Norse Nadir

By HopsOnline

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A boy by the name of Thorvald, born and raised in Iceland, was a normal farmers boy, but he was betrayed and... More

Chapter One: Lifun
Chapter Three: Sektarkennd
Chapter Four: Hefnd
Chapter Five: Makt
Chapter Six: Stál
Chapter Seven: Múgur
Chapter Eight: Flakkari
Chapter Nine: Sverðmáttur
Chapter Ten: Frelsun

Chapter Two: Styrkur

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By HopsOnline

7 years later... The year is 855...

"I must say Thorvald, it's pretty impressive..." Bjork says as they're sailing to Denmark...

"Huh, what's impressive?" Thorvald asks...

"The way you almost immediately moved on when your parents passed..."

"I guess..."

"Full sails boys, the wind's in our favor!" The captain that was controlling the longship shouted...

"Now that I think about it, don't you have a sister Thor?" Harald asks.

"Yeah, but I haven't seen her since the funeral, we kind of split our ways, she became a married woman to some Englishmen in The Kingdom of Mercia and I became a viking..."

"What- Your sister is dating an Englishmen?" Harald asks, stunned.

"Yup, don't worry, I'm disappointed as well, but before she took the ship to Wessex I asked her "Ymir, why are you moving to Wessex?" she then basically told me that there is no future for Iceland, that the land is nice and fertile in Wessex, so I basically just hated her from that point on..."

"Why hate her?" Bjork asks.

"Simple, she likes Englishmen, I don't..."

"Fair enough..." Bjork replies...

14 hours later...

"Alright boys! Wake up! Welcome to Denmark!" The commander shouts in excitement.

"I hear the women and beer are nice here this time of year!" Sigmund shouts as he steps off the ship...

Thorvald then steps off the ship and walks around the local town center...

"You look lost boy!" A girl shouts to Thorvald.

Thorvald quickly turned his head to the girl and walked over to her...

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Thor, and yours?"


"Well nice to meet you Diana, why did you say I look lost?"

"Because you do..." Diana replies...

"Well, I was actually headed for the forge just down that way." Thorvald says and points to the local forge.

"Ugh, follow me..."


The woman then grabs Thorvald's hand and starts sprinting to a secluded location...

"Alright calm down! Why are we in an alleyway?" Thorvald asks, annoyed...

"I need to ask you something..."

"Go ahead."

"Is it true that you're the brother of Ymir?"

"Ymir who?" Thorvald asks.

"Ymir Hansen..."

"Uh, yes, I am her brother, Thorvald Hansen..."

"Why is it that you're looking for me exactly?" Thorvald asks.

"Well, let's just say, we've been keeping an eye on you lately?"


"Yeah, there's an inside man you were sailing with the whole time, he's my brother and your sister, Ymir, is friends with me and she wants me to keep tabs on you..."

"Why couldn't my sister just come and see for herself and meet with me, why does she have friends doing her jobs for her?" Thorvald questions.

"Yeah, the reason behind that is because..."

"Because what?" Thorvald asks.

"Because your sister is the Queen of Mercia..."

"...You're joking right?" Thorvald asks worriedly.

"Why would I joke about something like this Thorvald?"

"Good point, anyway, what's the big deal with it anyways?"

"Well, the big news is that... Your sister invited you to Mercia..."

"Fuck off, I'm not going..." Thorvald then turned around...

"Don't be so arrogant! Your sister just wants to see you..."

"Why would I want to see a traitor..."

"Traitor? Your sister is no traitor?"

"First she moves to Mercia, then marries an Englishmen then all of sudden she's the queen as well? Fuck off, that's called betrayal, if anything, I should challenge my sister to a duel..."

"Alright-alright, I know this looks really bad, but just hear me out, you don't even have to speak to her, just show up at least..."

"And if I don't?"

"She's obligated to execute me..."

"...Wow... Fine-"

"Yes! Yay!" Diana shouts in excitement.

"I'm only doing this for you though..."

Diana then gave Thorvald a big hug...

"So then, how do I get to Wessex?" Thorvald asks.

"Well, first, you will stay here in Denmark for 3 days, then me, you and a private ship commander will sail us to Wessex. Once we arrive at the docks, there will be a royal carriage which will escort us to your sister's palace..." Diana explains.

"Alright, so be it then I guess..."

Thorvald then followed Diana back to her home in Denmark...

"What a nice place you've got here." Thorvald comments.

"Yup, life's pretty nice when you're a noble for someone..."

"Uh-huh, I can see that..."

"So, tell me Thor, what's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"Being a viking."

"Oh, well, for starters, it's really exhausting, majority of the work sometimes is just sailing but then the rest is just raiding, killing and raping, of course, I don't rape though..."

"Why not?" Diana asks.

"Excuse me, why not? Well, number one, I would never put my shaft near any English girl and then secondly, it is immoral to have intercourse with someone you don't actually love..." Thorvald explains.

"Hmm, you sound like a Christian Thorvald."

"Well, if that is the way of the Christian's, then I'm Christian I guess..."

"Huh, well, just don't go saying that around the others..."

"Of course I won't, I know these men are not in the likeness of the fellow Christians..."

"Well, that brings me to my second point, how could you just easily claim that you're a Christian so easily?" Diana asks.

"I didn't, I don't have a religion or believe in any faith for that matter..."

"Why?" Diana asks.

"My parents' passing made me think otherwise, and also the way I perceive things..."


"Mhm, I guess so..."

2 days later...

"Ugh, what time is it?" Thorvald asks in a drowsy manner...

"Time for you to board a ship to Mercia..." Diana replies.

As she says that, Thorvald picked up his helmet, gear, sword and shield, he followed Diana to the docks...

"How long will we be sailing?" Thorvald asks.

"Looking at today's sea directions, you'll be sailing for about 3 to 4 days..."

"Alright, so be it..."

Thorvald boards the ship with Diana and the ship captain, they then set sail for the docks located in Mercia...

4 days later...

"Alright, we've arrived!" The captain shouted.

Thorvald stood up and stepped on English sand for the first time...

"Huh, I must say, English land is very fertile and the weather is ideal for farmlands..."

"See, English land isn't bad at all..." Diana replies.

"I never said England is bad, I said that Englishmen are bad."

Thorvald then saw three English guards walking over to him, he put his one hand on his shield and the other hand on the shield just to be ready for combat...

"Lower your weapons barbarian!" The Englishman shouted.

Diana then translated over to Thorvald what he said...

Thorvald then removed his hands from his shield and sword...

"State your names and purpose!" The English guard shouts.

"Diana Sorensen, visiting Queen Ymir on behalf of a visit from her brother here."

"That her brother Thorvald Diana?" The guard asks.


"Verywell, follow us."

The Englishmen then turned around and led Diana and Thorvald to the fortress of Mercia.

25 minutes of walking later...

The Royal Guards open the gates and allow Diana and Thorvald to walk towards the throne...

"Bow to Queen Ymir!" A guard in green armor standing next to Ymir in her throne shouts.

Diana bowed... But Thorvald did not...

"Bow to the Queen mongrel!" The green guard shouts again.

"Stand down Thomas, this is my brother, he does not need to bow." Ymir replies to the guard.

"I see you've learnt the language of the enemy." Thorvald says to his sister Ymir.

"Yeah, well, Icelandic is a dead tongue brother."

"How dare you call our tongue dead. You are a betrayer, you have sided with the English, if anything, I should slaughter you!" Thorvald shouts to his sister.

"Thor, you are brainwashed with Icelandic values and morals, you still believe in an old system, if anything, you should join my side, I live rich and well..." Ymir replies.

"I just don't understand sister, what has become of you, why are you here, what have you got in Mercia that you don't have in Iceland?" Thorvald asks.

"Many things Thorvald, I am rich, I eat like a king and own a big piece of fertile land." Ymir replies.

"Uh-huh, if anything, you should hand over the land to your fellow brothers-in-arms!"

"Are you insane? If the Englishmen even catch me doing a deal or trade with Norse people I'll be executed on the behalf of betrayal." Ymir explains.

"Exactly my point! You betrayed the Norse for weak Englishmen!"

"Lift up your right shoulder Thorvald..." Ymir demands...

Thorvald then put his hand on his right sleeve and lifted it up...

"I should've known, you have the Othala tattooed on you..."

"Of course I do, it symbolizes who we are, we do not belong with puny Englishmen, you are not one of them, you are a Viking... Just like me!"

"Thorvald! We are barbaric, we solve problems by fighting and stealing!"

"Is it really stealing if it's from the enemy Ymir!?"

"Forget it, I should've known, you're too lost in your mind to even comprehend what's happening around you, you've always been ignorant, you're a selfish brat with no brain for yourself, you've been manipulated and abused so much you've grown numb liking it! You fucking barbarian imbecile!"

"No sister. You are the one who is lost."

Thorvald then turned around and started walking towards the exit...

"Guards! Attack!" Ymir shouts.

Thorvald knew this was going to happen, so he had his hand on his sword as soon as he turned around, Ymir's right hand man, Thomas the green guard charged at Thorvald, Thorvald quickly turned around and sliced his neck open, the blood spew all over Thorvald's face and blade.

"Stand down! Stand down!" Ymir shouts after seeing what Thorvald has done.

"You are a sick man Thorvald..." Ymir says.

"Care to send anymore to me? I'll happily bring down your little army." Thorvald says with confidence.

"I must say, I'm rather surprised by your brother Ymir..." An English guard at the door says.

"What's so surprising?" Ymir asks the guard.

"The fact that he can kill without feeling remorse..."

"That's what vikings teach you, to kill blindly..."

"I can see it worked very well on him."

"So tell me sister, what do we do now?"

"I want you to invade Mercia..."

"What?" Thorvald questions stunned...

"Yes, if you can take down my right hand man, then surely the rest of your men can take down a whole army, no questions asked..."

"The reason I won the battle is because your right hand man was foolish, he went into the fight blindly, he didn't focus on my hands or arms, if he would've, he could see my hand was on my sword, but rather he focused on my head..."

"Exactly, Englishmen are foolish Thorvald, you just proved your point..."

"Ymir, if all of your men were as dumb as him I could take over this fortress all on my own..." He says again with confidence.

"Well don't let your confidence become arrogant Thorvald..."

"Uh-huh, so, is this where I leave and go on my merry way?"

"Not quite, I originally was going to ask if you would like to be promoted as King?"

"Why would I become King where the devils are born?"

"So I am a devil Thor?"

"Well you live amongst them, so yes, to me you are no better than any of them..."

"How disrespectful-"

"Don't come to me with disrespect, you traded in your heritage and honor to live with the English devils..."

"Alright, what do you want Thorvald?"

"The truth... One, why did you leave Iceland immediately as the funeral was over, two, how did you become queen so fast?"

"Follow me, I'll explain everything in the fireplace area..."

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