you need help?" Muzan asks, irked, "how would you contact me?"

"Here," I say, handing him something from my bag, "it's an Apple tracker. From the future. Look, that's beside the point. It'll show you my location, it works without Wi-Fi. If your tracker flashes a an SOS signal, I need help. That's worst case scenario."

"Ayaka," Muzan starts, "I know you. You wouldn't do something like this for no reason. There are too many coincidences. Clearly you chose house Kyogoku for a reason."

I sigh, "Nothing gets past you does it? I need to go to the entertainment district to save Upper Moon 6, both of them. They'll be killed by slayers, and I plan to help them. I know you'll stop by around the peak of my mission, so I'll see you then. Send me off, would you?"

"Be careful," Muzan says, pulling me into a hug, "Daki can be dangerous, especially to a human."

"I know what I'm doing, trust me," I say, brushing off his hug. He looks a bit hurt but simply laughs, snapping his fingers again.

A bit dazed, I blink open my eyes. It's dark out, and the lanterns and bustling streets of the red lights district fills the area with a liveliness that brightens the scene. I'm wearing a crimson red kimono and red eyeshadow and lipstick. I went for a natural makeup look aside from that, one that accents my beauty. I put my long black hair up in the traditional style, adorned with various gold hair ornaments.

I walk towards house Kyougoku, and many people turn to look at me, whispering about how beautiful I am.

"Excuse me miss," a man says, stopping me, "are you free?" What a nuisance.

"I'm afraid not sir," I say with a polite bow of my head, "apologies." The man looks annoyed, but he reeks of alcohol. I'll have to get used to the horrible ways of this place, I'll be living here for some time. The oirans, the young underprivileged children, the disgusting men. This is the red lights district, I suppose. I walk in my elaborate red geta, scraping through the dusty dirt ground through the bustling walkways. I finally come across the Kyougoku house, and I knock on the door.

"What?" Yells the house elder, Sumi.

"I'm here to work at this house," I respond through the screen door, "would that be alright?"

"We don't need more hopeless new recruits," Sumi replies in frustration, "we've had far too many to train lately. More ugly women won't make more people come to house Kyogoku. How old are you girl? If you're young enough, you can do chores."

"I'm 27," I reply, "I'd like to work in a high position, not as a chore girl. Someone who could work at the level of Oiran Warabahime. Appear publicly, have power in the household."

"Girl, you're aiming too high," Sumi guffaws, "only Warabahime is attractive enough to appear on behalf of our house, only the most gorgeous are chosen as oirans. Let me get a look at you so you can leave quickly, I don't have time for runts who won't help our publicity." She swings open the screen door with a glare, and I smile politely.

"Nice to meet you," I say, "my name is Ayaka Amamiya. I suppose I have to leave now, I'm sorry I don't look fit for the job."

"N-no, let me get a better look at you, girl," the woman calls, "my, why you're quite the beauty. Haven't had anyone looking that beautiful in house Kyogoku, well, ever. No, I've never seen anyone as pretty as you in my whole life. You'd give all the Oirans a run for their money. Girl, you work here starting today. We can have two Oirans at house Kyogoku. Come in, come in."

Somewhere further within house Kyougoku, Daki scrapes her long red nails into the wood of the chair she sits upon. She twirls a strand of her white hair, a glare resting on her face.

"Who does that bastard think she is?" Snarls Daki, "Warabahime is the only one worthy of oiran. I only respect people with true beauty. All the women here are just food. I'll teach her a lesson."

I wake up groggily, pulling myself out of bed. I reach around clumsily in bed, and I find myself tumbling out of bed.

"Owww," I mumble, tossing the sheets back onto the bed. I get up of the ground and trudge over to the mirror. Demon's can go without sleep, but I'm human, and barely fit in three last night. I yawn, but manage to grab some makeup. My hair's a mess and my eyes have bags under them. I put on everything I can find until I make myself look more pulled together. Satisfied, I slide on my kimono and hair ornaments, getting into my geta. I walk outside, albeit begrudgingly, and walk to get a cup of green tea.

On my way to get tea, I bump into someone suddenly, nearly toppling over.

"Watch where you're going," snaps a woman, slapping me across the face, "you wretched excuse for a human." I glare at her, and my eyebrow twitches slightly at the disrespect. She looks at me, and something in her eyes changes.

"I'm sorry," I say, lowering my head, "I should've been more aware of my surroundings." I bite my lip to refrain from lashing out.

"You better be," Daki snarks, "you're off the hook for now, but conduct yourself accordingly from now on."

"I will," I respond, "my name is Ayaka Amamiya. You must be Warabahime. I'm sorry we had to meet this way." Daki tsks, but let's it slide. Maybe she feels bad for slapping such a beautiful face. That or she's planning my murder.

A knock comes on the door, and I open it. I'm greeted by a yellow haired boy disguised as a girl. Zenitsu Agatsuma. Behind him stands a man with a large build, disguised and no longer wearing his uniform.

"What is it that you need from house Kyougoku?" I ask politely, "we don't often get such young girls visiting."

"This is Zenko," Uzui introduces, "I was hoping to sell her to house Kyougoku. She can work here and do chores."

"Alright," I say with a light smile, "here, take 10,000 yen. Is that good with you?"

"Yes, that works," Uzui responds, taking the money, "she's in your care." He walks off, but sends one more glance at me. It's somewhere between regret and longing. Maybe he thinks I'm going to die. Crazy bastard.

"Zenko," I say, looking to the boy, "you can speak to house elder Sumi, she'll tell you what to do. I'll be off, I have some things to attend to."

"A-alright," stutters Zenitsu, "I will." He looks a bit red in the face. I guess I can have that effect on people. I sigh after he walks away. It's so tiring, working here. I don't understand how Daki's dealt with this for centuries. Tyranny and oppression, I suppose.

"Eyahhh!" As if on cue, I hear the voice of a young girl scream from another room down the hallway scream in pain. I run down the hallway to see what the commotion is about. I see a young girl with brown hair and black eyes being pulled by her hair. She being held up, and it looks like her hair might be torn from her scalp. Daki looks enraged as she tugs at her hair, making her yelp again.

"How dare you touch my hair ornament you lowly rat!" Screams Daki angrily, "what on Earth is wrong with you?"

"Stop!" I hear Zenitsu yell, "she's just a young girl! How can you be so cruel?" Zenitsu reaches his hand out to help her, but I slap his hand away.

"Show more respect," I tell him condescendingly, "don't step in where it's not your place. Clearly this girl acted out of line, so Oiran Warabahime has every right to punish her." Daki grins, and tosses the girl to the ground, kicking her. The girl shrieks, and Zenitsu winces as he watches the scene unfold.

A member of house Kyougoku rushes to take the girl off. She was saved in the show, but now her body is covered in bruises and has a gash from where her arm hit a cabinet. Her eyes look lifeless and her hair is messy. I feel no guilt when I look at her mangled body. I don't feel anything.

"What the hell?" Asks Zenitsu, looking at me like I've betrayed him, "I thought you were a good person!" I slap him and grab him by his chin, making him look at me.

"Don't test my patience," I hiss, "get out." He runs off like a coward, and I let out a laugh.

"Thank you for the assistance," Daki mutters as she brushes by me, "not that I needed it." I guess that's her way of showing gratitude. Or that's what I thought. She was really wondering how a human could be as cruel as her. I was growing on her, not that much though.

I walk to my room with a blank expression, exchanging meaningless pleasantries with the women who walk by me. Tonight is the night Muzan will visit house Kyougoku. And the night 'Zenko' will report back to Uzui. I need to save Daki and her brother, before it's too late. I turn and walk to the secret room in the corridor, trying to keep my footsteps quiet as I approach the place I hear voices coming from.

"Hello, Daki," I hear Muzan greet. Odd, he uses far less fake affection than he should've in the show.

"My lord!" Exclaims Daki, getting onto her knees and bowing before him.

"I see you've devoured a multitude of humans," Muzan chides, "you've become far more powerful than I anticipated. You should be proud." I barely hold in a laugh. He's not even believable, yet it's like Daki would fall for anything.

"Y-yes sir!" Daki says, pressing her face to the ground, "I understand."

"But you shouldn't let your guard down," adds Muzan with a warning in his tone, "no one compares to your strength, Daki. You've killed seven hashira. Mark my words, from here you're going to become even more powerful. A ruthless killer. You are an extraordinary demon."

"Thank you so much," Daki says with a humble bow, "master." I'm still leaning against the wall next to the door when Daki walks out of the room, changed into her human form and wearing her Oiran attire. She snaps her head to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" She hisses, drawing back, "how much did you hear?"

"I'm here to see someone," I say, bowing my head, "I heard everything, Daki."

"You don't mean you're here to see-," I walk past her and into the room, "what do you think you're-"

"Greetings," I say with a smile, "it's been a while, two weeks, was it not?" I don't care that Daki's outside, most likely watching us.

"I was worried about you," Muzan says, cupping my face, "I've missed you." I embrace him, and lay in his arms for what seems too short a time. I don't have time for this. I have something to do.

"Muzan, I'm sorry," I say, looking at him, "we don't have time for this right now."

He sighs, but nods his head in understanding, "I understand."

"Daki!" I yell, "can you come in for a moment?" Daki walks into the room, and she looks scared. Her eyes are shaking and her palms are sweating. She looks terrified.

"Daki," I say, "I don't have time to explain. Zenko, and two others working at other houses, Sumiko and Inoko, are demon slayers. A hashira is here as well, the sound hashira, Tengen Uzui. You know his wives are here, they're most likely tied up below ground. Sumi, Makio, and Hinatsura. Zenitsu, or Zenko, will save them. The seven will manage to kill you and Gyutaru. I don't want to allow that to happen."

"I-" Daki stutters, "how do you know that?"

"Again," I sigh, "I don't have time to explain right now. I should at least introduce myself properly. My name is Ayaka Kibutsuji, and yes I'm human. Here," I say, handing her my satchel, "it has 30 knives in it, they're all coated in poison that would kill a human, excluding the hilt. I have ten hidden under my kimono as well, so I'll be fine. The poison won't affect demons, especially not ones as strong as you, there's no wisteria. On the other hand, it would be deadly to someone like me. I wish you luck. I'll enter the battle if it becomes necessary, but I'd rather watch." I laugh slightly, and to Daki, as a human, I probably sound crazy. I should.

"I will also join if necessary," adds Muzan, holding my hand, "but only after Ayaka." I smile slightly, and turn back to Daki.

"He's there," I say, "go." Daki nods her head, and scurries off into the wall, turning into her ribbons and falling deeper below the house.

"What do you expect us to do now?" Asks Muzan cautiously, "do you truly intend to watch her die despite your words of affirmation?"

"Wait," I say, "you'll see." Muzan laughs, and looks at me with a look that tells me he should've expected that.

The time ticks by, and nothing happens. I look out the window, and I see a flash of color on the ground. Sun breathing.

"Did she kill Uzui's wives?" I asks Muzan with anticipation, "it would be beneficial if she did."

"Yes," Muzan says racking his memories, "I believe she did. And the yellow boy, I think his name was Zenitsu." I smirk, my grin reaching across my whole face. Four down. And just like that, they're down to four.

"That saves Kaigaku as well," I murmur, contemplating all the outcomes, "nice."

"Who?" Asks Muzan, slightly confused, "I don't know anyone named Kaigaku."

"Nevermind," I say, "I'm not sure he'll even be relevant if you don't need to go searching for a new upper 6. I need to go." Muzan looks a bit frustrated, but I know he'll come down as well if it becomes necessary.

I sprint across the roof tops, jumping down when I see Nezuko and Daki fighting. She's not herself. Tanjiro looks wounded, but he watches as well.

"Hello again," I say, landing next to Tanjiro, "I met you a while ago. You're Tanjiro Kamado, correct?" I extend my hand to him as form of greeting, "I'm Ayaka Kibutsuji."

"You!" He shouts, startled, "you're the woman from last time! The one who was with Muzan Kibutsuji!"

"Oh, you mean Tsukihiko!" I exclaim, and then start laughing, "yes, yes, Muzan Kibutsuji. I'm messing with you." He takes out his sword and points it at my neck.

"Do you know who that man is?" He asks me, "you're human, are you not?"

"I understand who that man is, yes," I say quietly, "but he's not really a bad person. He cares about me. And yes, I am, in fact, human."

Tanjiro grits his teeth and appears sad, "He doesn't care for anyone. Much less a human. You're just an alibi for him." His sword presses into my neck slightly, and I wince.

"Can you really bring yourself to kill a misguided human?" I ask him, "is that truly in your moral code?" He looks a bit pained, but pushes the sword a quarter inch deeper. A bit of blood trickles out, and I feel light headed.

"What are you doing?" Shouts Muzan, hitting sword away, "don't just stand there and let him kill you."

"Well aren't you getting emotional," I laugh, "he wasn't going to kill me. He was simply threatening me. He's the type who would try, but only fail. You know that, don't you?"

"I can't help but be worried, Ayaka," Muzan murmurs, "you can't help dancing with death, can you?"

"You've tried to kill me yourself," I answer, honestly, "did you forget? People tend to want to kill me."

Tanjiro takes a step forward to attack Muzan, but I grab a dagger from my kimono and throw it at him, piercing his heart. Muzan raises an eyebrow and looks to me.

"What?" I say, "I was captain of the archery club at my old college. And the chess club.. and the fencing club.. oh, never mind that."

"Duck!" Yells Muzan. I turn to look behind me. Daki is sent flying by Nezuko, and her body skids across the ground. She looks angry, and just when she's about to get up, Nezuko kicks her head off. I wince, but I don't do anything. I don't have any power against demons. All I can do is root for Daki despite the set outcome.

"Need some help?" Shouts Tengen as he jumps to the ground. He scans the dusty streets, and his eyes land on Tanjiro's dead body. His eyes look so sad, devoid of their usual flamboyance. Next, his eyes land on the bodies of his three wives and Zenitsu. Five dead. Three to go.

I step onto the battlefield, looking at how far Daki's fallen. With Tengen and Nezuko against her and already this wounded, she'll lose.

"Halt," I tell Tengen, stepping in his path, "you do not have the jurisdiction to interfere with the matters of the Oiran of house Kyougoku."

"Ah, you're the other Oiran, are you not?" Asks Tengen, still angry but trying to keep a poker face, "Amamiya, correct? Oiran Warabahime is a demon. Whatever you may be mistaking this for, she has no right to settle this on her own. Let me pass, it's for the better of all us humans."

"No," I say, glaring at him, "I repeat, you may not pass. Whatever you may be mistaking me for, I am not your alley. Human I may be, but for others I care not."

"What are you trying to tell me?" Asks Tengen in frustration, "you're human, yet you treat others like this? I'm certain you're human. Demons are manipulative, don't side with them."

"Then are you telling me I'm a demon?" I ask with a taunting smirk, "I do enjoy manipulating people, quite a bit actually. You know, I don't get what you see in me."

"Someone mislead," Tengen answers with sad eyes, "just let me kill the demon." I throw a poisoned dagger at him, but I know it won't kill him. He has a high poison tolerance. It hits his arm, and he winces.

"So once your wives die you move onto the next attractive woman you can find?" I ask with a cold laugh, "how shallow. I'm taken."

"You have no right to speak about them!" Tengen shouts in what could only be described as pure rage, "you don't know what love is!"

"I'm done messing with him," I laugh, "you can come out now, darling." I grin down at him, giving him an expression of sadness, feigning sympathy.

"Who are you talking to?" Asks Tengen in annoyance, "there's nobody here."

"Behind you," says Muzan, slitting Tengen's throat, "Ubuyashiki only creates more fools."

"Muzan-" mutters Tengen, "Kibutsuji!" He gasps for air, choking on blood and his own flesh as he bleeds out on the ground.

"What I pity," I say, "is that a pathetic mess like you had three wives. The world's sure messed up." I walk up to his body and I stomp on Tengen's bones, cracking them one by one. It's always good to ensure that the dead won't come crawling back.

"Muzan," I say, "can you dispose of Nezuko Kamado? I'll deal with Inosuke Hashibira."

"Alright," Muzan scoffs, "you had this all planned out, didn't you?" I shrug and dart off to where I see Inosuke Hashibira descending from a building. I quickly unsheath a dagger, readying it.

"Inosuke!" I call, "can you come here? I want to help you, upper moon 6 is killing everyone!" Inosuke looks confused, clearly not recognizing me. Nonetheless, he cautiously walks over to me.

"Look!" I shout, "Muzan Kibutsuji!" He snaps his head around and stares at Muzan as he rips apart Nezuko's body viciously. In the small moment Inosuke is looking away, I drive the dagger into his back, twisting it within him for good measure. He hacks up blood and falls to the ground, his eyes rolling back into his head. 8 down. None to go.

A/N: YES, FINALLY A LONG CHAPTER!!! This was honestly my favorite arc to write, don't worry, there's more of Daki- and yandere Muzan- you'll be seeing soon. 

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