Tortured Pasts

By jzutphen

119 6 0

After four years of living back at home with her parents in Clearwater Florida due to a tragic accident, Alex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

2 0 0
By jzutphen

As the night went on, it got busier. To the point where I could not even hear what Justin was saying half the night. I was mostly smiling and nodding. I did not mind, though, because I was mainly staring at him. He always looks alluring in his suits and ties for work. He probably looks better with them off, but I can wait to find out.

We ordered dinner as soon as he arrived. He said he went all day without being able to eat and was starving. I told him that was not healthy, and he said most of his days are like that. He has too much to deal with during the day that he never gets a break to eat.

I told him to bring lunch with him every day so that he can munch on something throughout the day, even when he is working. No boyfriend of mine was going to end up in the hospital because they fainted from not eating. He replied with a sweet "Okay, dear," and I blushed. Those words were pleasant to hear again. Especially coming out of his mouth.

"Where's Scott tonight?" asks Heather. My face falls. I had completely forgotten about him leaving.

"He left for California for a few days to celebrate with one of his clients."

Both of them are surprised. "How come you didn't go with him?" Justin asks.

"Were you not invited?" asks Heather.

"I was, but I told him I didn't feel like going."

I turn my attention elsewhere, letting Justin know I don't want to talk about it. Luckily Heather got two new patrons across the bar. I know she would go on about it. I turn back to face Justin. He smiles at me, and I rest my head on his shoulders for a minute.

I look up when I see a face from my past. What is AJ doing here in Jersey City? I have not seen him since Ethan's funeral. What are the chances he is here at Velchino's tonight with some girl I have never seen before? I guess he and Tara broke up.

"Are you okay?" Justin asks.

"Yeah, that man over there. I know him."

Justin looks his way. "Who is he?"

"AJ. He was Ethan's best friend. I have not seen him in years."

Justin immediately becomes alert. "Do you want to leave?"

I look over and smile at him. This man is incredible. He cares a lot about how I feel. "No, it's okay. We are enjoying this night together, and I want to continue." I lean in and kiss him.

Then a deep voice interrupts us, "Alex?" I look up and see AJ standing beside Justin's chair. "It is you. Wow. How have you been?"

I look at the short ample black-haired man. "Hey, AJ. I'm good. How are you?"

He smiles, but I can see him forcing it. "I'm good too. What are you doing in Jersey? Last I heard, you moved down to Florida."

"I did. I moved back in August." I look at Justin. A lot has happened in half a year. "I got a new job here working for Scott."

"Scott Lane?" he asks.

"Yep. The one and only. He owns his own business now and wanted me to work for him."

He nods his head. "Good for you. I am glad to see you are doing good in life. Ethan would be happy."

My heart skips a beat at that comment. Would he? He always told me he wanted nothing but for me to be happy in life. And he made sure to be the one who provided that happiness to me. I look back at Justin. Did Ethan send him to be in my life that night? I hope he did.

I look back at AJ. "Who is the brunette you are with? I guess you and Tara broke up?"

His face falls. "Yeah. Two years ago. She got a job offer in San Francisco, and I stayed behind. I could not leave my job." Wow, California. Good for her. She always wanted to leave Jersey.

I smile gently at him. "I understand. Sometimes two people are in different places in their lives."

"Yeah." He goes quiet. He looks at Justin.

"I'm sorry," I say. "AJ, this is Justin. Justin, this is AJ." They both say hi and shake hands. "Justin is my boyfriend." Justin's eyes go wide. I guess he was not expecting me to announce it. I place my hand over his hand that is placed on the bar top. Why would I not? He deserves my praise. I want everyone to know.

"I hope you treat her well. She is one of a kind," he says. I turn my head. I thought he hated me. I'm part of the reason his best friend is dead. His smile falls. "What?"

I shake my head. "Don't you blame me?"

"Blame you for what?" He is genuinely confused.

"For Ethan!" I say painfully, holding back tears.

His eyes widen, and his mouth drops open. "Why would I blame you? You were not the one who hit him with a car?"

"No, but he was only at the bar because we had a fight that night."

He shakes his head. "Who told you that, because it's wrong? Alex," he got closer to me, "he was not mad or upset that night. He did not say one bad thing about you. He was there that night because he wanted help with planning your surprise vacation to Florida. He knew you were under a lot of stress then and wanted you guys to get away."

Tears start rolling down my face. I hide my face in my hands. This whole time I thought he was mad at me. I thought he went out to have a couple of drinks to clear his mind. But instead, he was worried about me and wanted to plan a damn vacation for me. How could I be so stupid? Ethan, I wish I had known that.

I feel a hand start rubbing my back. I wipe away my tears and suck up my feelings. I look back towards the men.

"This whole time, I thought I was the reason he died. How selfish am I?"

"You are not selfish. That does not make you selfish," Justin says.

"He is right. I had no clue you thought this way this whole time. Is that why you," he glances at Justin, then looks back at me, "does he know about your past?" I nod my head. "Is that what led you to alcohol and partying?"

"Yeah. I lost myself after he died. More so because I had this guilt in me that was eating at me. No one ever told me that's what he was doing there that night."

"We never thought you would think you were the reason. In hindsight, I should have told you, but everything happened so fast, and before I knew it, you had pushed everyone away and were heading down to Florida."

"It's not your fault. I made my choices. I choose to ruin my life and feel guilty. Going to Florida was the best thing for me. I got the help I needed, and I was with my family to help me through it."

"I am glad you are better and back in Jersey. I would love to reconnect with you and Scott. It has been too long since we all hung out."

"Yeah, me too. I will let Scott know I ran into you. I will give you my number and get a hold of you."

We say our goodbyes, and I stare as he walks away. That was not something I was ever expecting to happen in my life. To find out that the fight we had that night had nothing to do with Ethan's decision to go to the bar was a huge burden taken off my shoulders. I can finally live life again without the guilt gnawing at me. The biggest smile made its way onto my face. I am finally free from my thoughts. Free from my past.

I look back at Justin. I see tears in his eyes. Is he holding back tears for me? "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"You did not see your face, but the minute you found out the truth, it was like you died and were reborn. You took the biggest breath of air that I had seen. It makes me content that you are now content."

I lean in and give him the biggest kiss. "I really am Justin. I feel renewed. Heather?" I turn to her. She comes over with a cheerful attitude.

"What can I do for you?" She looks Justin and me up and down. "Did I miss something?"

"Only that I have never been happier to be here right now, with this wonderful man next to me and my favorite person behind the bar celebrating a night that I will always remember."

She smiles awkwardly. "Did you propose?" she asks Justin.

He laughs. "No."

"Then what did I miss? You two are acting like you just won the lottery."

"We basically did," says Justin. I kissed him again.

Heather was still confused. "Okay then. What is it you two want?"

"Do you have any type of cake?" I ask.

I decided not to tell Heather about what happened. Not yet, at least. That is a conversation for a later time. Right now, this moment is all about celebrating being free.

Heather brings out one slice of a velvet cake with two forks. Before I can pick a piece with my fork, Justin offers to feed me a piece he has already gotten. I smile and open my mouth, accepting the yummy cake.

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