Soul Saga ???: Kamen Rider Ze...

By Shadowingdrake

324 22 0

In the world of Kamen Rider Zero-One New Generation, the AI-based Humagears have become an essential part of... More

Synopsis and Character
Chapter 1: Enter the Shooting Wolf
Chapter 2: Wolf Vs Robots
Chapter 3: A Step to Far
Chapter 4 Falling Hopes
Chapter 6;FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 2 The Black Wizard
Chapter 7: FORCE Rise Hell Rising Hopper Part 3 Judgement
Chapter 8: The Deal
Chapter 9: A Break from all the Fighting
Chapter 10: A Wolf Shot to Far.
New Kamen Riders for an Upcoming Story
Arc 1 Chapter 11: Kamen Rider Wizard Black Noir Schwartz vs Kamen Rider Valkyri
Arc 1 Chapter 12: Invasion!
Arc 1 Chapter 13: End of an Arc
Arc 2 Chapter 1: Return


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By Shadowingdrake

A balding old man and his wife had been living in fear ever since the Daybreak Town incident. They had seen firsthand how the advanced AIs and Humagears could turn against humanity, and the devastation it could bring. The couple had always been cautious of technology, but after that day, they were outright paranoid.

Despite their fear, they lived their lives as normally as possible, trying to keep their anxiety at bay. But they couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen. Their fears would soon be realized when a new threat emerged, one that sought to eradicate all Kamen Riders and destroy all technology.

The couple knew they had to do something to protect themselves and their community. But what could they do against such a powerful enemy? It was then that they stumbled upon an old device, a relic from a bygone era. With its power, they hoped to summon heroes to fight against this new threat.

And so, they set their plan in motion, hoping that their call for help would not go unanswered.
They activated the device, unsure if it would even work. It was an old communication device that had been used to summon Kamen Riders in the past. The couple had found it in an old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. They had heard rumors about the device and decided to investigate. As they turned it on, they hoped that it would be able to reach someone, anyone who could help them. They waited anxiously for a response, not knowing if they would get one.

Suddenly, the device started to glow, and they heard a voice coming from it. It was faint at first, but it grew louder and clearer with each passing moment. They could hardly believe it, but they had actually managed to reach someone!

The voice on the other end of the device told them that they would send help, but that it would take some time. They would have to be patient, but the couple didn't mind. They were just grateful that they had found a way to call for help.

And so, they waited, hoping that the Kamen Riders would arrive soon to save them from the impending danger.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they saw a bright light shining in the distance. As it grew closer, they could see that it was a group of Kamen Riders, ready to battle the rogue Humagears.

The Kamen Riders were able to defeat the Humagears and bring peace back to Daytown. But the incident left a lasting impact on Leon and his wife. They couldn't forget the terror they had felt, and they couldn't shake the fear that it could happen again.

From that day forward, they made a promise to themselves to do everything in their power to prevent another Daytown Incident from happening. They devoted themselves to studying the ways of the Kamen Riders, hoping to learn how to protect themselves and their community.

As they trained, they heard rumors of a new threat. A group of villains, bent on destroying all technology and bringing about a world without Kamen Riders, were making their move. They knew they had to act fast to stop them before it was too late.

And so, Leon and his wife set out on a mission to find the new Kamen Riders and help them in any way they could. They didn't know what the future held, but they were determined to fight for a world where people could live without fear of technology turning against them.

As they set out on their mission, Leon and his wife knew that they had a lot of work to do. They would need to find the new Kamen Riders and help them hone their skills, while also preparing themselves for battle against the new threat.

But they didn't do it alone. They reached out to other members of the community who shared their vision for a safe and secure world, and they formed a group of allies who would work together to defeat the villains.

Together, they would face countless obstacles, but they never wavered in their determination. They trained hard, learned from their mistakes, and built a strong bond of trust and friendship.

The battles ahead would be tough, and victory was never guaranteed. But with the support of their allies and their unwavering commitment to their cause, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

The new era of Kamen Riders had begun, and they were ready to fight for the safety and security of their world.After the events of Kamen Rider Zero-One, the world had changed. Humagears, once feared and mistrusted, were now accepted and even embraced by society. The rise of Kamen Riders had brought peace and security to the world, and Leon and his wife had played a pivotal role in that victory.

But not everyone was happy with the new world order. Some saw the humagears and the Kamen Riders as a threat to their own power and control. And so a new group emerged, determined to overthrow the established order and create a world without Kamen Riders and technology.

Leon and his wife knew that this new threat needed to be dealt with quickly and decisively. They reached out to the Kamen Riders of the past, seeking their guidance and assistance in the fight ahead. And together, they formulated a plan to stop the new group and protect the world they had fought so hard to create.

As they set out on their mission, they knew that the battles ahead would be tough, and that victory was never guaranteed. But they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way, and to fight for the safety and security of their world. The new era of Kamen Riders had begun, and they were determined to see it through to the end.

The year was now 2069, and the world was a vastly different place than it had been just a few decades earlier. The advancements in technology had been unprecedented, and the line between humans and machines had blurred beyond recognition.

Leon and his wife, who had once feared the rise of AIs and humagears, now embraced  the new technological age. But as always, there were those who resisted change, and the new group that had emerged sought to rid the world of all technology and return it to a simpler time.

The Kamen Riders, with their advanced technology and AI partners, were seen as a direct threat by this group, and they were determined to wipe them out. Leon and his wife knew that they had to act quickly, and they reached out to the new generation of Kamen Riders to join the fight.

The new team was made up of four young individuals, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Zay, the leader of the team, was a skilled hacker and had a deep understanding of technology. Rina, the team's second-in-command, was a fierce fighter and had a passion for justice. Dan, the team's engineer, was a brilliant inventor and had a talent for creating new weapons and gadgets. And Corey, the team's wild card, was a mysterious figure with a talent for hacking and a deep connection to the Egyptian god Anubis.

Together, they were the new generation of Kamen Riders, and they were ready to take on any challenge that came their way. Their mission was to protect the world from those who would seek to destroy it, and to uphold the legacy of the Kamen Riders who had come before them.

As the first arc of their journey began, they knew that they were in for a tough fight. But with their skills, determination, and the guidance of Leon and his wife, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As AIs and Humagears became more prevalent in society, a growing number of people began to fear their increasing presence. Many feared that these artificial beings would one day take over, just as they had in Daybreak Town.

Amidst this growing anxiety, a new terrorist group called the "Anti-AI Union" emerged, dedicated to eradicating all AIs and Humagears from the world. The group's leader, a man named Adam, was a brilliant hacker who believed that the only way to save humanity was to eliminate all technology and return to a more primitive way of life.

Despite their efforts, the government was unable to stop the Anti-AI Union from carrying out their attacks. Humagears were destroyed, and innocent lives were lost. It was a dark time for society, and many felt that there was no hope for the future.

But amidst all this chaos, a group of teenagers would rise up to challenge the Anti-AI Union and protect the world from their dangerous agenda. These young people would become the next generation of Kamen Riders, fighting to defend the very technology that others sought to destroy.

Their journey would not be easy, but they were determined to fight for a better tomorrow, no matter the cost.

As the neon lights of Daytown shone brightly in the night sky, a guy in a red hoodie sat in front of his computer, his fingers tapping furiously across the keyboard. He had been working on a hack for hours, and he was close to breaking through the final layer of security on the system he was targeting.

Just then, his phone buzzed, and he quickly checked the message. It was a notification from a job search app he had installed. He had been looking for a way to make some extra money, and he had applied for a job at Hiden Intelligence.

As she was reading the message, he heard a knock at his door. It was his friend Zay, who had come to check on him.

"Hey, man, what's going on?" Zay asked, looking over Corey's shoulder at his computer screen.

Corey quickly minimized the window, not wanting to show his friend what he was working on.

"Just working on a project for school," he lied.

Zay shrugged and handed him a flyer.

"Hey, have you heard of Hiden Intelligence? They're looking for new hires, and I'm thinking about applying. You should come with me to the interview."

Corey's eyes widened. He had applied for a job at Hiden Intelligence as well, and he wondered if Zay knew that.

"Uh, sure, I'll come with you," Corey said, trying to play it cool.

As they made their way to the Hiden Intelligence building, Corey's mind raced. He wondered if Zay was also a hacker, or if he had applied for the same job as well. Either way, he knew that this job could be the start of something big for both of them.

As Zay walked into the Hiden Intelligence headquarters for his interview, she couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of working for such a prestigious company. She had always been interested in technology and innovation, and working for a company like Hiden would allow him to pursue his passion.

Meanwhile, Corey sat hunched over his computer, his fingers typing away furiously as he worked on a complex hack. He was determined to get into the Hiden Intelligence mainframe and find out what they were up to. He had heard rumors that the company was developing some kind of new technology, and he wanted to know more.

As Zay sat in the waiting room, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. This was the job of a lifetime, and she didn't want to blow his chance. He took a deep breath and reminded himself to stay calm and focused.

Meanwhile, Corey's hack was progressing nicely. He had managed to bypass the company's security protocols and was now searching through their files.

Zay arrived at the Hiden Intelligence building and made her way to the front desk, where she introduced herself and explained that she was there for an interview. The receptionist confirmed her appointment and directed her to the elevators, telling her to head up to the 40th floor.

Zay took the elevator up and stepped out into a large, open-plan office space. Everywhere she looked, she saw people typing away at their computers, making phone calls, or rushing between meeting rooms. It was clear that this was a busy and vibrant workplace, and Zay couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of working there.

As she made her way to the interview room, she caught a glimpse of a young man sitting at a desk in one of the cubicles. He had a mischievous grin on his face as he typed away at his computer, and she couldn't help but feel drawn to him. Something about him seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.

Shaking off the feeling, Zay pushed open the door to the interview room and stepped inside, ready to meet her potential new employer.

As Zay waited for her turn, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She had heard a lot about Hiden Intelligence and its CEO, Aruto Hiden, who was also the former Kamen Rider Zero-One. She knew that it was one of the biggest tech companies in the world and that getting a job there was a big deal.

Finally, it was her turn. She walked into the interview room and saw a man sitting across from her. He was wearing a suit and had a serious look on his face.

"Hello, I'm Jin, one of the senior managers here at Hiden Intelligence," he said, extending his hand for a shake.

Zay took his hand and shook it firmly. "Nice to meet you," she replied.

"So, Zay, tell me a little about yourself," Jin said, looking at her resume.

Zay took a deep breath and began to talk about her background, her education, and her passion for technology. She spoke about her experiences working on various software projects and how she wanted to make a difference in the world through her work.

Jin nodded along, listening intently. "Impressive," he said. "And what about Kamen Riders? Are you a fan of them?"

Zay smiled. "Yes, I am," she said. "I think they are an amazing example of how technology can be used for good."

Jin nodded. "That's good to hear," he said. "We at Hiden Intelligence are always looking for people who share our vision of a better world through technology. And I think you might be just the person we're looking for."

Zay felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been hoping for a positive outcome to the interview and it looked like she had made a good impression.

"Thank you, I'm honored," she said.

Jin smiled. "I think we'll be in touch soon," he said. "We have a big project coming up and I think you might be just the person we need."

Zay left the interview room feeling elated. She couldn't believe that she might actually get the chance to work for Hiden Intelligence and be a part of something that could change the world.

Zay paced back and forth in their apartment, waiting for the call from Hiden Intelligence about their job interview. They were so nervous that they couldn't focus on anything else, not even the book they had been trying to read.

As they were pacing, Zay caught a glimpse of someone walking by the window. It was Rina, one of the employees at Hiden Intelligence. Zay knew her from their school days, but they hadn't seen each other in years. They wondered if Rina still remembered them.

Zay watched as Rina walked down the street, heading in the direction of the Hiden Intelligence building. Zay felt a sudden urge to talk to her, to ask her about the company and what it was like to work there. But they were too nervous to leave the apartment, afraid that they might miss the call from Hiden.

Zay sighed and tried to calm their nerves. They had to focus on the interview, and not let their nerves get the best of them. They sat down and tried to clear their mind, waiting for the phone to ring.

Zay's heart sank as she heard the news that she did not get the job. She had been so hopeful and had put so much effort into her interview. She thanked the interviewer for their time, trying to keep a professional demeanor, but the disappointment was evident in her voice.

As she left the building, Zay couldn't help but feel discouraged. She had been job hunting for a while now and hadn't had any luck. She thought about the interview and wondered what she could have done differently. Had she not dressed appropriately? Was her resume not strong enough? These questions raced through her mind as she walked down the street.

As she was lost in thought, Zay suddenly bumped into someone. She stumbled, nearly losing her balance, and looked up to see who it was. It was Rina, the woman she had seen at the Hiden building the day before. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Zay apologized, feeling embarrassed. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's okay," Rina said with a smile. "Are you okay?"

Zay nodded and straightened her posture. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

Rina looked at Zay with concern. "You seem upset. Is everything okay?"

Zay hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I had an interview at Hiden yesterday, but I didn't get the job. I've been looking for a while, but nothing seems to be working out."

Rina's expression turned sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that. Don't give up hope, though. I'm sure something will come up." Zay appreciated Rina's words of encouragement, but the feeling of defeat lingered. As they parted ways, Zay wondered if she would ever find the job she was looking for.

As Zay sat down and took out her phone to order a ride, she suddenly felt a weight in her purse. Curious, she opened it and was surprised to find the Zero-One Driver inside. She looked around to see if anyone was missing it, but there was no one in sight. As she picked it up to examine it, the belt suddenly latched onto her waist, causing her to gasp in surprise.

Zay tried to remove the belt, but it wouldn't budge. She looked at the belt's design and noticed that it was unlike any belt she had ever seen before. As she continued to struggle with the belt, she suddenly heard a voice emanating from it.

"Please state your name and purpose," the voice said.

Zay was startled but quickly composed herself. "My name is Zay," she said. "I found this belt and I'm trying to take it off."

There was a pause before the voice spoke again. "Zay, please insert a Progrise Key to transform into Kamen Rider Zero-One."

Zay was confused but noticed that there were several slots on the belt for Progrise Keys. She rummaged through her purse and found a key that had fallen out of the driver when Rina dropped it. She inserted it into the belt, and suddenly, she was enveloped in a burst of light. When the light dissipates, Zay hears "A Jump to the Sky turns into a Rider Kick!"

A giant grasshopper appears behind her. It hops around waiting for a word. "Henshin...?" She managed to say.

She looks at herself, marveling at the incredible power she now possesses. With the Rising Hopper form, Zero-One is incredibly agile, able to jump higher and kick harder than any other Rider. The suit is made up of several parts, including the Hopper Head, Hopper Mask, Zero-One Signal, Hopper Antenna, and Hopper Eyes. Zay is amazed at the power at her fingertips and excited to see what else the Zero-One Driver can do. She can't wait to test her new abilities and defend humanity from any threats that come their way.

Aruto watches as Zay transforms into Kamen Rider Zero-One in front of his eyes. He's surprised and confused by the sudden appearance of a new Rider, especially one who seems to have no idea what's going on. He approaches her cautiously, trying to figure out what's going on.

"Who are you? How did you get that Driver?" Aruto asks, his tone both curious and concerned.

Zay looks at him with wide eyes, still trying to process what just happened. "I don't know. It just... it just kind of latched onto me," she says, looking down at the Zero-One Driver on her waist.

Aruto looks at the Driver thoughtfully, then back up at Zay. "Well, you certainly seem to know how to use it. Do you know anything about being a Kamen Rider?"

Zay shakes her head, feeling more confused than ever. "No, I don't. I just... I saw the grasshopper and I said 'Henshin' and then this happened. I don't know what to do."

Aruto nods sympathetically. "It's okay. We'll figure it out together. You're not the only one who's been thrown into this world without any warning. But for now, we need to get you up to speed on what being a Kamen Rider means and what your responsibilities are." Zay looks at him gratefully, feeling a sense of relief that she's not alone in this strange and confusing situation. Together, she and Aruto begin to work out what Zay's role as Kamen Rider Zero-One will be and what she needs to do to help protect the world from the growing threat of the Magia.

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