Norse Nadir

By HopsOnline

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A boy by the name of Thorvald, born and raised in Iceland, was a normal farmers boy, but he was betrayed and... More

Chapter One: Lifun
Chapter Two: Styrkur
Chapter Three: Sektarkennd
Chapter Four: Hefnd
Chapter Six: Stál
Chapter Seven: Múgur
Chapter Eight: Flakkari
Chapter Nine: Sverðmáttur
Chapter Ten: Frelsun

Chapter Five: Makt

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By HopsOnline

"So, what's something you've always wanted but it's so hard to get?" Saxa asks whilst laying next to Thorvald in her bed.


"Power?" Saxa questions.

"Yeah... Power..."

"Why power?" Saxa asks.

"Many things you can do with power..."


"I myself would like to know..."

"I must say, you're pretty interesting Thorvald."

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Thorvald asks.

"Good thing." Saxa says whilst stroking his hair.

"I must say, your family probably chose the best house in the village..."

"Why's that?" Saxa asks

"Your bed is much more comfy than mine back in the barracks..."



"Why do you fight?"

"Simple. Power and strength."

Saxa started to feel uncomfortable as to why Thorvald was so obsessed with the idea of having power.

"Okay, listen... I'm going to be honest Thor, it kind of freaks me out the way you just want power..."

"...Me too..." Thorvald says drowsy.

Thorvald then fell asleep in Saxa's bed, right next to her.

It's midnight... Saxa turns to Thorvald's face and whispers...

"Psst, wake up."

Thorvald opens his eyes.

"Hmm? Where am I?"

"You're in my bed dummy, you need to leave."

"Why?" Thorvald asks.

"My dad won't like it when I'm sleeping with a soldier?"


"My father doesn't believe in violence, now go!"

Thorvald then got out of the bed and climbed through her bedroom window and snuck back to the barracks...

He opens the barracks door and closes it quietly behind him...

"So where were you all night?" Harald asks.

"None of your business traitor..."

"I see that disrespectful mouth of yours is still the same..."

"I only disrespect those who are a danger to me and the people of my clan."

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" Harald asks.

"What do you want, Harald, get to the point."

"I want you to start treating me with respect boy!" Harald shouts.

"Alright, why did you headbutt me then?"

"Because you walk around and talk as if you know everything about everyone, you're being extremely arrogant Thor."

Thorvald then just ignored what Harald said and walked to his bed in the barracks...

8 hours later...

"Rise and shine ladies!" Sigmund shouts.

"Come to the eating hall immediately!" Sigmund shouts again.

Thorvald quickly gets out of bed and walks to the eating hall...

"Everybody- Choose a seat!" Sigmund shouts once again.

Thorvald went ahead and sat next to Olaf in the eating hall...

"Alright everybody, a tragic event happened last night, a fellow soldier of us has committed suicide... It was Harald... We found him behind the barracks at the big tree, he impaled his sword through his own heart-" Sigmund explains.

Thorvald just couldn't process what he was hearing, everything went deaf, everyone around him, even his own thoughts sounded deaf, he could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!-" Bjorn shouts as he shakes Thorvald.

Thorvald woke up in his bed gasping for air...

"Are you alright Thor!?" Saxa shouts.

"Wha-what happened?" Thorvald asks.

"Well, first I started tapping on your shoulder trying to wake you up because your body started to get extremely warm and then all of a sudden you started sweating and your eyes started to glow orange, that's when I shouted for my father to help you..." Saxa explains.

"Oh... Thanks mr. Bjorn..." Thorvald says with a smile whilst shaking his hand.

"No problem kid, just don't scare us like that again..." Bjorn says and walks out the room by closing the door behind him.

"Wait... This- This doesn't make sense though?" Thorvald says.

"Why?" Saxa asks.

"Because I vividly remember you telling me I should leave before your father catches me?"

"Umm... What? I never said anything like that?"


"Mhm, seriously."


"Was it a dream?" Saxa asks.

"Yeah, but a very realistic dream, like I could feel the wind blowing in the dream and stuff, it was crazy how realistic it was..."

"Must've been a vivid dream then..." Saxa replies.

"Vivid dream?" Thorvald asks.

"Basically just a very realistic dream."


"What was the dream about then?" Saxa asks.

"Well first you told me to leave and go to the barracks, which I did, when I approached the front door of the barracks, Harald was standing outside the front door whilst the wind was howling through the stables, I then had a chat with him and then went inside the barracks to go and sleep, then Sigmund woke us all up and ordered us to the eating hall, that's when he pronounced the suicide of Harald..."

"Yeah... Um... None of that happened, Harald is literally right outside there planting seed." Saxa says and points outside her bedroom window to Harald planting the said seed.

"Listen, I need to leave..."


"Because I need to get ready for the day..."

Thorvald stood up from the bed, put on his boots and walked down to the little nearby river...

As he arrived at the river he took off all of his clothes and went ahead to go and wash himself and his clothes in the river, but he came prepared and brung a towel with him so that he wouldn't be walking back to the village in soaking wet clothes & armor...

Thorvald washes his body with the water and washes his hair, he washes his armor and cleans off his blade...

30 minutes later...

Thorvald hung up his clothes and armor on a tree branch and let it dry, Thorvald then put on his boots and wrapped the towel around him and went back to the barracks...

"Where were you?" Harald asks.

"Went to the river to wash my clothes and myself."

"Right-right, listen, that Saxa girl, she's looking for you..."


"Don't know, she said I should just tell you when you get back."

"Right-right, well thanks Harald."

Harald then turned around and left the barracks, Thorvald took some spare clothing he found in the barracks and put them on, he then walked to Saxa's house.

He knocks on the door...

Saxa opens the door...

"May I come in?" Thorvald asks.

"Mhm, follow me..."

Thorvald then followed Saxa to her room, before he did though, he placed his boots at the front door...

Thorvald and Saxa then walked to her room, Saxa laid on her bed whilst Thorvald sat next to her.

"Harald told me that you were looking for me?" Thorvald starts.

"Yes, I was wondering, where you ran off to..."

"Went to the river..."


"To wash my clothes and myself..."

"I guess..."

Just as Saxa said that Sigmund blew the battle horn...

"The English have come!" Sigmund shouts...

"Saxa, Thor, come follow me, I'll lead us to safety!" Bjorn shouts...

Thorvald couldn't process what was happening, everything went deaf, he could just hear the deafening sounds of women screaming and blades clashing together...

"Get your shit together boy!" Bjorn shouts.

Thorvald stood up and bolted to the barracks, he put on spare armor and took a sword from the armory.

"Let's taste English blood boys!" Thorvald shouts and charges straight into the main fight...

"Why you little brat-" Was the English guard going to say but Thorvald impaled his sword right through his throat.

"Over here Thorvald!" Harald shouted as he was being pinned down by a guard, Thorvald ran over to Harald...

He lifted his sword up and swung it down on the English guard, he ended up decapitating the English guard's head off...

"Good job!" Harald compliments Thorvald as the blood spattered all over his face...

Thorvald then spotted an English guard trying to rape a woman, he rushed over to the guard and impaled his sword straight through his chest, the blood of the guard ran down on the blade and in Thorvald's hands...

"Don't dwell on it boy, pull the blade out!" Sigmund shouted at Thorvald.

Thorvald quickly pulled out the blade and looked around the village for people he could help...

"English scum!" Thorvald shouted as he sliced an English guard's neck open...

"Wake up boy!" Bjorn shouts...

"Wha-what happened?" Thorvald asks as he wakes up next to Saxa on her bed...

"Same thing as last time, eyes started glowing and immense sweating..."

"I don't understand why this keeps happening to me?"

"We can get the doctor to examine you if you want to?"

"Alright, fine."

Bjorn then left his home and went to fetch Gunter, the local doctor...

15 minutes later...

"Nice to meet you, my name is Gunter." Gunter says as he's shaking Thorvald's hand.

"Likewise." Thorvald replies.

"Alright, just prop up here on the bed and sit up straight for me."

Thorvald then did as the doctor asked...

"Full name?"

"Thorvald Hansen."



"Year born?"


"Father's name?"

"Erik Hansen."

"Mother's name?"

"Gudrid Hansen."

"Home country?"


"Alright, that's all I need."

The doctor then started examining Thorvald.

30 minutes later...

"Well, physically I can say with certainty the kid's in great shape, great definition, eats well, all of that, but mentally, I don't know, you might be experiencing PTSD Thor..."

"What's that?"

"Post traumatic stress disorder."

"What does it mean though?"

"Basically, something really messed up has happened in your life Thor and it caused you to develop PTSD because of your past..."

"What? How? I've always been able to deal with my problems?"


"Well what?"

"Well, if I can give you some advice, you might want to learn to relax, you live a very dangerous life for a 15 year old..."

"But I enjoy the battlefield?"

"Sounds like you've got a massive bloodlust problem..."

"What about his sweating and glowing eyes doctor?" Saxa asks.

"The sweating is caused by the PTSD but the glowing eyes... It's a strange case, I've never seen anything like it..."

"So, what is my conclusion doc?"

"Your conclusion is to start resting, no more fighting from this point forward..."

"But when will I be able to fight again?"

"When you stop getting these dreams..."

"Alright, thank you doctor." Bjorn says as he holds the door open for Gunter.

Thorvald just looked down at his feet and started zoning out, trying to process what has happened to him, no more fighting, no more killing, no more slaughter...

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