My Undying Love MuzanxReader

By SayaTakazawa

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Muzan x Reader fic with a small bit of Daki x Reader as well. Your name will be Ayaka Amamiya, a cold-hearted... More

Chapter 1: Blooming Love
Chapter 2: In the Infinity Castle
Chapter 4: The Meeting
Chapter 5: The Entertainment District
Chapter 6: Alone
Chapter 7: The Final Battle
Chapter 8: Epilogue

Chapter 3: Asakusa

682 15 4
By SayaTakazawa

"Ayaka, can you help me with something?" Asks Muzan, brushing a bit of hair out of my eye.

"Ah, yes, of course," I reply with a smile, "what is it, Muzan?" We're on a mutual first name basis now.

"I need you to play the role of my wife in Asakusa, in order to push away suspicion," he says as it it's an ordinary task, "would that be alright with you?" My face flushes a deep hue of red, even though I remember this from the story. But if it's us.. it's complicated. It's not even completely fake if it's us.

"Oh?" I ask teasingly, "not using Rei I see. And to answer your follow up question, no we are certainly not getting a child for this mission!" It's Muzan's turn to blush.

"I wasn't going to ask you about children!" Yells Muzan, clearly taken aback, "and I don't even know anyone named Rei!" I laugh to myself, but I don't say anything more.

"Alright, I'll do it," I tell Muzan with a grin, "but I need to get ready first." I put up my hair in the traditional style of Asakusa, a tight but elaborate bun. I stick a hair ornament through my hair for good measure and take out all the flowers as to not stand out. To finish it off, I put on a kimono that looks very similar to Tamayo's.

"Ok, you can look again," I singsong, twirling around, "what do you think?"

"You look oddly familiar," Muzan says, trying to place the similarity, "why do I feel like I've seen this before?"

"It's an inspired look," I say, cracking a grin, "of Tamayo. The one who'll kill you."

"What?" Muzan says in fear, "Tamayo, that monster will kill me?" His fist clenches, and he digs his nails into his own hand, causing blood to flow from his wound.

"It's fine, Muzan," I reassure, putting my hands around his, "don't send Susumaru and Yahaba, that will only make things worse."

"You have an uncanny knowledge of future events, did you know that?" Muzan asks dryly, "I'm bringing Susumaru and Yahaba, like it or not. They can help you if it becomes necessary."

"I try," I quip in response with a smile, "we'd best be off now, Muzan."

"I'll teleport us to the train station, we'll meet Susumaru and Yahaba there," Muzan answers, "try to be as normal as possible." He snaps his fingers, and suddenly we're in a crowded train station, past the check in line.

"Oh, we made it just in time!" I exclaim, "the train leaves in one minute!" The two of us get onto the train and make our way to the VIP compartment. Susumaru and Yahaba are already sitting next to each other on one end of the table and there's another booth across from them.

"Greetings, Susumaru, Yahaba," Muzan says with a faked bow, "this is my wife, Ayaka Amamiya."

"Oh, what a pleasure to meet you, Amamiya," Susumaru greets with a bow of her head as Yahaba does the same. The interaction is so staged I can feel my skin crawl. Muzan puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, that still has scars from his hand, and gives me a small smile.

"The pleasure is all mine," I say with a courteous bow, "you must be Susumaru and Yahaba! Tsukihiko has told me so many wonderful things about you!" I've always been a good actress. And of course I know Muzan's alias and all other information about this world. At some point, he simply stopped giving me details since he knew I'd know anyways.

"Oh, Ayaka, dear, let's have seat," Muzan says with a smile, "the train's about to leave the station to Asakusa." I flush slightly at his words, but I try to hide it. Sure we're acting, but the emotions are real, at least some of them. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, and I let myself lie on his shoulder like the first time we met.

"Oh, Tsukihiko," I say sitting upright again, "I made you your favorite bento for the ride! I hope you enjoy it." I hand him a box with what looks like an ordinary bento. The thing is, the meat is cooked human flesh, the rice is chopped bits of human eye, you get the idea. Susumaru and Yahaba looked disgusted by this human food, and shocked when their master accepts it with a smile.

"Thank you so much, dear," Muzan says, opening the box, "it's delicious. Say, Susumaru, Yahaba, Ayaka made some for you as well! You should try it." I hand Susumaru and Yahaba their boxes, and me and Muzan both barely manage to stifle our laughter. They got real human food. They suspiciously open their boxes, and immediately gag when they take their first bites.

"Uh- this is so good, Ayaka," mumbles Yahaba, "can we go outside for a moment?"

"Of course!" I exclaim, "feel free to do whatever you want!" They walk out of the room and shut the door. After all, the VIP cabin is two separate rooms.

"Ayaka," Muzan says, pushing me against the back of the booth, until our faces are just inches apart, "you're quite good at acting. It's refreshing, watching you act like this." He pushes a bit of hair behind my ear, and I go beet red. What I failed to notice was Susumaru and Yahaba had quickly disposed of my food and just opened the door. They didn't move, they were too shocked by the scene before them. They didn't have context, but all they saw was Muzan pushing me against the booth. At first they thought he was just acting. Of course he would be.

"Th-this isn't the time or place for this!" I yelp as he embraces me, "Ts-Tsukihiko what are you doing?" Muzan doesn't respond, but rather presses his lips against mine affectionately. Susumaru and Yahaba gawk at this show of affection. There was no way. He was acting. Only acting. That's why I was still calling him Tsukihiko.

"Why are you still calling me Tsukihiko?" Asks Muzan toyingly, "you don't need to act, Ayaka."

"M-Muzan have you forgotten where we are? Don't drop your act, not ever," I ridicule, "what would your subordinates think? Maintain your image. Your work, your life comes first. Stop caring so much! If you want to live you can't be weak, you need to push me aside!" Susumaru and Yahaba feel faint. This human woman knows who he is, yet she's talking back to him. Telling him what to do. What's happening?

"Ayaka," Muzan whispers, not quietly enough, "if it were you or being the demon king, I would always choose you, time and time again."

"Then don't!" I say, "At this rate Tamayo will get the upper hand.. and.. and she'll-"

"What's going on?" Asks Susumaru, her face stuck in a confused expression, "master, what's going on?"

"See?" I say mockingly to Muzan, "never drop your act. It's the most basic rule. Look, Susumaru, Yahaba, tell nobody. You don't need to care what I say, but for your master's sake, keep this strictly confidential. I'll slit your throat in your sleep if you don't. You," I say pointing to Susumaru as she lets out a meek squeak, "you're the temari demon. Your brother, Yahaba, he's the card demon. I know everything about you. Watch your words around me. I'm dropping any formalities. You, you're nothing. Human or not, you're below me."

"Y-yes, Amamiya," Susumaru barely chokes out as she looks me in the eyes, "I will be more mindful from now on." I clap my hands twice happily and look outside at the bustling city.

"Look, we're here, Muzan!" I exclaim, "isn't it beautiful?" Muzan nods his head and clutches my hand as we exit the train.

"I thought she was nice," sighs Yahaba, "she's terrifying for being human. She acts almost exactly like Muzan."

"She scares me more," Susumaru replies, "Muzan's the most powerful being alive, his attitude is understandable. How could such an average human be like that?"

"Muzan, we should get something to eat!" I say, excited by the beautiful city, "what should we get?"

"Maybe ramen?" Asks Muzan with genuine consideration, "does that sound good to you?"

"I'd be up to a tavern," I reply, "I could use beer."

"A tavern it is," Muzan says with a sigh, "why would you even ask?" The two of us search for a local tavern and find a bar nearby. We find a seat and sit down at a couples seat.

"What would you like to order?" Asks the waiter, "we have everything on the menu and we also have the nightly special. Tonight's is the 8oz vodka for 870,000 yen." What's up with these prices? 870,000 yen for a glass of vodka?

"What do you want, dear," asks Muzan, "order anything." I forgot he had a lot of money. I suppose you can take a lot of wallets with a job like his.

"I'll take two glasses of the special please," I tell the waiter, "oh my! You have the D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme! That's.. oh my. 4,400,000,000 yen? Oh, never mind that, I'll have a glass of that as well."

"I didn't know you were a drinker, Ayaka," laughs Muzan lightheartedly, "I wouldn't have expected that. I'll have a glass of D'Amalfi as well."

"P-pardon?" Asks the waiter, stuttering, "I-well-your total is 8,801,740,000 yen. What an impressive total. That's the most anyone's spent all year.. no. Ever. Thank you for your patronage." The waiter rushes to get us our drinks and hands them to us, thanking us again. I've actually never drunk before, in all 27 years of my life. The reason I chose a bar was since Tanjiro would be too young to enter, so he couldn't bother us. Or so I thought.

"This is actually pretty good!" I say. I feel a bit dizzy and I lean on him. Muzan looks at me worriedly and gives me a glass of water.

"I thought you could hold your alcohol well since you ordered so much.." Muzan sighs in frustration, "drink the water, you'll feel better." I groggily drink the water, and slowly come to my senses.

"Hahah" I laugh, flailing my hands in the air, "the world's spinning!" Maybe I wasn't coming to my senses.

"Uh," Muzan calls to the waiter, "you can keep the rest of the drinks, we're leaving." He throws.. well let's just say more money than he had to, on the table and walks off. The waiter looks like he was in the presence of god, being offered so much money, and most of the drinks to top it off. Muzan pulls me outside and has me lean on him.

"Hey, are you alright?" Muzan asks me, supporting me, "you look like you might pass out."

"I am perfectly fine, thank you," I say batting his hand off, "the water sunk in. I feel fine now. Promise."

"Muzan Kibutsuji!" Yells a boy. Tanjiro Kamado, the protagonist. Of course I'd know this. Muzan knows as well, minus the protagonist part. He grips Muzan's shoulder and glares at him. It's time to act. I remember this scene.

"Tsukihiko, do you know this boy?" I ask innocently, seeming every bit an innocent pedestrian, "he looks scary."

"No darling, I've never met him before," Muzan responds, playing up the facade, "how odd."

"N-no way," mutters Tanjiro, "you're pretending to be human? I'm certain it was you that killed my family!"

"Honey, I'm scared," I say, pretending to cower, "this boy is really scaring me. You wouldn't kill anyone! And what does he mean, pretending to be human?"

"You're lying to this poor woman!" Tanjiro yells, "how could you be so cruel?"

"Let's go," Muzan says, pulling me off into the crowd, "he must be crazy."

"Muzan Kibutsuji!" Yells Tanjiro, "I won't rest until you lie in your grave! I will find you!"

"Don't turn that man into a demon," I whisper in Muzan's ear, "you wouldn't want to cause a scene." I pull him into an alley, and we both take a deep breath of relief to finally be alone. We run back to the train station, laughing like two criminals who just got away with the greatest crime. We board the train, just like last time. The VIP compartment. But something's off.

"Where are Susumaru and Yahaba?" I ask curiously, puzzled about their absence, "I thought they would return with us, no?"

"I killed them," he responds nonchalantly, "is that not what you wanted?"

"God, I love you," I say, falling onto him again, "I knew there was a reason we work so well."

A/N: Finally managed to write a long chapter! Also, sorry about how Ayaka and Muzan ended up together so fast I suck at writing romance. 

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